It isn't...
In a Leger poll conducted before the grand debate was launched by the Parti Quebecois, this is what preoccupied Quebecers;
Quebec Priorities
- Control Government Spending........51%
- Lower taxes and tariffs.....................44%
- Fight Corruption................................43%
- Job creation.......................................38%
- Supply cheaper oil and gas..............24%
- Supply end-of-life assistance...........22%
- Fight social inequality.......................18%
- Fight greenhouse emissions..............9%
- Strengthen Bill 101..............................9%
- Adopt a Quebec Charter of Values....7%
- Sovereigntist governance..................3%
- Non of the above................................ 1%
It's a bit sad to see the Parti Quebecois use this Charter of Secularism as a wedge issue manufactured to reap political rewards, by basically appealing to the lower nature of people.
Here is a translation of an article "Statistiques laïques" written by Jérôme Lussier
for L'actualité magazine.
If you read French, please do the author the courtesy of reading the original article by clicking on the link.
Some Interesting statistics on the Issue of the Day in Québec…
- Number of circumcisions performed for cultural or religious grounds in Quebec hospitals in the last five years : 0.
- Number of excisions and stonings in Hérouxville practiced during the century prior to the publishing of the Code of Conduct" in 2007, which prohibited stoning and female circumcision: 0.
- Number of Canadian and Quebec laws currently in violation of the principles of neutrality and secularism of the state : 0.
- Number of Canadian and Quebec laws that currently allow attacks against men, women and children for cultural and religious reasons : 0.
- Item number of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982 ), which explicitly affirms and protects the equality of men and women in Canada : 15.
- Item number of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Quebec (1975), which explicitly affirms and protects the equality of men and women in Quebec: 10.
- Homicide and/or assaults forgiven by the courts of Quebec and Canada last year in deference to religious or cultural beliefs of the accused : 0.
- Number of judicial or administrative decisions made under Sharia , the Talmud or the New Testament, in Quebec, in the past five years: 0 .
- Number of Bills of Islamic inspiration currently debated in the House of Commons or the National Assembly : 0.
- Number of Canadian and Quebec laws that currently discriminate against men, women and children, by applying religious principles : 0.
- Number of Quebec officials reprimanded in the past five years for having used their jobs and their religious symbols for the purpose of proselytizing : 0.
- Number of users of public services in Quebec who have demonstrated over the past 10 years, that they had been under-served because of religious symbols worn by government officials : 0.
- Number of persons injured by a turban, a veil or a yarmulke at a sporting or cultural event held in Canada during the last 10 years : 0.
- Number of persons injured by a religious symbol worn in public in Quebec last year : 0.
- Number of people whose human rights were violated last year in response to requests for religious or cultural groups in Quebec : 0.
- Number of provinces that have seen fit to adopt a 'charter of secularism' to implant a secular government, or any "Charter values " to implant their provincial values : 0.
- Number of religions for which a beard is a religious symbol : 1 (minimum).
- Number of religions for which a wig is a religious symbol : 1 (minimum).
- Number of religions for which long hair is a religious symbol : 2 (minimum).
- Parti Québécois proposals on the procedure that will determine which employees may (or may not ) have a beard , wig and long hair ( in particular,) why , and in what context : none.
- Rationale of the Parti Quebecois in linking the wearing of some religious symbols and incompetence or bias in the performance of official work : none.
- Percentage chance that the PQ Bill on 'Quebec values' is unconstitutional because it violates the fundamental freedoms protected by the Canadian Charter and/or the Quebec Charter : 100% .
- Nationality of Bachir Lazhar , aka 'Monsieur Lazhar' the last teacher character to have entertained us: Quebec Algerian. (Percentage of Muslims in Algeria : 99%. )
- Number of reasonable accommodations crises identified by commissioners Gérard Bouchard and Charles Taylor in 2008 , compared to a " media frenzy " and " erroneous or partial perception of practices found on the ground" : 0.
- Probability that the PQ without viable economic success or to assert its political project, has decided to conduct the next election on the backs of immigrants : high.
It's hard to read the above and not laugh at the rank stupidity and naked manipulation of a government intent on creating division in order to survive.
The 'need' for a so-called Charter of Values is directly related to the immigration disaster that is also directly related to the government's ill-suited plan to bring in French speaking immigrants at all costs.
Doesn't anybody see the irony of each year, bringing in scads of orthodox Muslim immigrants with few skills and then complaining about orthodox Muslims immigrants with few skills.
It's like ordering takeout food, complaining about the poor quality and taste and then ordering the same meal from the same restaurant again and again, all the while chastising the restaurant owner.
The self-self-delusion is maddening and worse, shameful.
How can the PQ tell us, and how can we accept with a straight face, that a crucifix is not a religious symbol if it is in the National Assembly or on top of Mount Royal, because it is actually a patrimonial item?
Under this rationale, perhaps the Jews can argue that a kippah isn't a religious symbol but merely a patrimonial heritage.
After all, Jews have been wearing kippahs in this province for over two hundred years, a lot longer than the crucifix in the National Assembly which was installed in 1936 and the Cross on Mount Royal which was installed in 1924.
The idiotic rationale of the crucifix not being a crucifix made by Bernard Drainville , actually makes me think of the game Twister.
Read: National Assembly’s crucifix is a Duplessis-era bond between politics and religion
Mr. Drainville and former PQ Premier Bernard Landry are both on a campaign to salvage Quebec's sinking reputation, demanding that politicians and journalists who oppose the potential law 'raise the debate' and refrain from calling the law and Quebecers themselves xenophobes and racists.
Good luck with that...
Read: PQ to Trudeau: don't compare us to American racists
Read; Bernard Landry blasts 'Quebec bashing' over secularism charter
These gentlemen should understand that the hackneyed theme of 'Quebec-bashing' plays only in paranoid Quebec.
At any rate, I must say I'm impressed with Mr. Landry's chutzpah in assuming that anyone in the federal government or in fact anyone at all in the ROC gives a rat's ass what he thinks or in any way will be influenced by his demand.
Both Drainville and Landry should practice defending Quebec's good name, because frankly, you ain't seen nothing yet.
The story of the kippah ban will be of particular interest to the American media,
The first time a big American newspaper or television or news magazine runs this story, it will be epic.....I promise.
Remember 60 Minutes?