Obviously, when one sees the message "This comment removed a by blog administrator" it's a bit frustrating and it gets one wondering as to what was said.
As the editor, this screen shot represents what I see when editing comments. I'll let you be the blog editor here. Would you publish the first comment, the second, both or none?

My choice was to publish the second one only.
can't believe that any responsible person would publish the racist
drivel in the first comment and I can't understand what twisted mind
would even send it in.
The only reason I'm printing this screen shot is so that readers can understand the depth of the hate that some of the comments involve.
There are the occasional death threats and racist diatribes, as well as a certain level of invective directed at individual posters.
When you see a comment deleted it may not be as bad as the above comment but there's a damn good reason it isn't being published, a reason that the majority of readers would likely agree with.
I've made it policy that ranting is fine, even if it means insulting or denigrating another poster, as long as it is within reason and has some sort of redeeming interest.
Here are things that won't be published.
- A Racist comment
- A comment that threatens
- Any comment that says something like "I hope you are soon dead" (It's not necessarily a direct threat, but it won't be published just the same.)
- A comment that includes quotes like "VIVE LE QUEBEC LIBRE!" or other such drivel.
- Any direct quote from Pierre Falardeau, Pierre Bourgault or some other separatist meant to be in-your-face annoying.
- Comments that are obviously the product of a disturbed person
I've now adopted a policy of publishing and removing an offending Comment. That way the author can see that his message was rejected.
Perhaps now those who demand that we post with our real identity can understand why it is foolish to do so.