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PQ to citizens: Be afraid... be very afraid! |
It is not hard to understand, just a bit hard to swallow.
The PQ, in all its wisdom, has placed its selfish electoral interest ahead of the common good, launching a fear campaign, targeting their gullible base, mostly country rubes in the hinterland who can be easily frightened by the invented bogeyman that is ethnic Montreal.
It's a political manoeuvre used historically by evil and or incompetent governments to deflect attention from real world problems, problems that the offending government cannot overcome.
I'll let readers draw the comparisons.
By the way, if you think I'm exaggerating about the bogeyman (or as we say in French, Bonhomme Sept Heures) let me tell you a story about a co-worker, an executive, who although based in Montreal, traveled the province supervising company locations. As it happens, he met a lady in Trois-Rivieres and swept her back to Montreal, where it turns out she was deathly afraid of going out, not because she was agoraphobic, but rather xenophobic.
The first time she saw a Hasid up close, she almost peed herself and so retreated to the Repentigny home they made, determined to avoid contact with the foreigners, at all costs.
My confrere was a bilingual Franco-Montrealer, someone who had lived his whole life amongst the ethnics and Anglos of Montreal and although true to his French culture, adopted bagels, sushi and middle Eastern and Asian food, just as we all do in the rest of the country.
I think you'll agree that his attitude is not a betrayal of his roots.
And so, when he related the story to me, I thought it an amusing anomaly, but alas as he explained, his wife's sentiment is the prevailing attitude in the boonies. It is of course, the classic fear of the unknown and trust me, Hasids, Muslims, Blacks, Sikhs, Oriental, etc. are truly unknown in Quebec's boonies, where some ridings are more than 95% White, Catholic francophones.
But ethnic Greater Montreal is the economic engine of the province, the Chinese of Brossard, the Greeks of Laval, the Jews of Hampstead and CSL, the Italians of St. Leonard and the multitude of diverse ethnic identities all contribute in concert with anglophones and francophones of the GMR (Greater Montreal Region) to finance the caprice of the hayseeds in the ROQ.
There is a palpable Red/Blue divide in Quebec, much bigger than we could ever imagine.
It's hard to accept that the indolent hicks of the hinterland, like those of the Îles de la Madeleine, who work three months a year and spend nine months on federal government handouts, year after year, have five times the political influence than a citizen who lives in the Chomedy riding, who works and pays taxes, year after year.
In Chomedy it takes 50,000 electors to send one MNA to Quebec, while the professional chomeurs of the "Iles" elect their very own MNA with just 10,000 registered voters, all the while whining that they want the Chomedians to send them more free money.
(By the way, if you don't know what a 'Hick' is, think of a HOME HARDWARE commercial)
It remains a truth that it is we in the Montreal area that produce the wealth that pays for their very survival, so pardon me if I'm not attuned to having their 'values' thrust upon me.
Too harsh?
Well frankly I'm tired of seeing English treated as a four-letter word on Quebec television, as if it is acceptable and normal to bash our language as dirty and threatening, where the goal of such attacks are a Chicken Little attempt to frighten francophones and engender hate.
I'm tired of being told that Anglophones aren't real Quebecers because French is the majority culture and that's all that counts.
I'm tired of hard working immigrants being told that they must embrace poutine and maple syrup and that speaking their native language in their own home is somehow disloyal to their generous host, who like to believe that they do the immigrants a big favour in affording them an opportunity to live here, conveniently forgetting that without immigrants Quebec would implode over time.
I'm tired of being called a colonizer instead of someone that builds a business, employs other Quebecers, creates wealth and pays taxes so that losers can sit on the rear ends, spending my tax money, bitching, complaining and telling me how to live.
It reminds me of the Bizzaro world of my comic book youth, where up is down and down is up.
In Quebec, the losers hold dominion over the successful.
"In the Bizarro world of "Htrae" ("Earth" spelled backwards), society is ruled by the Bizarro Code which states "Us do opposite of all Earthly things! Us hate beauty! Us love ugliness! Is big crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!" In one episode, for example, a salesman is doing a brisk trade selling Bizarro bonds: "Guaranteed to lose money for you". Later, the mayor appoints Bizarro No. 1 to investigate a crime, "Because you are stupider than the entire Bizarro police force put together". This is intended and taken as a great compliment.
Originally a normal planet, Htrae is now cube-shaped. This is due to the intervention of Superman, who - after being convicted of doing something perfect on Htrae, which would normally be a capital offense - pointed out that the planet was shaped like a normal spheroid and agreed to cube it if his sentence were commuted." -Wikipedia
The Quebec Charter of Values is nothing more than a Bizzaro world of upside down gobbledygook, representing the values and mindset of the losers of this province.
The reality is, that even progressive separatists of Montreal are uncomfortable with targeting people and are starting to take a stand against the very concept.
A sad consequence of this proposed law is that many Muslim women who have embraced French and gone to work at the license bureau, public daycare or in the hospital will be forced to pick between their faith and their job.
These are the immigrants who have followed all the rules and done what was asked of them.
Many will choose their faith and perhaps end up on welfare or UI.
Is that progress, and is that the answer to Quebec's 'immigration' problem?
Less integration instead of more. More unemployment instead of less.
But for the hardline hicks who promote the Charter of Values, it may seem a fair price to pay for preserving the French culture and if there is a financial consequence, well..... there's always the Chomedians to pay for it.
Less than a last week after I predicted that the impact of a Charter of Values will be the legitimization of discrimination which will lead to violence and confrontation, it has begun.
"Yup, that's where we're going.I like when my predictions come true, but not in this case, the unintended but very predictable consequence of stupidity.
But politicians don't understand or worse care and opening a Pandora's Box, where the evil of intolerance will be unleashed, is a trifling affair in comparison to vote-getting."
Read: Quebec Charter of Secularism: A Rabbit Hole of Grief
Here is the future;
"Police in Quebec’s Saguenay region have been called in after a local mosque was vandalized over the weekend — splattered with what could be pig blood.The story has already gone international; picked up by UPI. Link
Representatives of the area’s small Muslim community say they believe it to be an isolated incident, and Saguenay Mayor Jean Tremblay agrees.
Contacted by The Canadian Press Sunday, Tremblay said he was shocked by what he termed an “isolated and stupid” act of intolerance against a place of worship.
The mayor insisted that most local residents would also be appalled by the attack.
“That’s not the mentality people in the region have… All it takes is one or two stupid people for something like this to happen,” he said in an interview." Link
Now before I get comments saying that these incidents happen everywhere, what the story doesn't mention is that a letter was left at the Mosque warning the Muslims to assimilate or go home.
This is our future.
When the government sends overt or even subtle signals that some citizens are not okay, it sets off in motion events that cannot be controlled.
Another prediction, the good people of Chicoutimi will be shocked, outraged and humiliated by the act of one racist.
They will make amends to the Muslim congregation, of that I am sure, but make no mistake, the vast majority of Saguenéens support the Charter of Values.
By the way, I'm pretty that the Muslim community isn't much of a threat in Chicoutimi, where over 98% of the 60,000 citizens are francophone de souche.
Tomorrow is the Jewish New Year, called Rosh Hashona.
I'm wondering if next year Mr. Drainville will forbid government MNAs and ministers from publishing ethnic New Years greetings in community newspapers because his new law will forbid the practice, while of course, preserving the patrimonial right to say Merry Christmas!
Ridiculous?...... Not in Bizzaro Quebec.