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Read the original story {FR} |
I'm not talking about legitimate debate and difference of opinion, it's really just a bunch of nasty stuff meant to cast a pall.
Attacks over my anonymity and condemnations of this blog for what it is, rather than what it says, has become rather routine, an effort to drown out a single voice of opposition.
Yesterday I set out to prove that these commenters are complaining as a matter of form, in a sad effort to discredit this blog based only on the perceived notion that it is an affront to Francophone Quebeckers. Free speech it seems, is only fair if Anglos and Canada are being attacked.
The campaign to demonize this blog is not ineffective.
Believe it or not, NoDogsOrAnglophones is blocked on many company internal networks, including if you can believe it, the Bell Centre in Montreal, home of the Habs. No such prohibition for Vigile.net.
For those who call me paranoid for safeguarding my identity....well.
Yup, there's a bunch of you out there that are so offended by the existence of a blog promoting Anglo rights, a blog that harshly exposes the truly vindictive and petty nature of some in the militant French language and sovereignty movement, that you've got to do your little part to mitigate the hurt.
No matter what I say or write, you'll continue to insult and denigrate.
It's okay, I can take it (unlike most of your preferred bloggers) and so can our readers who recognize these attacks for what are.
Yesterday was typical, with an assortment of nasty ad hominem attacks and at least one threat.
.....but I have a confession to make.
Yesterdays blog piece wasn't written by me.
It was a translation of a story written in La Presse by Claude Picher on Tuesday. It was a pretty straight forward bit of reporting and was presented in of all places, the business section!
I added and subtracted nothing. Just a translation.
But that didn't stop the regular band of merry men from attacking that article as a dangerous piece of fiction congered up in the deluded mind of an anglo radical.
You've been pwned!
Anonymous @9:31AM
“But you don't care for that, you're just happy you got your biased headline.”
Sorry, even the headline is taken straight from his piece. If you want to complain, write a letter to La Presse, but somehow, I don't think you will.
Do you think Mr. Picher received as many nasty comments as we did? Especially considering that his article must have been read by thousands more people than my humble translation? I heard no particular outrage.
And so reproduced here on my blog, as if it were me writing, the piece became another outrageous affront to Quebeckers and the French language, a cruel and unfair attack, according to my ever present detractors.
Anonymous @12:47PM
“More Quebec basssshing!! you are again in our face!”
- “Vous et votre site------ fatiguant.
Effectivement.Nous devrions commencer a regarder comment se débarasser de tous ces anglos (bedbugs).Un autre petit "clean up" s'impose.Ils croient que nous ne comprenons pas leur tactique d'idiot,a savoir,monter nos immigrants contre nous.
Ce sont nos importés et nous allons les éduquer comme bon nous semble.”
Don't worry, I'll continue to print these attacks, they remind me why I write this blog. Go ahead, rant on.
But be advised that here on this blog, readers are more intelligent than you're used to, not so easy to fool.You can't pass off your illogical and fallacious arguments without being called out.
An example; Again, I refer to Anoymous @9:31AM
“Nevertheless, a 3% difference overall isn't that significant, especially (sic) when EVERY PROVINCE HAS AN IMMIGRANT POPULATION FROM DIFFERENT BACKGROUNDS.”You must have graduated from the Mario Beaulieu school of variable statistics. He once stated that the difference between 20% and 28% is 8%, when in fact the difference is about 40%! YouTube
The unemployment rate among immigrants in Quebec 13.7%, while in Canada it is 10.0%. That's not a 3.7% difference (3% as you say,) it is almost a 40% difference.
I don't know if you are mathematically challenged or just trying to pull a fast one over on us. That type of smoke and mirrors works only at the Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste.
Please take a statistics course and take Mario along with you! Then come back and give us lessons.