Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Our Cherished Lost English Schools

What school is this?
Reading some of the comments concerning the closure of English schools in Quebec, I was saddened to read the names of my primary and high school among the casualties of the language war.
For those of use, who are over forty and attended an English public high school or primary school in Quebec, there's a good chance that the school no longer exists.

Sadly as commentors pointed out, there's no history preserved to remind us of our past and the great institutions we attended. They were good times....

My first memory of kindergarten was my teacher calling  the us over to the windows to take a gander at what might have been the last horse-drawn milk wagon in the city. As we strained to peak out over the window sills, (we were little tykes) I will never forget a tired old horse bedecked with the obligatory blinkers covering its eyes to filter out those peripheral distractions,  pulling a  J.J Joubert milk wagon. It's over 50 years and I remember it like yesterday....really.

Kindergarten is where I made a small clay imprint of my right hand, which I molded and then  painted by myself. I still keep it proudly displayed on my desk and it is my oldest possession.

Grade one was where I first met Dick, Jane and Spot. In Grade Two or Three it was 'Bunga' the jungle boy and Eric and Ingor from Sweden, among others.

It's funny what we remember.

In primary school I remember the tears flowing down my teacher's face as she announced the murder of John F. Kennedy.

In high school I remember students protesting the Viet Nam war, cafeteria food that sucked and nerdy Prefects in white cardigans who patrolled the halls like Capos in a concentration camp.
I remember all the high schools with whom we competed in basketball and with which we had the occasional brawl.
Outremont, Northmount, Wager, Westhill, Lasalle Protestant, Chomedy Protestant, Montreal high, Montreal West High School, and perhaps Montreal's most infamous high school, Baron Bing,  all sadly gone. I'm sure readers can help me fill out the list.

Its hard to believe that this world is gone and unremembered.

I would like to put together a post or a series of posts,that includes your fondest memories of primary and high school as a salute to our disappearing schools.
Your teachers, your school, you classmates, whatever you'd like to say.
Please share with the readers a personal account of your school and your experience.

You don't have to include your name, but if you'd like to, please mention it specifically. The default is pseudonym only. That being said, your school name and its location is important.
I'll print everything that is reasonable (under 1500 words.)

You might even get your very own post!

I think readers would be interested in your personal experience, so now's your chance to get out your Ernest Hemingway..

I'll put together a post or posts and publish in the near future.

Send submissions to anglomontreal@gmail.com. DO NOT use the Comments section.
I look forward to your submissions.