Leave it to the insufferable Societe Saint-Jean-Baptiste president, Mario Beaulieu to attack a re-habilitation hospital for offering services bilingually.

The management, acting in extremely good faith, petitioned the government to be accorded bilingual status for the merged institution, so that they could continue to service English patients in their own language, as they pursued their various treatments.
This, of course is some sort of an outrage for French language militants who see it as another English plot.
Standing in front of the institution in Montreal, Mr. Beaulieu held a news conference where he recycled the hackneyed 'Sky is Falling' argument to bolster his position that Montreal is on the road to becoming an English city.
Embarrassed management were none to pleased with the grandstand antics held in front of their institution.
"It's an emotional issue. It's a pity the SSJB is exaggerating things a bit." said rehab centre spokesperson Pascal Mailho.Instead of attacking a hospital, why doesn't Mr. Beaulieu and his gang of merry men attack more visible government institutions?
The newly launched gaming site at Loto-Quebec. has no problem serving Anglos in the language of Shakespeare!
How very considerate!

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It publishes extremely well-conceived circulars that are included in English newspapers. The various publications instore are all available in English as well. Aside from that, these aren't cheapo translations à la Google Translate, it's clear that the advertising agency given the job used Anglophones to work the advertising campaign.
I also was pleasantly surprised to see a Happy Channuka sign, pasted on the window of the Cavendish Mall location, remarkable since Christmas seems to be verbotten!
As well, clerks in stores in anglo districts are all friendly and very bilingual. In fact anglos make up a reasonable proportion of employees in these stores, unlike other government departments.
Unlike the CSST, who has announced cancellation of English service , REVENUE QUEBEC has no problem speaking English even to business', when it takes your $$$$!
I guess when it comes to taking your money, language accommodation is not a problem.