While the law is designed for maximum transparency, like many good ideas, there remains a distinct possibility of abuse and the recent actions of the militant Reseau de resistance du Quebecois, (RRQ) has used the list of names to undertake a campaign of intimidation and harassment.

The RRQ has sent a letter to each of the 780 people, chastising them and holding them responsible for the Premier's decision not to hold an inquiry into alleged corruption. In addition, the RRQ invited it's members, to letter bomb these donors to add pressure. Link
"We have launched a website (donsliberaux.resistancequebecoise.org) that identifies you as large donor to the Liberal Party of Quebec. Your name is there as is your home address, public information that the Chief Electoral Officer provides. On this site, we denounce corruption and Jean Charest who refuses to shed light on the scandals afflicting his administration. We invite people to copy us and put pressure on you and demand that you listen at last to the people. Because your leader speaks only the language of money, perhaps you the financiers 0f the Liberal party, can convince him.
I hope this letter has provided you an understanding that in becoming a generous donor to the Liberal party, you have become a target."
"...The day major donors will be able to convince Jean Charest to obey the people, we will close the site. And then you can find peace."
"I hope you understood that it is likely that many other people will follow suit and will also write to you"As you can see the letter highlights the image of the infamous 'patriot' brandishing a rifle that was used in the various FLQ terrorist manifestos. Very subtle, indeed. CBC STORY
Sending, a letter emblazoned with a terrorist symbol, to somebody's home is a threat and beyond mere protest. It is intimidation, no different than a Mafia type warning you on the phone not to bid on a certain contract.
Of course, this is Quebec and nothing will likely come of it. The police will run away from the file as fast as they can.
Of course the RRQ will claim that it isn't intimidation, because they cleverly make no threats. It reminds me of the Mafia enforcer who walks up to your home and shows you a picture of your children, asking how they are, then asks if you are still interested in supporting a certain candidate.
It is thuggery, plain and simple. Patrick Bourgeois et als, are thugs of the lowest order.
Intimidation is a two way street, it wouldn't be that hard to create a website with the names and addresses of RRQ members, so that others may respond to the intimidation in kind.
It wouldn't be that difficult to make life and careers hell for RRQ members.
It's an idea......