Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Case of Bad Taste All Around

Spare me the sanctimonious outrage at the funny remark made by one unlucky sap on Facebook named Blake Marsh, a now-former tester at Eidos Montreal who posted this on his Facebook page;

"You just can't find good assassins these days!" 

Actually it's quite a funny line, I don't care what anyone says.

Telling jokes about dark and tragic situations is a time honoured tradition called gallows humor
in French, rire jaune, and in German Galgenhumor.
"It is argued that gallows humor often occurs in societies whose inhabitants have limited means of expressing discontent, yet in which significant discontent is experienced. In these instances gallows humor can provide an outlet for airing subjects which people may feel is safer than open dialogue.
Pauline Marois is utterly detested in the English community, an enmity that is profound and deep and there is nothing strange or outlandish about the statement or the joke, it may not be your cup of tea, but the righteous moral indignation is just as bad.

Those who don't like it, don't have to listen.

"I give this bitch a month before someone with better aim comes forth and does what must be done."

Substitute the words 'this bitch' with a name like 'Bashir Assad' and I doubt anybody would consider it hate speech at all.
And, no, I'm not comparing Marois to Assad at all, I'm just making the point that changing the name of the target of a barb, doesn't turn hate speech into justifiable commentary and if one isn't hate, neither is the other.

So everybody climb down from your high horse, we still have freedom of speech and wishing someone would kill Bashir Assad is not an incitement for anyone to do so.
Same goes for Pauline Marois.

If everybody on Facebook who wished someone dead were prosecuted, our courts would be overflowing. What Blake Marsh said falls well within the parameters of free speech.

If and when Blake Marsh publishes a want ad for a hit man to undertake a contract to kill Marois on his behalf, the police would be rightfully justified in arresting him, that is the  difference.

Until then, all you complainers need a lesson in civics.

I don't usually quote from the comments section, I was going to use this quote from Julius Grey, one of Quebec's most renowned advocates for free speech, but Ed Brown beat me to it, so the credit for the 
re-quote goes to him ;
"FROM ED BROWN The words of Julius Grey who specializes in Human rights. “The freedom of speech normally means freedom to say unpleasant terrible, tasteless, idiotic things, as well as freedom to say wise and pondered and well thought-out things,” he said. Ed game-tester-loses-job-over-hate-speech-against-"

The same goes for  the notorious web site where  Colonel James Angus Brown calls on Canadian society to change its laws and make sedition a hanging offence, making Pauline Marois and her ilk prime candidates for the noose. It's his opinion.

If the police couldn't press charges then (and rightfully so) this case pales by comparison.

As a former boss, I know how hard it is to fire an employee with three years on the job and I have no doubt that the company over-reacted.
I think Mr. Blake has a legitimate case for wrongful termination and/or reinstatement and I hope he doesn't take his abrupt termination lying down.

Making politcal hay
Speaking of bad taste, I was thoroughly disgusted at the politicization of the funeral of the poor fellow killed at the Metropolis, Denis Blanchette.

It was a political event extrodinaire, where the PQ undertone and presence was all meant to dress up Mr. Blanchette as the victim of Anglo hate.

Pauline insisted on elevating a senseless murder into a political event as she assiduously worked the crowd outside the church, shaking hands with the hoi-polloi with a great big smile, like the seasoned politician that she is.

Pauline glad-handing outside funeral. Always time for politics!
Once she elevated the affair to a 'civic' funeral, federal politicians scurried to attend, not wanting to be left out, the whole proving that politicians are whores, regardless of affiliation.

They reminded me of the insufferable Brian Mulroney who at the funeral of Jean Charest's father which I attended, spent the entire time shaking hands with a wide grin on his mug, as if the whole affair was a personal photo-op.

Inside the Montreal church, the sad spectacle of $3,000 suits worn by the politicos contrasted sharply with the bereaved family, most of whom who could not afford a simple sports coat, some wearing t-shirts.

The real mourners
There they were in all their splendour, the PQ leadership, milking the death of this poor unfortunate  for all the political capital they could muster.
I actually saw PQ wunderkind  Léo Bureau-Blouin on TV sharing a big smile with someone inside the church. I guess he was really shook up.

How broken up was Pauline Marois over the death of Denis Blanchette?
She couldn't even remember his name, pronouncing his name as Denis "Blan-chay" in an interview on TVA. Link{Fr}

What a sick and sad spectacle.

The 'civic' funeral was nothing more than a PQ rally, a reminder to the faithful that the evil Anglos are always out to harm the faithful.

Think I'm exaggerating?

Where was the state funeral for the murdered children of nut bar Guy Turcotte and where were the state funerals for the multitude of others murdered at the hands of the deranged?

What made this death so special? I'll let readers mull over that.

Do you remember these names, Joëlle Laliberté, Marc-Ange Laliberté and Louis-Philippe Laliberté, the children killed in a bizarre murder/suicide pact made by their parents, all because they were broke.
State funeral there?
Nope, in fact the mother Cathy Gauthier Lachance, who survived her suicide attempt spent just four months in a psych ward before being freed. (but that is another Quebec story).

I somehow don't think that Richard Bain will be that lucky, do you?

How about a state funeral for another wrong-place/wrong-time innocent victim. Where was the state funeral for the poor fellow killed by an errant shot by the Montreal police who were so intent on confronting a homeless wacko with a knife that they opened fire wildly on the street with deadly consequeneces.
No state funeral or big crowd at the funeral of Patrick Limoges
Does anyone even remember the name of that poor soul? His name was Patrick Limoges and not too many officials showed up to his funeral, as if it was his own fault for embarrassing the police and the state. Link

At least Mario Bealieu, the blowhard head of the SSJB had the decency to say what Pauline and the civic funeral intimated, that the English media was responsible for creating a climate of hate towards the poor francophone majority and are responsible for what happened. Link{Fr}

According to the narrative, Quebecers are the victims, not the oppressors.

I have no problem with Quebecers promoting their language and culture, it is when they rob others of their culture, to satisfy their own selfish needs that it becomes problematic.

Mr. Beaulieu and his ilk are nothing more than linguistic vampires, sucking out the lifeblood from our community to satisfy their bloodlust.
There is nothing noble or normal about that.
Too bad that they are offended when we call them out for what they are. Xenophobes and thieves.

As for Pauline, what can I say about a women who exploits the unfortunate death of a wrong-place, wrong-time innocent for crass political gain.
I suppose in all honesty every other politician would have done the same, somehow we expect better from women, which admittedly is a sexist notion, beyond belief.

What we view as neccessary qualities in male political leaders - cunning, ruthlessness and ambition we somehow view as unseemly for female politicians.

Give Pauline her due, she got to where she is on her own guile and determination, she didn't have much help from the insipid and disloyal PQ caucus.

She is a force unto herself and truthfully, that's what makes her so damn scary.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Liberal Party Needs New Leader Fast

Pauline Marois is fast making good on her threats to place further limits on English in stating that she will introduce legislation beefing up Bill 101 and barring English cegep for Allophones and Francophones as her first order of business.

Likely she is counting on a Liberal party in disarray to pass her most contentious legislation and unless the Liberals hop to it, she just might get her way.

It is imperative that the Liberal choose a new leader immediately, that is with one or two months to be able to meet the Peekists in the house, united and willing and able to bring down the government over this specific issue.

In spite of the election loss the Liberal party escaped practically intact, except for their leader Jean Charest, who was actually a liability, the one person directly responsible for his governments fall from grace.

A new leader would probably wipe the floor with Madame Marois and could even steal power by offering a coalition with the CAQ whereby several cabinet seats would be given to the CAQ in a Liberal led coalition.
Let's be honest, how far apart is the CAQ and the Liberals, platform wise?

This would allow both the Liberal and the CAQ to slowly rebuild, while keeping the PQ in the opposition benches.

Think it impossible?

Pauline is huffing and puffing as if she owns a majority government and that might just be her downfall.
Perhaps she should recall the fate of Joe Clark who as the Prime Minister of a minority Conservative government acted as a he held a majority and was booted from office in nine short months, never to return.

As for a leader, there's not much talent within the Liberal Party itself, most of the veterans are too boring and lack leadership and have poor English skills.

Perhaps the only exception is Pierre Paradis, Jean Charest's sworn enemy in caucus.
Paradis and Charest haven't talked since Charest iced him out of cabinet and Paradis went into a self-imposed exile within the caucus, saying nothing and contributing nothing but silence.
It's too bad because Paradis, a capable bilingual federalist would have been an excellent addition to Charest's team, but it was not to be, over a personal feud.

It is possible that time has run out on him, but he is the most capable of all leadership candidates within the party, an excellent and fiery orator who emanates gravitas.
Once as Minster, he ordered inspectors into the homes of welfare recipients to see if they were rightfully qualified, so that tells what type of fellow he is.

If the Liberal Party goes outside to fetch a Denis Coderre they wouldn't do badly. If they lured Justin Trudeau into the fold, he'd be Premier within a year.

Whatever it is, something needs to happen, otherwise Pauline will run roughshod over our rights.

This isn't a time for licking Liberal wounds, it is a time for action and I sure hope the party is up for it.

In a poll released by Le Devoir, half the respondants hoped for a new election soon and 31% wanted a Liberlal/CAQ coalition.
All this is predicated on the Liberals choosing a new leader...and fast.

I'm afraid if things are allowed to fester and Marois starts passing her anti/anti/anti legislation the semi-social peace we have enjoyed for the forty years of PQ/Liberal rivalry will disappear.

We've already witnessed what happens when a determined minority like the students decide to perturb society and we've also seen how feeble the state is in combating widespread social unrest.

I firmly believe that the next attack on Anglo rights will trigger a social reaction not unlike the student tuition protest.

Quebec sovereigntists are fond of reminding everyone that they are surrounded by 300 million anglophones, perhaps they themselves should pay heed to that fact.

Starting a war with Quebec Anglos will have repercussions beyond Quebec's borders and when it comes to choosing sides, on whose side do you think those 300 million will stand?

If Quebec's Anglos, Ethnics and religiously observant decide to organize a North American boycott of Quebec, even the tiniest of compliance will be devastating.

If you are a separatist reading this and thinking that it is a great big hollow threat, consider this one item.

It takes 23 votes out of 30 on the NHL board of Govenors to approve a NHL team for Quebec City.
In other words seven NO votes and say goodbye to the Nordiques.

Who is on the NHL board of governors?
Not one Francophone.
But four Jews, two Greeks, One Italian two religious Christians and a bunch of wildly conservative Republicans.
And of course the leader of the rat pack is none other Gary Bettman, a New York Jew.

If you think that these people will vote with their wallet think again, there are twelve billionaires in the group and nine Canadians from outside Quebec.
It takes only seven NO votes and the Quebec Remparts will be the only team playing in what will become Quebec's version of the Montreal's white elephant, the Olympic stadium. 

Watch a video of PKP's better half stumping for sovereignty.
Made aware of the situation here in Quebec, I'm not so sure the governors of the NHL would want the likes of Pierre-Karl Peleadeau and his Pauline Marois ass-kissing wife, Julie Snyder among them.

I don't think the NHL governors would be comfortable placing a franchise in a province run by a government seeking to break away from Canada, where English is humiliated, Ethnics abused and religion values trounced.
Need I remind readers that Jim Basillie was blackballed for less?

Maybe the governors need to be reminded of all this, and so readers, are you ready to start writing letters?

Not yet, I'm holding out for a bit before declaring war on Marois, but if she goes ahead with her anti-English/Allo campaign all bets are off. That is a promise.

Let the above stand as a warning that we are not going to take any more language, religious and xenophobia without a fight.

And to separatists who tell us that Quebec is a welcoming society to immigrants, why is it that immigrants in Quebec are unemployed at a rate twice that of the regular workforce, the worst record of any Canadian province.
Read a sad commentary by Lysiane Gagnon on why Quebec bosses refuse to hire immigrants Link{Fr}
Oh yes, Madame Separatis, Quebec is really welcoming!

This is the road Pauline wants to take us down even further, where division, hate and xenophobia are the driving forces.
Poutine and Maple Syrup for all!

Almost 70% of Quebecers voted against Marois and her rabble. 
These 70% should understand that Pauline is bringing us closer and closer to a language war, a war that Marois actually wants in order to create chaos and thus momentum for sovereignty.

Unfortunately, if it's war that she wants, she will get it, too many Anglos have decided to stay and fight.

In the end Quebec will be destroyed or partitioned, that is why she must be stopped now.

As Anglos/Allos find themselves without any representation, where in fact all four parties all believe we Anglos/Allos are a threat to Quebec society, there are not many avenues left to our disposal.

We can run or we can fight, the political game is over.

To paraphrase Glen Close raging at Michael Douglas in Fatal Attraction, "We will not be ignored!"

If Pauline Marois wants to make life miserable for us we will return the favour, that's is my warning and promise to her.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Is the Anglo Assassin a Harbinger of Violence?

May we see your invitation please?
It's a bit ironic that I wrote what probably was my most unpopular post on Wednesday, a day that saw the greatest volume of traffic ever seen on this blog.

Perhaps it was the election but this last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, generated over 23,000 pageviews, which is at least three or four times more traffic than usual.

It is also makes it hard to keep up with the comments and if you are wondering why some "Anonymous' comments are allowed to be kept up, it is because they generated a lot of reaction and sub-comments attached, in the brief time they were up.

I cannot monitor the comments section in real time, 24/7 and so sometimes after a few hours of absence, 'Anon' comments take on a life of their own.

I know it's frustrating to have a good comment taken down, but you can imagine the mayhem that responding to Anon@12:00 PM or ANON@10:12AM would become with the amount of comments, coming through.
Yes, the screen names are silly, but they serve their purpose. I will re-iterate that I'd wish you would stick to one name, as jumping around and being whimsical really just adds to the confusion.
Also, I'd remind readers that sarcasm, doesn't translate well into print, trust me I've crashed and burned often enough.

At any rate this has been a heckuva week and much to my frustration, BLOGGER ate up the original of this post as it was ready to go.
This is the second time I'm writing it, which has sadly happened to me before, and the rebuild, I might add, are never as good as the first draft.
It is highly frustrating, but in the end you get what you pay for, so no use complaining.

We've certainly been through a lot with this election and it is unbelievable that on the day of Pauline Marois' greatest triumph, somebody tried to kill her.
Talk about a buzzkill.
It's been reported that she is badly shaken up by the attempt on her life as you might well understand, it's quite a rude awakening and I imagine she'll be looking over her shoulder every time a car backfires. (Do cars still backfire?)
The shooting overshadowed her speech where it was plain that her intensive and secret English lessons are paying off, as she actually made coherent sentences and seemed a lot more comfortable in the language of the Gods. (private English Cegep for her!)

Our shooter, Richard Henry Bain was the garden variety nutbar, shooting at anything that came in his path. If his rifle didn't jam, we might have faced a Norwegian type tragedy.
But one senseless death is one too many, Denis Blanchette, the poor fellow who was killed when he simply went out to complete a work shift, like any Joe Six Pack and ended up in the proverbial wrong place at the wrong time.

I'm offering my personal condolences and those of this blog community to his family. There is nothing really we can say that makes any sense of the tragic affair.

You can lay the blame for this murder squarely on our Keystone Kops who failed to guard a key backdoor and allowed an idiot in underwear and a bathrobe, armed with a huge CZ assault rifle, free entrance and access to the Metropolis club where Pauline Marois was holding her post-election celebration.

The pitiful performance of Montreal's doughnut eaters who were guarding the perimeter was only topped by Madame Marois' protection detail from the Sureté du Quebec, who actually escorted her from the stage directly towards the backdoor and into the path of the shooter.
I'm not making this up.
When another cop yelled at them to withdraw, they made their way back to the stage where Marois convinced them that it was okay to continue with her speech. Again, I'm not making this up.

Right this way Madame Marois!
In political protection units around the world, this case will be the standard to measure poor planning and failure, it is likely Madame Marois would have been better off being guarded by mall cops.

The next day a police spokesman gave an interview where he told the audience that they had no indication that the shooter was dangerous, but that readers is a big, fat lie.

A man was interviewed on crime-reporter Claude Poirier's very reputable television show who said he warned both the Sureté du Quebec and the Montreal police that there would be an attack at the Metropolis.
He gave a completely detailed account of his interaction with the police and also furnished the names of the two policemen who interviewed him. He also had the business card of one of them.
It seems he had picked up the threat on the internet and informed the unenthusiastic police.
Shades of killer Luka Rocco Magnotta who was also reported to the police only to have the warning ignored as well. Link

In a purely Quebec twist the shooter may have been sent off the deep end because of a ferocious bout of Quebec red tape.
After months and months of trying to expand his hunting and fishing lodge, held up due to red tape, he had just received that morning yet one more letter from the Ministry of Natural Resources requiring Bain to spend more money on an environmental impact study before his proposal could go forward

And nobody but nobody in the mainstream press picked up on the irony of the defiant message of Anglo resistance, shouted in French; "les Anglais se réveillent!" (the anglos are awakening!)
And so our shooter seems to respect the precepts of Bill 101 and bilingualism if nothing else.

Of course the story went viral much to the chagrin of French language militants because the spin seemed to play over that statement of political persecution.

Newspapers from around the world characterized the shooting as political and outlined the PQs plan to further restrict Anglo rights and to seek independence.
In one fell swoop, the battle for French language supremacy or English language survival has been re-set as one that has become violent.

Somebody at the US State department just raised the flag on the QUEBEC FILE to a higher level and believe me when I tell you that there is very definitely such a file.

Now all our politicians from every political stripe have assured us that this is the work of a madman, a one-off that shouldn't concern us.

But I'm not so sure. Can it be a harbinger of things to come?

As Madame Marois and the PQ push their anti-English, anti-Allophone, anti-immigrant, anti-religion agenda could it provoke a violent reaction?

We've seen things escalate dangerously in the student strike, just this week we saw students using violent intimidation to interrupt classes, so to believe that we are immune from violence is perhaps a case of whistling past the graveyard.

At any rate, I'm not so sure I'd like to be one of those new language inspectors promised by all parties, hired to prowl through the West Island and downtown Montreal seeking out those felonious "Dishwasher wanted" signs.
The reception they receive may just be decidedly rough.

The question for readers to address in the comments section is whether this assassination attempt was just a terrible one-off incident or the harbinger of language violence to come.

By the way, the usual suspects are blaming the Anglo press for promoting hate against Quebec that led to the shooting incident.
Blowhard Mario Beaulieu sounds off HERE{Fr} .
Someone signing Mr. Bealieus's name left the contents of his attack on the English media in the comments section yesterday and as is my custom I've left it up.

Richard LeHir over on, included our blog as one of those described as a hate mongering website.
Oh, well I've been called worse by better men than he! Link{Fr}

To all readers, have a good weekend!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Quebec Betrayed by Two Selfish Politicians

Looking at the final numbers it's plain to see that the Liberal's had a lot more strength than any of the pollsters gave them credit for, but that's generally always the case here in Quebec as the undecided usually vote massively Liberal come election day.
One pollster had the Liberals at just 25% support just three days before the election.

I daresay that with a sock puppet as leader of the party we'd be looking at a Liberal minority or majority.

There's no doubt that Jean Charest gambled with the future of this province by foolishly believing that he could pull another rabbit out of his hat.

What on Earth was he thinking?

Many blog pieces ago, I told you that Charest could not hold his riding, after all, he barely squeaked through the last two elections.

Yesterday's results showed Charest didn't lose by a little, it was over 3,000 votes, a sizable number.

Somewhere in his entourage somebody needed to deliver the bad news to the leader months ago, that as long as he stayed on, the party was doomed.

Instead of doing the honourable thing, resigning with dignity and turning the party over to somebody untainted by scandal, the Premier bet the house and farm and went 'all in' with a losing hand.

There would have remained over a year on the old mandate and a new leader as is always the case, would be met with enthusiasm by the public.

The ideal situation would have been for Charest to resign after Christmas and after a leadership convention which would have taken us into Spring, when the new Premier, fresh as a rose, could call an election that we now know would be eminently winnable.

Mr. Charest's decision was based on selfishness, I must sadly conclude.

Even those of us who voted Liberal had misgivings about Charest, there was just too much dirt and too much had stuck.

For me, the real undoing of the Liberal party was Tony Tomassi, forced to resign after being accused of handing off valuable daycare licenses to friends.
Up until then everything was containable.

But petty graft is something easy for the public to understand, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
If the Liberals could stoop so low, there had to be graft higher above, or so the rationale.

By the way, word around the Charest entourage is that he will be leaving the political scene, sadly with his tail between his legs.
Don't feel too bad for him, he'll be collecting about a year's salary as an exit bonus and his100k plus federal pension kicks in starting June. Unfortunately, he'll have to wait until he turns sixty to collect another 100k plus pension from the Quebec government.

If there is another politician that deserves credit for the PQ victory, it is Prime Minister Harper who somehow forgot that he is Prime Minister of the whole country.
Sometimes he seemed to go out of his way to bait Quebecers with idiotic and divisive moves like adding the Queen back into the Canadian brand.
There was no call for the re-branding of the armed forces with the 'Royal' appellation and it was political suicide in Quebec.
Before all you Harperites say that the PM is just giving Quebec what it deserves, that's not what a Prime Minister is supposed to do, that is, punish those who didn't vote for him or his party.

I can say that for the first time in my life, has a Prime Minister acted in such a partisan and shameful manner, he seems to revel in his Quebec-bashing.

And yes, those who aspire to the top civil service jobs do need to speak French, just like you need an accounting or law degree in order to join the profession.
The naming of a unilingual anglophone to the post of the Auditor General was unpardonable, I don't care how many of you see it differently. (The Supreme Court is another matter)

Mr. Harper, Mr. Charest, from all Quebec federalists, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the betrayal.

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012


HERE'S YOU CHANCE TO SOUND OFF ON THE ELECTION IN REAL TIME! (Don't forget to refresh every few minutes!)