Monday, January 27, 2014

Charter is First Salvo In Quebec's War On Religion

Like a magician who keeps our concentration riveted on one hand while the other is stealing our watch, there is an unseen political drama that is playing out behind our back that absolutely nobody in the mainstream press has cottoned to.

Everyday our collective attention is glued to stories about the Charter of Values, where we diligently keep a scorecard of those who are for and those who are against, in order to see where we stand.
We are so invested in the utterances of the players on each side of the debate that our concentration has been diverted from the much larger issue playing out before us.

Months ago I watched an interview with Bernard Drainville where in response to a question about whether the Charter would spill over into private industry, he answered that he certainly hoped it would.
It was a short answer that went unnoticed, but sent chills up my spine.

Years ago in charge of over 1,000 employees I fine tuned my listening skills, not only to root out those who were telling lies or colouring the truth to their advantage, but rather the more complicated ability to understand the quiet and understated truths being presented.
And so I'm careful to listen to those quiet comments, sometimes thrown off as a subtle or sarcastic remark or an aside, that tells more about what a person is thinking than any direct question.

When Mr. Drainville answered that he'd he happy to see the Charter rub off on private industry, we should all of taken notice because it describes the government's true motive, which is to eliminate religion not only from government and its related agencies, but from public life in total!

Before I present other clues confirming this agenda, let me tell you why the PQ and sovereigntists are so dead set against religion.

It is simply because religion is an alternate and conflicting philosophy towards sovereignty and language which has in much of Quebec supplanted the dogma of traditional religion.

While there are no hard numbers confirming that people of traditional faith, be it Christianity, Islam, Judaism etc. are overwhelmingly federalist, its a fair assumption that politicians and observers can make.
It is no accident that the preamble of the Canadian Charter of Rights starts off with the statement of the 'supremacy of God' while the PQ is now proposing that the Quebec Charter of rights affirms in its preamble 'the primacy of the French Language as the fundamental value'
«la primauté du français» comme «valeur fondamentale de la nation québécoise».
It couldn't be clearer.

I don't think its a stretch to say that sovereingtists have replaced traditional faith in God and religion with the dogma of French as the Supreme deity with independence, its version of the promised land.

With this theory in hand let us examine for clues and lo and behold, the supporting evidence is not hard to find in the hearings into the Charter of Values being held by the National Assembly

In this well-choreographed assault on religion don't be fooled by the anti-charter speakers which are afforded the chance to speak.  These speakers are window-dressing, useful idiots  giving pretense of impartiality.
It is what is being presented on the PRO side that is intriguing and all telling.

First of all, make no mistake, the PQ is calling the shots as to who testifies and it is no accident that one of the first presenters were a family of redneck hicks who demonized Islam, "Imagine praying on all fours?" Watch the video with subtitles.
Was the appearance of these rubes an accident or a cleverly presented dose of religious hate? One has to consider that these people were thoroughly vetted before hand and therefore picked to say exactly what they said, what no politician on the ANTI side of the debate would dare.

Then further on, another witness was going on and on against ritual Kosher or Halal slaughter, which again has nothing to do with the Charter of Values and is nothing more than an attack on religion.

Further on, a certain Louise Mailloux unloaded on Amir Khadir for attending a rally of Muslims where the women sat apart from men and wore religious headdress, as if this was a violation of the equality of men and women. She then showed a video which depicted young Muslim girls embracing the Hijab in a religious-like ceremony meant to shock ordinary Quebecers as something abhorrent. Link{fr}

So according to this speaker, men and women sitting apart in a private meeting is a violation of the tenet of equality, another straightforward attack on religion.

So in the new Quebec, it would be no longer allowable for private citizens to meet in the manner they choose.
Makes sense right?
I wonder if Madame Mailloux would demand that the CURVES fitness centres reverse the policy of barring men as well?

Soon we will hear from those opposed to ritual circumcision, another bestial practice according to the secular, an unconscionable defilement of the innocent, while I'm sure no one will come forward to complain about parents piercing the ears of underage girls.

The hearings are a theatre of the absurd, meant to persuade and shape the ideas of francophone Quebecers that religion is bad.

Watch the witnesses who are testifying in favour of the Charter, most are really arguing against religion, in all its forms, because religiosity is the enemy of sovereignty, the entire exercise, a process of anti-religious proselytization, the suggestive power of government used to set Quebecers off God for good.

Crazy? Absurd?

First they came after your language, now your religion.
Is it really that big a surprise?