Tuesday, April 26, 2022

While Putin attempts to 'Denazify' Ukraine, Legault Trying to 'de-Anglicize' Quebec

I'll make no apologies for the title of this piece because aside from the violence, the goals of both Putin and Legault are eerily similar.

Both are pedalling a vicious slander for crass political gain and both are heaping blame on a specific people.

They both enlist the media as well as marshalling their vast government resources to sell the nonsense and finally, both are exacting revenge on the falsely accused.

Again, aside from the physical violence, the playbook is the same.

Fallacious scapegoating is a shop-worn device employed by rogues like Hitler who blamed the Jews for Germany's economic woes and Idi Amin who expelled Asians from Uganda because they purportedly robbed natives of the chance to own businesses. The list of historical scapegoaters is prodigious and by the way, the current onslaught on Ukraine by Russia is the second time around because dictator Josef Stalin inflicted the infamous "Holodomor" (man-made famine) that killed millions of Ukrainians, some ninety years ago.

Here in Quebec, as in practically the entire clear-thinking free world, we remain dumbfounded that the Russian people have largely bought into the myth of the Ukrainian Nazi threat.
It seems so utterly far-fetched that such a patently false idea could be so widely accepted and in fact, embraced by an entire nation.
With no credible evidence to support the Ukrainian Nazi threat myth (because none exists,) we shake our heads in disbelief at the utter gullibility and stupidity of the Russian public. It speaks to the power of state-sponsored propaganda with a lesson for us here in Quebec where Francophone Quebecers have largely bought into a similarly ridiculous myth that describes their language and culture as under attack with Quebec's Anglos cast as the villains whose continued use of English represents an existential threat.

Just like the illusory threat of Ukrainian Nazis to Russia, so too is the English threat to the French majority in Quebec.

Those making the claim that the sky is falling on the French language and of the English threat include politicians, educators and media types who share a militant sovereigntist ideology and so, the scapegoating of Anglos and English is nothing more than a devious and underhanded ploy to promote Quebec independence by sowing fear and discord. 
These pot-stirring militants dominate the universities, the government and perhaps most importantly, the media, all promoting the myth of the English threat as skilfully as Russian media dis-informationists attack Ukrainian Nazis.

There was a time when sovereignty was promoted based on the supposed financial disadvantage Quebec faced by remaining in Canada. The mantra was that Canada was oppressing Quebec economically and that independence would bring financial dividends.
Unfortunately for those pedalling the nonsense, the argument was debunked by the economic reality of the billions of dollars in annual equalization payments made to Quebec. Today only the most radical and wilfully-blind sovereigntists cling to the idea that Quebec gets a bad financial deal by remaining in Canada,
So clearly a new angle of attack was needed to sell sovereignty and with the new reality of massive immigration fostered by a declining birthright, a bogeyman was invented, those evil and ungrateful immigrants who came to Quebec and ungratefully integrate into the English community.

The new selling point of sovereignty is that as long as an anglophone community exists in Quebec, no matter how small, immigrants will be attracted to join, thus threatening the long-term viability of French Quebec.
And so more and more laws and regulations are enacted or proposed by a government fostering anti-English sentiment, supported by a biased media and education system.

But the simple truth is that French is not in danger, no more than Russia is threatened by Ukrainian Nazis.
Yes there are some neo-nazis in Ukraine and yes there are English people in Quebec, but neither Russia nor Quebec is threatened.

Simply put, Quebec can offer no viable statistic that points to French in trouble because none exists.

The oft-repeated and ridiculous statistic offered by Chicken Little propagandists like Professor Blowhard" Charles Castonguay notes that French is threatened because those claiming French as their mother tongue in Quebec is falling. This statistic is not only irrelevant but xenophobic as well.
The fact that Quebec is welcoming an unprecedented number of immigrants who naturally have a different mother tongue makes it a certainty that the rate of French as the mother tongue will fall. But how this affects the health of the French language is a question never answered. And by the way, Canada also faces the same phenomenon where immigrants are reducing the percentage of English as a mother tongue.

While the French language isn't in any particular danger of disappearance, what bothers these militants is that the public appearance of the French language is changing from its hitherto lily-white face with a marked increase in brown, black and yellow faces who have gained a larger foothold in Quebec through immigration.
Demands that 'these' people adopt to Quebec 'culture' (which I have dubbed the "poutine & maple syrup challenge") is another gambit by sovereigntists similar to what other persecutors demand.

" 'Russification' is a form of cultural assimilation in which non-Russians, whether involuntarily or voluntarily, give up their culture and language in favour of the Russian culture and the Russian language."

Ha!, sounds worse when others demand that minorities "comply"

But here is the only language statistic that you need to remember. It comes directly from Statscan.

Today 94.45% of Quebecers can carry on a conversation in French as compared to 1971 when only 88.5% could do the same.
So things are actually getting better for the French language!
Statscan also predicts that in 2036 that number will remain stable at around 93-94%

 The myth of the imminent demise of French in Quebec is fuelled by furious tales of dastardly immigrants and anglos spitting on the French language through gratuitous anecdotal tales, most of which are made up  (Eaton's famous "Speak White" myth) and spread through a media as bent as the Russian commentators who regale TV viewers with horrifying stories of Ukrainian Nazi atrocities.

The Journal de Montreal is full of stories like the poor Asian depanneur owner who disrespects the French language by speaking only pigeon English to customers.
Oh, the burn!
Perhaps working 110 hours a week the poor sod hasn't quite made the time yet for French lessons, but no matter.

Here is another typical whine by a francophone cegep teacher decrying the influence of English

“Many of my students don't know any francophone artists, don't read in French, never watch TV in French, and this in a francophone CEGEP! Imagine, then, what place Quebec culture occupies in the education of Francophones and allophones who study in English."

None of the above is true except the part about Francophone artists who are largely shunned because they are as a group, quite mediocre.

As well, I daresay the vast majority of francophone students don't have the language skills to watch English TV or movies
and as for the assertion that francophone students are actually reading, no less reading in English is complete fantasy.
In fact, most of Quebec francophones who do speak English don't have the proficiency to consume media in English. It is another myth disproved by
ratings for francophone TV channels in Quebec which are astronomically high.

 The media bubble linked to the decline of French in Quebec is almost entirely created artificially by a whirlwind of rehashed news and chronicles written by people with an interest in fanning the flames of identity nationalism. Link{fr}

The underlying assertion by militants that any contact with English is dangerous because it leads to assimilation is a pernicious lie.
The assertion that French is under threat is also a pernicious lie.

It is time for us to push back by peeling off the skin of this onion of lies.


  1. So here we are, about sixty years past the hour of la revolution tranquille and it seems the same ol' s--t, different day, bigger shovel, gets bigger and so does the stench on the shovel.

    So-called federalists like Robert Bourassa, Claude Ryan (now THAT was a real two-faced jackanapes), and more recently John James "Goldilocks" (OK, now Silverlocks) Charest who is running for the Conservatives (again) pretending to represent all Canadians when he alienated the minorities not of his ilk during his premiership. The guy meanders between red and blue firmaments more than the Yamaska River (and smells even worse)!

    The only way to settle this everlasting dilemma is to force Quebec to make a choice: Stay or go, only this time, it's the rest of Canada, the Real Canada, that needs to move from push to shove. Maybe they'll do better on their own. They'll be forced to make the effort or go in as a have-not state like they've been throughout history, at least not without the support of the Westmount Rhodesians who provided jobs that otherwise would not have existed while at the same time exploiting them.

    Quebec will have very rich people, but they'll be few and far between because what will happen is, like Putin, a dictator will emerge and he will line the pockets of those nearest and dearest to him by giving away state assets and there too will be a small elite of oligarchs. This unnamed dictator will make Maurice Duplessis look like the most popular kid in school!

    Minorities will be subject to laws and state-sponsored alienation that provoke physical attack against them, never mind the genteel ethnic cleansing of endless language laws.

    The majority, especially those who are not taking the initiative to learn English by hook or by crook will continue to be imprisoned by the tight constraints their language laws. A separate Quebec would be welcome as it will continue to imprison its own. My sympathies for minorities who have domiciled for decades only to gripe gripe gripe on CJAD have left with me. My elders of the previous generation are all dead, so those who have chosen to stay can't say it wasn't at their peril. As for the Real Canada, the backlash of francization will eventually phase out French. I can only imagine New Brunswick offering resistance to any amending formula, and even Ontario doesn't have enough Francophones to make any real impact. That 7-Province-50%-population will pass with ease, so we won't have to go through the expense of bilingual product packaging, bilingual publication of all government documentation and pro-French language laws.

    I, right now, am not against the promotion of French in the Real Canada, but with Quebec's everlasting alienation of minorities, why wouldn't the Real Canada do the same to French? Be that as it may, I'm not pro bilingualism in the courts where all judges from inside and outside Quebec will have to become bilingual. There are enough skulls that can do the translation interpretation where required, and imagine what will happen to them if bilingualism ends.

    This tussle will never end until the Real Canada puts the screws to Quebec, and I strongly encourage this. It all must come to an end. THEN we'll see which way immigration goes, and who will learn the other language.

  2. This is correct - "Russification' is a form of cultural assimilation in which non-Russians, whether involuntarily or voluntarily, give up their culture and language in favour of the Russian culture and the Russian language."

    Except that the lie here is in the omission. The omission is that the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine are *already* Russian-speaking. So they do not have to be "russified" because they are already Russian. The areas that Russia is taking over and pushing the Ukrainians out of is inhabited by Russian-speakers already (hence there's no subversive activity there and no Afghanistan- or Iraq- style insurgency possible). Russia is not interested in the western Ukraine which is inhabited by Russophobic Ukrainian-speakers who, after the war is concluded, will be allowed to have their rump state in the western part of Ukraine stretching from Kiev to Lviv.

    Any honest comparison of the Russia-Ukraine conflict to the Canada-Quebec situation would throw Quebec in the same boat as Ukraine, not Russia, and it would throw the attempts at the "francisation" of Quebec in the same boat as the attempts at "ukrainization" of eastern Ukraine by the Kiev regime, not "russification" of the *already* Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine by Russia that this article implies. Trying to russify eastern Ukraine would be equivalent to Canada trying to anglicize Montreal's West Island, i.e. an already English-speaking enclave of Montreal.

    The fact is that post-2014 Ukraine is a perfect, an almost one-to-one, analogy to Quebec. The articles below about Ukrainian language laws instantly invoke the image of Bill 101. In accordance with these laws, people working in entirely Russian-speaking environments in the cities of eastern Ukraine had to learn the Ukrainian language that they had no use for in private and professional lives in order to keep their jobs.

    Yet the author of this article, in yet another attempt at obfuscation, flips everything 180 degrees, placing Russia and russification where he should have placed Ukraine and ukranization.

    Making comparisons between Russia-Ukraine and Canada-Quebec will always be a stretch (which doesn't stop this blogger) and even absurd, but a much more honest analogy to Russia rolling into eastern Ukraine would be the Canadian army rolling into Quebec to take over western Montreal and free it from bill 101.






  3. omg! OMG! OMG! LOL! Sorry, adski, no comparison, and besides, if Quebec wanted to declare war, they'd lose as they would first have to set grievance committees between enlistees and officers, working hours, living conditions, etc. The war would be over faster than the Wolfe-Montcalm War!
