Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Trudeau's English Apology an Empty Gesture

It may have been a pleasant surprise to see our Prime Minister apologize for insulting the Quebec Anglo community when he answered an English question in French, during a town hall meeting in Sherbrooke, but it is certainly a case of too little too late, reminding us exactly how far English has been thrown into disrespect and disrepute in Quebec.

Apologies like Trudeau's are hard to accept, the mistake so egregious, especially when committed by the leader of a country supposedly dedicated to the principle of bilingualism.
The act of child abuse is even more vile when priests are the perpetrators because the clergy are supposed to protect children, not abuse them.
And that is exactly what Justin Trudeau did when he disrespected English, he abused those he was supposed to protect and like the pedophile priest, apologies cannot right the wrong.

If our Prime Minister is so afraid of offending Quebec language nationalists, where does it leave the rest of us Anglos?
The forty year war waged by Quebec against the English language and its English minority has been ferocious and unremitting, all while Ottawa turned a blind eye to the humiliation and repression.
Trudeau has in fact just carried on the great Ottawa tradition of benign neglect, in a sad policy of appeasement worthy of Neville Chamberlain.

Politicians both federal and provincial and of all political stripes have universally accepted the idea of sacrificing Quebec's English community as a fair price to save the Canadian confederation.
It is hypocritical of the Prime Minister to tell the English community in Quebec that our welfare is of  his concern, because it isn't, we have already been betrayed and sacrificed.

Like the towns invaded by the Nazis, where the residents sent out the Jews in order to save the town from destruction, it's seems like a fair compromise...that is unless you are a Jew.

Yup, through legislation, humiliation, ostracization, English and Anglos have been reduced to a shell, a once proud community sacrificed on the alter of Canadian confederation.

How low has English sunk?
Well if the Montreal Canadiens can't respect English, who will?

Every time I see this sign in the Bell Centre, that first and foremost obeys Quebec's mean-spirited law that requires English to be humiliated, I shake my head.
Has nobody in ten years even noticed that "FOOD FARE" should read "FOOD FAIR"?

Speaking of the Montreal Canadiens, management have been waiting patiently, for almost a year to fire Michel Therrien, because no suitable French-speaking coach was available and so when Claude Julien was fired in Boston, it didn't take more than a few days to make the switch. For the Canadiens it was a better business decision to let the team sink under Therrien than to hire an unilingual Anglo to coach a unilingual English team. This is the real Quebec...
And by the way, Julien was so confident in the Canadiens desperation that he held out for a whooping five year/$25 million dollar contract, ridiculous considering he was making half that in Boston.

And so big box stores are forced to modify their names in order to make French appear more relevant, an insult considering that these stores are a powerful engine for French, requiring manufacturers to bilingualize products and who operate in French with French employees.

The plan has always been to reduce the English presence in Quebec, through intimidation, legislation and coercion. Ottawa hasn't lifted a finger to help Quebec's embattled English community in forty years and Trudeau's feigned concern now is as genuine as a three-dollar bill. 

Our community has been given up by Canada in order to keep Quebec in confederation and no apology will ever change any of that.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Idiots of the Week

Alice Paquet

The fake rape victim is either a hooker, a liar, a cynical feminist manipulator, simpleton or an outright nut job. You will remember that she accused ex-Liberal MP Gerry Sklavounos of raping her.
Her story of going up to his hotel room to discuss politics and getting raped had a minimum level of believably until she told all who would listen that it happened twice!
Yup...she went back up to his hotel room a few weeks  later of her own free volition and claims he raped her again!
After giving several interviews to the Press where she clearly made up facts that were easily disproved, she was given a most deserved pounding in the media. After investigating, the police concluded that the sex was consensual and the investigation into Sklavounos dropped.

Yet Alice Paquet remains a poster girl for the radical anti-rape cabal who see all men as rapists and all women accusers as unassailable.
Paquet gave a speech at an anti-rape culture rally where she stuck to her ludicrous story about her alleged rape, much to the adulation of the faithful including the Quebec Solidarity member of Parliament Manon Massé (another idiot) who told reporters that she had 100% believed the fairy tale spun by Paquet.

Gerry Sklavounos

Maybe Gerry Sklavounos didn't deserve to get kicked out of the Liberal party caucus for doing what so many others do, that is, cheat on their spouse.
But humiliating his wife by making her stand beside him while he was delivering a mea culpa (which turned out to be anything but) was selfish, cynical and inconsiderate.
I don't know what their marriage is like and I don't care, but forcing your wife to stand by your side when you offer a nonsense excuse for having sex with at least one other young women is the height of cruelty.
His fairy-tale excuse about being a misconstrued extrovert as somehow responsible for his penis ending up in the young lady's vagina is straight out of Alice in Wonderland.
His lack of truthfulness is appalling and makes him unfit to  represent constituents.
So his political future is down the toilet and like Martha Stewart, it is the lie and not the underlying event that sunk him. Good riddance.

Denis Coderre

Montreal's populist mayor was at it again this week suggesting that Montreal update its flag "as a tribute to the Aboriginal population and the history of the Montreal region."

As for history, the natives were rather hostile to the Europeans and fought a number of wars and battles against the invaders back in the 1700s known as the Beaver Wars, which included the infamous Lachine Massacre where 1,500 Mohawks attacked the Lachine settlement on the island of Montreal.
Over the centuries the history of natives and Montreal is somewhat inglorious and it should be noted that Montreal area Mohawks from Caughnawaga contributed more to the building of New York City than Montreal.
Montreal area natives worked mostly in the fur trade and timber industry all outside city limits.

The Montreal flag depicts the four nations that were the real builders of Montreal and to add a native element is to re-write history in the tradition of the newest phenomenon of fake news.

The populist mayor wasn't finished, declaring that Montreal is to become a sanctuary city where illegal immigrants can gain some sense of legitimacy. Exactly what that entails, I do not know.
Perhaps Coderre can find these refugees free lodging and where else would be more fitting then Montreal's tony "Le Sanctuaire" condo complex! I'm sure residents would be welcoming and generous.

He also offered to create a "commissioner of indigenous affairs" to help the 25,000 natives who live in Montreal with problems related to housing, homelessness and healthcare and to counter the racism that the community faces.
Of course this intimates that other minority communities in Montreal, like the 147,000 strong Black community don't warrant their own special representation because they face no discrimination in housing, employment or police profiling.


Melanie Joly

Melanie Joly the rookie Minister of Heritage was brooking no discussion when she refused to tolerate any changes to a Parliamentary motion that condemned Islamophobia.

Many Conservatives took issue that only Islam was cited as a target of racism and offered a compromise proposition;
“condemn all forms of systemic racism, religious intolerance, and discrimination of Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, and other religious communities.”
Joly would have none of that and refused to change one word of the motion claiming that;

"They’re scared of denouncing Islamophobia and, by not denouncing Islamophobia, they are actually contributing to the problem,

So according to her, everyone not supporting her political view is an Islamaphobic.

If you speak French, watch this funny exposé of her by the Quebec satire television show called Infoman, showing her to be the right idiot that she really is. Link {Fr}
Well done, idiot!

Donald Trump

Even if you are the biggest supporter of Donald Trump his news conference had to have you wishing that he'd somehow keep the tone down and the bullshit at a minimum.
In more than an hour of speaking with reporters, the President made somewhat of a fool of himself, much to the amusement of the Press corps which egged him on gleefully.

For the great unwashed, the debacle was water off a duck's back, but for those more astute supporters who backed Trump on the issues, it was as painful to watch as a trip to the dentist.

USA TODAY did a painful deconstruction of the whole fiasco. LINK 

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Robert De Niro

It's always sad when celebrities use their status to promote dangerous junk science.
For those families dealing with autism, finding a definitive explanation of why their child is afflicted is understandable.

But promoting junk science is cruel when families that are affected are given false and unsubstantiated information, information that in this case may have the effect of having parents skip vaccinations based on the sayso of idiots like Kennedy, De Niro and the biggest booster of autism bullshit, Jenny McCarthy.

"Activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and actor Robert De Niro held a major press conference at the National Press Club Wednesday to discuss the correlation between mercury-containing vaccines and childhood autism." LINK

Eugenie Kournikova shows she's a better bimbo than tennis pro  LINK

Woman arrested for allegedly helping kill Kim Jong Nam thought she was taking part in Just for Laughs comedy show  LINK

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Bruins' Fans More Passionate than Habs'

It'll take a little time getting used to Julien in Habs attire
It would have been easy to write a blog piece slagging the Canadiens' for choosing another francophone coach but the reality is that hockey is a business and hockey in Montreal demands a French-speaking coach, an essential element in communicating with its unilingual majority base.

It fell to Rejean Tremblay, longtime sportswriter and resident anglo-basher of the Journal de Montreal to put it plainly.
I thought that Michel Therrien would make it through this storm. But his friend Marc Bergevin had the opportunity to get his hands on a high-caliber coach, a francophone and a man who had just worked with Carey Price and Shea Weber at the World Cup and Sochi Olympics."
Claude Julien was a great gift by becoming available. And when Marc Bergevin approached the Boston Bruins on Sunday night or Monday morning for permission to negotiate with Julien, it was over for Michel Therrien.
Happily in Claude Julien the Habs have found somebody that fits that bill to a tee, he is superbly competent and someone with a proven track record and more importantly...speaks French.

Mercifully, the Therrien era is over, with management finally admitting that which was plainly evident for over a year. Clearly the Canadiens were waiting for the 'right' replacement to appear and pounced once Julien became free.

The writing was on the wall for the Canadiens for sometime after their lost last year and although the
Canadiens started the season with a bang, the team started losing it far before injuries took their toll.
I remember attending a family function in New York the night they got bombed by Nashville 10-0, to the astonishment and bewilderment of the guests, of which a large component of the invitees were Montrealers and ex-pat-Montrealers, all Habs fans. It was then I knew the Canadiens were in trouble.
How a team that had such an impressive won/lost record could collapse in a panic so badly was more than just a fluke or one off. It was a question of character and leadership. Losing a game badly happens to every team, but limiting the damage and keeping the score down is what character is about.
In reaction to the shelling Therrien seemed angry and more importantly panicked and lost, like a failing general who freezes in the face of a successful enemy attack.
When he allowed his second string goaltender Al Montoya to dangle in the wind instead of doing the merciful thing by pulling him(something every other coach in the league would do) Therrien displayed a vengeful and cruel streak, something that marked his coaching career, sarcastic remarks and withering stare-downs.

There are two types of teams, those which rise in the face of adversity and those which collapse, Therrien led the latter. Everyone knew Therrien had to go last year in the face of that monumental collapse, one which the complacent media accepted as predicated solely by the injury to Carey Price.
The truth was that Price's replacement, Mike Condon didn't play that badly and could never realistically been made the goat responsible for the whole team's collapse, but the right coach wasn't available and so Bergevin bit his lip, brazened it out and hoped for the best.
How'd that work out?
The fans and the media accepted the inaction on the coaching front all without an uproar, something that shouldn't happen in any hockey town worth its salt. It wouldn't have happened in Boston.

Montreal fans like to think of themselves as the most passionate, knowledgeable and sophisticated followers in the league and to that all I can say is BULLSHIT!!!
Montreal fans are more like parents, who encourage the team's efforts no matter what and whom accept a good effort as good enough.
Not so Bruins fans, who may as a group be smaller, but are every bit as knowledgeable and passionate, and more importantly fiercely competitive and demanding.
The devoted Bruins fans would have eviscerated Therrien long before he had a chance to screw up the team so badly. The outcry in Boston for Julien's firing was based not on competence but results, something the Bruins fans demand.

I like to read the fan boards to get a sense of what the prevailing mood is vis-a-vis the NHL and I promise you the Bruins discussion site is the one I return to time after time for its passion and surprisingly entertainment value.
 HF Boards -Bruins
Here fans agonize in real time as the game progresses and wax eloquent once it is over. The comments are vicious, strange, sarcastic, caustic and always wildly entertaining, especially after a Bruins loss.
Bruins fans demand success, Montreal fans don't.

I cruised this Bruins site to get the reaction of the Boston fans to the Julien signing and was surprised that the usual sarcasm wasn't on display where I expected the someone to comment that the Canadiens were settling for sloppy seconds, but it wasn't the case.
The vast majority of comments were favourable to Julien's coaching ability and most were disappointed that the Habs got a hold of him. The entertaining part were the many comments lambasting the Bruins management for giving permission to Julien to go to Montreal while under contract to the Bruins, in order to save half a year's salary.
The old cheapskate reputation of Bruins management is legendary in Boston.

Montreal does in fact have a very poor fan base, where the city and indeed the province can muster support for but one professional team. The pitiful attendance at the last World Junior Hockey Championship. tournament in Montreal was a testament to that support. Apologist Montreal sportswriter Stu Cowen blamed high ticket prices for the debacle of having just  8,366 show up at the 21,273-seat Bell Centre for the bronze-medal game between Russia and Sweden.
I wonder if the $50 minimum ticket was really the problem and had the price been reduced to $25, would the attendance been double?  I doubt it and at any rate the tournament would not have been ahead revenue-wise. The reality is that Montreal fans are cheap and one-dimensional.

Boston Bruins fans and indeed all Boston fans  shame Montreal in their avid support of professional sports with the Celtics, Reds, Bruins and Patriots all enjoying unlimited success. Montreal can muster support but for one team and for all intents and purposes are basically a sports one-trick pony. The Boston support for four major professional teams comes from a population base that is but 15% higher than Montreal's.

Montreal in fact is a poor city where inhabitants don't have the disposable income to support more than one major professional sports team. The vaunted perennial sold-out Bell Centre for Habs games is more a function of corporate sales, where companies own most of the season tickets and all the private loges. At almost all games the legion of scalpers in front of the Bell Centre is legendary and tickets can be had almost always below cost. Yup... below cost.
Compare that to Boston, Toronto or New York (Rangers)  where I remember paying in the neighbourhood of $US500 for two tickets, 17 rows up, from one of the very few scalpers in front of Madison Square Gardens.
The Canadiens remain a superb form of cheap entertainment for the legions of fans who follow the team on television, a welcome distraction in the dark and frigid winter months, but the success of the ratings speak to the fact that the entertainment is almost free. 

Another myth is how well the Canadiens give back to the community and how avant-guard the team is at innovation.  Not true and Not true.
Like most other NHL teams the Canadiens hold a charity raffle at each home game called the  50/50 (where half the money goes to charity and half to the winning ticket). In some NHL cities a designated charity is the beneficiary of the winnings but in Montreal as in some other NHL cities, the money goes to its own foundation, in this case, the Montreal Canadiens Children's Charity and this to the tune of one million dollars a year. The foundation also raises money through silent auction, golf tournaments and other fundraising events with the money funding projects like outdoor skating rinks in underprivileged  neighbourhoods, where the Canadiens organization gets all the credit and the fans who paid for it, none of the recognition.
A good deal for the Habs and I dare say a more cynical observer than I might consider the foundation a fan-funded marketing instrument.
The charity raises about five million dollars a years but spends almost half on expenses. All the fundraising activities are duly noted on the foundation website, but the actual contribution to the charity by the Canadiens or the ownership group is strangely absent. It seems like in all endeavours that the Habs engage in, it is the fans who pay.
By the way, the average amount wagered each game on the 50/50 is about $50,000 in Montreal and $150,000 in Vancouver. The average pool at an Edmonton Eskimo football game is also in the $125,000 range and a lucky fan once claimed half of a $700,000 pot. 

So how cheap are Montreal fans?
Well count the hats thrown onto the ice after a hat trick.... it is downright sad.

Forget the myth that the Canadiens are special and that their fans the best. The popularity of the Canadians outside the city is more a testament to how many Anglos have fled to scattered North American parts, yet remain a fan to their hometown team.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

It's Time For PQ to Retire

René Levesque would not be amused at the new PQ
The Parti Quebecois has morphed into that aging film star who hangs around too long, well after his popularity has expired, a has-been forced to scrounge for bit parts. All the Botox and all the face-lifts won't change the fact that an over-the-hill actor who overstays his welcome and is hoping for better times is patently delusional.

Now many have predicted the death of the Parti Quebecois only to have the party regain some electoral strength, confounding the experts and convincing us that the PQ is forever, albeit living through different periods of popularity, ups and downs but forever a fixture in Quebec politics.

But it seems that like the aging actor, time has run out for the PQ and like an over-the-hill diva, the best exit is a dignified retirement.
One only has to look at the pitiful example of the diminished Bloc Quebecois, whose few members prattle around Parliament in Ottawa, excluded, irrelevant and ignored, yet delusionally unaware of their situation, like the boob who leaves the bathroom  trailing a length of toilet paper, a laughingstock who marches on, oblivious to the snickers of the surrounding onlookers.

Jean-Francois Lisée, the latest iteration of PQ leader is telling all who will listen that the party is not the PQ of our grandfathers, it is new and improved, but it is in fact essentially no different from a consumer product that changes it packaging (but not its content) in relation to falling sales.

And so we are being told the PQ is shelving the sovereignty option for at least two terms, with the old PQ stalwart and ex-Premier Bernard Landry opining that perhaps the option should be put off for at least three mandates, which means three terms of PQ government, something not likely to happen at in the foreseeable future.

So toxic is the sovereignty notion that the essence of the PQ is challenged, because if they forgo the sovereignty option as many have suggested, what is left?

First let's get the numbers out of the way.
A CROP poll for La Presse sounding 18-24 year olds found that the PQ had on 16% support and that 69% would vote no in a referendum on sovereignty, a new and catastrophic low.
This is the generation that is going to replace the aging boomers that now make up the bulk of the PQ membership and so the future is grim.
The reality is that conditions over the 40 year history of the PQ have changed so dramatically that Quebecers don't feel overly oppressed and put upon.
The fact is that life is pretty good being a Canadian and the risk of sovereignty just plain not worth it.
It is that simple, there remains no viable road to sovereignty.

Many commentators and indeed members of the PQ itself are openly discussing getting rid of the founding principle of the PQ, that is the holy grail of sovereignty.
But a PQ without sovereignty is like a milkshake without milk, a pizza without bread or a hockey game without a puck.

It can't work.

Should the PQ abandon the sovereignty option, the core hardliners, albeit fewer and fewer, will never accept a political landscape where no political party is supporting and indeed militating for Quebec independence and so sure as shooting another iteration of  the now defunct Option nationale - Pour l'indépendance du Québec founded by Jean-Martin Aussant, a party suicidal in its pursuit of the full independence of Quebec will re-appear.
Even if there is zero chance of electoral success, hardliners will still support such a party because it is representing their core beliefs, even if that support bleeds PQ votes and helps return the Liberals to power, over and over again.

As for the PQ without sovereignty, we had a taste of what that 'progressive' government might be like in Pauline Marois' last fling at the head of a PQ 'lite' government, where the gross incompetence in just about every legislative pursuit was manifestly evident.

The political arena is crowded enough with three major parties splitting the vote and where no party is likely to win a clear majority of the popular vote. But the more parties there are, the better for the Liberals who can and do win majority governments with support in the 35% zone.
Another left-wing separatist party will just about seal the fate of those who want to see an end to the Liberal party domination.

The very best thing the PQ can do is to preserve its dignity is to retire, but like the Bloc it is likely to put the electorate through a prolonged death rattle which will last from ten to fifteen years until the old guard dies off.

The PQ can't win with sovereignty and can't survive without it, and that my friends is the long and the short of it.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Is Quebec Racist?

Nothing but nothing gets the dander up of Quebec francophones faster than being called out in the English press outside Quebec and even worst of all in the American press.

Quebec anglophones bleating about language or racism in the Gazette or on CJAD are roundly ignored, the rationale being that nobody is listening anyways, but when the criticism leaks out over the border it is as if all Hell breaks loose.

Back in 1992 Montreal's most un-favourite author Mordecai Richler wrote "Oh Canada! Oh Quebec" a scathing account of Quebec society dripping with sarcasm and venom, portraying Quebec society in the most painful light.
Now Richler hadn't treated Quebec society any differently than he did his own community.
His warts and all accounts of the Montreal Anglo-Jewish community and individual characters was comedic, but painfully sarcastic. Many of his Jewish brethren held him in disdain for his unflattering stereotypical and perhaps burlesque characterizations.
So the francophone community wasn't prepared for the 'Richler' treatment and the criticism stung particularly hard, with many commentators believing Richler to be a racist.
The book may have passed unnoticed but a related article in the Atlantic, (an American magazine) where Richler described Quebec society as racist and antisemitic set off the howls of indignity across Quebec media.
The French media, unfamiliar with Richler saw the attack as a smear and went ape-shit over the book and the article. Some went so far as to demanding the book be banned and some called for his prosecution as a hate-monger.

The real hurt was that Richler was washing the dirty laundry outside Quebec, something that the Quebec francophone media could not abide, that is, having Quebec reputation's tarnished internationally.

It fell to Louise Beaudoin, a Quebec minister to do a little damage control in a segment on Sixty Minutes (an American television news magazine) which served only to exacerbate the  problem. A sarcastic Morley Safer embarrassed the minister over the language issue in a openly mocking manner. A modern media consultant would likely have told Beaudoin not to do the interview, but the rage in Quebec over Richler's accusations needed to be rebutted, not matter what.

This phenomenon was repeated when Jan Wong wrote an unfaltering article in the Globe and Mail blaming a racist Quebec society for the spate of school shootings. The article caused another uproar in the French media as did a series of articles by Barbara Kay entitled Kebecistan,  another slam which described Quebec as antisemitic.

But the francophone media and Quebec nationalists remain steadfast in their belief that Quebec is not racist, or at least no more racist than those outside the province, but English Canada and Quebec anglophones and minorities are not so sure.

And so the questions remains.... IS QUEBEC RACIST?

The issue has once again bubbled up to the surface in light of the Quebec mosque shooting despite the media's attempt to characterize the shooting as terrorism.
The description of the shooting as terrorism is rather convenient, as if the attack was something that the entire world suffers regularly and nothing out of the ordinary and certainly something Quebec society could not be held accountable for.
I am flabbergasted that nobody in the media attempted to challenge this outright lie and fiction, because the shooting had nothing to do with terrorism at all and everything to do with being a hate crime.

Now you might recall the mass shooting in Charleston, S.C. in 2015, where one Dylan Roof entered a Black Methodist church and callously killed nine people while injuring others. Roof wasn't a terrorist and was never described as one, he was a white supremacist and racist murderer and as such was charged and found guilty of 33 counts of a hate crime.

It is the exact same crime that Alexandre Bissonnette committed in the Quebec city mosque... a hate crime.
Despite Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier Philippe Couillard calling the Bissonnette shooting an act of terrorism, he was not charged with terrorism because it wasn't.
It is an important distinction, because it leads us to no other conclusion that Bissonnette was a Quebec version of Dylan Roof, a Quebecois de Souche supremacist, a racist murderer quite possibly a product of a certain segment of Quebec society.
Now just because everybody in the media hides this fact or denies it outright because it is too painful to admit, doesn't mean it isn't true. Once again Quebec refuses to face the truth.

Remember the wild outrage at the Maclean's article by Patrick Patriquin  entitled  Quebec: The most corrupt province.  The entire French media went crazy at the insinuation with the Quebec Press council going so far as to unanimously blame the publication for  "a lack of journalistic rigour." Even Thomas Mulcair called the article a "contemptible smear" and shades of "Quebec Bashing" were raised all over the political and journalistic fields.

But as you know, the charges turned out to be quite true as was revealed in testimony at the Charbonneau Crime Commission which laid bare a shocking and widespread organized system of corruption that cut across all political lines.

So just because Quebec media rises in unison to deny and condemn any talk of Quebec racism, it doesn't mean it isn't true.

Now in the light of the Quebec mosque shooting another op-ed piece is causing much angst in Quebec, that because it was published in  the Washington post, outside of Quebec
Why does ‘progressive’ Quebec have so many massacres?  provoked so much ire and hand-ringing  even the Montreal Gazette felt a need to rebut its claims.
Mario Beaulieu Bloq Quebecois MP and snivelling cry-baby put forward a Parliamentary motion in Ottawa condemning the so-called Quebec-bashing in the article, but of course it got nowhere since it required unanimous consent. Mr Beaulieu is so roundly hated in Parliament that if he put forward a motion congratulating the Queen on her 65th anniversary of her reign, it wouldn't pass either...but I digress.

But the question that Quebec refuses to debate is whether Quebec obsession with language and culture is a breeding ground for racism and because the media within refuses to debate the issue it is hard to come to valid conclusions and so it falls to those outside Quebec to comment, much to the disapproval of Quebec.

Now I have a question for those in the media in Quebec.
Why are we not seeing any hard data on racism in Quebec? Why no discussion on so important an issue?
Is it because we fear the results?

One of the few polls on the subject of tolerance was taken ten years ago in 2007 where a Léger Marketing survey on tolerance showed that 59% of Quebecers were mildly or moderately racist. This methodology of survey was immediately attacked by the usual suspects and even by the then Premier Jean Charest who pooh-poohed the results.  Link

In a more recent survey in 2015, Léger found that 20% of Quebecers were racist and that more than half had a negative view of Muslims and Sikhs, while 37% had a poor opinion of Jews and 27% had a poor opinion of Blacks  . Link

Now in light of the Quebec mosque shooting a lot has been said of "Radio Poubelle" (Trash Radio) a group of Quebec city radio commentators that are accused of fomenting racism and hate, this from no less than Premier Couillard.
But the question we all must ask is why are these radio shows that promote racism and hate so darn popular?