Friday, September 21, 2012

Quebec Language Mullahs Give us Lessons in Free Speech

I can't think of a better analogy than comparing those sanctimonious French language militants who are demanding Anglos tone down the hateful 'rhetoric' to that of the Muslim extremists demanding that the West take stern action against those who insult the prophet Muhammad.

The idea that these zealots can give us a lesson in what constitutes free speech or hate is not only laughable but is as downright offensive as the Arab mullahs who demand that we conduct our lives in a manner that they prescribe....or else.

Last week the insufferable blowhard, Mario Beaulieu, chief cook and bottle washer over at the  Societe Saint-Jean-Baptiste, made an impassioned public plea for the English media to tone down what he considered hateful commentaries in the English press depicting the Parti Quebecois and certain of its members, especially Pauline Marois as being xenophobic and racist.
I suppose it is no fun being called those things and I don't suppose it is fun being called a colonialist or a tête carrée, but such is the price of free speech.

Of course the story got a lot of play in the French media, any story that depicts Francophones as victims is ratings gold.

Recently the police arrested a fellow who chose his words rather poorly on his Facebook page, words that did indeed sound like a direct threat, even if it was the farthest thing from his intent.

That's not the story today, it is about the aftermath where the police invited the public to be vigilant and guard against hate and report dangerous and threatening speech in social media.

To francophone language extremists this was nothing else than MANNA FROM HEAVEN!!

Complaining about Anglos to the OQLF and now the police is what they live for, the thrill of denouncing a hated enemy, an undertaking too delicious to resist.
If the police charged a $10 fee for every complaint, our deficit could be tamed in no time.

I always knew that our site annoys these fanatics to no end. The fact that I denounce their pettiness, expose their racism and treat them for what they are, is all the more painful to endure, knowing that this site is read by tens of thousands of people, all around the world.

When I put up a disparaging cartoon, it is out there for eternity and I understand it hurts, but as they say on the playground, tough noogies.

Each week I am the beneficiary of several denunciations and email threats, so I'm not surprised that the low-brows over at Imperatif francais complained to the Quebec police that our site is fomenting hate.

What did surprise me was that whoever is behind the Twitter account has the time to go through the comment section and is sending 'offending' comments off to the police for investigation, as well.
I won't reprint these, lest some readers be upset that they are a target of extremists and that their free speech is attacked.

By the way, it is quite an impressive time commitment, all this reading, that is. I suppose the author of this account is one of my most loyal readers!

At any rate, these rabid language mullahs are about as sophisticated as their Iranian and Pakistani counterparts, finding offence in just about any barb thrown at them and just like the Arabian extremists, What's good for the goose is never good for the gander

While  language mullahs like Richard Le Hir take great offence and brand as hate my humorous reference to Quebec as Kébecistan, he has no problem writing for (and now heading up) a web site that publishes outright racist articles by the likes of Ivan Parent and company, as well as reprinting as the most blatant antisemitic screeds.

And so when Gilles Proulx goes on television and uses racial slurs to describe Anglos, all is fine in Quebec mullahland.
When the Anglos are described as colonialist, exploiters, cultural imperialists and purveyors of cultural genocide, all is fair.

Actually, it is all fair. It is called free speech.

You can call us what you will, and we can do the same.

I make no threats, I only describe what I see as possibilities. If those predictions are irksome, so be it.
I shall leave this subject with a small lesson for French language mullahs to consider, even though the exercise will surely go for naught.

Here is a picture of the NHL's president Gary Bettman that was re-printed in a Quebec sports blog.
I won't name the blog, it is of no consequence, because they did nothing wrong.

Now the picture has been Photoshopped to include bullet holes, likely indicating humorously the displeasure that the author holds over the NHL lockout and who he or she holds to fault.

Is this HATE?

I think you'd all agree it is not, just good fun, perhaps in bad taste, but nothing more.

Is this website making a THREAT?

Here's where I need Quebec language mullahs to concentrate and consider..

What if this website, Nodogsoranglophones, printed a picture of Pauline Marois with those same bullet holes?
What would their reaction be?
How many phone calls and emails would be directed to the police?
I'll let readers answer that question and I'll ask the language mullahs to respond honestly.

As for calling Peekists or language mullahs xenophobes or racists, that is the free right of the press and whether those targeted don't like it, is entirely beside the point.

As for Mr. Beaulieu's contention that it is the Anglos who are ratcheting up the language tension, all I can say is that he has the credibility of an ignorant, fanatical mullah calling on the faithful to wage Jihad on the West, because we have insulted Islam.

Nobody, but nobody in this province is more responsible for upsetting whatever linguistic harmony we have and to listen to him whine about unfair treatment is galling to the nth degree.

As to whether these people are xenophobes and racists, on Monday, I'm going to offer two devastating examples that proves that they are.

As for Imperatif francais, it isn't a hate website, it is an ignorant website, run by small-minded anglophobes, who go into convulsions at the sight of a hand-painted, 'waitress wanted" sign.

Like the SSJB, they work to create discord.
After all, if every one of their demands concerning language and culture were met, sovereignty support would plummet even farther into never-never land.

Just like the mullahs who promote hate against the west, Quebec's language militants are working hard towards creating conflict, division and hate, in a vain efforts to drive Quebecers towards sovereignty via fear and enmity.


  1. Wow! I’ve always known that groups like IF were pretty desperate, but I didn’t realize just HOW desperate they are to actually complain to the police about any old thing they don't like. Where did their “court extrait” come from again? I fail to see anything hateful in it. It’s just factual. SMH.

    Huzzah to Editor for being a paragon of common sense.

  2. You absolutely hit the nail on the head, Editor. I have noticed on twitter there has been a real movement to silence all opinions that are against the ethnocentric, racist, nationalists. I have had several people threaten to tell the SQ on me for my opinions and my opinions alone. It really is disgusting. It doesn‘t get more racist than thinking the police will persecute someone on your behalf because they are the inferior race.

  3. Best recent/timely cartoons from

    1. I do agree with Jason. Good find, very contemporary.

    2. Here’s a couple more from « Le 67% contre le PQ » (

    3. Also from the same website (in translation):

      “Thank you, Mrs. Marois!!! For having removed the Canadian flag from the National Assembly… Thank you in the name of […]. All were Quebecers who gave up their lives while proudly bearing the Canadian flag. Thank you, Madame Marois!!!!

      Le 67% contre le PQ
      Ben Leblanc

      Merci Madame Marois!!! D'avoir enlevé le drapeau du Canada a l'assemblée nationale... Merci au nom de Steve Martin, Jonathan Couturier, Patrick Lormand, Jean-Francois Drouin, Yannick Pépin, Mattieu Allard, Christian Bobbit, Sébastien Courcy, Martin Joanette, Patrice Audet, Alexandre Péloquin, Karine Blais, Dany Olivier, Gaétan Roberge, Terry John Street, Étienne Gonthier, Richard Renaud, Éric Labbé, Hani Massouh, Jonathan Dion, Raymond Beauchamp, Michel Lévesque, Mario Mercier, Christian Duchesne, Simon Longtin, Martin Dubé. Tous des Québécois qui ont laissé leur vie en portant fièrement le drapeau Canadien. Merci Madame Marois!!!!

    4. Favourite comment: « Ils sont morts en mission pour leur pays qui est le Canada, c'est pas si dur à comprendre; c'est un manque de respect pour tous les Québécois qui sont fédéralistes en plus. Le Québec n'appartient pas au souverainistes, il est assez que vous vous ayez auto-octroyer le drapeau du Québec. »

      In other words, “They died while on mission for their country, which is Canada; it's not so hard to understand. In addition, it is a lack of respect for all Quebecers who are federalist. Quebec does not belong to sovereignists, it is quite enough that you have self-bestowed the Quebec flag upon yourselves.”

  4. First, I would like to say that I think it is a shame that you compare French language militants to Muslim extremists. I never heard of any English native being decapitated for being disrespectful about French language militants.

    However, I think you are right when you say that the French media is on a witch hunt about everything that may be controversial. What can we do, controversy sells...

    If you really think it is time consumming to read your blog, well you have a very high opinion of yourself, I read it because it makes me laugh...You write this blog in your basement behind close shades, and that's fine. But you would never organize a demonstration to show the province what you proclaim. You would never be able to gather 100 persons to join you in such demonstration to scream out loud that what is happening in Québec makes no sense. Do you know why? Because what's happening does make sense. French language militants are not upset because you laugh at their god or their beliefs, they are upset because you laugh at their historical and cultural background. A better analogy would be to compare French Canadian natives claims to the Native Nations claims. Would you write about how Native beliefs are stupid and extreme? Surely not...

    About that Gary Bettman's picture...Presuming we would all agree that it is not hate demonstrates again how high of an opinion you have on your competency to judge. Beacause I don't agree and I don't think it is "good fun" and "YES" it is bad taste. Of course, the site is making no threat, but no one ever threaten Mr.Bettman the way Mr. Banes did...

    On a final note, I'm anxious to read you on Monday. I'm eager to read these 2 "devastating" proofs...and I'm eager to refute them.

    1. Hey Oracle! I agree the editor couldn't lead a rally of 100 people (though it would be a delicious irony if he could lead a rally of 101 people), simply due to the fact that the people who read this blog are also working hard so that the French language militants can collect their bien-être social cheques.

    2. Oracle,je ne sais pas si vous êtes un vrai anglo mais vous semblez plus intelligent que la moyenne :)

    3. Moi je serais très heureux que les médias puissent mettre un visage sur le petit groupe d'activistes (passifs) anglos,le vrai débat pourrait commencer :)

    4. "simply due to the fact that the people who read this blog are also working hard..."

      Pourtant plusieurs anglos/allos se plaignent de ne pas avoir de travail à cause de nos loi racistes.


    5. No silly boy, the 3 or 4 anglos without any ambition who want to work for the state (which is the dream of the quebecker) don't have jobs. The anglos who want to work the real jobs, get them. Take a look at SNC, the Banque National, the Caisse...etc....

    6. When I saw what the muslims were doing, I thought of separatists right away. Not because of what they are doing to people, but because they have no respect for human rights and expect people to hide what they are doing wrong. It does not work that way. I do not even hide what Canada is doing wrong, so why should I do that for Quebec?

      The only reason why it is difficult to gather 100 English people in Quebec, is because ',they are afraid to loose their jobs, friends etc..'' Does that sound normal to you??

      You compare Quebec with the Natives... I'm sorry, but the Natives are people who would not do such things anyways.

      When did anyone laugh about Quebecs history or culture? They may laugh at silly things, like they would do with anyone else. Again, why would Quebec get special treatement on that level? You even laugh at your own politicians, just like anyone else in a free country. Are you being mean towards Quebec because you are doing so? Why would English people not be permitted to do the same thing? Oh I forgot... we have no rights here and are to be invisible...

      Also, what about the hatred towards Charest? He was even dipicted having his head cut off.

      This is not hatred of Quebecers, it is discimination that is not welcome in North America, nor in most of the civilzed world.

      When you realize what you have done to yourself, to your economy and to your reputation (including the reputation of French people outside of Quebec), you will go forward as a society and be able to be proud and get along with the world.It's all about self confidence and the need to ''écraser les autres pour se remonter'' Ce n'est pas bien ça et il n'est jamais trop tard pour arrêter et s'améliorer en tant que peuple.

      Voulez vous être comme les arabes qui refusent de voir qu'ils ont des améliorations à faire? Ou voulez-vous pouvoir dire que vous avez une certaine ouverture d'esprit? C'est l'attitude qui est semblable, non pas les gestes posés.

      You say that you are eager to refute her proof, well I can tell you that it's pretty easy to refute discrimination, because when what you are doing is right, there is no argument to justify the contrary.

    7. And nobody in Nazi Germany could get 100 people to demonstrate against that insane government either for fear of certain death. Yes that's right, I'm comparing the two. They are only different by degree. It's just a different degree of facism, one more deadly than the other, nevertheless both facist regimes. Fortunately all that people have to fear in Quebec is ONLY for their jobs and business's not to mention all other forms of daily harassment. This is why you don't see them in the streets. We're actually hoping that the wiser faction of French Quebecois will speak up on our behalf.
      Your crazy leader loves the limelight and media attention. The trouble is that she's nothing more than a twit, a person void of intellect as is evident by her stupid edicts just in the past few days. You worship this idiot as if she's a goddess. Your founding fool, Rene Dorchester Levesque was the architect not of a new nation but of Toronto. That's right. Take a look at an archive photo of Montreal and Toronto in 1976 and compare it with a photo today. Toronto is what Montreal would have been had it not been for the mass stupidity that evolved here. You want to protect the French language. Really? The majority of Quebecois don't speak French. They can't conjugate verbs. I know because I have ears. They have a vocabulary of no more than 100 words. Is this the culture that you want to protect. Most of my English friends speak much better/proper French than a significant portion of the French population.
      In conclusion, because it's frustrating for me to continue, I hope that one day, the Immigrants and the Jews or as Parizeau called them the immigrants and the money, will rise up with the rest of the English population and do what the students did, but with considerably more determination. I'm sure that you gather from this posting that I hate French people. Nothing could be further from the truth. The French people that I hang out with are not proud of this situation. But then again, they're educated, smart and worldly. Pauline can't speak a single word of English. Therein lies her weakness and the foundation of her sad belief system. She's a feeble minded individual that is manifesting her insecurities in the worst way possible. She actually gained political power. Most people with her deficiencies and mental illness try to get help, family support, perhaps go back to school or make an effort to compensate in some way. In her case she somehow manages to get elected to political power and take it all out on anything that threatens her situation/ not being able to speak English in a continent inhabited by about 340,000,000 people who just happen to speak English. That in a nutshell her problem and the problem of many other of her cohorts.....

  5. Queen Elizabeth II endorses the Canada Party as the next President of the United States…

    The Canada Party: America, but better!

  6. Absolutely brilliant piece!!!!

    Concerning these clowns going around the net looking for "hate", is that what they do with their lives? Don't they have jobs? Or are they suckling at Alberta's fat teat?

    1. I believe they are suckling on anything they can get....

    2. Do clowns like Mario Beaulieu get a salary from the SSJB paid by tax money ?

      This province is so revolting....

    3. "what they do with their lives?"

      They have none. That's why they are so proud of the non-sense they produce.

  7. I find it shocking that some of the anti language zealot comments would be forwarded to authorities for hate speech investigation... but then again nothing surprises me anymore about these people... I for one look forward to the Coppers at my door.... All the way to the supreme court..... all dirty laundry should be aired...

  8. Well said. The contortions that French language militants go through to insist that they are the true victims is truly awe-inspiring.

  9. Well said. The contortions that French language militants go through to insist that they are the true victims are truly awe-inspiring.

  10. I LOVE your blog. I think your awesome! Please don't ever stop writing it.

  11. An excellent post and an eloquent response to the wind of péquiste supremacist intimidation that has been sweeping our province since election night.

    What's good for the goose IS good for the gander.

    When will we learn that making equal room for the "other" is the way to go?

  12. Yeah, I saw that Imperatif Francais fanatic on Twitter too.

    Despite the theme of your piece Editor, I have a feeling that language issues
    might actually start taking a back seat now that the PQ is rolling out its policies.

    Marois just cut the tuition increases, shut down Gentilly and put the kibosh on the
    further gas development.

    Francophones will soon be speaking the language of "Where the money at, bitch?"

  13. Had a handyman come to my home to do a bit of work last night and he was telling me that a girl he worked with bought a home and moved to Gatineau last year. When her neighbours heard her and her husband speaking English, their home was egged and they had to sell and move out. What the hell are we coming to in this province? Time for partition and let these maniacs go. The more I hear lately about these militants,the more obvious it is that we have to break this province up and let these people go their own way and fast. I'm ready for the police to come to my door also and charge me with some outrageous threat because I'm suggesting that the province be partitioned. I also keep getting some kind of warning on my computer about threats but it says I don't have to take any action but I'm wondering if some kind of hacking isn't going on to find out my identity. God only knows how far these people will go especially some members of Imperatif Francais who seem like real nuts.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I am not surprised, Cutie, but usually what these sad Québécois did is the oldest sport in the world: slinging mud and lashing out at the others to redeem themselves from their miserable existences. Nothing new under the québécois sun.

    3. Your right about the mud slinging WA. On the other hand the biggest fear in the world for the them is that the minorities they target will sling mud back on to them. This is why this witchhunt against the English media. They are complaining about the fact that the English media is accurately reporting the plans they have for limiting the rights of minorities in Quebec. They can't deny what they are doing.

  14. "Time for partition and let these maniacs go"

    Et le mur avec les fils barbelés devra être à quel auteur? deux ou trois mètres?

    1. If you are referring to the Konzentrationslager, you miserably failed. Like your comment. And probably your whole life. It must be sad to be you...

    2. " miserably failed. Like your comment. And probably your whole life. "

      Well played sir.

      It's not entirely the little man's fault. When your entire lineage consists of a "bougon" bloodline, your ticket is pretty much stamped before the journey even begins.

    3. *quel auteur = Quelle hauteur

  15. Laugh all you want S.R - if they could split Germany in half, we certainly have the grounds for sectioning off a quarter of the new Quebec nation.

    Don't listen to old coots like Bernard Landry and Gerald LaRose when they cluck-cluck-cluck about how separating a part of Quebec is tantamount to a "heinous betrayal."

    You'll just have to man-up (I know, it's impossible) and accept that what you seek from Canada (separation) must be applied in equal measure to other part so the Quebec territory by simple rights to democracy.

    1. Je crois que plusieurs d'entre vous allez prendre la 401 (il est encore temps) avant même qu'une telle absurdité fasse les médias.

  16. Yes, the day that these people object to democratic means to keep our land, I want to know when they will start paying my property tax = after all, if they want my land they can pay for it - pay the property tax and if you want me out, you'd better be able to pay the price the land (as it remains in Canada) is worth. But your bankrupt asses won't be able to pay squat for anything and your "God will provide" philosophy will be what you live by. You'd better start by asking the Lord to re-do the proverbs of the old days of the fish and the loaves because that's the only way you'll be eating.If Canada is divisible so is Quebec = Bring on the partition party!

  17. Comment from "Le Pourboir des Pauvres Québécois" (the second paragraph is typical):

    Jacques Lafond - Abonné
    21 septembre 2012 09 h 43

    On ne peux pas comparer le Québec à la Suisse en Europe
    Il est simplement suicidaire pour la survie de la langue française au Québec de viser de quelques façon que ce soit le bilinguisme.

    Viser d’augmenter la connaissance de la langue anglaise au Québec est un geste de raciste pur et dur.

    Comparer la situation de la langue anglaise au Québec avec la situation de la langue française dans le Cadena anglais, c’est comme comparer un mourant à un naissant. Les deux sont on besoin d’aide, mais, un va mourir bientôt et l’autre à toute la vie devant lui … Ne pas considérer cette différence relève de la cruauté, de l’illogisme, de la mauvaise foi, relève du racisme pur et dur.

    L’anglais au Québec est absolument dans le sens du courant. Le français dans le reste du Cadena est totalement à contrecourant.

    Investir dans l’anglais au Québec de la même façon que d’investir dans la langue française dans le reste du pays, c’est un peu comme donner une aide égale à une barge qui doit monter le courant qu’à une barge qui doit le descendre …

    Ça ne prend pas une intelligence très supérieure pour comprendre qu’il y a environ 350 millions de personnes unilingue anglophone en Amérique et qu’il y a environ 6 millions de francophones, bilingues pour la plupart …

    Il est très grand temps que les francophones du Québec se réveillent, et arrête de se faire littéralement écraser et détruire par Ottawa.


  18. Wow... so essentially it's now legal to harass anglophones? Sweet. And *we're* crazy. I'd be curious to see the article which reports the whole police thing, if only to see it firsthand.

  19. Its not just Marios folks, that’s the pathetic thing about Kebec. A long history going back a hundred years will expose what’s really been going on in Kebec (native spelling).

    The book “The tragedy of Quebec” exposed this very well, from the stealing of English, Scottish, Irish farms to the racist bigoted language laws (bills 22, 178, 101…) of the last several decades, it has been a mess in Kebec for a very, very long time.

    Go back as far as you want, all leaders have had hatred for anything not French (metis) for a very long time. They (trudeau) brought this same hatred to Ottawa in the 1960”s…the same thing has been going on all over Canada for decades now. The lies, propaganda, spin of 2 founding nations, linguistic duality, bilingualism, the French style charter…all a big fraud hoisted on the country by Trudeau and his gang of bigots from Kebec.

    They have been destroying, revising, and falsifying our real BNA, UEL history dating back to 1759 for a long time now and I’m not just talking about Kebec any longer. Its going on all over Canada and they rename towns, streets, bodies of water…after frenchies all the time. A bloody mess. Poor Canada, poor Kebec.

    1. You forgot about Bourassa sanctioning Van Horne's downtown Montreal home. After all, what did he do, besides be a major developer of the Trans Canada Railway, that's all. Poor jealous buggers...can't take the fact they were an impotent society, led badly astray by false doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church, assisted by the political vermin the poor dumbasses voted for...or else!

      Instead of attacking the Jews, Italians and other minority ethnics who really built Montreal and Quebec to something worthwhile up until the Quiet Revolution, why didn't these numbnuts just destroy the churches that destroyed them and run those rabid racists like Lionel Groulx among others out on a barge back to France or anyplace else that would actually have them?

      Anybody up for partition? Leave the French speakers the skin and bones (since beggars can't be choosers) while we the minorities keep the meat that we put our sweat and toil into creating.

    2. The renaming and demolition of English landmarks has an obvious purpose: these separatists are trying to create an illusion that Montreal is a French city built by the French and inhabited by the French only, when in fact it is none of the above. If they want to keep their vision of "Montréal français", fine. We'll drag the four buildings in Montreal built by the French across the Charles de Gaulle bridge and they can ooh and aah over their little 300 year old shacks in Chicoutimi.

    3. It's time for another revolution and this time by the CANADIANS that have put up with this rot for far too long. We need to get our act together and get this partition movement going before this PQ government further bankrupts this province and leaves us in even more debt. They have taken away so much of our English language heritage and our rights that we must now put a stop to any more ruination of our country. The ROC has had enough and we CANADIANS (Allphones,Francophones and Anglophones) must stand together to fight for our right to remain a part of our Country - Canada. Those that want to go go - please leave in peace and let us have our country back! 75 Federal Electoral Districts, clear question, clear majority (Clarity Act) - you vote to leave you leave, we vote to stay we stay.

    4. Hi Yannick,

      I for one do not care much about history. I live in the here and now. Of course, being an immigrant, Canadian history before 20th century holds little interest - and relevance - to me.

      That brings me to a question, to you specifically.

      Why do the governments need to provide French-language services in some provinces (Alberta and British Columbia) and not Chinese? After all, in those provinces the demographic footprints of Chinese is bigger than French.

    5. Hi Troy,

      First, let's define what you mean by "governments".

      If we are talking about the Federal government, then its unavoidable that French services are provided in Alberta and BC because there's a lot of French people in Quebec. Francophones have rattled the cage for Federal services, and Trudeau (& successors) have provided. There is unfortunately not enough Chinese across Canada for the same cage-rattling to be succesful in that case.

      If we are talking about Education, it is for the same reason as the preceding. Even though education is a provincial concern, the federal constitution repatriated by Trudeau in the 80's forces the provinces to provide for education in French where the numbers warrant it. Whether the numbers really warrant it is of course a matter of contention, but that's a debate for another day I think.

      If we are talking about Provincial Government Services in anything but Education, they do not exist in Alberta and BC. There is enough Francophones in Canada to rattle the cage for Federal services, but not enough Francophones in Alberta. For instance at the last provincial election, instruction for new voters was available in six foreign languages (including, I believe, Mandarin and Chinese) but not in French, something that quite irked the local francophone interest groups (which themselves are not much more than glorified hobby clubs).

      So why don't the chinese get their own services in BC? That's a good question. After all, francophones have shown them that it can work. Most likely they suffer from not having much federal clout, in most cases the improvement of French services in the provinces followed the improvement of French services in the Federal government, especially in cases like Nova Scotia, Ontario, Manitoba. In New-Brunswick they were pretty much concurrent, but the province is/was one third Acadian.

      They also don't seem to put much importance into it - I am unaware of any minority groups pushing for equal services in Cantonese in Vancouverite hospitals, for instance.

      Personally I don't see why they should not, except for inertia and indifference on the part of both the English Majority and the Chinese Minority.

    6. I'd also like to point out that even though Federal services are "provided" in Western Canada in French, the quality and availability of those services are about what you'd expect. Consider, for instance, that less than 5% of all federal jobs in Western Canada require knowledge of French, and you can imagine how much services that is.

      Mostly, airport employees, customs employees, national park employees are bilingual, and some of the executive types who might have to deal with federal branches operating in French only or bilingually. Anyone who does not directly interact with the public or with other national agencies needs now knowledge of French, hence the <5% amount of bilingual positions.

      Something else to consider is that much of the services named above don't just service locals, they service tourists from all across Canada. The official line, whether you buy into it or not, is that French Canadians, who represent roughly a quarter of this country, ought to be able to take planes without being forced to learn English, at least within their own borders.

      Of course all of the documentation is available in both languages as well.

    7. Yannick,

      The official line, whether you buy into it or not, is that French Canadians, who represent roughly a quarter of this country, ought to be able to take planes without being forced to learn English, at least within their own borders.

      That is my bone of contention. Outside of Quebec, why must special privilege be given for 7% of the population? Of course the official answer is for historic reasons. It is also the reason why the signs on Ontario government's buildings also include French.

      Just a short while in Toronto and I already feel that Ontarians are much more open-minded than Quebecers. Government services are available bilingually even though French-Ontarian comprises only 4.1% of the population. And nobody makes fuss out of it, at least as far as I see and know. Compare that with Quebec that has at least 15% of its population anglophones or English-allophones.

      So is it slander to call Quebecers xenophobic and bigoted? Because as far as I see, they are, comparatively.

    8. " I already feel that Ontarians are much more open-minded''

      Just about everyone I meet in QC is cool, nice, fun. But the political atmosphere is charged with negativity and hostility. It's sad. Everyone makes fun of ON but I find it pretty positive and very, very open. People mock TO as well, yet I like it a lot. It has a lot to offer, and 4X the languages as Montréal - and everyone is proud and excited by their presence. No one is afraid of or offended by other languages. I hope, btw, that you will thrive and love it.

    9. @ Yannick,

      "The quality of French services in Ontario is much below the quality of English services in Montreal or even the rest of Quebec"

      Based on what? You haven't even lived in Quebec, but present yourself as an expert on the matter as usual. I have lived in both places and have found that there is much more French on provincial government documentation in Ontario than there is English in Quebec. You'll also see French on many road signs in Ontario whereas English is virtually non-existent in Quebec.

    10. Yes Yannick REFUSES to admit that Quebec has just about totally wiped out English everywhere and that is why I'm fighting back! I will no longer go to any restaurants that don't have bilingual menus, not shop at any stores that have flyers in French only and will not go to any store that does not provide English on their aisle signs. Enough is enough. We have to start fighting back by e-mailing these stores and telling them they are losing are business and if I go into a restaurant and they give me a French only menu I will walk out and tell them why. We all have to start doing this before these damn separatists think we are just going to sit back again and have them kick us around. Please everyone, start doing your part!

    11. @Yannick It's a question of proportional representation. Though Canada is officially bilingual, if only a handful of people from Quebec relocate there, while over a hundred thousand Asians filter in, then it becomes a demographic issue:

      However, it also rests to be said that your English (by evidence of your writing and working at an English position in Alberta)that you'd have no trouble with English service in Hamilton, which leads em to believe that you're deliberately looking for issues.

      Would I be wrong?

    12. However, it also rests to be said that your English (by evidence of your writing and working at an English position in Alberta)that you'd have no trouble with English service in Hamilton, which leads em to believe that you're deliberately looking for issues.

      This can all too easily become a slippery slope argument toward "since you speak one official language already, why should anybody bother setting up services in the other".

      And it's an argument that's as insidious in one direction as in the other. It isn't because I can speak both languages fluently or even natively that justifies skimping on the one that an institution might have to work a bit harder to provide.

      Two languages on a sign (or in the same individual) is neither a humiliation nor an impossible chore.

    13. @ Yannick,

      "French services in Ontario, so far as I was able to see, were practically non-existant, which gives lie to the claim that Ontario's bilingual services are exemplary."

      I think you're being dishonest. There are many French language schools in Ontario, as well as bilingual colleges, universities and hospitals. You can also obtain government documentation in French by mail, on the web or at Service Ontario branches. I don't know if you went to a Service Ontario branch in Hamilton but chances are you would have received French language service there. Many provincial government jobs require knowledge of French.

    14. Yannick,

      The quality of French services in Ontario is much below the quality of English services in Montreal or even the rest of Quebec, even if the former are given in good faith and the latter, grudgingly. Of course you could point out that the Francophones represent a much lower proportion of the population, and you'd be right. But then, your rosy picture of Ontario would not be entirely accurate.

      I called the OHIP office to inquire about exchanging my RAMQ card. Just for fun, choose the French service. You know what, after connection the system asked English or French. I pressed 2 for French and the service was 100% French from there on.

      In Montreal, if one calls RAMQ, one needs to listen to all the automated information and after listening it all, the option to choose English is given at the very end. Even then, the system warns the caller that RAMQ service is mostly in French. Then it repeats all the information previously mentioned in French. If one asks to speak with an agent, the system will connect. Then, the agent will greet with "Bonjour, peux-je vous aider?" even though English was chosen before.

      Based on that, I have to disagree with your statement above.

    15. All provincial government documentation available to the public in Ontario is bilingual...period.

    16. What Durham says is true - worse case scenario...the person serving you can't speak French, but has the necessary literature at hand to give you and will do everything necessary to see you through your problem.

      I've seen some Service Ontario workers call bilingual CSRs from the office to help the person they can't communicate with.

      Now here's la question qui tue - would a government worker from Sept-Iles who never studied English extend the same effort as the Service Ontario person?

      Some will and I've seen some uniligual public servants in Quebec go above the call of duty to oblige an Anglo in distress...but those fine folks are quite the minority.

    17. Yannick I love you, but I feel you are totally, obviously wrong on this.

      Montréal has a high proportion of anglophones. (You know this.)

      Hamilton has a low proportion of francophones. (You know this.)

      (Toronto has a fairly high proportion of francophones.)

      I don't know about Hamilton. In Toronto, you can get OHIP and driver's licence and pretty much any Government of Ontario service in French far, far easier than you can in Montréal in English.

      You're being sort of silly to compare anglo-service in Montréal (a major cosmopolitan city) to franco-service in Hamilton (a small industrial city). Give us a break already, you can't not know you're being disingenuous.

      Perhaps in the National Capital region?


      Or, try TORONTO. Hardly the "national capital region".

      Don't get me wrong, I wish Ontario was a lot more French than it is. But I just renewed my OHIP card 3 days ago, and French service was available, right in the very downtown core, Dundas Square.

      French services in Ontario, so far as I was able to see, were practically non-existant

      In Hamilton????

      This is like going to Trois-Rivieres and reporting there's no English in Quebec.

    18. Yannick,

      You can certainly comment on what you know perfectly well to be true and recognize that you have seen a tiny, even miniscule slice of the pie.

      I certainly don't believe ON is as bilingual as it could be, or has achieved any kind of perfection, but I know you're being dishonest here.

      Again, you can't not know you're being disingenuous.

    19. @ Yannick,

      "...but I can only comment on what I've seen, unfortunately."

      That's new. You have made plenty of assertions and claims about things you haven't seen or experienced yourself, such as the availability of English services to Anglophones in Quebec off the island of Montreal.

    20. Yannick,

      You may have visited Montreal, but did you ever try to obtain services in English off the island? I doubt it very much.

  20. Actually, nobody should be surprised about the language fanatics running to, as Editor has justifiably referred to them, the Keystone cops, a.k.a., the SQ.

    They're just doing what bullies do, i.e., they pick their fights, but as soon as their opponent throws one back at them, they either run crying to their mommies or threaten to tell your daddy on you. Biggest bunch of chicken farts, with brains to match.

    Sadly, there is no shortage of small minds in the world. Never has been, never will be. Think of this kind as the Que Qulux Qulan (QQQ).

  21. Je préfère le Ca Ca Ca...nada ou le KKK nada (pronnoncé en français)

  22. Editor, I enjoyed your post. I would not have gone as far as comparing to religious fanatism, since the basis is different, but I do agree that some of the results are similar.
    I thought you hit the nail on the head regarding the consequences of a picture of Marois with bullets, but I also think that any picture with bullets definitely expresses hate, not just bad taste.

    1. Silent, actually, the Editor can't go too far. Look at what those Muslin nut bars are doing in Pakistan and other Muslim republics with turning over shipping containers, attacking embassies, burning flags and other objects, and other rabid animal behavior.

      I don't know if deposing the dictators of those countries (like Mubarak in Egypt, Gadafi in Libya, eventually Assad in Syria, etc.) is improving things. The Muslim Brotherhood fills the vacuum and then they inflict their hostilities on the population.

      A little Muslim child, a baby, just died at the hands of her monster parents who beat and malnourished her. She was on life support for months before the courts followed the advice of the crown prosecutors and removed her with death following immediately. The parents said this was done in the name of Allah! Nuttier than fruitcakes! In all fairness, other religious fanatics have beaten and starved their children to death as well, so no, it's not just Muslims, but they regularly practice "honour" killings.

      I think on this one occasion, we should bring back capital punishment and do what the Muslims do: bury them up to their midsections and savagely stone them to death! Cruel and unusual punishment indeed, not truly the Canadian way, but let them have a taste of their own medicine, esp. the horrible death they inflicted on their own completely vulnerable, defenseless child.

    2. The whole thing was disgusting - I think they should bring back the death penalty for people like this and Olson, Bernardo, etc. These people are vile and don't deserve to live let alone at our expense. Listening to a preacher on the radio this morning during a brief drive in my car and he was saying he had seen this film that all these Muslims are rioting about and it's absolutely nothing. The people in these countries have never been exposed to all the movies and fantasy entertainment that we have so they take everything to be so serious. That's what I keep stressing to these separatists - turn on you TV and get a look at the SERIOUS problems that are all around us - stop living in your own little world and you will see that being part of a tolerant, benevolent country is the best solution to all the strife that these continuous battles over language are causing.

  23. The focus up to know has been on Partitioning Quebec after there has been a vote for sovereignty of Quebec. It has to be on partitioning Quebec despite it staying in Quebec. The only way for the minorities to live in peace and prosper in the areas they are a majority in is to partition Quebec and make most of the population happy. What is going to remain of Quebec will be completely francophone, will not have to accommodate any minorities and have their Quebec libre. They probably wouldn't want to seperate and keep getting their large version of BS aka Equalization. For the minorities it would be a good idea to make common cause with the fracophones in adjoining Ontario to create a new bilingual province in the lines of New Brunswick. If the Ottawa area, Montreal Island, points west of Montreal Island, Gatineau, Pontiac, Ungava, parts of Northeast ontario on the border with Quebec you would have a very large province with a decent population over 4 million people.

  24. Yes, exactly what should be done. Now we need a politician with the guts to get this going and then we can finally get Canada back to some kind of normalcy. The seppies should be happy when they have their piece(s) of land and we Canadians can have the peace and economic stability that we deserve and want after all these years.

    1. Actually, don't be surprised if Harper digs his heels into Quebec, esp. if he gets another majority government and Quebec snubs him again (and probably will). Actually, you mentioned 75 federal Quebec constituencies. Surprise of surprises, in the next election, Quebec will get three more. Why Harper tossed Quebec this extra bone, I don't know.

  25. Wow- what a difference a week makes! If last week's column on Harper and Charest as the reason why the PQ won the election was perhaps one of your worst post, then this one has got to be one of your best. The parallels you draw are thought-provoking and convincing. I can't wait for the next post!

    Nothing is going to happen anywhere until the liberals get it together. I don't know why Charest left so fast. he could have kept things going until they had a leader or a plan. I'm afraid legault will soon announce that for the sake of stability he is going to support the democratically elected government. Ed

    1. Charest left because it was time. Also the shit flying from the Charbonneau comission is unlikely to stick as well on a leaderless liberal party. For now its time to sit back and watch the PQunt tear each other apart.
      And if Legault supports the government on any of the PQunt‘s ugly policies his party will implode beneath his feet. Gerard Deltell has already said bill 101 will be extended to cegep “over my dead body.“

    2. Spencer the Spineless PorcupineFriday, September 21, 2012 at 5:56:00 PM EDT

      CAQ have said they would not support the extensions of bill 101 but what we probably will see is the enforcement of it in its current form. That is something I think CAQ and PQ would both agree on. So more language loogies all around.

    3. Legault a toujours été le plus Nationaliste de tous les Seppies...Sacré François!

    4. Thats way better then the extension though. That plan is just vile.

    5. @ Spencer the Spineless Porcupine

      I must say...yours is my favourite screen name!
      Don't explain it, it will just ruin it for all...

    6. I think 'complicated' is a spineless porcupine too, LOL. He'll do anything to suck up to the seppies.

  27. Has anyone found the name of the woman who was charged with attacking Alex Montreuil with that sandwich? Been looking up and down and kind find her name anywhere.

    1. Funny that no name came up...

    2. Que feriez-vous si vous aviez son nom?Du harcèlement?De l'intimidation?
      À moins que vous raffoliez aussi des sandwiches à la tomate.Chose certaine c'est qu'elle a visé juste...Shhlouk...Drett dans l'mil!

    3. What do you care S.R? Oh yes that's right - she's a lowly bottom-feeder like yourself. Well, as Bain-like as she is in her own way, at least shed had the guts to show her ratty little face to the person she attacked and confront him in person.

      Not some faceless little chicken hurling insults at perfect strangers having an adult debate on a subject you can't even begin to understand.

    4. Certains témoins auraient entendu cette femme crier "Les producteurs de tomates se réveillent!"
      Hmmm histoire à suivre...

    5. I don't like S.R one bit...but I have to admit that comment was actually pretty funny.

    6. @ S..hitty R..etard,

      "Que feriez-vous si vous aviez son nom?Du harcèlement?De l'intimidation?"

      That's a rather hypocritical statement coming from someone who said that Anglos carrying Maple Leaf flags on Canada Day in Montreal should wear helmets. Someone should have reported YOU to the police for making threats like that.

    7. Dear ham,

      Je continue à croire qu'il est dangereux de s'associer au "can***** flag",la preuve nous l'avons fait disparaître de l'Assemblée Nationale.

  28. I was just reading someone saying that bilinguism would be suicidal for French in Quebec LOL LOL

    How would they explain the fact that French is still very strong in New Brunswick? How would they explain the fact that all kinds of minority languages of the natives still exist in Canada even if they learn English?

    English does NOT make French disappear and never has or it would not exist today ! Wake up !

    As for the article... just the usual, they are allowed to publicly hate us and our language,(which would never be tolerated from politicians or public figures concerning French within Canada) but we should not even ask for mutual respect, nor question their behavior.

    Those people are an insult to my Quebec ancestors, who welcomed a pool of Irish larger then their own population with open arms and adopted all of the children. Did they loose their culture and language because of it? No, but the Irish sure did... An estimated 40% of Quebecers have Irish blood.

    They are an insult to my Acadian ancestors who were mistreated, removed from their land and deported BECAUSE OF THEIR LANGUAGE. New France agreed with the deportation by the way... thank you

    What they also fail to see is that they were the ones trying to assimilate others, like trying to make the natives speak French and adopt their culture. Like assimilating all others cultures that came to Quebec, while the English allowed the French and the Natives to keep their culture and language, even protecting it to this day.

    If you insist on living in the past, having hatred in your hearts and continuing to fight a battle with people who are now dead, do not leave out the parts of your history and culture that you do not want to hear or acknowledge.

    And stop making all Quebecers look like a bunch of extremists who are irritated at the sound of the word ''Hi''

    Also stop wearing English t-shirts and listening to English music. Practice what you preach.If others are not allowed to use English, why would you be allowed to do so?

    1. Lucid and rational comment all around. Thank you.

    When it comes to the Charbonneay commission, they are going to find that most of the rot is on the hands of the PQ party. I don't believe that people like levesque, Parizeau or Bouchard were crooked but it was Rene that put the power in the hands of the unions, making it possible for them to carry on the shit that they obviously have done. Filling the ranks of civil service with pur lain created a clique that had too much control and power. If the investigation is done thoroughly the results may be surprising. Ed

  30. Pauline Marois annoncera sous peu une hausse d'impôts rétroactive pour les riches


    1. A retroactive tax would be illegal. You are as uninformed as Marois.

    2. @S.R - You do understand that $100K a year doesn't make you rich right?

    3. Resident Evil, I thought the same... what a sorry state of a society if the 130k (taxed to death already) are 'les riches'. JFC!!! What is Marois, then?

  31. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  32. I have to admit that this partition notion sounds great from an anglophones point of view. I dont see any benefit from a francophones point of view. Essentially we would join Ontario if I understand correctly so francophones would be hugely outnumbered hence bilingualism would be more symbolic than anything. There are countless francophone communities that have dissapeared or been watered down across the Prairies and Ontario there are many. Even New Brunswick they are fighting hard to maintain french as a viable language. Its pretty tough when you are a clear minority within a continent that is totally english. Even is we became a seperate province francophones will still not be comfortable with a much larger anglo population..they will see it as a threat to their language.

    Hence I dont see the partition idea selling at all to most francophones. They will see it as just another anglo dominated province in which their rights and language will eventually wither away. Plus you are not going to convince francophones to give up Montreal, the biggest city in Quebec. That would be economic suicide.

    Its been 40 years since some francophones have been fighting for seperation..we are no closer to seperation now than 40 years ago. Can you imagine how long it could take for the partition idea? Hence this idea will serve no real purpose other than to pour more oil on the fire between the english and the french just as the seperation idea has? And during those 40 years the economy and importance of Montreal continues to fade mainly because of all the bickering between the two sides. We cant afford even another 10 years of bickering or the economy will be hollowed out here.

    The immediate goal right now should be stopping the PQ from getting a majority and ensuring either the Libs or CAQ win the next election. All the angry talk from this forum and provocative suggestions about partition are only giving the PQ more ammunition to demonize the anglos further. Does that mean we stop we do it in a civilized manner..we use facts and logic to support our arguments not angry rhetotic and we actually try to understand and listen to the other side. Thats the real way out of this mess..

    1. What we need is strong institutions that operate in both languages and citizens that don't see it as dishonorable or even shameful to happily make themselves at home in each of them.

      The opposite of that is what gives rise to secessionist dogmas like separation and partition.

      If we all made it our business to DO business in both languages and to proudly aim to be bilingual citizens in the true image and spirit of Canada as it has at least idealistically been defined -- and at least within our People's Republic of Montreal -- then this issue would quickly be seen for the vapid Coke vs. Pepsi argument that it really is.

    2. complicated,

      Its been 40 years since some francophones have been fighting for seperation..we are no closer to seperation now than 40 years ago. Can you imagine how long it could take for the partition idea? Hence this idea will serve no real purpose other than to pour more oil on the fire between the english and the french just as the seperation idea has? And during those 40 years the economy and importance of Montreal continues to fade mainly because of all the bickering between the two sides. We cant afford even another 10 years of bickering or the economy will be hollowed out here.

      I disagree with this statement. Should Quebec separate, the partitionist movement will gain traction very quickly. Of course there is no noise about it today since there is really nothing tangible about separatism.

    3. Support for seperation is at 28 percent..we are further now than 40 years ago. Do you really believe Quebecers are ready to vote yes anytime soon..I dont see it.

  33. @complicated - the separatists need no reason to "demonize the anglos further". You just don't get it - everything was flowing along just fine until the last election. We anglos that live here accepted Bill 101 as it was written - no problems until the "separatists" brought up the matter of tightening the Bill FOR NO REASON. They demonize us because we keep allowing it. And I will repeat - many Francophones are CANADIANS AND WANT TO REMAIN CANADIAN and would be willing to become a bilingual province within Canada! I will repeat and repeat - 40 years of this is ENOUGH. Time to let the areas go that want to go before the rest of Canada throw us out and I wouldn't blame them! Whine, threaten, bellyache, their hand out for more money all the time even though we have so many social programs that we can't afford and unions that are totally out of control! It's time for the partition - 75 Federal electoral districts, 75 referendums, clear question, clear majority, Clarity Act - Legal in the eyes of the rest of the world. Time for them to go! Make the decision soon - sign the constitution and start getting along with the rest of Canada or leave and live in your la-la land. The Indians will remain in Canada, along with their territory and the rest of us can finally get our lives back!

    1. We anglos that live here accepted Bill 101 as it was written - no problems until the "separatists" brought up the matter of tightening the Bill FOR NO REASON.

      I don't know whether to be glad or amused that "you anglos" have accepted our French-language legislation wholly and completely as it currently stands.

      I for one believe in protecting the French language, but not in all the ways our existing legislation thinks we should go about doing it. In certain ways, I think our Charter of the French Language actually discriminates against not just non-francophones -- but very often even against francophones themselves -- in that it doesn't give most of us the right to choose what language to educate our children in (not in the public system anyway), and it doesn't provide us with an opportunity to encourage a linguistically egalitarian society from emerging.

      There's a huge difference between (much needed) vigilance lest French eventually disappear and petty supremacist measures aimed at rewriting history (and which some wrongly confuse with our own emancipation).

    2. There's a huge difference between (much needed) vigilance lest French eventually disappear and petty supremacist measures aimed at rewriting history

      Hear, hear! This is the gist of the issue, is it not?

    3. Yes, you're right. This business of not being able to make the choice of education for your own children has always been a sticking point for some Francophones and I don't blame you guys in the least. The point I was trying to make is that the Anglophones had made peace with Bill 101 but tweaking it and removing even more rights from Canadians is what has upset me no end. I don't believe that Quebec should be given any more power whatsoever as they abuse the "notwithstanding" clause all the time and for me it's time to sign the constitution and play well with others or let's make the move and partition the province and let the separatist areas go. They feel they can get along without the rest of Canada - let's call their bluff and get on with it.

  34. Complicated, complacency will never work. The legal system has stalled on 101 for decades and successive federal governments have let the situation slide into the sewer environment we now inhabit in Quebec. We have to take action to regain our rights and our status as Canadians in this province. Sometimes, you have to fight fire with fire. If you deem the linguistic laws unfair, then disobey them. Rally your community and flip the uberFrancos a well deserved finger. Speak English, all the time until your right to chose is affirmed. We are long past the trappings of a polite society when people are attacked on the street for speaking the language of their choice.
    We have to take steps to leave Quebec behind, either as an independent province or as a part of Ontario. Marois has one thing right, it's time to bring this all to the boiling point. It's the only way the federal government and the ROC will stand up and take notice.
    Either way, we've whined for forty years, to no avail. It's time to take action. If not, change your name to an appropriately Franco friendly surname and stfu!

    Cutie, I don't know why you bother nswering Complicted. He is only going to s y the s me thing over nd over bout how we must be less busive to the seps. DONT FEED THE TROLL. he will only get you sore. How do you like th t. I got new keybord yesterdy nd the letter ' ' doesn't work. Guess wh t letter th t is. Ed

    1. Geez Ed you sure have bad luck with those keyboards. Return the darn thing. I know you're right about complicated but I don't want new members to the Blog to think we agree with his placid attitudes about the situation here in Quebec so that's why I jump on him once in awhile. I have forwarded this Blog address to reporters that may be interested in Quebec and want every Canadian resident of this Province to start standing up for our rights and stop taking the abuse that these separatists heap upon us all the time. That's going to be the only way that they will realize we've had ENOUGH - Partition Party quickly.

    2. My condolences on your dearly departed letter A, Ed.

      Maybe I can help you through your grieving by summoning the same character (and its alter ego) indirectly for now.

      A = press the ALT key on your keyboard and type 65
      a = press the ALT key on your keyboard and type 97

    3. Sucks about your keyboard Ed, but at the very least you made a very funny post about it! :-)

  36. Cutie, to be honest, I think it's extremely unlikely that the federal government will have anything to do with partitioning any part of any existing province. Set the example in one province, and what's to stop it springing up in others? I'm sure that Danielle Smith and her cronies in the Wildrose Party (the Alberta Firewall Brigade, let's call them) would be quite happy to follow the example of a partitioned Quebec in order to argue that parts of, or even most of, Alberta should be entitled to take the same action. That's why the Firewall Brigade have always been tacit allies of the Parti Québécois. Remember that for most of the 1990s, the Opposition was formed largely from the Bloc Québécois and the Reform Party (AKA Bloc Albértain). They were always less hostile to each other than you'd think, since they basically shared a similar philosophy: resentment at 'exclusion' from the head table. And then there's folks like these:

    They break out in a rash just hearing the words Quebec or Ontario. They nodded their heads in agreement when Harper described residents of the Maritime provinces as living in 'a culture of defeat' (i.e. welfare scroungers). They'd love to have Calgary and area become a separate province, as a half-way point to becoming an independent, American-friendly country. According to the US Consulate in Calgary, southern Alberta has one of the highest percentages of Americans living outside the USA in the world. They have a very subtle influence on politics there, particularly in Calgary. I'm sure that partition would sound pretty good to them, as a first step.

    1. Well you may be right Calgarian but if our country is going to break up and Quebec leaves anyway, what's the difference? I would still prefer that our partition leaves us a province of Canada than be part of a separate Quebec. I know Alberta has a separatist party and if they, in the end have to choose where they belong, then we could set the example here by Federal Electoral Districts deciding who belongs where. The Federal Government may not like us proposing that the province be partitioned but what choice would they have if we legitimately have a "Partition Party" formed here in Quebec? Isn't that how new countries and new borders are established? I hate to see the breakup of Canada because I am wholly Canadian and believe in our country but enough is enough with these separatists and it is clear that, after 40 years, there is no reasoning with these people. Those that want out will be able to go and those of us that want to stay will finally have some peace and stability. By the way, I sent an e-mail to that Wildrose Party and they came back with such a self-serving response that it sickened me. They don't care one whit about Canada and want all their resources only for themselves - I guess to live tax free. Who knows what their logic is but they are definitely not interested in being part of Canada if they have to share and they are really really sick of Quebec.

    2. According to the US Consulate in Calgary, southern Alberta has one of the highest percentages of Americans living outside the USA in the world. They have a very subtle influence on politics there, particularly in Calgary. I'm sure that partition would sound pretty good to them, as a first step.

      Must be red-staters, if what you're saying is true. Blue-staters, probably much less likely.

    3. @Cutie: I'm not surprised you had that kind of response from the Wildrose folks. They most certainly are Albertans first, and Canadians distantly second. Living in Quebec is almost like a weird mirror-image of Alberta: the Progressive Conservatives/Liberals represent the federalist voters, and the Wildrose/Parti Québécois the separatist ones (this is less obvious in Alberta, where separatism is far less attached to nationalism and its symbols (language, culture) and more to political/economic ideologies).

      @Apparatchik: Well, the Americans in question are certainly inclined to be more favorable to Republican ideologies. George W Bush very shrewdly chose Calgary as the site of his first post-Presidency speech anywhere, back in 2009. His handlers doubtless knew that his reception would be far less likely targeted by demonstrators than if he'd chosen Vancouver or Montreal or even Toronto. The vast majority of the Americans living in Calgary are of course employed by the oilpatch in various capacities. Interestingly, this has been counterbalanced over the last decade during the so-called Boom. Many of the people who've chosen to move to Calgary (like Yannick, for example) come from the East, and their sympathies often lie more toward the Canadian red spectrum. Hence the election of Naheed Nenshi as mayor, and the re-election of the 'Progressive' Conservative Alison Redford despite predictions of a Wildrose landslide during the last provincial election. On the other hand, if you head outside the city into southern Alberta, the Alberta-firsters are those who'd naturally see the Republicans as their natural ally south of the border. This isn't helped by Obama's unfavorable stance toward the Keystone pipeline.

    4. If I lived in Alberta, I would be on the streets protesting the transfer of billions of dollars to a deadbeat province like Quebec, where the recipients don't appreciate the money at all and where English speaking Canadians face overt discrimination.

  37. Right now the students are throwing shit at the police. Another Quebec monster that can never be satisfied has now been created.

    1. You're so right = the PQ gave in and now they want totally free university education - there will be no end to this. The students next election will vote for QS because the leader was out there today saying yes to free education = all we have to do is shift some other things around. OMG = no one wants to pay for anything in this Province. $7.00 a day daycare no matter how much you earn, free education (even university), have a little mental breakdown or be under a bit of stress and you can get great welfare, subsidized housing, clothing, it just goes on and on. We are a province of leeches and Canada will be glad to see our ass out the door. We have to think ahead and create a Partition Party for the sake of those of us that are financially responsible and Canadian.

  38. @complicated - the separatists need no reason to "demonize the anglos further".

    That is not true. The support for seperation is about as low as it has even been..28 percent. This means that the PQ does need to demonize us a lot so that they can get the support for seperation up. They are going to provoke the federal govt..Canada and anglophones. We need to stand up for our rights but in a civilized manner. The PQ love it when anglos start insulting francophones and comparing Marois to Hitler..its exactly what they want to get more francophones angry. Its their game..its so obvious..dont fall into their trap. Both the french and english sides have been pretty quiet over the past few years..lets try and keep it that way.

    They demonize us because we keep allowing it. And I will repeat - many Francophones are CANADIANS AND WANT TO REMAIN CANADIAN and would be willing to become a bilingual province within Canada! I will repeat and repeat - 40 years of this is ENOUGH.

    I agree..40 years is ridiculous. But we are no closer to seperation than 40 years ago..imagine how much longer it could take and then how long partition could take hold. We will all be dead by then..seriously! In the meantime the economy of Quebec will continue its decline..taxes will rise and the infrastructure will crumble. They demonize us so that they can drum up support for has nothing to do with us allowing it. In fact if we start acting totally disrespectful and borderline racist against them it will play right into their hands..thats what the PQ wants. They want us to flip out and say some dumb things so that they can use it to show the francophones how intolerant we are. If you really want it to come to a head right away then yes we should act as you want. But its a very dangerous could result in will result in an acceleration in economic values will plummet and so on. If you and most pepole here are prepared for that then by all means go for it. I think you guys dont know what you are getting yourselves into. It can get a lot worse than it is now..things are relatively calm now and honestly its not that bad to be an anglophone in Quebec right now.

    It's time for the partition - 75 Federal electoral districts, 75 referendums, clear question, clear majority, Clarity Act - Legal in the eyes of the rest of the world.

    I think you are being very naive here. This is what you wish too happen..the reality will be far more complicated and chaotic and time consuming. I dont want to spend another 30 years living in a place where everyone is arguing about how we split the land. Its a recipe for civil war frankly and at the very least total economic ruin.

    1. I understand some of what you're saying, there should be understanding on both sides, and yes support of a referendum is at a low. But you are really just over exaggerating the outcome of a move for partition. The people of Quebec are peaceful and docile and they aren't going to go marching into the streets over lines in the sand. Some will stay some will leave, some will write very strongly worded letters but a civil war is at the lowest of probabilities.

      If anything, the worst that would happen is we would lose the partition vote and stay in Quebec, and that would be the end of it, and maybe a few protests that will fizzle out with time like they all do. You're being very over dramatic in assuming that people will run to their pitchforks and go hunting through the streets.

    2. Frankly, complicated, I have to call bullshit on your calls for appeasement. When faced with an adversarial dogma that bans all it dislikes, extorts all its demands, and grows ever more insolent with each passing victory, what you're advocating is nothing but more of the same. If it hasn't already, even the ruling PQ government will learn that the same populism that swept it to government can be its own undoing -- if they don't continue to artfully manipulate it. And with a razor-thin edge over their adversaries, you can bet your ass they'll do everything they can to sow wedge-issue controversies -- directly and even more so indirectly -- to the greatest possible extent.

      The support for seperation is about as low as it has even been..28 percent. This means that the PQ does need to demonize us a lot so that they can get the support for seperation up.
      You forget how impressionable, volatile, and, frankly, insouciant our electorate can be. You also forget how much a part of the PQ's political DNA includes a tendency toward theatrics as well as militant appeals to emotional and nationalistic pride (whether the threat is real or perceived). With a modus operandi like that, and with a platform conveniently designed to "make francophones feel more secure" do you really have any doubt what the spin doctors have in store for all of us in this province?

      They are going to provoke the federal govt..Canada and anglophones.
      Their entire business model is based around provocation of federalism. When they don't get what they want, they attempt to injure themselves in a dramatic attempt to show how abusive Canada is (witness the echoes of the long gun registry in the wake of the Richard Henry Bain shooting -- despite the fact that the registry (abolished or not) couldn't have prevented one iota of that event). Should appeasement be the answer, or should Quebecers not send this emotionally abusive spouse packing once and for all?

      We need to stand up for our rights but in a civilized manner. The PQ love it when anglos start insulting francophones and comparing Marois to Hitler..its exactly what they want to get more francophones angry.
      Even Hitler benefited handsomely from the Reichstag fire...
      Consider how the very party that curtailed peoples' freedom of speech by authoring bill 101 under the guise of protecting the French Language reacted when Charest's government passed bill 78 under the guise of protecting students' rights to receive an education without hindrance. Then tell me whether you don't think the PQ's opposition to that eventual law wasn't more a cynical, populist, and self-serving ploy. Pauline's red square was on before it came off, after all. Many of those protesters were peaceful, but some have links to extreme left-wing groups. Wouldn't you agree that if our ruling party is willing to stoop so low that ALL QUEBECERS need to be standing up for our rights?

      Its their game..its so obvious..dont fall into their trap.
      Considering "their trap" is a political program based on supposedly improving conditions for "their" species by hunting YOU down and diminishing YOUR numbers because your species doesn't have the same calls as theirs, I wonder more than a little at your lucidity. By your logic, all wild game should be admonished for allowing itself to be maimed by a hunter's trap or poison, while rats on the verge of fumigation ought to blame themselves for not sprouting cute bushy squirrels' tails fast enough to become endearing to their human exterminators. Es tut mir Leid.

      Both the french and english sides have been pretty quiet over the past few years..lets try and keep it that way.
      How do you stop a viral outbreak?

    3. I think you are all being very naive in thinking that violence would not erupt at some point. When I hear the level of anger and hatred on this forum compared with the level of hatred and anger on some radical francophone forums all we need is a spark. Historically all we need to do is look back to the FLQ..lots of violence there.

      My fear is that the economy gets much worse..partially brought on by PQ policies but also brought on by extrenal factors. People start losing their jobs..their house values plummet..that tends to make people fearful and often angry. They look for a scapegoat..they start listening to Mme.Marois blaming all the problems on Canada and the Mr.Harper..voila you start to see an increase in support for the PQ..they win a majority..then they do whatever they want for another 4 years..with even worse economic results..more anger..

      If you really do want to bring the issue to a head and just fight tooth and nail and you really dont care about the potential dire consequeneces well then go for it. Things right now are actually pretty good..anglos are living quite well overall in could get a lot worse. Provocation could easily turn Montreal into a total and complete disaster economoically and possibly even towards a civil war. I would be very careful with the bravado and macho statements. Some people though just want a may get it but it could easily turn out a lot worse than you think..

    4. I think you are all being very naive in thinking that violence would not erupt at some point.
      Civilization hangs on by a mere thread on a good day. What makes you think I believe we're necessarily tamer than any other place in the world?

      When I hear the level of anger and hatred on this forum compared with the level of hatred and anger on some radical francophone forums all we need is a spark. Historically all we need to do is look back to the FLQ..lots of violence there.
      ... and yet we conveniently forget all that when our francophone media vilify anglos and ethnics in the ratings circus that have become the reasonable accommodation "debate" and the "Montréal s'anglicise" farce. Sure, we can try to point the finger at English Canadian media for the Bain incident, but for every Bain and Lortie, how many successful felquiste strikes have there been?

      If you really do want to bring the issue to a head and just fight tooth and nail and you really dont care about the potential dire consequeneces well then go for it.
      In your opinion, how much more appeasement is tolerable, Mr. Chamberlain?

    5. By the way, we're already in economic ruin if you hadn't noticed. 30 years of settling what land belongs where is what we're already living - it just hasn't been officially settled as yet. What do you think we've been deciding for the past 40 years? Are we Canadian or aren't we? Good grief man - where do you live?

    6. It will get a lot worse..things have actually been pretty good over the past 10 years. Sure we are no Alberta but overall the economy in Quebec has been about as good as one could expect.
      If you really truly want turmoil and confrontation then go for it. But I really dont want to hear you all whining about it in a few years. Anglo rights could be restricted a lot more..the economy could get much worse and property values could drop much fact they havent dropped at all yet.

      Enough with the WW2 analogies. Once again more rhetoric..PQ=Hitler..come on..the PQ are annoying but they arent Nazis. But again it must make you feel better to hurl out the useless insults.

      Once again there are too many black and white George Bush wannabes here. You either vehemently and agressively attack the PQ or your an apologist..there is no middle ground with too many people on this forum.

    7. "I think you are all being very naive in thinking that violence would not erupt at some point."

      Are you referring to the violence that made the anglos and the allos cower in their homes as they watched their rights being trampled by a mob and their citizenship relegated to a secondary status?
      Or maybe the attempted bombings by Real Mathieu, more recently, who was given a slap on the wrist and no time in prison for any of them?
      Or are you worried about Major Provost and his militia, training up in the heartland to defend Quebec against the verboten language.

      So we're all going to be bullied into accepting the status quo? Piss on that!
      If the anglophone and ethnic communities of Quebec dont get off their complacent asses and respond in kind, then they have no right to any identity at all, except the one allocated to them by their masters.

    8. For the sensitive, 911 calling, uber Franocos among you, who may or may not be among the clown posse that were picketing the Habs last year for more French, by in kind, I'm referring to a referendum to seperate from Quebec. Not, the disgusting acts that have become synonymous with Quebec nationalism that I mentioned above.
      Just so we're clear. You can whine about the 'maudite autre', just not the way you may have hoped.

    Interesting that the seps cheer on the Alberta separation movement. It does not occur to them that if Alberta separates it will stop paying Canada and Canada will not be paying them. Doug Christie from B.C. claims to be founder of the western concept which he founded in 1980. This is not true as I remember The WCC Western Canada Concept back in the 50's. It became the Social Credit party led by Ernest Manning. Thy were joined by Real Caouette leader of the Quebec Ralliement des Creditists.
    Caouette became the party leader but had to fight Manning who said the party would never accept a Catholic from Quebec. Social Credits were finally led ny Tommy Douglas, who brought in the idea of free medical for all.Separatism in Quebec began with him way back after the war. Ed

    The site can be seen at Ed

  41. c'est vraiment juste de la mauvaise foi tes textes... tu sais, il existe des psys très compétents qui peuvent t'aider

    EDITOR _ While I understand your need to police the site as things were as you put it getting vitriolic I find that waiting for a comment to appear is detrimantal to good conversation. How can you carry on a dialogue when the answer to a question comes the next day. While I realize I may have been one of the ones responsible for this, I have reformed and will not allow anyone to upset me. As my doctor says, "With your heart, no stress." Perhaps a better way would be to get rid of those who refuse to change the ones whp arouse anger like S.R. or Complicated who angers people by constantly telling us we are not civilzed. Ed

    1. Nice Ed..another example of killing free speech when you hear something you dont like. Perhaps you should only allow angryphones on this site so they can take turns patting each other on the back and coming up with new and clever ways of demonizing the PQ and seperatists.

    2. Stop calling us angryphones. There is a difference in our attitude vs yours - so what? You keep saying that we should keep on appeasing these separatists and I keep saying 40 years of this is long enough because nothing is getting better - it would have been worse had they gained a minority. I don't know what you think is going to change should we keep going the way we are. You don't seem to think that things need to change and we do. Simple as that. The end has to come sometime and we think there are ways of doing it democratically, not bulldozing over anyone and yet still remain in Canada. You keep saying that there would be civil war if we settle this democratically and we say if it is done within the law, there would be no problem because THE SEPARATISTS THEMSELVES BRAG THAT THEY ARE DEMOCRATIC. HOW FOOLISH WOULD THEY LOOK TO THE WHOLE WORLD IF THEY DID NOT ABIDE BY THEIR OWN DEMOCRATIC BIBLE? Think about that and stop playing into their hands with all your ass-kissing.

    3. Should have read "gained a majority" - sorry

      Also, the FLQ were a bunch of extremists and both sides are always going to have extremists - that's the way the world works!

    4. There is a difference between appeasing and disagreeing in a civlized manner. You dont seem to see any distinction..either we scream and yell and insult the seperatists or we are apologists. Life is a lot more complicated than that as you should know.
      This is clearly an angryphone paradise..I guess its a way for a lot of frustrated anglophones to blow off steam..thats fair..better to blow it off on a web site than in real life.
      I am a are a dreamer. We have had 40 years of arguing about seperation..and are no closer. But the economy keeps weakening..the debt keeps climbing..the taxes go up. We cant afford this for even 10 more years..we need to tackle these real issues and not keep up the same old us versus them rhetoric. The partition idea is just another issue which will not help anyone because its so unlikely to come into play.

    5. Geez - it is so clear that the economy will keep weakening, the debt will keep climbing and taxes will go up and up if we keep up this continuous, never ending, go=around, go=around, that you seem to think will end by appeasing the separatists. Don't you understand that the PQ have made a way of life out of appeasing the unions, the students, every which way but loose to get their votes and they have finally bankrupt this province because they have driven business out, discouraged any nationality other than francophones from moving in, threatened the rest of Canada to the point that their sick of us and THERE IS NO END IN SIGHT! THE ONLY WAY OUT IS A DEMOCRATIC VOTE TO PARTITION THIS PROVINCE AND LET THOSE GO THAT WANT TO GO. PARTITION PARTY PLEASE BEFORE WE DON'T HAVE A POT TO PISS IN OR A WINDOW TO THROW IT OUT!

    6. Cutie -
      Good luck aint gonna happen. 40 years and we still have no much longer do you think this debate could go on. Honestly..its got likely another few decades..until a referendum is held and won then partition is just another fanciful dream. You frankly sound a little too desperate..seriously I would consider leaving if I were you. You will have a breakdown staying her. If you think what is happening now is horrible then you wont be able to handle what could come with a PQ majority..even a PQ minority.
      In fact I dont know why any of you stay here. House prices are pretty high..just sell and move to Ontario.

    7. Complicated is a Francophone SeparatistSunday, September 23, 2012 at 8:15:00 PM EDT

      I wonder how much the Parti Quebecois is paying this "complicated" troll to post here and try depress Anglos into submission. that you?

    8. You could be right about complicated being a Francophone. I have never encountered another Anglophone who told fellow Anglos to move to Ontario if they didn't like the situation in Quebec.

  43. Lemme get this straight. Complicated predicts civil war if Quebec is partitioned?
    Bitch, please.
    These are people who can‘t even pitch in to save their precious french language by having an extra kid or living in the 514. FFS this is a society that by and large can‘t even commit to marriage. And you expect civil war. They‘ll sit back and whine and cry, probably demand that the PQunt do something, but other than a few dedicated crazies, they‘ll stay home.

    1. Did you already forget about the FLQ? When people get pushed enough they will react. If the PQ can get enough of a reaction from us angryphones and the rest of Canada I suspect the anger will rise quickly among many francophones. It sounds like thats what you want..not sure what that will really accomplish other than to give you the pleasure of some revenge. Not sure how you think angering the 80 percent francophone population will accomplish for us other than more restriction of our rights. This is a great recipe for more political and economic instability..I guess you really dont care in the end. Maybe you guys are all retired and hence dont care about losing your job or selling your house.

      Frankly your statements above are just oozing with anti-francophone rhetoric. I suppose that young families moving out to the suburbs is not happening anywhere else in Canada but only here in Montreal. I know a lot of anglophones who have moved to Vaudreuil and St.Lazare and Hudson. The real problem is the price to live in Montreal..its becoming too expensive. But a few years of the PQ should knock the house prices down 30 percent or so.

    2. Yes, but the anglos moving aren‘t crying and spewing hatred about english diminishing in Montreal. You want Montreal to stay french? Quit crying from your 450 residence you pampered babies. Budget yourself, buy a smaller house, rent or stfu. Oh no but if I live in Montreal me or my spouse might be forced to take yucky public transport cause we won‘t be able to afford 2 cars! Oh the horror! And you expect a revolution out of this you FLQ apologist FUCK?

    3. Who on this site are oozing anti-francophone rhetoric? What are you talking about? We are suggesting democratic ways and means out of this stalemate - that's all. I REPEAT: More Francophones are Canadian than separatist - democracy is the way out. By the way, check to see if you can sell your house right now - since the election, the "for sale" signs are way up and there are no buyers for this bankrupt, communist headed province. Unless you want to be a bum, who wants to move here? Open your eyes - this is not going to get any better in the near future and I, for one, would like to be a part of Canada that has some money in the bank and a piece of land that is worth the taxes I pay on it every year.

    4. See what we"re talking about? it's attitudes like these that make the anglophone movement reek of hypocrisy. Remember: you're not the troubled minority in N. America. You just happen to live in place where the the majority is french. For that matter, what about francophone minorities in other parts of Canada? I guess they deserve to be assimilated, right? English has a nature right to dominate. Gotcha...

    5. If you think that french is threatened I certainly hope you are living in the 514 and have 3 or more kids. If not, gtfo.

    6. Wow - St Ferdinand - We are not talking about French vs English on this Blog - We are talking about our rights as Canadians being compromised. Please refrain from commenting if you don't know what's going on in this province!

    7. James John -
      Do you think by swearing a lot it will make us listen or respect you more..why dont you learn some manners. Young families in general are leaving the island..its just that a lot of anglophones and allophones are more comfortable on the island where there are more services in english. I suspect thats why they are resisting a bit more to leave but there are many of them moving as well. This is happening in cities all over Canada..nothing different here.
      French is can deny it all you want but it is. Bill 101 saved Montreal from being totally swallowed up into an english only island. Obviously you could care less about french being protected in the biggest city in Quebec but you are in the minority. Swearing and hurling racist comments around are not going to help. But I suppose it makes you feel more manly..

    8. Who on this site are oozing anti-francophone rhetoric?

      Nice try, Mignonette.

      There are all kinds of ant-French comments here. "French is a decadent language that uses too many words" is a recent gem. You've read many others.

      You can spot an anti-English sentiment a kilometre away yet you either lack the empathy needed to recognize anti-French sentiment or you simply pretend to not notice it.

      We have to learn empathy for each other and learn to care more about each other's feelings.

      Is this an anti-French weblog? No, I can't say that it is! The Editor seems very French-friendly and empathic.

      Are all the commenters anti-French? No!

      Are *some* of them anti-French?

      Only a very hard heart would refuse to acknowledge that evident fact.

    9. Sorry JBG, but I gotta lump you and Complicated into that group of meddlesome, French romanticists (a la Robin Philpot).

      You desperately want to connect with something new and exotic to your Anglo upbringing that you choose to deny a reality that you yourself aren't privy to by proxy.

      Take Cutie for instance. She's a middle-aged Anglophone with both cultural and financial stakes in Quebec. She's contributed to Quebec her entire life and still gets treated like a second class citizen.

      To add insult to injury, her property value is constantly at the mercy of a gang of isolationists who are so despicably obsessed with their agenda, that they see only in a tunnel vision that allows them to see nothing but their goal, they're blind to everything in between.

      So before jumping on your moral high-horse like Yannick always does, and talking shit about political situations and circumstances that pre-date your involvement by a long-shot, take the time to consider those of us who have shitloads on the line.

      Personally, I speak excellent French and have no issues with the Francophone community...I just don't identify with it as much, that's all. Aucune rancune...doesn't mean I don't believe in live and let live as well as to each their own.

    10. "Mignonette" Héhé...Excellent,j'aurais dû y penser...Mignonette...MDR!

    11. You desperately want to connect with something new and exotic to your Anglo upbringing

      Meh, I've already backpacked in Asia and I learned Spanish before French, so I don't think of French as "exotic" so much as "useful". Not as much as Spanish, sure. But still useful, and totally worth knowing. I wish I spoke it as well as I read it (which I do quite often).

      Hell yes I'm a French romanticist!

      I'm also an English and Chinese and Aboriginal romanticist! Plus Japanese. I could go on here quite a while. All languages and cultures have a lot to offer. They each have their dark side and their romantic side.

    12. Complicated you are either retarded or twisting my words, there is nothing wrong with families moving off the island or having less kids. The problem is these assholes have the nerve to run to the 450 and then cry like the losers they are that french is dying out in Montreal. You think french is threatened? Take the hit and move to Montreal! Making anglo and ethnic service staff address each other in french is not going to change anything.

    Spencer Why do you say they won't march in the street? You can be sure thay have saved their pots and pot lids. Ed

    1. Spencer the Spineless PorcupineSunday, September 23, 2012 at 4:50:00 PM EDT

      I was drawing a distinction between civil war and protests when I said that. I do think there would be protests, some ass would lob a brick through a window for whatever reason and the riot police would club everyone over the head, and so on and so on.

      But civil war is an extreme and I meant there wouldn't be anything akin to a "war". That's more of what I meant.

      You're right though, there probably would be many more pots and lids clanging, for a little while before everyone went back to work the next day.

    2. Maybe by then Mahwah would figure out how to bang two lids.

  45. Finally, I have found you, this blog, my alter ego! Carry on

    1. Hey all - Don't forget to go to "petition" site and sign the petition to take the "notwithstanding" clause out of the constitution so Quebec will not longer be able to take away our rights in this province. Also e-mail establishments in Quebec that do not advertise or provide English on their flyers, menus, etc. and remind them that Bill 101 provides that English can be used in all ads. We have to start taking action to get these people to realize that we mean business and are not going to sit back and take this abuse any longer. cc your MNA and Federal representative in your area. The more we fight back the more chance we have to get our rights re-established and to stop them from imposing more restrictions on our language(s).

    2. Pas de rabais sur la volaille (ou les tomates) dans les supermarhés de Gatineau aujourd'Hui?

    3. Also the Quebec Office of the English Language website has a letter prepared to some of these companies that you just have to sign and the letter will be sent telling them to provide services in English.

  46. Have you ever seen Jean-Paul Perrault - the president of Imperatif francais - being interviewed? He literally reeks of hatred towards the English language.

    It's ironic that someone from Imperatif francais had the nerve to complain to the police about so-called hatred on the NoDogs website.

    Here's a good example of hatred from their website. It's a complaint about an English sign appearing in Gatineau (Aylmer), describing the sign as "visual pollution" and a "pillaging of the linguistic landscape." It is accompanied by a sample letter of complaint to be forwarded by readers to the OQLF.

    1. I meant, "Here's a good example of hatred from the Imperatif francais website."

    2. I just took a look at that website and boy they are a sick group. Talk about complaints and starting trouble for people. They should be ashamed of themselves for the intolerance they are promoting and hide their heads in shame. We have a very peaceful community here in Gatineau and they are obviously out to cause trouble between the two languages. I wish these people would find some worthwhile cause to fight for e.g. finding a cure for cancer, and leave peaceful neighbours alone. Don't we have enough trouble in the world people?!!!!!!!!!!

    3. So petty! It`s pittiful and just very sad that this is what they spend their time doing. What pittiful miserable person needs to make a complaint about a sign? What a big threat to their language and culture that sign is. And to think, some people actually think this sort of behavior is justified and we anglos should just shut up and be grateful.

      Live and let live? No, they are just not capable of it.

    4. Toujours parmi nous laurie?...Maso?

      Les enseignes en globish ne représentent pas une menace mais bien une insulte,vous ne semblez pas saisir la différence.

      "...anglos should just shut up and be grateful."

      Comme les fracophones au canada.

    5. So the OQLF and the language laws are not about protecting the French language after all. it`s more about making sure you don`t get insulted. That`s what we have known all along, you just needed to admit it. Now, you just need to learn to get along with I said, live and let live and stop being so petty.

  47. This is the thing..., if you cut out the ideas such as "if french can't survive on it's own without protection, than it deserves to die off," than I can almost agree with some of what your saying. But as long as angryphones remain strident, and in their own way racist/xenophobic, it's hard for moderate francophones to rally to your side in sufficient numbers.

    1. Actually, I am a francophone and I believe that French should be protected, but that it deserves to die if the measures used to protected contravene human rights and natural law.

      Individual rights and freedoms are more important than cultural protection.

    2. Tout de même stupéfiant que de tels propos proviennent d'un francophone.Resident Elvis?

    3. If all Francophones who succeed in life are called Elvis Grattons, what do we call those who accomplish nothing in life and spend their lives in front of a computer?

      You know what who cares?

      A friend of S.R's has a special message for him:

    4. Resident Evil - you're just stupid if you think that. I dont see you getting angry that francophone rights in other provinces were contravened. But it doesnt matter now because theyre asimilated. Grats your high-meaning principles.

    5. Resident Evil - you're just stupid if you think that. I dont see you getting angry that francophone rights in other provinces were contravened. But it doesnt matter now because theyre asimilated. Grats your high-meaning principles.

    6. @ St. Ferdinand...

      There are still plenty of Francophones in Ontario and New Brunswick, some of whom are unilingual French speaking.

  48. Well if you go through the whole Blog I'm sure you will find SOME anti-francophone comments but you cannot assume that the person/persons making these comments are from Quebec. There are anti-somethings everywhere in the world so we cannot apologize for all these people. As your screen name is related to N.S., you have no idea of the emotional turmoil that all this strife has caused the Canadians in this province so please do not cause more problems for us.

    1. you will find SOME anti-francophone comments but you cannot assume that the person/persons making these comments are from Quebec.

      Happily there's no need to "assume" anything, as many of those commenters identify themselves as Quebec-born and Quebec-residing.

      As your screen name is related to N.S., you have no idea of the emotional turmoil that all this strife has caused the Canadians in this province so please do not cause more problems for us.

      AK Oh you're not "from here", you're not "one of us", etc etc etc

      Still, you have no problem commenting on separatists and francophones, despite the fact you're not "one of them". What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

    2. JBG

      Merci,vous semblez fort sympathique et tout comme moi vous devez vous douter que les angryphones sont une race en voie d'extinction.

    3. @JBG - I am a anglophone resident of this province and have been all my life. If you do not reside here as an anglophone, you cannot relate to the problems that are encountered by us in our everyday life e.g. Imperatif Francais. I can comment on SEPARATISTS because I live here -
      being Francophone and separatist are two different things. We CANADIANS are standing up for our rights as CANADIANS - THAT'S WHAT THIS BLOG IS ALL ABOUT - NOT A WAR BETWEEN FRENCH AND ENGLISH - BETWEEN CANADIANS AND SEPARATISTS. WOW! But you have earned the gratitude of our resident troll - SR - so good for you.

  49. "do not cause more problems for us."

    cutie,vous contribuez de façon remarquable à l'accentuation de la haine envers les can****** de notre province.

  50. Commerce international: les 5 travaux de Jean-François Lisée

  51. I would very much like to hear from bilingual readers of this blog.

    If you're a 50/50 (you're just as much Anglo as Franco) I'd love to hear your take on the following people:

    1. Anglophone apologists like Complicated.

    2. The Editor taking a "democratic" approach and allowing bigoted trolls like S.R to SPAM this site.

    3. How you feel about non-Quebecois readers weighing in and telling the Anglophone community to fall in line or consider how fortunate they happen to be.

    I throwing these three questions out because I figure it'll force us to funnel three of the main issues that constantly re-surface in the comments here.

    For my part, I don't identify with Angryphones. I can speak both languages perfectly, but at the same time, I can't stand watching the people like those involved in Imperatif Francais do their thing.

    On the other hand, I don't identify with the Francophone community at large, either. Sure, I have a few friends there who are well-traveled and love hanging out with everyone who's friendly, but the whole Star Academie #1 attitude is social anathema at it's worse for me.

    As for the Robin Philpot types, I think you guys need to be accosted a couple of times by a gang of numbskull boneheads, as well as being refused service by public officials in times of dire need.

    As for S.R - you are fucking small dude. I mean really, really small. I'm a history buff and believe me, every society or tribe that was largely comprised of people like you were MASSIVELY decimated and in most cases became extinct.

    1. "were MASSIVELY decimated and in most cases became extinct."

      Un peu à la manière des "vrais anglos" du Québec ?

    2. "I throwing these three questions out because..." suis un minable individu qui a besoin de l'opinion des autres afin d'être réconforté.

    3. 1)Is he really an "apologist"? He sounds relatively moderate to me. I haven't read all his posts though.

      2)I appreciate his approach. As long as participants aren't inciting violence or making derogatory and racist comments, I think they should be allowed to voice their opinion.

      3)Well, their opinions are not particularly relevant here. I try to evaluate everything anyone has to see about this issue, but make up my own mind. I mean, some might have an interesting perspective, if they're from a country facing similar challenges with minorities.

      We wont solve these issues until Montrealers come to the conclusion they are nor Quebeckers or Canadians. We are what we are, Montrealers. Bilingual, multiethnic, multicultural (whatever that means). This City will not thrive unless it becomes bilingual - officialy.

      @S.R: votre comportement et vos commentaires sont disgracieux. Vous fait honte aux Montréalais.

    4. This is a very interesting post and I'd like to answer it. Unfortunately, the Editor's next article will be posted in about 3 hours, which means that soon, few people will return to this thread to read the replies anymore. It's an unfortunate problem with the format of blogs. Perhaps you could repost this in a few hours on the next thread and you will likely get more responses.

    5. "@S.R: votre comportement et vos commentaires sont disgracieux."

      Possible mais je n'ai jamais traité personne de nazi...Vous me suivez?

    6. telling the Anglophone community to fall in line or consider how fortunate they happen to be.

      I really don't think this is what Complicated is suggesting. Though I'm not a daily reader, I've definitely seen him/her suggest that anglos catch more flies with honey than with anger. From my experiences as a queer person in a community that's often spearheaded by anger, I personally agree. MLK was right. Most separatists are generally fueled by anger, hatred, negativity, jealousy, and victimization. It's easiest to respond in like -- I know because I generally am inclined to respond that way. But Montréal anglophones are better off taking the high ground and staying out of those emotional zones, and staying positive in their fight against anti-English zealots. MLK said that Jesus knew it was better to go through life with a scarred body than with a scarred soul; I agree (but then, I'm desperate for exoticism to add to my Anglo background, so black people and ancient Hebrews, like, TOTALLY are my thing!!!!)

    7. MLK was shot and the ghettos abound. Nobody will grant you anything. If the minorities in Quebec want real political representation and equality they will have to fight for it. Disobey linguistic legislation - it's shameful that it exists in Canada, shameful that it's being enforced, and shameful to respect it at the cost of your own identity and your rights as a Canadian citizen.

    What JBG does not understand is that we are not attacking French or francophones. When I called french a decadent language I meant it. Useless words are passe. When things are called by a description such as 'Vale de la Soleil' instead of a simple name like 'Sunvalley' it is wasteful and behind times. International countries have no time for such things. PQ's are asking companies to translate not just into french but into a french that wastes time and words. Much of the english used all over the world is being led by American television and so like a multitude of countries around the world we use American expressions like 'megabucks' or 'outside the box'. These are being picked up and used all over the globe but not in Quebec. The OQLF is keeping french behind and 'decadent.'
    When english pass laws to weaken the use of french, then we will be attacking french. For now it is our language that is being attacked and weakened by laws. Think about that before you and complicated ask us tp be apologetic for the PQ inhumaity. Ed

    1. What JBG does not understand is that we are not attacking French or francophones. When I called french a decadent language I meant it. .

      Ed, let's be clear here: I would never, ever accuse you of attacking a French-speaking person or trying to restrict the use of French, etc.

      Is your statement attacking the French language?

      Of course it is.

      It riles people up and makes them angrier at English people. Duh.

    2. I do not know enough French to say whether it is "decadent" or not, but I do have a better example of what Ed Brown calls "wasted words." I remember when I watched the NHL playoffs last year, Montreal and Ottawa were both still alive, and both had bilingual signage on the ice. The English signs read "Stanley Cup Playoffs" while the French read "Séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley". Now, I'm not critical of the French for using different grammar than English---I'm critical of this being too wordy. It's like saying "NBA World Championship Series" instead of "NBA Finals." Now, that WAS the official name of the NBA's championship until 1986, but the casual fan hardly said it. After 1986, the NBA changed the name to make it simpler.

      I do not believe for one minute that any unilingual Francophone, when he's going down to the bar to watch his beloved Habs play the Bruins in late May tells his wife, "Honey, I'll be back later tonight after the Stanley Cup Elimination Series game." Now when I visited Montreal, I actually asked somebody that if Quebecois really avoid using the word "playoffs" in French, was there a simpler French phrase that they DO say? Somebody told me it was "S.E." Well, that's what I would change it to then..."La S.E. de la Coupe Stanley."

      Another thing I would do if I were NHL commissioner would be to reserve the use of the phrase "Stanley Cup/Coupe Stanley" until the Stanley Cup is actually at stake. Teams would not play in the "Stanley Cup playoffs" but the "NHL Playoffs", "NHL Quarterfinals", "NHL Semifinals", and "Conference Championship" until finally they play for "the Stanley Cup."

      If anybody has an example of wordy or unnecessary "decadance" in English ("at this point in time" for "now"?), feel free to make counter suggestions.

    3. I don't know how anyone in their right mind would think that french is threatened in Montreal, when the population of anglophones in Quebec has been cut in half in the past 30 something years. I am all for bilingualism, I would love to see a Montreal become once again the bilingual metropolis it once was. Official bilingualism is the key here. The first step into getting the anglophone community more rights is to demand official bilingualism from the mayor of Montreal. Write letters, send emails, do whatever it takes. Remember to include the fact that Montreal was an officially bilingual city until the 1970s. There are other places in Quebec with official bilingualism like Lennoxville and Greenfield Park, so why not Montreal? I'm all for large scale political movements such as a new province, however it's important to concentrate on smaller scale political movements as well.

    4. "Useless words are passe. When things are called by a description such as 'Vale de la Soleil' instead of a simple name like 'Sunvalley' it is wasteful and behind times."

      When one says "english teacher", I don't know if one means "teacher of english" or "a teacher from england". When one says "professeur d'anglais", I know, thanks to this useless "d'" that he doesn't mean "un professeur anglais".

      When I hear about "freedom fighters", I wonder why they fight freedom. Because they fight freedom right? just like fire fighters fight fire, right? But when I hear about "les combattants de la liberté", I know, thanks to the useless "de", that they are on liberty's side.

      Different languages are built according to different logics. The words that seem useless according to english logic are essential according to french logic. One is not better than the other, they are different.

    5. "One is not better than the other, they are different."

      I have to agree.

    Well JGB I don't think it's possible to make a dud like you understand. Stating simple facts is called telling it like it is but I suspect to void brains it will seem whatever you want it to seem. If the storm clouds ever clear from the windmills of your mind you'll see the truth. Ed

  54. Fate of intensive English program in Quebec’s French schools up in the air

    1. S.R., are you a member of a French speaking Amish community? Would that not be a perfect solution for you? BTW, no computers there.

    Way to go S.R. You finally put a post that makes sense and you put it in English too. God bless your hairy little heart, you really do love us. We luvya too. Ed

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