Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Separtists Begin Campaign of Organized Intimidation

Campaign financing rules in Quebec provide for a maximum $3000 per taxpayer (recently lowered) and for the publication of the names of those who make political contributions to provincial parties.

While the law is designed for maximum transparency, like many good ideas, there remains a distinct possibility of abuse and the recent actions of the militant Reseau de resistance du Quebecois, (RRQ) has used the list of names to undertake a campaign of intimidation and harassment.

The radical separatist group has published the names of donors to the Liberal party who have made the maximum $3000 donation over the last two years. In addition they have published their home addresses and identified their business affiliation in some cases.

The RRQ has sent a letter to each of the 780 people, chastising them and holding them responsible for the Premier's decision not to hold an inquiry into alleged corruption. In addition, the RRQ invited it's members, to letter bomb these donors to add pressure.   Link
"We have launched a website ( that identifies you as large donor to the Liberal Party of Quebec. Your name is there as is your home address, public information that the Chief Electoral Officer provides. On this site, we denounce corruption and Jean Charest who refuses to shed light on the scandals afflicting his administration. We invite people to copy us and put pressure on you and demand that you listen at last to the people. Because your leader speaks only the language of money, perhaps you the financiers 0f the Liberal party, can convince him.
I hope this letter has provided you an understanding that in becoming a generous donor to the Liberal party, you have become a target."
"...The day major donors will be able to convince Jean Charest to obey the people, we will close the site. And then you can find peace."
"I hope you understood that it is likely that many other people will follow suit and will also write to you"
As you can see the letter highlights the image of the infamous 'patriot' brandishing a rifle that was used in the various FLQ terrorist manifestos. Very subtle, indeed. CBC STORY

Sending, a letter emblazoned with a terrorist symbol, to somebody's home is a threat and beyond mere protest. It is intimidation, no different than a Mafia type warning you on the phone not to bid on a certain contract.
Of course, this is Quebec and nothing will likely come of it. The police will run away from the file as fast as they can.

Of course the RRQ will claim that it isn't intimidation, because they cleverly make no threats. It reminds me of the Mafia enforcer who walks up to your home and shows you a picture of your children, asking how they are, then asks if you are still interested in supporting a certain candidate.

It is thuggery, plain and simple. Patrick Bourgeois et als, are thugs of the lowest order.

Intimidation is a two way street, it wouldn't be that hard to create a website with the names and addresses of RRQ members, so that others may respond to the intimidation in kind.

It wouldn't be that difficult to make life and careers hell for RRQ members.

It's an idea......


  1. It appears that Louis Prefontaine himself has joined the ranks of the RRQ. He'll fit right in.

    As for Patrick Bourgeois, the guy is a bully. The police probably won't do a thing about it (partly because Bourgeois is too slick, and partly because in Quebec there is a silent approval for things that he does), but I don't think the contributors will budge either. If anything, this blatant and pathetic attempt at intimidation will make Liberal Party donors even more determined.

  2. It’s not complicated. This type of behavior is normal in Quebec, no? Organized intimidation and bellicose provocations by the seppies are the status quo in Quebec. This is what the Quebecois subconsciously want, whether they acknowledge it or not. The Quebecois politicians kow tow to the bigoted nationalist weasels, the Quebecois people silently endorse their actions, and another ugly day of intolerance passes for normal in Quebec. C'est ce que les québécois signifie quand ils disent «maître chez nous». This is easy for the federalists and Anglos dirt to understand, no? You have no place in Quebec and are not welcome. Are we clear on this?

  3. Some peoples on this list are very powerfull ....literraly. Like the Desmarais dinasty..

    Some RRQ members have risk their lifes with this....some head gonna roll on the floor very soon i suppose.

  4. LoL vous êtes tous une gang d'imbécile, vous avez peur qu'on se sépare de votre doux Canada... Canada n'est rien sans le Québec et vous le savez!

    Mangez dla marde ont mérite le pays que vous nous avez voler comme des terroriste, relit ton histoire l'anglais et tu va remarquer que le peuple anglais a fait souffrir notre peuple dans le passé!!!

  5. "...some head gonna roll on the floor very soon i suppose."

    Et devinez quelle tête va rouler sur le plancher en premier?Ce ne sera pas celle d'un membre du RRQ mais bien celle d'un libéral (PLQ) bien en vue et bon serviteur de King Desmarais.

  6. It is legal to donate money, not to receive something in return... The RRQ wants to make sure that the simple CIMA+ Administrator donated the money from his/hers pocket because they wanted to, not because their company used their name to give money and then receive contracts in return. Sending that letter will hopefully entice the donators to ask Charest to clear their names.

  7. @ Anonymous 11:28

    I think what you meant to say is that Quebec could not surrvive without Canada. Oh wait you live in a fantasy world where the brightest minds and cultural leaders of Canada are all Quebecois. This stems from you're inability to speak English due to your poor education coupled with the fact that you have never left this racist province to see the beauty that is the rest of Canada.

    And I'm really sick of this, you're great-great -great grandfather was mean to mine so I'm allowed to be mean to you. I use this argument often as a parrallel. As a Jew, should I hate and discriminate against all Germans? You suck, go back to the inbred town you came from.

  8. "Canada n'est rien sans le Québec et vous le savez!"

    Based on what??? Please back up your statement with some facts.

    In reality, Quebec is nothing without Canada. It is a poor province that depends on 8.5 billion of transfer payments every year from rich English speaking provinces. Quebec dairy farmers have a guaranteed, totally unfair share (50%) of the overall Canadian market. Quebec construction workers can work in all other provinces but it is nearly impossible for construction workers from elsewhere to work in Quebec. You will lose all of this if Quebec separates.

    "vous avez peur qu'on se sépare de votre doux Canada..."

    I live in Ontario and I would love to see Quebec separate. Take your parasitic province with its fascist language laws and brown-shirted language police and fu#k off! The standard of living and the international reputation of the rest of Canada will both improve without Quebec.

  9. Arrêtez de cracher sur le Québec, si vous nous haïssez a ce point, faite pression sur Harper afin qu'il ne bloque pas la souveraineté du Québec! et ne venez pas ici pour nous dire que vous nous aimer!!
    est-ce que vous entendez des Québécois faire des commentaire sur la réalité de l'ouest? non alors abstenez-vous de commenter des choses que vous ne connaissez pas!!

  10. "And I'm really sick of this, you're great-great -great grandfather was mean to mine so I'm allowed to be mean to you. I use this argument often as a parrallel. As a Jew, should I hate and discriminate against all Germans? You suck, go back to the inbred town you came from."

    Dude I said the same effing thing when I was discussing politics with my roomate the other night. I was like "By your twisted logic, the solution to the Holocaust would have been for the Jews to round up German citizens and bake them in ovens?

    Oh and btw. WHAT if the French had one on the Plains of Abe? They would have done the same shit the English did. You know how I know? Cuz right now the Quebecois are doing to their minorities EXACTLY what they complain the English did to them. Is there a French word for hypocracy? Only difference though is that I don't think the French, being victorious, would have allowed the English civilians to stay in Canada.

    Oh et vous le meritez pas votre pays, et tu sais pourquoi? Vous netes pas un peuple indigene. If you truly mean all your bullcrap then its the natives that should have Quebec back... or do the natives not count because their names aren't Jean-Guy Pepin? 'Cause buddy, the French were just as unwelcome here as the English were. Need a example that your pre-fetal brain can understand? Ok here we go. A bank is entirely owned by native Canadians (not to be confused with founding Canadians). You go and steal 20 million from that bank. I, an anglo, then go and steal that money from you. Can you call the cops? Nope.

    And excuse me mister historically challenged but the French had a conqueror of their own who was completely psychotic and genocidal. Napoleon*cough**cough*. I move we enslave all quebeckers 'cause some fench midget back in the day tried to conquer the world!!!!!

    Here's a thought: quit living hundreds of years in the past. It's quite riveting, trust me. But I guess if you're gonna live in the past you may as well go all out, so here's my suggestion: why not hate on all Italians? I hear there was this thing called the Roman Empire that conquered the geographical region of France. DEATH TO ALL ITALIANS AND SEPARATION FROM PLANET EARTH!!!!

    You tell us to revise history? If you knew anything about history you would know that the REAL enemy that kept the Quebecois down is the catholic church. But I guess its just easier to blame the English and sit around all day smoking pot drinking beer and collecting wellfare cheques.

    And uh.... on vole vos terres comme des terroristes? Since when do terrorists steal countries? I thought they put bombs in the mailboxes of inncoent people... my mistake I guess

  11. "No dogs or Jews" was a sign that was posted on the Toronto beaches not so long ago... I find it quite amusing that you awkwardly try to turn it in a way that seems to indicate that you are a mistreated minority... what a joke. Here, inform yourself on your own racism before trying to pose as a victim... "Toronto was notably hostile to foreigners then (...) all the city's park benches had signs that read "No Dogs or Jews Allowed"

  12. Oh and...

    "vous avez peur qu'on se sépare de votre doux Canada..."

    "I live in Ontario and I would love to see Quebec separate. Take your parasitic province with its fascist language laws and brown-shirted language police and fu#k off! The standard of living and the international reputation of the rest of Canada will both improve without Quebec."

    ... what he said.... but swap Ontario for Quebec.

  13. Oh this is interesting. Lots of ill willed comments on this one. But, at the end of the day, it is the de souche Quebecois (seppies mostly) who are victimized by their own paranoia and brain washing by types such as Parizeau and Landry. Unfortunate that they keep shooting themselves in the foot (both feet actually) and continue to expect the ROC to bail them out.

    Another relative who lived in Quebec for the last four years is moving her and her family to BC after graduating McGill. End of the line as the ill feeling towards Anglos and other minorities was clearly felt. Of course not being able to get a family doctor without bribes was another contributing factor.

    In short Quebec is f'ked. Just look at the debt, the lack of productivity, organized crime and the fact that the people in the ROC are starting to understand that "they just ain't that great, other than in their own Quebecois minds". Culture you say, the culture of dishonesty and deceit would be the common thread in all of Quebec culture.

    A huge pain in the ass for years, an international embarrasement to the country as a whole and all the time feeling superior to others (just a collective thing to numb their own insecurity)

    Canada would be better without Quebec. I, for one, wish they whole province complete with the mob, corruption and bigotted policies of hatred would just f'k off and leave the rest of us to enjoy our lives in peace without your continued blackmail, threats extortion and unaccepting bigotted laws towards anglos and minorities. If God was to give Canada and enema the hose would be shoved squarely into Quebec. This feeling, by the way, is becoming more and more widespread amongst people in the ROC. In short, you are making us sick. (of course that is your intention with your mean spirited idealogies)

    On your precious language which is the cornerstone of your bigotted province.....take it and shove it up your a.., why should we in the ROC even attempt to reconcile this language in our educational curriculum when all you do is denigrate our culture and language. Hypocrites that you are.

    Just f'king leave and good riddance to the official Black Hole of Canada. I hope all your bridges fall on your bigotted heads (and you talk of incompentence).

    There, you get the real way most feel about your soon to be third world "pseudo" nation. Go enjoy some poutine and beer with your diminishing few pennies you have left. Oh, I forgot, these pennies are provided by others, another trait in Quebec.

  14. "'No dogs or Jews' was a sign that was posted on the Toronto beaches not so long ago..."

    Here is a quote from the Canadian Encyclopedia: "Anti-Semitism was particularly acute in Québec, where the Church associated Jews with modernism, liberalism and a host of other "dangerous" doctrines. From 1880 through to the 1940s such Catholic journals as La Vérité, La Semaine réligieuse and L'Action sociale and activists such as J-P TARDIVEL helped spread anti-Jewish sentiment throughout the province."

    In a previous thread, the Editor displayed an anti-semitic sign that appeared in a Quebec town around 1930. It read: "AVIS - Les Juifs ne sont pas desires ici, Ste-Agathe est un village canadien francais et nous le garderons ainsi."
    The NoDogs link is dated July 29, 2010.

  15. Cheers to author December 8, 2010 2:30 PM for expressing so eloquently the sentiments of so many in the ROC concerning the third world pseudo nation, the Quebec Tyranny.

    Dear God,
    Let us pray for one very enormous French Fleet enema squarely into Quebec until all poutine is flushed totally out of Canada so we can all feel better.

  16. First of all lets point out that if their is à minority problem in Québec it is first and formost because the english minority doesent want to recognize this is a french speaking state. Once they get this through their head and start integrating our society things will start going great.
    Secondly the information that is listed completely public, even the adresses. The only problem is that every citizen must make an effort to ask the DGÉQ to send them a paper copy of every donator. The RRQ simply facilitated the process by making it availible on internet. We also try to add descriptions on who the employer is. It is quite allarming to see many companies who recieve millions every year in governmental contracts many of which are given out without the usual procedure.
    The are many comments here, some about racism and some about our heritage. Know this if there is à minority right now in canada it is the french people. The oppression has been ongoing ever since the conquest in 1759. You might believe we are facist for wanting our language to stay, but history shows us that agaist the english we have no choice. What are the historically high populations of alberta and manitoba now? Décimated by anti-french school laws. What is happening currently in New-Brunswick even though this state is officially bilingual? English royalists claim that their supperiority is at risk of the evil francophones.
    With all this in mind and with all else that english canada has done against minorities, french, jew, polish, irish, scottish and amerindian just try to prouve to me that we, the french speaking majority in Québec are racist, just try.
    Oh by the way if we are so mean and canada is so beautiful just move. North America has 350 million english speaking cousins who all live in nice territory willing to accept you with open arms.

  17. moi je vous inviterais à partir un mouvement pan-canadien pour demander l'exclusion du Québec dans le Canada!
    ça va réglé le problème un fois pour toute!
    vous faites tellement pitié les anglophones, les gros méchant séparatistes vous font peur! vous connaissez pas votre histoire afin de parler de la sorte...

    tout le monde qui crache sur le Québec, ils n'en a pas un qui vient d'ici alors vous parlez tous à travers votre chapeaux de légende urbaine ou d'un histoire que vous avez pas pu vous faire en anglais...
    la réalité du Québec est tout autre, les minorités comme vous les appelés viennent s'établir ici car le reste du Canada est intolérant envers eux, vous créez des guettos quand ils arrivent ici, ils pensent avoir changé de pays tellement que la réalité n'est pas la même que celle de l'ouest!

    un des gros problèmes est que vous pensez qu'on s'attaque à vous, au contraire ont veut seulement protégé notre langue et culture mais le débats a dévié avec les années le problème est le système fédéraliste!
    le système monarchique! vous vous arrêtez aux débats de la langue mais le système actuel est aussi mauvais pour vous que pour nous!

    vous êtes conditionné dans ce sens afin de protégé la monarchie britannique!
    combattez les vrai problème et non pas ceux qu'ils vous disent!!
    le problème n'est pas Québécois!

  18. 4:44
    of course the canadian encyclopedia is a sure source for imformation about Québec.
    McKenzie King the ass on the 50 dollar bill. The one who made sure francophones went to war.
    The united states of america, north america's centre of anti-semitizm let through their border 200 000 Jews during WWII.
    What about your great and anti-semetic prime minister??? less than 1% of that number. Hurray for english canadian acceptance.

  19. remets tout ça dans le contexte de 1930 le grand!!
    St-Agathe comporte une des plus grand communauté de Juif Hassidime alors arrêtez de rapporté de fausse calomnie!

    le Québec vous fait vraiment peur!!
    vous parlez des Québécois de la sorte et vous demandez après pourquoi ils vous haïssent? est-ce que sait de la mauvaise foi ou simplement de la stupidité!?

    vous n'êtes même pas capable de faire la différence entre sioniste et judaïsme...

    certain disent que le bonheur se trouve dans l'ignorance bien j'imagine que vous êtes tous heureux!!

  20. "Oh by the way if we are so mean and canada is so beautiful just move. North America has 350 million english speaking cousins who all live in nice territory willing to accept you with open arms."

    80% des Québécois appuie cette affirmation.Vous n'aimez pas la loi 101?Prenez la 401!Ce ne sont pas des têtes carrées mais bien des têtes de cochon.Ils se demandent pourquoi les Québécois acceptent des regroupements comme le RRQ.

    Vivement le Parti Québécois au pouvoir et vite!

  21. Cassez vous pas la tête cé esti'd tête carrée là comprennent très bien ce qu'on dit et ce qu'on écrit. Ils sont des Lèche-CUL de la Reine Élisabeth.
    S'ils sont pas d'accord..Y a toujours l'Aéroport....Have a nice trip back to Ottawa.

  22. To Anon. at 4:59 PM:

    You say: "First of all lets point out that if their is à minority problem in Québec it is first and formost because the english minority doesent want to recognize this is a french speaking state. Once they get this through their head and start integrating our society things will start going great."

    Then you say: "Know this if there is à minority right now in canada it is the french people."

    Sounds somewhat contradictory to me. Fu*k you and your attempts to assimilate me! Why don't you assimilate into the English speaking majority of Canada you goddamn hypocrite!

    "With all this in mind and with all else that english canada has done against minorities, french, jew, polish, irish, scottish and amerindian just try to prouve to me that we, the french speaking majority in Québec are racist, just try."

    I happen to be of Polish, Irish AND Scottish ancestry and I don't think the English have done anything to me or my kin. It is the French in Quebec that have been shoving their language down my throat for the past thirty plus years!

    As far as Amerindians are concerned, just look at the horrendous treatment the Mohawks received from the French during the Oka Crisis. The French stoned women, children and elderly natives that were leaving the Kanewake Reserve, while the Surete du Quebec sat idly by and watched without intervening.

  23. Editor said: "Intimidation is a two way street, it wouldn't be that hard to create a website with the names and addresses of RRQ members, so that others may respond to the intimidation in kind. It wouldn't be that difficult to make life and careers hell for RRQ members.

    This is a fantastic idea. Are their names and addresses available to the public? They have threatening and violent tendencies, so they could be reported to the RCMP and to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). I wonder how many of them would lose their jobs if their employers became aware of their activities?...if they work at all, which is doubtful.

  24. To Anon. at 4:59 PM:

    "You might believe we are facist for wanting our language to stay"

    No, I believe you are facist because you want other languages other than French to go.

  25. "I happen to be of Polish, Irish AND Scottish ancestry and I don't think the English have done anything to me or my kin (sic)..."

    C'est parce que vous parlez leur langue...Idiot!

  26. The difference : The minorities in Québec are either the residue of english conquerers, or immigrants. The french minority in canada is the remainder of an opressed people.
    Irish and scottish proud to be english well that just is ironic. Go back 400 years in your country and yell hurray for english. Youl be hung by your ancestors in no time! You might still be hung for saying it today.

    As for amerindians the french people had a treaty with the 33 nations living on their territory. You people came to this land and killed them wave after wave. Far west movies tell ya anything? Buffalo Bill?
    And please dont talk about the mohawks, of all the natives living in Québec they are by far the ones abusing the advantages their reserves give them by being bootleggers and by selling illegal weapons and cigarettes.(im not saying their life is all fun and games but look at the facts)

  27. Anyway arguing with you guys serves me no good. You'll always vote for a corrupt party because for you corperate wealth and the mafia are far less frigtening than freedom.

    Heil the queen!

  28. "...KIN is a real word that exists in the English language"

    Ce n'est pas le "kin" le problème.Dire que les anglos n'ont jamais n'ont jamais agressé les Irlandais et les Écossais est digne de quelqu'un de vraiment stupide.

  29. "The minorities in Québec are either the residue of english conquerers, or immigrants. The french minority in canada is the remainder of an opressed people."

    Bullsh*t! The French minority in Canada is the 'residue' of both conquerors and immigrants. They are nothing more than the descendents of a failed colonial empire (France).

  30. First of all, you werent talking about english canadians you were talking about irish and scotish's having never faced the hatred of english wich they have. Oh yeah history is shit cuz it fucks up your world.
    Well all be damn the patriot party of 1837 looky here, the first progressist party in canada. A red white and green flag. Red = Englishmen White = Frenchmen and last but not least Green = Irishmen. looks like history is still fucking up your world.
    Far west might picture stories in the U.S. but lets put it this way what did engish lyalists do except suck up to the monarchy. Oh Yeah!!! they headed west. Built a railway, exterminated the buffalo, hung Louis Riel. Was louis riel a french metis, yeah that right and his longtime buddy fighting for the same cause was an englishmetis, he was never accused of anything.
    Well since history is worthless lets look at the past years. 1995, referendum. ROC funds the "NON" with thousands of dollars over the Québec élections laws, quickend the acces to the canadian citizenship of 50 000 immigrants. The sponsorship scandal, 80% of canaday budget wasted in Québec. Canada is an opressive country who dosent care that Québec is a free french state, who's minority dosent accept Frencmen don't want to be part of canada.

  31. @ 8:21 PM:

    "First of all, you werent talking about english canadians you were talking about irish and scotish's having never faced the hatred of english wich they have."

    I was responding to the following statement:

    "With all this in mind and with all else that english canada has done against minorities, french, jew, polish, irish, scottish and amerindian just try to prouve to me that we, the french speaking majority in Québec are racist, just try."

    Notice that he was talking about ENGLISH CANADA, NOT ENGLAND! Can't you read?

    As far as the 1995 referendum is concerned, what about the fraudulent rejection of thousands of valid 'NON' votes by the separatists who were in charge at the polling stations?? And what about the ridiculously misleading question that was asked?

    The sponsorship scandal was caused by FRANCOPHONE businessmen in QUEBEC at a time when the Prime Minister of Canada was also a FRANCOPHONE from QUEBEC!

    "Québec is a free french state"

    Ha! Ha! Don't make me laugh. The buck still stops in Ottawa.

  32. ''I happen to be of Polish, Irish AND Scottish ancestry and I don't think the English have done anything to me or my kin. It is the French in Quebec that have been shoving their language down my throat for the past thirty plus years!''

    Um.... If you go to ANY FOREIGN COUNTRY, you must speak the langage there. I highly doubt people will learn english just to please you, if they don't already know it. If you want to function in whatever society that doesn't speak english, YOU will have to make the effort...

    Now, in Quebec, it's the same goddamn thing. We speak french here. It's what we do, and it's how we like it, and if you can't accept that, I'll redirect God's enema towards your sorry english bum.

  33. Interesting events.

    I think those that receive any letters or any communication due to their names and addresses being revealed by the site need to keep all documents in order to build a case against the RRQ. It may take some time, but the RRQ may end up being classified as a internal terrorist group. That means all their members would end up being on a watch list. And, any political party that supports them would also be labeled as supports of terrorists.

    Intimidation and a projection of threats in order to silence people from participating in a democracy should never be allowed. The SQ needs to step in and fast. As does the National Assembly. If this is allowed to continue, then the seeds of future problems will be larger.

  34. "If you go to ANY FOREIGN COUNTRY, you must speak the langage there."

    Last time I checked, Quebec is not a foreign country. It is still a province within Canada, which is officially bilingual. Federal laws still trump provincial laws, so go shove your folkloric, backwoods Joual up your ass.

  35. "I happen to be of Polish, Irish AND Scottish ancestry and I don't think the English have done anything to me or my kin. It is the French in Quebec that have been shoving their language down my throat for the past thirty plus years!"

    Vraiment un ostie d'enfoiré.Comment peut-on écrire de pareils affirmations.N'allez jamais en Écosse ou en Irlande dire de telles conneries,on va vous lapider sur la place publique.

  36. J'aimerais vraiment qu'on m'explique depuis quand les lois fédérales auraient préséance sur les lois provinciales.

    Il n'y a qu'une seule province bilingue au Canada et c'est le Nouveau-Brunswick. Les autres sont toutes anglaises, sauf le Québec qui est unilingue anglais.

    Si les anglophones ne peuvent accepter ce fait, ils peuvent aller vivre ailleurs.

  37. "Last time I checked, Quebec is not a foreign country..."

    Check again dude...Tes lois canayennes on les a dans l'c** !

  38. "The SQ needs to step in and fast. As does the National Assembly. If this is allowed to continue, then the seeds of future problems will be larger."

    Effectivement si tu fermes pas ta grand gueule.
    Le RRQ n'a jamais menacé quiconque de pendaison pour le bien de l'humanité et encore moins en Ontario.

  39. "Now, in Quebec, it's the same goddamn thing. We speak french here. It's what we do, and it's how we like it, and if you can't accept that, I'll redirect God's enema towards your sorry english bum..."

    The problem is they don't have enough brain to learn or understand a second language.Ils viennent ensuite se plaindre qu'ils ne peuvent travailler dans la fonction publique.

    Poooor little anglos!

  40. To ano 10:08 oh we do know how to speak french, we don't like the restrictions on our freedom, the same one French Canadian fought to protect else where. Keep up the lies and crap u little racist seppie. What we hate is people like u.

  41. Anon 10:41

    Nous avons tous des droits et des libertés mais nous avons aussi des devoirs envers la société dans laquelle nous vivons.Les québécois en ontario communiquent avec les anglos...en anglais car ils n'ont aucun choix.Vous disiez restriction de liberté?

  42. "Um.... If you go to ANY FOREIGN COUNTRY, you must speak the langage there. I highly doubt people will learn english just to please you, if they don't already know it. If you want to function in whatever society that doesn't speak english, YOU will have to make the effort...

    Now, in Quebec, it's the same goddamn thing. We speak french here. It's what we do, and it's how we like it, and if you can't accept that, I'll redirect God's enema towards your sorry english bum."

    Hey Poutine head...

    Most foreign countries around the world actually understand and USE English in addition to their native dialect. These people are educated and know that English is a universal language around the world.

    Quebec is probably the ONLY place in the civilized world (barring maybe isolated tribes living deep in the rain forests or jungles) where ENGLISH is not understood. That's because the Quebecois are poorly educated. They actually take PRIDE in their ignorance, like a bunch of hillybillies who cannot read or write and proud of that.

    Oh, and piss off because people with CULTURE do not shi* all over individuals because they speak a different language. You Quebecois are a bunch of savage racists, not much higher than the Brown Shirts and rednecks.

    Yeah, take pride in your ignorance. Sit in your chair and puff away on your cigarettes while chomping down on all your unhealthy foods like that will make you obsesses and sick. Further proof your so-called culture is ignorant.

  43. "We speak french here. It's what we do, and it's how we like it, "

    No problem. I speak English here (in Laval), and it's exactly how I like it. But not only do I like it, I am practicing my right as a Canadian citizen despite the rogue status of this province as a quasi apartheid system in North America. You can't throw me out, you can't assimilate me and there are thousands more just like me, that move right into your imagined homogenous fatherland. You're a dying breed pal and soon there will be mosques next to your spires, ethnic neighbourhoods outside of the Montreal region and more English speaking than you can shake a stick at. What are you going to do? Call the OLF?

  44. "Quebec is probably the ONLY place in the civilized world (barring maybe isolated tribes "iving deep in the rain forests or jungles) where ENGLISH is not understood. That's because the Quebecois are poorly educated. They actually take PRIDE in their ignorance, like a bunch of hillybillies who cannot read or write and proud of that."

    What a load.

    According to statistic canada:

    Bilingualism by mother tongue and age

    Among Francophones – 43.4% (2,909,905)
    Among Anglophones – 9% (1,558,980)

    Now put that in your pipe you stupid racist.

  45. Its pathetic how you belive that because you live in wonderland, and populate à dense anglophone community in montreal that we're racist for trying to stay alive.

    All french people have english lessons all their life, and just maybe the international language is english, but people in foreign coutries speak the local language everyday of their damn life then one tourrist comes around and voila! communication can happen on the basis of a common language. Your not a tourrist here your simply trying to sap away the life of 8 million fancophones beacause well your english and thats what english do.
    You can cry over and over about how racist we are, in the end you make up for 10% of the community and you get 50% of funding each time there a francophone and an anglophone projet that you guys surely dont want to do cooperating. CHUM-MUHC
    And then you complain about the lack of family doctors, well mcgill cant keep a doctor in Québec because helping out your community just aint worth it if you can fill my ass with cash elsewhere.

  46. "I speak English here (in Laval), and it's exactly how I like it."

    Dommage que vous ne puissiez pas vous affichez en public.Désolé.

  47. Anon 7:01AM is a prime example of how to manipulate the masses with statistics. The key is to provide real but irrelevant or out-of-context stats. An out-of-context stat can be a powerful tool, it can turn, amongst other things, a 2% minority into an 80% majority. After all, all you need to do is selectively subtract a huge chunk of the population (because it’s outside the Quebec jurisdiction, so it “doesn’t count”), and selectively include scores of people from up north (because they are in the jurisdiction, so “they count”) even if they have minimal bearing (interaction-wise) on the life of an average Montrealer. And voila, you come up with 80% Franco vs. 8% Anglos and.12% Allo. How convenient. And armed with this overwhelming 80% status, you precede to do things that you do, explaining everything with “we’re the majority” argument (while occasionally flipping to the contradictory “we’re a tiny minority in the sea of English” one). Except that neither a majority nor a minority status entitles one to all kinds of behavior, and that while the minority claim is real, the majority one is cooked up with a clever use of stats.

    And what if, hypothetically, the Italian community of St-Leonard decided to make Italian the official language of their jurisdiction (a borough is a jurisdiction after all), and ban all French from public space of St Leonard, citing their majority status, and the “democratic will” of the citizens of St Leonard. Would take go over well? How long would it take before some separatist started screaming discrimination? 10 seconds, or less? And trying to play the same old card: Quebec is a “nation”, so it CAN. Canada is not a nation so it CAN’T. St Leonard is not a nation so it CAN’T. Montreal is not a nation so it CAN’T. Only Quebec can. We can see instantly how arbitrary this whole thing is.

    At 7:01AM, we have another example of this tactic. The stats may be real, but put them in context and you see immediately that something is seriously wrong in Quebec, while everything is in order in the RoC. In Quebec, given its location, only 43% of people know English, where at least double that should (if not close to 100%) given the place of Quebec in the world. The 43% illustrates a complete failure of this province to adapt its people to the conditions of their habitat, and essentially condemns 57% of Quebeckers to life in their immediate community from which they cannot step out.

    As for the Anglos, he says it’s 9% (1.5 million), where half a million (Anglo population of Quebec) would suffice. 1.5 million means that a million Anglos in the RoC know French even though they don’t necessarily have to, since it’s of no use to them in provinces where French speakers constitute 2% of the population, less than the populations of Punjabi or Cantonese speakers.

  48. @Adski l'entourloupette

    "...French speakers constitute 2% of the population, less than the populations of Punjabi or Cantonese speakers..."

    Sauf que nous avons des droits historiques qui semblent vous échappés ou que vous évacuez sciement sous le tapis de la malhonnêteté intellectuelle.

    Vos tentatives répétées de diminuer notre Nation au rang de simple ethnie parmi les autres ainsi que vos convulsions mathématiques aussi tordues qu'insignifiantes ne laissent transpirer que votre inconfort parmi les Québécois.Nous sommes le Canada.

    N'oubliez pas d'allez voter au prochaines provinciales.

  49. “nous avons des droits historiques”

    Note that Israel uses the same excuse as it bulldozes Palestinian villages. Another parallel between these two "lunatic" states (as Norman Finklestein recently dubbed Isreal following the flotilla raid) is the use of “we have the right to defend ourselves” argument. All actions, no matter how insane (the “massacre of the apostrophes”, anyone?), are dismissed with this simple (and lame) line.

    “diminuer notre Nation au rang de simple ethnie parmi les autres”

    But that’s exactly what you are. Just an ethnicity amongst many others. Please, get your heads out of your asses and get used to this fact.

  50. To ano 11:03:

    Strange i go to St-Albert in ontario and i can speak french, i go to sudbury and i can speak french, i can go to Edmonton and live in a french community, send my kids from primary until university in french. i can open a commerce in any of these location and chose to put my signs in french only and server only in english if i desire, it's up to me. Not u ot the government, that is what is called rights and freedom. U don;t even begin to understand it, ur too busy kissing the as of the prefontaine of this world. go get a life u RRQ thug.

  51. Si ces droits n'existaient pas et que nous n'étions qu'un élément ethnique parmi d'autres,il y aurait plus d'un siècle que nous n'existerions plus a titre Nation et qu'on nous auraient allègrement "bulldozer".Les Québécois ont une force d'adaptation en milieu hostile hors du commun,ne vous en déplaise...adski le tortueux (Vous semblez souffrir terriblement).

    Belle tentative Monsieur le bouffeur de cornichons marinés dans la vodka.

  52. adski is correct in his statements. The french in Canada are indeed a minority and should not be forcing their agenda (bilingualism) on the ROC through a political agenda in Ottawa( read: OLA and Trudeau) French is a language of diminishing value in the world and will continue to erode in popularity. Why should the ROC continue with bilingual education in French when assets could be directed to other languages which are far more relevent in the world today in an effort to appease one minority in Canada. Quebec can be as french as they want providing they respect the other minorities living in the province which at this time they don't and in fact, are actually attempting to erase other languages in Quebec.

  53. "Strange i go to St-Albert in ontario and i can speak french..."

    Effectivement,vraiment étrange.Vous êtes peut-être aussi très chanceux.Saviez vous que les minorités culturelles,selon les lois en vigueur doivent êtres protégées dans ce "pays"?
    Devinez quoi? Nous sommes une minorité et pas les anglos,qui eux sont majoritaires,Vous suivez toujours?

    Réfléchissons un peu...Mais oui au fond c'est tout a fait normal que vous puissiez vous expprimer en Français peu importe ou vous êtes sur ce vaste territoire dominé par les Brits.

    Certaines évidences nous échappe parfois.

  54. Adski 8:58am

    on a blog where so many contributors (on both sides) are foaming at the mouth, it's always a pleasure to read your well-reasoned arguments.

  55. Anon 7:57AM “but people in foreign coutries speak the local language everyday of their damn life”

    True. But you’re conveniently oversimplifying it.

    First, nobody is stopping Quebec Francophones from using French. Nobody. On the contrary, 101 is around to “encourage” (read: bully) the non-Francophones to use French. In all of Quebec and in Montreal the Francophones can use French without being hounded or picked on. So you have your local language, and you can speak it every day of your damn life. You may of course stick by your “speak white” stories, but even if they really happened, 1.they happened a long time ago, 2. they were the rumblings of bigoted INDIVIDUALS, and 3. these things were never institutionalized or official, unlike the “primaute du francais” in Quebec today.

    Second, your perception that “French is dying” is exactly that – your perception. It certainly does not entitle you to impose French on other people who have alternatives to French, EVEN if they live in QC. Neither the alleged dangers for the French language, nor your majority status, nor your minority status, nor the fact that this is Quebec, entitle you to impose French across the board.

    Third, since English is an international language, you will find it spoken EVERYWHERE now. Trying to cleanse Quebec of the English language, in signage and parlance, is a sign that Quebec is a lunatic jurisdiction

    Fourth, follows for the third – the world is becoming more globalized by the minute. Which means that people don’t stay in one place, they move around. Yes, once you settle somewhere, it’s a VERY good thing to learn the local language, but notice that a., MOST immigrants to QC do in fact learn French (thanks to 101), and b. at this point, English can be an alternative to ANY local language ANYWHERE in the world – if you combine its worldly status with mobility of the current workforce

    Fifth, note that Quebec relies heavily on immigration. What do the immigrants bring in? The knowledge of English and the perception that English is the lingua franca.

    Sixth, note that Quebec is NOT like any other jurisdiction. Quebec is in North America, and that NATURALLY makes English more present and more significant than anywhere else in the world.

  56. To ano 11:18
    Strange the other twit said in ontario there is no french, i point out it is incorrect and u go gaga. A minority using it's majority, to do what it decries elesewhere is double faced and dishonest, fitting for a seppie, think about it. it seems like the obvious is alien to u.

  57. "...Trying to cleanse Quebec of the English language, in signage and parlance, is a sign that Quebec is a lunatic jurisdiction..."

    Pour l'instant nous ne voulons pas vous exterminez.Vouloir exterminer les anglos du Québec reviendrait a dire d'essayer d'enrayer la prolifération de "Bed bugs" dans les quartiers miteux.Pour l'instant nous utilisons la méthode douce et écologique afin de vous limiter.

    Il n'est pas exclus cependant que nous prenions des moyens plus rigoureux dans un futur rapproché afin de diminuer votre nombre.

  58. @adski le volubile

    Je vais être bref et concis dans ma question kiki et j'espère que vous le serez tout autant dans votre réponse : Savez-vous pourquoi Les Québécois représentent une société distincte ?

    Évitez les longs paragraphes,nous sommes sur un blogue noms de Dieu.

  59. If millions of Francophones require forceful, abrasive, xenophobic, racist legislation to keep their particular dialect of French alive, when hundreds of other cultures manage to thrive and retain their identities without it, then it's not worth protecting because it's dying anyway. Pull the plug.
    Then again, this has nothing to do with it at all. It's more like a mafia territory thing which explains the natural inclination of French Quebecers to cut deals with a shady world that leads to bridge collapses around the province. So if you're moving to this stink hole, wear a helmet.

  60. "Savez-vous pourquoi Les Québécois représentent une société distincte ?"

    Wait, I know this!

    Because collectively they represent the lowest high school test scores in North America?

    Nailed it!

  61. To ano 1:56
    U must be one of those morons from the RRQ, u know keyboard jockey, brave when behind a keyboard, or with a group of thugs. do u care to be more specific with ur threat ... note to self check on RRQ members for future use. Who knows some lice shampoo could clean things up.

  62. @anon 4:45 AM

    Canada is a majority english speaking Country. Both French and English are official languages, just as it was so in Quebec. IF canada decided to make English the sole official language of Canada and included Quebec in the legislation what would and/or could Quebec do?

    Separate? Fine separate but loose all the territory ceded to Quebec due to confederation. Also all municipalities, districts, first nation reserves all would have their own referendums to partition their areas into Quebec? What could you do to stop them?

    The Answer is ABSOLUTELY nothing. The pur laine chauvanists better prey that ex anglo and or allophone quebecer doesn't get into a positition of power at the Federal level...

  63. #Separate? Fine separate but loose all the territory ceded to Quebec due to confederation. Also all municipalities, districts, first nation reserves all would have their own referendums to partition their areas into Quebec? What could you do to stop them?#

    You partitionists are complete morons. First of all, even the federal government recognize Quebec as a nation. The international community will recognize a winning referendum, and quebec borders would stay the same.

    The only way the canadian governement could partition an independant quebec is by force. Which would mean your communities would become a new ulster.

    And dont use the first nations as an argument, its you anglos assholes who put them in reserves in the first place.

    Try thinking about that, you bunch of neo-orangemen.

  64. Oh u were so afraid of partition u forced mergers of the city of Mtl. The moron is u, if Canada is divisible, so is Quebec, simple to see. But the seppies hate hearing the table turn on them. The moron is u.

  65. I should had how funny it is, that if Quebec get split they threaten violence, but if it is the reverse Canadian don't threaten it. It show how racist and hateful the separatist movement truly is.

  66. #Oh u were so afraid of partition u forced mergers of the city of Mtl. The moron is u, if Canada is divisible, so is Quebec, simple to see#

    hahahahaha, What you dont understand, you ulster-type orangeman, is that if quebec is divisible.....then so is canada.

    Dont ya think french minorities and acadian would like to partition canada and join quebec if they see that angloquebecers can do it ?

    Dont you think first nations all around canada would start to rebel and ask for their ancestral territories to be totally respected, if they see that quebecs firsts nations are to stay in Canada because now the federal gov would decide to use their ancestral rights against quebec ?

    Dont ya think americans would be pissed off if hydro-quebec would stop supplying electricity to the north-east because the quebec gov. wouldnt have access to the north anymore?

    Cant you see that the only way to partition quebec is by the use of force? Considering that 30% of the canadian military is french-speaking, good luck with the internal strife hehehe.

    hahaha, you delusional fool. The partition card would open a pandora box, in which you would be the first victims.

    Thats why it has never been seriously considered by anyone in power in Ottawa. Only some retarded anglo-montrealer with a rhodesian mentality think its possible.

  67. *I should had how funny it is, that if Quebec get split they threaten violence, but if it is the reverse Canadian don't threaten it. It show how racist and hateful the separatist movement truly is.*


    look at who is threatening violence here. The quebec sovereignists want independance by peaceful means. But its YOU who say that in case we win, quebec should be partitionned.

    Partition MEAN violence. Everywhere a newly independant nation has been partitionned, violence has erupted. Look at Ireland and former Yugoslavia.

    The partition card IS a violent threat, because the only way it would work would be by an armed occupation of quebec.

    You guys are the only ones threatening violence. We dont want it, we only say we would respond to any armed agression against us.

    Partition would ulsterize your communities de facto, and you would be the only ones responsibles. Thats why this pandora box has never been seriously considered.

  68. "You partitionists are complete morons. First of all, even the federal government recognize Quebec as a nation. The international community will recognize a winning referendum, and quebec borders would stay the same."

    K. You're an idiot. The "Quebecois" and not "Quebec" was recognized as a nation sociologically, not geographically, you tard. Look it up. I know for a fact that the reason you think that way is because that's how Duceppe spun it after it was announced. I vividly remember.

    Now run along little sheep. Bah bah!

  69. "K. You're an idiot. The "Quebecois" and not "Quebec" was recognized as a nation sociologically, not geographically, you tard. Look it up. I know for a fact that the reason you think that way is because that's how Duceppe spun it after it was announced. I vividly remember."

    ROFLMAO !!!!!!!

    And where in this motion it say that anglos and allos are NOT part of this québécois nation ?

    If you think you're scaring us with your partitionnist bluff, you should think twice.

  70. "it say that anglos and allos are NOT part of this québécois nation "

    It's not only how they feel. It's how they're MADE to feel.

    "If you think you're scaring us with your partitionnist bluff"

    It's obvious from your hysterical reactions that we are doing a good job.

    And as we all know, administrative borders are such an arbitrary thing. Throughout history countries appeared, disappeared, got divided, got united, got partitioned, got put back together...

    Canada is totally divisible, but so is Quebec.

    “You guys are the only ones threatening violence”

    The violence can come only from the Quebecois for a simple reason – Canada is already here. The RCMP, federal buildings, bridges, federal employees, federal institutions, Canada Post, people loyal to Canada, army units loyal to Canada - Black Watch, Royal Grenedier Guards,..etc...Canada has the luxury of doing absolutely nothing. The burden will always be on Quebec to move Canada out, either through politics or through violent action.

  71. "And where in this motion it say that anglos and allos are NOT part of this québécois nation ?

    If you think you're scaring us with your partitionnist bluff, you should think twice."

    K well not only did I not mention anglos or allos in quebec, I didn't mention partitioning either... but I guess if you can hallucinate a country, hallucinating a few extras words should be a breaze.

    And we're not part of the Quebecois nation because we're not Quebecois in the way it's used in the motion. It's used as an ethnic (cultural) division. Much like distinct status for our native Canadians. Do they have a province? No. Because distinct society is sociological. It's basically an imaginatory title that Harper gave the Quebecois to make them happy. Then Duceppe acted like a huge victory had been attained, which of course the sheeps that you are gobbled up. I don't know if you watch the office or not, but essentially Quebec is the "assistant to the regional manager" of Canada.

    And I don't try to scare anyone. I leave that to language police and mailbox bombers.

  72. "Because distinct society is sociological. It's basically an imaginatory title that Harper gave the Quebecois to make them happy."

    Et vous croyez vraiment que c'est Harper qui décide si nous sommes une nation ou pas?
    Il devrait plutôt juger si les siens (les canadians) forment une vraie nation.Je crois qu'il y a matière a réflexion.

    Comme le disait mon ami : Le canada est un pays Bêta,un espèce de laboratoire expérimental de groupes multi-ethniques qui n'ont rien en commun sinon d'espérer migrer un jour vers un vrai pays tel que les É.U..Autrement dit:La sauce ne prend tout simplement pas.

  73. Le Canada est un pays qui n'a pas de principe, comme le parti libéral, qui l'a mené par le bout du nez, pendant trop longtemps. Les politiciens font tout autre que ce qu'ils disent, de toute façon. Par le temps qu'on y met pour le comprendre, (autour de 40 ans) une autre génération paye pour la sécurité de l'autre. Les insultes des anglophones sont toujours et resteront toujours dans l'histoire. Or, si les francophones n'existaient pas ils s'ennuieraient terriblement, dans leur langue maudite.

  74. "If millions of Francophones require forceful, abrasive, xenophobic, racist legislation to keep their particular dialect of French alive..."

  75. Le Canada est un pays nouveau comparativement à l'Europe. Son manque de sagesse le rend un pays avec une conscience sans plénitude. La force de l'exubérance des Anglophones condamnant les Francophones donnent nettement l'allure d'une pays qui n'a aucun respect pour les langues, l'histoire, l'éducation, le progrès et se fixe contre la montée de l'économie. Quant à la monarchie (auteur du Quebec Act) qui se lave les mains, derrière l'arrogance de l'anglophonie, la nation française se surmonte dans le silence. L'hypocrisie derrière l'anglophonie saura les rejoindre un jour. En attendant Vive la nation du Québec! Elle ne devrait pas tolérer un seul jour de plus les règles contre sa langue !

  76. Il y a loin de la coupe aux lèvres: Le Canada est très immature. Si seulement le Québec pouvait se libérer des Anglophones qui le minent, il serait maintenant sur un marché Européen. Je leur reproche une chose: qu'ils mettent la langue anglaise hors Québec. Pourquoi doivent-ils inviter ces lanceurs de pierres à leur table ? Le RRQ, qui a besoin des rèbles en anglais, le sport ? qu'ils apprennent une autre langue, ils ont les poches bourrées d'argent et le crâne vide !

  77. If French is the language of the People who are the founding Nation of Canada, you should honour and respect them. YES, Anglophones who are not happy to live a lovely life their shoudn't be thre to start with. I reproach Quebec one thing: YOU SHOULD KICK THE ASS OF THOSE TERRIBLE ENGLISH OUT OF QUEBEC! the nerve they have to tell you what to do at home !

  78. I agree ! Canada is a big country, let the English complain outside Quebec. LIVE AND LET LIVE ! xenophobic bastards sun of the Queen!

  79. Les Anglais sont désastreux au Canada. En Angleterre au moin ils veulent étudier aux Universités. Ici au Canada, les coûts pour l'éducation sont moins élevés et personne ne veut apprendre !!!! Que les Anglais apprennent le français ou qu'ils se taisent, à faute de quoi qu'ils payent !!!

  80. You know what, one of the biggest reasons partition scares the pur laine chauvanists, is they wouldn't have enough volunteers to make an army. They sure wouldn't fight a minor war to keep Quebec whole after declaring independance. Its easy to have goons on welfare threaten and menace unarmed law fearing citizen anglos and allos. On the other hand facing an armed force is another matter of fact.

    The pur laine chauvanists really can't do anything to stop partition of Quebec. I think it would be a good idea to unilaterally partition quebec even before seperation. It would cut a good chunk out of the equalization for these pur laine chavanists.

  81. CONQUER AND DIVIDE IS THE ENGLISH MOTTO. Nous les Francophones sommes au parfum de votre stragégie, monsieur l'Anglais ! Vous vous croyez malin, mais vous n'avez pas la formule magique pour que la Nation française évolue en paix !
    Quelle université avez-vous fréquenté anonymous-quidam- du 11 décembre à 1:40 ?

  82. That's quite enough!

    I'm tired of wading through a bunch of crappy insulting posts, many of which I've not published.

    This thread is now open only to posts that speak to the main post itself. No more crosstalk here.
    Move along.......

  83. THE GLOVES ARE OFF MR. EDITOR. THIS FORUM IS NOT FOR PEOPLE WHO WANTS TO PRESENT XENOPHOBIC VIEWS TO FAVOUR the exacerbetion of the Anglos only. What is positive in view of a new paradigm should be in your views, as an Editor. You will be reprimendend to entertain visions of destruction and racism. Are you so envious of Conrad Black !
