It was, to say the least, a sobering experience and I can attest that the little keyboard is a devil that contributes to many typos. Let's not even mention that evil autocorrect function.
So I am politely asking everyone to layoff complaints about typos COMPLETELY. This blog is about ideas, not typing.
NO SPELLING NAZIS, no matter the urge
There is an exception to the spelling and typo rule.
That is mistakes in the main blog piece. I would appreciate a polite email, so that I can make corrections.
Now we've been getting a lot of links in the comments section and trust me, it is almost impossible to copy and paste long URLs on a small screen.
I would ask that at a minimum, contributors use a URL shortner that shrinks the URL down to a manageable size.
1. Copy the URL link you want to show
2. Go to goo.gl or bitly.com
3. Paste the link and press 'shorten'
4. Copy and use the new shortened link.
Note: With Google you'll have to enter that cursed captcha, but only for the first time on each device.
Of course for bravehearts you can actually embed your link like a professional by adding this to your comment. It is code and will magically make your URL clickable. I promise.
<a href="http://reference site">site name here </a>
<a href="http://reference site">site name here </a>
Copy the above and replace the shaded blue between the " " with the URL you want to direct.
Do the same for the yellow-shaded are and replace it with some identifying text which will be the clickable link.
<a href="http://nodogsoranglophones.blogspot.ca/p/using-formatting-in-your-comments.html">How to Format comments </a>
It will come out in your comment like below and is clickable.
How to Format comments
Please help readers follow your links more easily by using one of the two above methods.
It doesn't take long and will assure you that many more readers follow your link.
I'd like to thank readers for pushing the counter up to a new record level, crossing the 90,000 barrier for the first time ever, this week.
I will be blogging as often as I can during this election campaign and hope to bring some insights that the regular PRESS cannot or will not make.
It will also be a platform for your comments so we hopefully don't have to wade through the 200+ button, which many readers actually don't know exists.