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Drainville: 'Really, my dear....You don't say.....' |
I hope I have the discipline to ignore the whole sad affair completely, because participating in the farce is as dangerous as offering evidence for the defence in the Salem witch trials, when the fix is in and the outcome pre-ordained.
No doubt the media, both French and English, will breathlessly follow each submission and dutifully report on the the give and take of the debate each day as if it somehow matters....
It doesn't.
Bernard Drainville has already announced that he isn't going to make any real changes and perhaps we should take him at his word.
You don't have to be a soothsayer to predict a Spring election with the Charter as the only issue the PQ dares proffer. It's a decent strategy, perhaps the only separatist option left as the province tanks under the relentless incompetence of the PQ amateurs and fools.
And so taking the hearings seriously and debating the merits of each submission with the chance of it affecting the outcome is about as useful as discussing what strategy the Washington Generals should employ in order to beat the Harlem Globetrotters.
For those who haven't had the pleasure of watching the Generals get humiliated each and every time they faceoff against the Globetrotters, watch this video to understand what it means when the fix is in and the outcome set.
This sordid theatre of the absurd reminds me of those action movie scenes where an innocent victim futilely pleads for his life on bended knee before a Mafia hit man.
The entire movie audience could tell the sucker not to bother begging, because we all know what is coming, a cold bullet between the eyes, followed by a witty and sarcastic rejoinder by a heartless fiend who couldn't care less.
Sorry, I won't beg, nor play the role of the dupe, that Drainville and company has assigned us.
To Drainville I say.....
Do your worst and let us get on with it. The battle is ahead and that is the one we need to gear up for.
If every witness who was scheduled, looked at the inquisitors in stony silence instead of pleading like a baby, just plain staring in defiance, we would at least preserve our pride.
But it ain't gonna happen because when it comes down to it, we're suckers who just cannot resist a podium.
To all those who appear and think they will make a difference, they are probably right, but not in the way they expect.
They will in fact be aiding and abetting Drainville in his clever charade, empowering and legitimizing a travesty.
Innocent dupes, fulfilling a role.... Sorry, count me out.