Monday, October 10, 2011

Radio Commentater Breeds Hate

If you ask Benoit Dutrisac, he'd tell you he hasn't got anything against Jews, but listening to his recent radio show, a rant against the Jewish religion, one would have to draw a different conclusion.

Mr. Dutrisac was furious over a Hampstead bylaw that forbids noise on the Jewish holy days of Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippor, railing against the idea of the overwhelmingly Jewish town imposing their religious beliefs on the minority citizens who are not Jewish.

So Mr. Dutrisac is bent out of shape because the town is imposing the will of the majority on the minority... Isn't the irony delicious?

Now one can agree or disagree with the bylaw and express one's opinion without delving into hate, but that's not what Mr. Dutirsac decided to do.

Interviewing his guest, Alain Pronkin, he asked for an explanation of the holidays when he was told that Rosh Hashona celebrated the New Year he just went off on the Jewish religion.

In Quebec he informed listeners nastily, the New Year falls on January 1st. Period.

I wonder if Mr. Dutrisac is also offended by celebrations of the Chinese New Year and whether he also believes that that the annual parade in Chinatown, celebrating the occasion, also should be banned because it is 'un-Quebecois.'

He then poked fun at Judaism asking what sort of God Jews prayed to and when informed that the name of the Jewish God is 'Adonai', sarcastically asked if that was the name of Celine Dion's father.

Mr. Dutrisac then invited listeners to go to Hampstead on Rosh Hashona and Yom Kipper and honk their horns and make all sorts of noise to show the Jewish community that they don't run things in Quebec.
"Honk your horn, make some noise, fart, whatever, any kind of noise to show the Jewish community that it is not the Jewish community that is in charge in Quebec. It’s not them who will determine how we will live as a society in Quebec. That’s just not true. It’s not true that they are going to impose their religious concepts, their religious precepts on the entire society. There are some damned limits.”
The interview ends rather abruptly when Mr. Pronkin reminds Mr. Dutrisac that there are towns (including Hampstead) that ban noise on Sunday.

CLICK.   Interview over.  Mr. Dutrisac did not want the conversation to go in that direction.

If you understand French listen to the interview HERE

Of course there are those inspired by Mr. Dutrisac exhortations who did exactly what he asked them to do. Here from a FACEBOOK page devoted to the demonstration, is a reference to Mr. Dutisac,  

"Even Dutrisac is asking us to make noise today"

A small convoy of cars drove through the Jewish town honking and blasting their radios on Saturday.
A modern Quebec version of a POGROM.

Graeme Hamilton of the National post recounts the affair better than I can, do please read his story HERE

David Ouellet is a popular Quebec blogger who defends Jewish Quebecers against hate and disinformation. He posted a bunch of the hate messages that went up on the FACEBOOK page of the television network that aired a program by Quebec journalist Richard Martineau, another blowhard, who of course, aired a slanted and disparaging report on the Hampstead bylaw.

Although the network removed most of the offensive comments, which are not pre-moderated, some remain.
I thought I'd share  a translated version of them with you;
"Was Adolf right?"
"Me, I'm tempted to place a 42 foot long truck full of pigs on its territory"


"It's time to to show them who is boss, this shitty band of Jews."

"The next Jew who knocks on my door is going to be shown some rough justice."

"That's why there is war wherever Jews are."

"According to Hitler, Jews are a race of 'parasites' and 'vermin' which we need to get rid of, (I didn't invent this) but it says it all. "

"It doesn't surprise me that the Jews control the world."

"We're sick of these f--king parasites who do what they want in Quebec. We need to send then to a concentration camp in the Olympic Stadium and get rid of them."

"I can't get over that there are people who defend theses Jews. We need to gas them all, that will take care of the problem."
Remember, these comments were made on the FACEBOOK page of a major television network.

Yup, there's no racism in Quebec.