Friday, January 14, 2011

Housekeeping 101

Here's just a couple of notes to make your blogging experience, as well as the experience of other readers of No Dogs or Anglophones more worthwhile.

Even if you don't comment very often, please use an alias, when you do. It takes just a moment to personalize your comment with an 'alias' or 'handle'.
It does not affect your anonymity!
Here's how;

It's that easy!
Now people can refer to you and can follow your thoughts easily.

A note about comments
I try to edit all comments within two hours (during the daytime) but sometimes it isn't possible.
I then open comments without pre-screening. Later, when I review them, if something deserves to be removed it will be.
You'll see this message.;
 If you are deeply offended by a comment or believe it to be overly offensive or threatening please email me privately-

If you are a lurker1, try offering an opinion just once, it will enhance your experience.

I like to think that this blog is a place where people can express their opinions freely and even rant when they want to. The Comments section is more interesting than my post which is designed to spur
discussion. Get involved!

Comments in French continue to be accepted. Although this may represent a hardship to unilingual Anglos, the benefits to open debate outweigh that handicap.

We have a lot of francophone readers (which I appreciate a lot) and so I'll often include a link that will provide an explanation to an idiom or phrase.
Many of these words and phrases are not that familiar, even to the most bilingual.

Here's an example; "lurker1

 In the above case, the link will take you to a definition of the word 'lurker' on the Urban Dictionary website. I've added a superscript to denote which dictionary definition is being referred to, in this case, the first one.;

Anyone with suggestions to make this website better please feel free to email me. If you have any suggestions for articles or see an interesting story on the web please don't be shy.

If you have a personal anecdote to share or know of something that would be of interest to our readers please drop me a line.

I get many of these types of suggestions and they all start by saying "I bet you've already seen this...." but most of the time, I haven't!
Contact me at

If you see typos or factual errors, please use the above email address to advise me.

I never share any address with anyone and I don't even keep these messages on file, once I've responded.

Happy reading and thanks for the honour of appearing on your screen!


  1. "If you are offended by a comment or believe it to be offensive or threatening please email me privately."

    Editor, being offended is a part of life. No matter how carefully and hesitantly you conduct yourself and your opinions, it is inevitable that you'll step on someone's toes. Personally, I'm offended by the Quebec nationalist brigade who seemed determined to turn your blog's comments into an extension of the RRQ's website with their rantings in French and broken English, but I don't run to you crying about it.

  2. None of the Quebec nationalist/separatist blogs allow comments in English. The editor should emulate them and reject all French posts. This will make the comments section more understandable to readers in other Canadian provinces and in most other countries. After all, English is the lingua franca of the world.

  3. If you're a regular here, like myself, but in particular discussion that you want to remain absolutely anonymous in (even more anonymous than your regular alias/handle) then make up something humorous on the spot. I do it all the time.

    Or worse case scenario bang out random keys on your keyboard (e.g. "bhui389u" or "vcmcwe09"). You're still ANONYMOUS, it just makes it easier for other readers to see one comment from another. :)

    And to the above comment, I agree that posts here should be in English-only. This is an English discussion board, I want to be able to understand the comments (yep, even the ones I hate and disagree with!). When I'm on a French blog, I reply in French. It's really just being childish to reply in a different language to that of the blog readers....whether it's English or French.

    Then again, the whole separatist and nationalist movement in Quebec is just that...childish!

  4. Comment se fait-il que tous les Québécois qui écrivent sur ce blogue soient bilingues ou du moins soient aptent a lire et a comprendre l'anglais?

    Exclure les Francophones?Comme aux Olympiques d'hiver? Rien de nouveau sous le soleil.Le grand principe de liberté d'expression des anglouilles aurait-il atteint ses limites ici aussi?

    Ce blogue a comme sujet principal le pays du Québec,mon pays.J'écris donc dans la langue de sa Nation.Désolé d'apprendre que vos capacités linguistiques et culturelles sont limitées.
    A bien y penser,rien de surprenant,car après tout,vous n'êtes que des amerlocs de deuxième classe.

  5. It would be beneficial to include both languages in the best interest of dialogue. However, many of the posts in French are passive aggressive sabotage of this Anglophone blog. The French posts often have nothing to do with the topic being discussed, but only to distract, divert and spew their venom. They have no interest in listening or expanding their horizons or opening their mind to the diverse globe that surrounds them, but only to fuel the fire with their self-deluded drivel. Let them posts their poppycock messages in French, they are easily ignored.

  6. @ AngloBuster:

    Do you remember what I told you when I worked behind the counter at Eaton's? Well DO IT please. Thank you.

    - Fat English Lady

  7. @Fat English Lady

    Still living in Montréal?

  8. @ Anglobuster/Dartagnan:

    "Comment se fait-il que tous les Québécois qui écrivent sur ce blogue soient bilingues ou du moins soient aptent a lire et a comprendre l'anglais?"

    I would suspect that many of them are using online translators.

    "Ce blogue a comme sujet principal le pays du Québec,mon pays.J'écris donc dans la langue de sa Nation."

    Quebec is not a country.
    If you want to continue to spew your ignorant, racist venom in French, do it on a Quebec nationalist/separatist website with the rest of your despicable ilk.

  9. Observations to the above commentaries:

    The explanations on Quebec:

    Québec est plus qu'une province, c'est un État, une Nation qui bénéficie d'une culture tellement différente, qu'il n'y a aucune contestation à lui rendre ce qui lui appartient: son état distinct.

    Quality of automatic translations:

    En ce qui concerne l'usage de traductions en ligne automatique elles ne valent rien. Les professionnels le savent. Sinon, pourquoi ferions-nous dans les universités l'apprentissage (avec stages) de quatre ans dans l'utilisation et la traduction de deux langues ? N'oubliez pas que la traduction est d'abord le transfert d'une idéologie, de la pensée, d'une philosophie et non d'un mot à mot frivole, comme une machine à sous.

    Contents of the French blogs:

    Ce qui se produit est une chose: la frustration et la tourmente des anglophones qui délirent le ventre plein ! Tous en sont très bien renseignés. Mais regardez un peu le Sudan... et réfléchissez.

    The value of Anonymous, the non value of Anonymous:

    Etre un anonyme ou un quidam ne fait pas tant de différence que d'avoir un nom comme "fat lady", plus de provocations parfois.

    The criticisms of the French blogs:

    Je ne suis pas d'accord avec l'"Anonymous" qui prétend que les blogs français sont de mauvaises qualités. Au contraire, la plupart des blogueurs francophones possèdent une qualité de langue suprérieure à la moyenne en français.
    Si vous êtes incapable de bien communiquer dans la langue française, cela est vite décelé. Si vos idées sont alambiquées, cela se voit aussi. Par ailleurs, si vous vous plaignez du "broken English" eh bien cela vient davantage des retortes en anglais !(le phonème f...)

    Deuxièmement leur énergie politique est constructive et s'appuie sur l'énergie et la conservation des Français et leur politique qui demeurent à l'est du Canada, pour le moment.

    Les blogueurs français parcourent votre journal et savent qui sont ceux qui veulent la destruction de leur langue et violent le respect de leur histoire. Certaines personnes s'expliquent comme des canailles de troisième classe en anglais ! Il ne faut pas blâmer les francophones pour cela, réfléchissez...

  10. Chénier dit: À Anonyme January 17, 2011 12:40 PM, en fait le Québec est un pays qui n'a pas encore un État ayant rapatrié entièrement ses champs de compétence, ça s'en vient ! N'en plaise à vous et à vos maîtres à penser. Vos insultes ne démontrent que la petitesse (pettiness)de votre argumentation et le propos complètement enfantin exposé. Pourquoi écrire sur un blog indépendantiste ? Quel intérêt de prêcher aux convertis ? S'énerver le ''zoinzoin'' ?

  11. A Chénier:

    Mes propos sont justes et se supportent par eux-mêmes. Aucun propos mentionnés sont illicites, encore moins irrespectueux, car ils répondaient à des vilenies.

    Mais voyons, je suis un indépendantiste ! je suis navré que vous soyez aussi innoncent !(like Voltaire used to say : "common sense is not so common".) J'écrirai ce que je voudrai, je n'ai pas besoin de vous.

    Si votre réponse devient une confrontation vous ne m'expliquez pas pourquoi. J'ai le droit à mes réponses face aux autres, je ne vous demande pas votre avis et je ne suis pas intéressé par le vôtre. "Je suis, donc j'existe" (le Québec aussi) et je n'ai pas besoin de votre appui pour commenter. Vous croyez m'apprendre quelque chose ?

    En effet, les blogues francophones sont plus raffinés. Chez eux le quiproquo est inacceptable.

    Est-ce que vous savez ce que la "petitesse" signifie? cela signifie également refuser d'entendre les arguments des autres. Oui !
    La petitesse d'esprit est aussi un état qui désigne la mesquinerie.
    Vous n'êtes pas tout à fait prêt de commenter sur les notions étatiques du Québec à ce que je vois ? Pourquoi les gens aiment-ils tant juger, condamner à tort et à travers ? Votre tourmente prend du poids avec celle des autres, ou vos menaces sur la liberté doit se renforcier au contact des autres pour mieux écraser la francophonie ? C'est bon pour le libido ? Cependant je crois que certains ont compris autre chose et j'en suis heureux.

    Puisque vous trouver mes propos au stade de l'enfantillage, pourriez-vous commenter sur le sujet suivant ?


    Le Nouveau Québec franchit le pas qui entérine son hégémonie.
    Expliquez 1,200 mots, intro, développement et conclusion.

    PS: contrôler vos nerfs lorsque vous vous adressez sur l'agora public et tâchez d'offrir un raisonnement perspicace et non offrir des condamnations inconséquentes.

    Mon tarif: 100 euro
    qui iront aux Québécois pour leur indépendance.

  12. @ AngloBuster:

    I'm still in Montreal, but not so much living... You see, I was suffering from obesity and eventually died of acute myocardial infarction.

    However my spirit got caught between the world of the living and the afterlife, and now I'm somehow trapped in this digital world. For some reason I can't find my way back to Eaton's! Where'd it go? Anyhow I guess I'll have to haunt you and your friends, forever.

    Oh, I still don't speak French, so speak to me in ENGLISH. Speak purple! (the color of our ectoplasm).

    ps - Rene Levesque says "Bonjour!". He tells me he's in Hell now, and being chased by giant bowls of sentient Poutine and apostrophe 'S that float above your head and say "Good day governor! Hope you're in good spirits lad!". Some of them even sing "God save the queen". He also says there are no cigarettes, but if you guys could kindly drops some in any of the potholes in Montreal, they've eventually reach him.

    - Fat English Lady (wwwwwooooooohh)

  13. "Québec est plus qu'une province, c'est un État, une Nation qui bénéficie d'une culture tellement différente"

    Blah, blah, blah. If you look at the 'Live Traffic Feed' at the upper right hand side of your screen, you will see that logins from all Quebec addresses are accompanied by a Canadian flag.

    "En effet, les blogues francophones sont plus raffinés...Est-ce que vous savez ce que la "petitesse" signifie? cela signifie également refuser d'entendre les arguments des autres. La petitesse d'esprit est aussi un état qui désigne la mesquinerie."

    Why don't the Quebec nationalist blogs allow any comments in English, or any opposing arguments in French?

    "Pourquoi écrire sur un blog indépendantiste ? Quel intérêt de prêcher aux convertis ?"

    It is extremely unlikely that you will convert anyone on this blog with your views, because ethnocentric nationalism - especially the type practiced in Quebec - is indefensible. As Albert Einstein famously said: "Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind."

  14. A Chenier:


    Einstein was German and a pacifist scientist.

    Il disait aussi que "La Science sans la religion est boiteuse ; la religion sans la science est aveugle." Il n'a pas influencé les masses, ni les politiciens. Je regrette votre citation est mal choisie et donc nulle.

    Traffic feed.

    Le petit compteur attire les curieux mais il peut aussi se trafiquer.... alors je ne suis pas né de la dernière pluie mon ami...

    French blog...

    Les commentaires sur les Anglophones ont été engloutis dans un paragraphe. Ce n'est pas vous le point de mire. Désolé!

    Why writing here !
    J'ai converti plusieurs personnes dans ce blog. Je ne vous doit pas d'explications.

    Alors où se trouve votre travail positif sur la question de l'hégémonie du Nouveau Québec, allez ! grouillez vous bon sang !

  15. Editor: It's interesting. I've never heard the term "lurker" before. Technically, I'm a lurker probably 90% of the time since you, or Adski tend to cover things much more thoroughly and eloquently than I could in the time I have available. Why does it matter if they comment or not? Perhaps they don't make any comment because they feel they have nothing of value to add to the discussion. I just wish some of the trolls had the good judgement to remain silent when they obviously have no intelligent thoughts to share.

  16. To the 'Crazy Allcaps Lady' at 5:52 PM:

    It is extremely enjoyable to see you go to war with Chenier, one of your own seppie kind.

    "Einstein...Il n'a pas influencé les masses, ni les politiciens."

    Einstein persuaded the U.S. president, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, to go ahead with the Manhattan Project and the development of the atomic bomb. If the Germans or the Japanese had built the bomb first in WW2, the consequences would have been catastrophic. Western democracy would have been eliminated.

  17. "Exclure les Francophones?Comme aux Olympiques d'hiver? Rien de nouveau sous le soleil."

    Are you legally retarded?

  18. "Einstein was German and a pacifist scientist. Il n'a pas influencé les masses, ni les politiciens."

    Why am I not surprised that a Quebec nationalist would downplay the observations, contributions and influence of Albert Einstein, one of the greatest minds in history.

  19. You are out of line ! all of you.
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    R. I. P.
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    Your rationale is not acceptable in such a forum. (and I don't care how many you are). You are confusing Political issues from Scientific issues, and therefore not compatible for a full debate on the Quebec nationalist policies.

    Your vulgarity is part of your culture isn't it ?
    All of you are in the same $1.00 bag: you read the same trash, you write the same trash.
    You want a God, like an inventor, a scientist and you want all of Quebec to adore you !
    Well this is called narciscism. It is also an illness. What is it ?

    A pattern of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition.

    This is quite different from a law protection for a language in peril, which OTAN is helping as well to protect and you refuse to admit, even if they have a very active site about it.

    These comments which are insults are also a digression from a Question in French which was asked of you to answer. N'est-ce pas ?

    Anything tangible to say, apart from insults and flashing the image of Eisntein in the face of the world, pretending he is your ancestor after he was treated like a fool for so long ?

    Come on guys be a little more than a poor light bulb on its way out.....

  20. "You are out of line ! all of you.
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
    R. I. P.
    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

    Your rationale is not acceptable in such a forum. (and I don't care how many you are). You are confusing Political issues from Scientific issues, and therefore not compatible for a full debate on the Quebec nationalist policies.

    Your vulgarity is part of your culture isn't it ?
    All of you are in the same $1.00 bag: you read the same trash, you write the same trash.
    You want a God, like an inventor, a scientist and you want all of Quebec to adore you !
    Well this is called narciscism. It is also an illness. What is it ?

    A pattern of traits and behaviors which signify infatuation and obsession with one's self to the exclusion of all others and the egotistic and ruthless pursuit of one's gratification, dominance and ambition.

    This is quite different from a law protection for a language in peril, which OTAN is helping as well to protect and you refuse to admit, even if they have a very active site about it.

    These comments which are insults are also a digression from a Question in French which was asked of you to answer. N'est-ce pas ?

    Anything tangible to say, apart from insults and flashing the image of Eisntein in the face of the world, pretending he is your ancestor after he was treated like a fool for so long ?

    Come on guys be a little more than a poor light bulb on its way out..... "

    Ok there Mr. High and Mighty. Maybe if you stepped down from the pedestal you have yourself on you'll see that the hostility isn't just one-sided you stupid yutz
