Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Liberal Sweeps to Power....PQ Left Reeling

It was a thrilling night for most Anglos and Ethnics, the Liberal majority victory only made that much sweeter by the implosion of the PQ and the demise of Pauline Marois.

This blog is and always has been about the Anglo, Ethnic and minority experience in Quebec, and so it was for us, an unabashedly prideful and happy experience that we have lived over the past day.

That is not to say that I'm unsympathetic to those who lost their 'election' yesterday.  As I said in yesterday's column, it is the painful flip side of the democratic process, something all voters in western democracies learn to live with at one time or another.
Like everyone, I've lost my share of elections and can say without reservation, winning is better than losing.

Now I'm not going to offer a long blog piece today, I haven't the strength right now.

I rather wanted to allow a platform where readers can offer their reactions to the election and voice a few opinions on what was and what might be.

Last night's LIVE BLOG event was a success, registering thousands of clicks, already making the 24 hours starting at 8:00PM last night (finishing tonight at 8;00PM) , the most clicked upon blog piece I've ever offered!

But the comments are past the 200 mark and it's time for a post-election platform.

By the way, I sort of liked the old comment system of non-embedded threads, it was somehow more readable and I'm considering going back to the system in the future.

At any rate, here are the subjects I'm going to ruminate on in future posts and let's have your initial reactions now;

First the Liberals
They've got a wealth of talent in the cabinet. The economic team is particularly strong with three or even four possible finance ministers.
Jacques Daoust, representing Verdun, used to head up the Quebec government's investment agency.
Carlos Leitao  from Robert-Baldwin  riding was a Laurentian Bank of Canada economist.
Martin Coiteux of Nelligan riding was a Bank of Canada economist.
All these talented men represent  Montreal  and anglo ridings to boot.

Will the rotund and opinionated GaƩtan Barrette become health minister?

Will the Liberals go ahead with a watered-down Charter or chuck the whole thing? 

The Liberals have expanded their power in Montreal, but have made up ground in the regions. They are now a 'national' party.

The Parti Quebecois
Who is to blame for the stunning collapse? Was it really the campaign blunders or something more substantial?

How long before the infighting starts over leadership or has it started already?

Who will in fact win the leadership and does it really matter considering that it's four years to the next election?

Is Quebec INDEPENDENCE dead, on life support or in a natural hiatus?

Why the big rebound in the last week? 
If the campaign lasted another week, the party could indeed have become the official opposition.
Is the three party split working for or against our democracy.

I'm interested in your opinions, I'll be back with something more substantial in a day or two.

Summing up yesterday's events, I'll leave you with Martha Stewart's famous  catchphrase to describe how I feel:
......"It's a good thing."