FSQ to turbanites.."GFY..Play in your backyard!" |
The Fédération de soccer du Québec has recently upheld the ban on the turban that it put in place, despite being suspended over the issue by the national governing body.
The underhanded and dishonest interpretation of FIFA rules by the Quebec Soccer Federation, seems to have come back and bitten them in the ass, but like so many idiots in high places, faced with their mistake, they'd rather compound the problem by brazening it out, rather than honorably facing the music and admitting a mistake.
Sadly, the longer the FSQ holds out, the harder and more painful it will be to climb down from their position.
The rationale used to ban the turban is so juvenile that it is beyond contempt.
The FSQ actually ruled that since FIFA has no specific rules allowing the turban, then it is perfectly acceptable to ban it.
It's like banning Gatorade because FIFA hasn't specifically said it is legal it to drink on the pitch!
Utter and complete nonsense!
The issue of safety is so bogus that even dedicated nationalists can see through the pretense.
In a blog article in of all places, nationalist website, Ameriquebec.net, the author notes that FIFA allows other soft body coverings;
"Modern protection devices, like head-covers, knee and elbow pads are made of soft material and aren't considered dangerous. They are therefore authorized." |
"Thus, the FSQ should have the courage to say that the decision to ban the turban in soccer in Quebec has more to do with "religion" then with player safety."Truer words were never spoken, the FSQ acted in an underhanded and devious manner to ban the turban by citing safety concerns and laying the blame on FIFA.
Nobody is fooled.
It's a plot!!!!!! |
He couldn't have been more blunt, telling readers that those who wear the turban or the kippa or the hijab, do so not so much to venerate their religion, but rather as a symbol of their resistance to Quebecois-style assimilation.
I kid you not.
Mr Mathieu Bock-Coté is the epitome of a paranoid Quebec conspiratorialist, where all surrounding events exist only to affect Quebec negatively.
Since the article is behind a paywall, permit me"
"These conspicuous religious symbols are not primarily worn to demonstrate the faith of wearer. If this were the case, they could be discreet. Rather they have a political impact. They are foremost a formal symbol of their refusal to integrate, in fact a provocation. It's a game of tug of war meant to break the host society and force it to capitulate.
The Quebec government yesterday decided to support the FQS, a happy and courageous decision. It is not a case of looking for a fight with Ottawa, but just remember that behind this turban affair, true principles clash. Quebec is right not to be ashamed of itself."
("Car les symboles religieux ostentatoires ne témoignent pas d’abord de la foi de ceux qui les revêtent. Si tel était le cas, ils pourraient être discrets. Ils ont plutôt une portée politique. On les porte justement pour officialiser son refus de s’intégrer, à la manière d’une provocation. Et on joue au bras de fer pour casser la société d’accueil et la forcer à capituler.
Le gouvernement du Québec, hier, a pris la décision de soutenir la FQS. Heureuse et courageuse décision. Il ne cherche pas ainsi la chicane avec Ottawa, mais rappelle simplement que derrière cette affaire de turban, ce sont de véritables principes qui s’affrontent. Le Québec a raison de ne pas avoir honte des siens.") Link
(I've presented some of the original French because as I said, the article is behind a paywall.)Unbelievable!
Is this the next battle cry?
That turbans, kippas and hijabs, are ruthless symbols of anti-Quebecism and that six-year old boys and girls wearing the trappings of their religion are the child soldiers in a ruthless assault on the innocent?
This actually represents a nasty turning point, any religious trappings worn in public is to be considered pernicious by Quebec clansman like Bock-Coté.
It is a sick and perverted position and in the best tradition of racists, xenophobes and segregationists.
If Mathieu Bock-Coté is cheering on the Quebec government and the FSQ, I'm not so sure the rest of the public wants to push the principle of Quebec fundamentalism by harassing children in removing them from the soccer pitch.
As the issue spirals out of control, Quebec faces its second Pastagate in a few short months, ridiculed around the world as petty, intolerant and utterly foolish.
And readers, the story is growing legs....
Swedish story on turban ban |
Canadian Conflict Grows Out of Quebec Soccer Federation’s Ban on Turbans New York Times
Quebec soccer federation gets red card for banning turban BBC
Turban ban: Federation suspended ESPN
Quebec soccer leaders cite safety on turban bans Sports illustrated
Canadian Soccer Association suspends Quebec federation over turban ban FOX News
Football :le Canada suspend le Québec pour avoir interdit le turban Le Monde
Le Québec isolé au Canada pour son refus du port du turban sur les terrains de football RFI
Football team in Canada suspended for turban ban Hindustan Times
Setback to Canadian sports body, suspended for turban ban Punjab Newsline
Voetbalbond Quebec geschorst om tulbandverbod Belgium
Футбольная федерация Квебека подтвердила запрет на тюрбаны Russia
בגלל טורבן: קנדה השעתה את ההתאחדות של קוויבק Israel
魁北克省足球协会禁止球员包锡克头巾的决定引起争议 China
캐나다 축구협회, 터번 착용 금지한 퀘벡지부 징계 Korea
كندا توقف العمل بقرار حظر "عمامة" اللاعبين "السيخ" Saudi Arabia
Футбольная федерация Квебека подтвердила запрет на тюрбаны KazakhstanYup, it's even a story in Borat's homeland!
More worldwide humiliation....
In the end this issue will not be resolved in Quebec or even in Canada.
FIFA, the governing world body will have to take a definitive and official stand, they can either rule in favour of the turban, against the turban or make it a question to be resolved locally by the national federations it sanctions.
The one option that is not available, is the one Quebec wants most, that is to make the issue resolvable by federations sanctioned by the national federations, or more specifically provincial federations.
And so Pauline Marois is trying to make political hay over the issue claiming that the FSQ is not bound by decisions made by the CSA.
Contrary to what she tells us, the Fédération de soccer du Québec is very directly subordinate to the Canada Soccer Association. She and Bernard Drainville who speculated that the Quebec Association is autonomous must be dreaming in colour or smoking crack.
If the FSQ is not bound by the CSA, then how on Earth can the CSA suspend the FSQ and why then would the Quebec federation care!
It is beyond belief stupid.
This is another fine mess she's gotten us into!
Readers, I invite you to copy and paste your related comments from the previous thread so that readers can enjoy the turban discussion in one place.