Watching an interview with Yves Archambault, the owner of the LE MARCHEUR shoe boutique (the store subject to an anti-Israeli boycott,) had me playing the devil's advocate in my head, as the owner told Mario Dumont how terribly debilitating the boycott was.
Don't get me wrong, I'm certainly not in favour of the boycott, but my 'Doubting Thomas' nature had me watching the interview with a pronounced measure of skepticism.
I've added subtitles (they are not comprehensive, so no complaining) so that you yourself can watch and make your own determination
My journalistic radar was triggered by Mr Archambault's tale of woe. Certainly it isn't as bad as all that?
Now as an old retailer myself, I understand that this type of publicity is priceless. The store has seen its sales skyrocket, notwithstanding what the owner tells us.
There are stories telling of people making large purchases including one of a woman buying $3,000 worth of shoes in one shot! Link
Each week people who never heard of the LE MARCHEUR before, cross the city to descend on the store to do their part to show solidarity and to participate in a 'buycott"
It's become a bit of a tourist attraction, always a good thing for business!
I remain sympathetic, but pleeese, Mr. Archambault, you're laying it on a bit thick!
As for PAJU, the group organizing the boycott, even in spectacular failure, they have accomplished what they never have been able to do before before- get exposure.
This rag-tag group of communists, socialists, Israel-bashers are finally getting their fifteen minutes of fame, so I don't imagine they're going to give it up!
Although they temporarily called off the boycott because of the threat of a fascist group attending the demonstration, they'll be back, count on it.
These people have spent a lifetime being ignored, yet they persevere. Do you honestly think they'd give up the limelight over a little detail like success or failure?
And so they'll return, much to the secret appreciation of Mr. Archambault and the press which is having a field day covering the story.
Everybody's a winner.
Everybody, except for one lonely politician.....