Monday, November 15, 2010

More Statistical Drivel-This Time by an Anglo!

Regular readers know that I take great exception to the statistical drivel that pours out of the sovereignist camp, a dazzling array of fact, fiction, manipulation and outright lies meant to overwhelm readers and shift public opinion in the most dishonest of manner.

Just last week Jacques Noël, the prolific statistical sleight of hand artist, who skillfully turns Quebec water into wine, used his powers of selective data to skewer an article printed in La Presse, "Péréquation: plutôt 1200$ à chacun!" written by Pierre Simard, a professor at l'École nationale d'administration publique, in Quebec City. LINK 
"For the fiscal year of 2010-2011, the Government of Quebec will receive $8.5 billion in transfers in federal equalization payments, or 60% of the 14.4 billion paid to all 'have not' provinces.  This amount represents 13% of the 65.5 billion projected revenues of the province of Quebec. A gift, considering that Quebec taxpayers contribute about 20% federal tax revenues. In sum, 80% of that Equalization cheque is funded by our friends in the Rest of Canada (ROC)......"
For fiscal year 2010-2011, each of us  receive a cheque of about $1,200 or $4,800 for a family of four." LINK
 I don't think that this is an earth-shattering revelation, but the impact on a family is quite eye-opening, especially to those of you in provinces paying the freight. Ahem..

But according to Mr. Noel's logic, the equalization payment to Quebec is not charity at all, it's well deserved, nothing more than make up payments for all the shortfalls Quebec is subjected to.
He provides a laundry list of federal programs where Quebec gets 'less' than its fair share, but conveniently forgets about those programs where it gets more.

Mr. Noel might well have been a contortionist in a previous life to come up with all the billions that Quebec is supposedly short-changed each year. It makes for amusing reading and is so patently absurd that only the most militant nationalists could take it seriously.

Unfortunately, disinformation, bad statistics and misinterpretation is a two way street.
It would be remiss of me not to pass judgment on those in the Anglophone community that sink to the same level.

While the number of anglophone journalists and experts that engage in such voodoo analysis pales in comparison to those on the nationalist side, it  behooves me to call them out just the same.

Last summer Jack Jebwab of the Quebec Community Groups Network, came out with a study that asserted that Francophone Quebeckers make slightly more on average than anglophone Quebeckers. Immediately those numbers were challenged by Claude Castonguay, a retired mathematics professor and frequent contributor to sovereignist commentaries. He 'proved' Mr. Jedwab's numbers wrong and a war of statistics erupted in the press over methodology.  LINK fr.

A study to find out whether francophones make more money than anglophones, by it's very nature is suspect because it is agenda-driven. I wonder, if  Mr. Jedwab's study had proved the opposite, that anglos make more than francophones, if he'd have published the results. Methinks, no.

It reminds me of the Journal de Montreal sending a reporter to downtown Montreal to see if she could get a job speaking only English.
These 'studies' are self-fulfilling and always prove what the author intends.

Interestingly both Mr. Jedwab and Mr. Castonguay both tried to prove that their own respective linguistic communities made less than the other, in order to better play the victim card.
It's these type of arguments between idiots that we should steer a wide berth around.

Last week Mr. Jebwad was at it again, touting a poll that indicated that francophone Quebeckers were much less open to Jews than English Canadians Americans, Spaniards and Germans.
"English Canadians have some of the most open attitudes toward Jews and the Holocaust, while French Canadians are among the least open, according to a new public opinion poll of attitudes in four countries.....
The poll, commissioned by the Association for Canadian Studies and released exclusively to Postmedia News, found that only 34% of French-speaking Canadians felt Jews shared their values compared to 73% of English-speaking Canadians." LINK
The numbers were so staggeringly different that I immediately became suspicious. It painted francophones in a particularly bad light, so bad in fact that it made me wince. 
I know a rogue poll when I see one, this was one of the worst examples of a loaded question, bound to elicit different responses from different groups.

First things first. 
Had the question asked to francophones, substituted 'Anglophones' for 'Jews,' I am sure that the results would have been remarkably similar.
Culture means very different things to Francophone Quebeckers than Anglophone Canadians.
In Quebec, one can never get away from language. Francophones are married to the concept of language as an integral and founding element of their culture and values. It is how they define themselves.
A Jewish family may live next door to a Christian family or a Muslim family in Brampton, but they all speak the same language in the street, at school, at work and at play. They read the same English newspapers and magazines, watch the same television and listen to the same English radio.

The same goes for Jews in Spain who all speak Spanish, German for Jews in Germany and English for Jews in America.

It's for good reason that the saying "We speak the same language" means that we're on the same wavelength.
In Quebec Jews and Francophones share the same province but largely live in two different worlds, not because anybody is racist, but rather because they don't share the same language and to a very large extent, culture.
Ask a Quebec Jew, what a FELIX is and he' might answer you, that it's fifty percent of the ODD COUPLE, instead of the Quebec music award similar to a JUNO.
There's quite a cultural divide.

Quebec Jews and Francophones don't read the same newspapers and magazines, don't watch the same television and go to the different schools.
Ask Quebec Jews if Francophone Quebeckers share their values and you may very well get the same percentage as answered by the francophones.

So what?
The poll casts a poor light on francophones and intimates that they are twice more unaccepting of Jews than English Canadians. Bah!
If you believe that than I suggest that you read Jacques Noel for more fantasy.

The very idea that Quebeckers are less accepting than Spaniards of Jews flies in the face of the many studies that indicate that Spain is the most antisemitic country in the western world. Strange considering that there are less than 12,000 Jews in the whole country, about the same amount found in the Montreal suburb of Dollard-des-Ormeaux!
"According to a recent study published by the Pew Research Center, nearly half of all Spaniards have negative views of Jews, a statistic that marks Spain as one of the most anti-Semitic countries in Europe." LINK
Once again Mr Jedwab's research is shoddy.
He has gratuitously besmirched Francophone Quebeckers in their attitudes towards Jews.
Bad research. Bad methodology.


  1. Wow...this is actually one of the biggest cases of "Quebec bashing" I've ever heard of. Usually people from other provinces paint a bad picture of Quebec in terms of its politics, not because of its predominantly French-speaking population. This "poll" is on the border of racist, I would argue.
    This just goes to show you that you have bad apples on both sides of the linguistic debate.

    Anglo Montrealer

  2. Quebeckers are not people who will build their unicity by inviting the rest of the world to them. Think about it. They are French and catholic. Moreover they are from another scholastic and system from all the English-speaking people. Of course Jewish are different from them. Why plotting against Quebecois for that reason then ? Is it really the correct political topic in 2010? Quebecois are excellent "chef d'entreprise", and if they want to do business with the Jewish community they will, they won't take action like the English people did in Acadia, burn their church, giving them public humiliating death and deport them ! No my friends, this is a can of worms you are opening without a good reason.Leave the Quebeckers alone, they have enough of the English world who is always trying to divide and conquer. They are a nation now.

  3. Are we talking about the same province whose citizens complained that Coke cost more because it was kosher and they shouldn't be required to pay for it? The very same culture that targeted imported kosher goods on store shelves because the labelling was not adequately French? This is the Quebec of Herouxvillistes( because Arabs are Semites as well!), the place where it's still ok to refer to Jews as 'the money', and the place where the Jewish conspiracy for secret world domination is still alive and kicking and will warrant the almost yearly midnight swastika run at some local synagogue.
    Quebec's version of apartheid light, the exclusion of ALL minorities at all levels except where they may be used as tokens, is the rule of the day. If Spain takes the rotten award for most anti semitic in the West, then Quebec sweeps the awards with a visible, repeatedly demonstrated and even legislated dislike and intolerance of EVERYONE not part of the pure laine, which explains their umbrella term of 'les autres'.
    The last time Jews or any other minority had to exist in such an environment was in the Europe of the twenties and thirties, in the midst of fascism and the politics of race.

  4. "In sum, 80% of that Equalization cheque is funded by our friends in the Rest of Canada (ROC)"

    Also how much of the remaining 20% is being paid by anglophones and allophones in Quebec. Its much higher then their 20% of their quebec population.

    I wish there were some stats on the tax contribution of Anglophones and Allophones to the Quebec Government.

  5. Good Monday Editor, well, nothing new under the sun: a bunch of yokels, petits péquénots, playing with numbers, just to be sure to be considered and taken into consideration for their "precious" work for the sake of the "precious and special" peuple kébékuà...

    Allophone ++

  6. "...where it's still ok to refer to Jews as 'the money..."

    Ou d'associer les Italiens a la mafia.Les Québécois sont vraiment tordus.Aucun pays dans ce monde n'oserait affirmer de telles choses.Nous sommes un cas unique.

  7. Duceppe's Euro trip must have been more irrelevant than I thought. Even Editor hasn't picked up on it.

  8. "Are we talking about the same province whose citizens complained that Coke cost more because it was kosher and they shouldn't be required to pay for it? The very same culture that targeted imported kosher goods on store shelves because the labelling was not adequately French? This is the Quebec of Herouxvillistes( because Arabs are Semites as well!), the place where it's still ok to refer to Jews as 'the money', and the place where the Jewish conspiracy for secret world domination is still alive and kicking and will warrant the almost yearly midnight swastika run at some local synagogue.
    Quebec's version of apartheid light, the exclusion of ALL minorities at all levels except where they may be used as tokens, is the rule of the day. If Spain takes the rotten award for most anti semitic in the West, then Quebec sweeps the awards with a visible, repeatedly demonstrated and even legislated dislike and intolerance of EVERYONE not part of the pure laine, which explains their umbrella term of 'les autres'.
    The last time Jews or any other minority had to exist in such an environment was in the Europe of the twenties and thirties, in the midst of fascism and the politics of race.

    Yes indeed, we are Talking about the same province that has spent the last 5 decades wiping out 200 years of English, Scottish, Irish and Untied empire loyalist history with racist, bigoted Nazis type language laws a la bills 22, 178, 101…

    The same province of Quebec that still enacts anti-human-rights laws condemned in the United Nations reports each year. The same province that is proud and really doesn’t care how hateful they are as a society. The same province that lies daily, that milks the country dry financially…yep Kebec all right.

    Do what all informed thinking Canadians already do, boycott the hateful province period.

  9. While we are at work diminish the State of Quebec we forgot so quickly the "rest of Canada" was refused a seat at the ONU. Well, the reputation of English Canada is not constantly put at steak, but it should be here.

    While the real subject here was that Quebec was accepting federal money coming from "perequation", you cannot have one without the other. If this is the way to stay united to Canada there shouldn't be any qualms about being Quebecois, and accepting our federal shares from the system.It would be anti-democratic, anti-federalist and anticonstitutional.

    Remember Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises, who warned against what Hayek called "the fatal conceit" of governments thinking they can allocate wealth and opportunity more reasonably than can markets ? Perhaps you are not against the unicity and full control of another different province then... a nation like Quebec.

  10. "Quebecois are excellent "chef d'entreprise", and if they want to do business with the Jewish community they will"

    This statement might be construed as racist, i.e. if you're Jewish, then you're a good business person.

    "While we are at work diminish the State of Quebec we forgot so quickly the "rest of Canada" was refused a seat at the ONU. Well, the reputation of English Canada is not constantly put at steak, but it should be here."

    Canada was refused a seat at the United Nations because of its support for Israel. Arab countries voted against it en masse.

  11. "Remember Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises, who warned against what Hayek called "the fatal conceit" of governments thinking they can allocate wealth and opportunity more reasonably than can markets ?"

    Perhaps then Canada should be more like the free market US, where there is very little sharing of wealth between states. Rich states such as Connecticut do not transfer money to poor states such as Mississippi, except in the case of the maintenance of the federal interstate highway system.

    The federal government of Canada should transfer additional money to Quebec for the upkeep of the Trans-Canada Highway, and nothing more.

  12. Americans, that's what Ontario is all about. The liberal party removed our traditional flag for a maple leaf which should be replaced with your dam chain saw hey ? So if we separate we will still be here, we won't disappear, perhaps you won't use our roads.

  13. You don't know what racist is. You are saying words without knowing what they are, so why can't you be quiet.

  14. I will tell you what racist is: it is to say that Ontario is a concentration camp for Francophones, this is racist, and I don't mind saying it Charlie!

  15. "...perhaps you won't use our roads."

    I do my best to avoid Quebec roads now. They are the worst in North America and are equivalent to roads in the Third World. And they will deteriorate even further if Quebec ever separates from Canada.

  16. "Ontario is a concentration camp for Francophones"

    What the f*&k are you talking about? The government of Ontario is de facto bilingual, which is much more than can be said for Quebec. Francophones in Ontario don't have any laws restricting or banning the use of their language, as is the case for Anglophones in Quebec. Some towns and municipalities in eastern Ontario have even forced the use of French on commercial signage.

    You are obviously an imbecile, as M. Guy stated in another thread.

  17. Canada is a strange country, when people like yourself dispute others because of their language, their roots, and their culture, they shouldn't be allow to suggest perequation matters.

  18. The Ontario government is pretentious and ignorant. We all know that. I worked in both systems and both governments.

    There is nothing worst than the Ontario Government. My first day on the job in Ontario, I was told: speak white dick head ! So there it is.Your grace is on pick-up trucks, mud boots, no manners and the majority of the people are crackers, yes white crackers.

  19. "I do my best to avoid Quebec roads now..."

    What?You don't drive a pickup truck?

  20. @ 5:51 PM:

    I don't believe that you ever worked for the Ontario government. Your command of English simply isn't good enough. And it is also highly unlikely that anyone ever directed the 'speak white' insult at you.

  21. Editor, you're absolutely right. These kind of polls are annoying. Regrettably anti-semitism and other forms of bigoted ideas exist in Quebec and elsewhere but the attempt to paint Quebec and French-Canadians as particularly anti-semitic is grossly unfair. English-Canadians are too quick to forget things like McGill quotas, Mackenzie King and 'none are too many'.

    Meanwhile I would be interested to see a poll about attitudes in Israel towards non-Jews. Judging by the views of Rabbi Ovadia, the head of the major religious party in the Knesset, such a poll might be revealing:

  22. Mr.Guy nor yourself do not know the facts in Ontario. You are too gullable, proper of English speaking Canadians. It is my opinion, and I have the right to it. Quebec does not have to be bilingual. They are autonomus, they are French and have their full system in French: school and Universities, Economics, medical etc..

  23. The French from Quebec will never display as much hate as you are showing to the Quebeckers in your country. SO THERE, PUT IT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT !

  24. "The French from Quebec will never display as much hate as you are showing to the Quebeckers in your country. SO THERE, PUT IT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT !"

    I think you have something in that pipe other than tobacco. Where do we have laws in Canada that restricts commercial signage and/or language of instruction in either of the two "official" languages. Also, you are not might speak a weak and vulgar version of the language, but in fact the french are from france and bit from Quebec.

    What was the figure for your open civil service. 8 to 10% anglos in the population and less than 0.7% in the Quebec civil service. I think that statistic clearly indicates how much bias the province of Quebec has towards L'autres.

    All the time absorbing over 8 billion a year of other peoples money to support your social programs you cannot afford.


  25. "Quebec does not have to be bilingual. They are autonomus, they are French and have their full system in French: school and Universities, Economics, medical etc.."

    Of course take your full system and take it outside of Canada. Quebec is a joke and an embarrasment to the ROC. When can we expect you to "prendre la porte". Sooner is better but of course this will never happen as Quebec is hooked on the welfare they receive from the ROC. Quebec is essentially bankrupt due to your "french canadian" social programs and culture which is obviously not productive as your debt clearly indicates. GDP figures in the bottom of the 5 states and provinces in NA.

    Quebec is a shit hole infested by bigots, mafia and corruption as has recently been reported in the mainstream media and this very blog.

  26. "There is nothing worst than the Ontario Government. My first day on the job in Ontario, I was told: speak white dick head ! So there it is.Your grace is on pick-up trucks, mud boots, no manners and the majority of the people are crackers, yes white crackers."

    What is your grace: Living on other peoples money due to your inherent unproductivity and lack of any pride?

  27. "display as much hate as you are showing to the Quebeckers in your country"

    And all the time I thought Quebec was a nation of their own. Come to think about it, would be a lot better if they were gooonnnnnne.

  28. You don't understand at all. What does a beautiful woman with a lot of degrees and experience does for work when she comes from Quebec ! answer : They laugh at her. My pride didn't help me, my overproductivity gave me awful jobs and so I became a councillor and told them how to do things and it worked. But in general anglophones are racists and are hostile like you are on this site.

  29. "...Quebec is essentially bankrupt due to your "french canadian" social programs and culture which is obviously not productive as your debt clearly indicates."

    J'imagine que c'est de la faute des Québécois si l'ontario etles É.U sont en faillite.Nous au moins,on a pas a choisir entre notre maison et notre santé.

  30. "But in general anglophones are racists and are hostile like you are on this site."

    Again, where are there laws restricting commercial signage and laws restricting language of education in Canada. I know of only one bigotted province in Canada with laws as described. If the shoe fits then wear it, bigot.

  31. Actually Quebec is constitutionally required to be bilingual despite what Bob Bourassa and the PQ rammed down all quebecers throats.

    I for one am just waiting for the day, when a party from the rest of Canada is created just for ramming official provincial bilingualism into the entire province of Quebec like it was suppose to be. Let them experience tyranny of the majority. Hopefully demographic trends at a minimum continue the way they are in Quebec or better yet we see a massive increase in Allophone and anglophone population. 33 to 41% of the quebec population by 2020 would be a very nice statistic

  32. "Come to think about it, would be a lot better if they were gooonnnnnne."

    Not yet,we need some more money from you generous canadians for achievement of our Sovereignty project.Thank again,you're a good neighbours.

  33. "What does a beautiful woman with a lot of degrees and experience does for work when she comes from Quebec ! answer : " c'est tres simplement...restez au Quebec, merci.

  34. "Not yet,we need some more money from you generous canadians for achievement of our Sovereignty project"

    Due to your inherent incompetency at all levels. Quebec could not run a "square shithouse" as is clearly evidenced when one watches the news on a daily basis. Big turn out at the Rizutto funeral today as I understand. Wonder how many politicians of bureaucrats were in attendance :):) Pure Laine = purely pathetic.

  35. "J'imagine que c'est de la faute des Québécois si l'ontario etles É.U sont en faillite.Nous au moins,on a pas a choisir entre notre maison et notre santé."

    Je suis tres desole mon petite frog du Quebec. Your health isnt all that good. Big debt, big problems with your immigrants you treat like shit and not to mention the corruption which is an accepted way of life in your third world province. Unbelievable that people are brought up to accept corruption and graft as they are in Quebec. Really quite disturbing.

  36. "You're a dumb broad. Who the hell are you to say Ontarians are bigots when your own province restricts les autres to post signs in their language of choice?"

    I would place money on a bet that she isn't all the beautiful. LOL

  37. WOW!Du jamais vu : Plus de 43.000 signatures en moins d'une journée pour la démission de John Charest.

  38. First of all I am not a broad, I am a rich bitch, and I live with a rich man. This is why a left QC. I am telling you ignorants that Ontario is a road full of rocks like the pigs who are attacking on this site. Nothing is pleasant in Ontario as they are barbarians.

  39. "First of all I am not a broad, I am a rich bitch, and I live with a rich man."

    I have to agree with you about the bitch description.

    "Nothing is pleasant in Ontario..."

    I have wanted to say this for a long time: if you don't like it, then take the 401...back to Quebec!

  40. "First of all I am not a broad, I am a rich bitch, and I live with a rich man. This is why a left QC. I am telling you ignorants that Ontario is a road full of rocks like the pigs who are attacking on this site. Nothing is pleasant in Ontario as they are barbarians"

    I don't buy a word you say. However, if your story is true it was well deserved, for the way the Quebec government treats Anglophones in the civil service, you bitch.

    Anglo Montrealer

  41. I AM STILL A RICH BITCH, and i support my Quebeckers allies in the Patrie of Quebec.Other francophones are living here in Ontario nears red neck Anglos and crackers, we are all well educated. We live close to Anglophones who are speaking 4 and 5 languages and more educated thant the majority of the people. Happy I disappoint you. On top of that I was a Beauty Queen in Quebec and I wrote two books.(in French of course!)My family came here in Ville Marie and is nobility around 1765.

  42. @ 1:15 PM:

    Who cares if you were a beauty queen? You are probably just an old hag now, and a very crabby one at that!

    If Anglo-Ontarians are "red necks and crackers", then I suppose the Francophones are "white niggers", to quote Pierre Vallieres.

    It appears that your noble blood has become very, very watered down.

  43. @1:15 PM

    LOL, you did not disappoint me at all. In fact, your stories about being discriminated by Anglos in Ontario satisfy me, simply because now you know how Anglos feel in Quebec. If you hate Ontario so much, take the 401 back to Quebec.

    Anglo Montrealer

  44. I have a husband well educated, (only reason for my coming here) and a very rich one. The promotion and spreading of my mother tongue is at work, among rancophobes. This is how Ontario becomes becomes more and more French. We work around you, over you and we teach and spread our culture, our language to rustic Anglos, in Universities etc... The best people here in Ontario are the Europeans.

  45. "I have a husband well educated, (only reason for my coming here) and a very rich one."

    Actually there are words for women like you. (gold digger, opportunist, whxxxre) Quite frankly I am not believing anything you are saying as I have been exposed to many Quebecois over the years and clearly understand they have a common thread, which is embellishing the truth or worse yet, spreading outright lies. If your compatriotes in Quebec were so successful they would not be in the position they are in which is economically a disaster. I suspect if you continue to spread your culture and folk language to other parts of country that Canada will become as destitute as Quebec. Of course, this is not likely to happen anytime soon as most Canadians now understand your games of deceit. Quebec has always been a problem generating the majority of the problems for Canada. You should move back to Quebec and do something positive such as run for the PQ so you can actively become involved in the separation of Quebec. Would be good to see your franco ass heading down the highway never to return. Could it be the high taxes in Quebec which is preventing your return to the bastion of your folklore mother tonque and home of the social welfare state.

    You make me sick.

  46. Anglo Montrealer: if you are not happy, come to Ontario, you will see how well you fit in, welcome Mr. cracker. You live to well in Quebec hey ?

  47. Je crois que les gais ont la vie dure en ontario.C'est pourquoi beaucoup d'anglos du ROC viennent s'installer a Montréal pour s'épanouir et ou l'ouverture d'esprit y est beaucoup plus favorable.

  48. "Je crois que les gais ont la vie dure en ontario.C'est pourquoi beaucoup d'anglos du ROC viennent s'installer a Montréal pour s'épanouir et ou l'ouverture d'esprit y est beaucoup plus favorable."

    Toronto is one of the three major gay meccas in North America (along with New York City and San Francisco). That said, some gay anglos probably move to Montreal...the French language is very gay.

  49. A la personne du 16 novembre / 4:24pm.

    La vie est dure en Ontario:

    1. - pour les femmes (qui vivent beaucoup moins bien que les femmes du Québec). Les loyers sont d'un coût exhorbitant. Les femmes mariées sont beaucoup plus captives.

    2.- Elles ont beaucoup moins de liberté dans leur pouvoir d'achat qu'au Québec.

    3.- pour les francophones. Selon les statistiques le taux de francophones qui ont besoin de soins psychiatriques sont très élevés et augmentent à chaque année. Ces chiffres sont significatifs. Ceci veut dire qu'il y a abus. Vous pouvez vérifier les chiffres avec les statistiques officiels.

    4.- pour les Québécois (qui parlent bien l'anglais), la vie est souvent intolérable. Par surcroît les refus d'emplois, les raisons invoquées pour congédiement etc... s'ajoutent graduellement à un rythme effréné de plaintes enregistrées au bureau de l'Ombudsman. La majorité des francophones ordinaires détiennent des postes minables et souvent à des heures ridicules.

    5.- Les anglophones sont incapables de reconnaître la qualité du français parlé,écrit et ne sont pas intéressés à le faire, autre que par un système qui n'est pas toujours mis en place par la Province.

    6. - L'entourage au travail pour une francophone est souvent viscié, et les gens qui l'entourent ne sont pas réprimandés pour leurs attitudes francophobes. Il faut les prendre en flagrant délit (détournement de fonds etc..)et souvent la francophone doit se défendre de leurs méfaits.

    7.- Les médecins anglophones doivent être choisis avec soin, si vous le pouvez, car ils exercent une médecine générale sans hardiesse et souvent vous refuse le dépistage au cancer, lorsque vous êtes francophone. J'ai changé de médecin récemment, mais mon ex-médecin m'a refusé constamment le dépistage au cancer. Mon mari fut refusé également (il fait partie de ma famille) et il fut diagnostiqué avec un cancer avancé. C'est un cas triste de ségrégation grave.

  50. "La vie est dure en Ontario:"

    Alors, pourquoi ne pas revenir au Québec, si les choses sont tres mal en Ontario pour toi. Je doute que vous ne serait pas atteint et peut-être dans les choses du Québec sont mieux pour vous.

    Now think of how the anglos feel in Quebec? Where discrimination is not only social; it is legislated by the government.

    Again, why would you stay where you are not wanted?

    Why not just leave as you seem to be unhappy.

  51. Je vous remercie cher Anglophone pour votre sollicitude, mais lorsque votre vie est avancée vos bagages sont lourds. Tous les membres de ma famille sont morts, mes amis dispersés. Je sympathise aussi avec vous. Par contre, si vous le voulez ignorez les quartiers français et j'ose espérer pour vous que les quartiers Mille End et celui de Westmount, entièrement anglais, pourront vous faire vivre parmi eux. L'université McGill est réputée ainsi que Concordia, le journal The Gazette recrute des talents anglophones. Faites-vous des amis, et n'oubliez pas de vous montrer indispensable en offrant les services de votre langue aux Français et offrez leur un sourire (a good body language is important). Il est plus facile pour vous de vous lier aux anglophones exclusivement. Bonne chance à vous et que Dieu vous protège.

  52. "Bonne chance à vous et que Dieu vous protège."

    Je n'ai pas besoin de protection car je vis dans l'ouest où le français n'est pas une préoccupation. Je doute que je vais jamais passer à bigot Quebec.

    That being said, I have properties in Quebec which I will soon rid myself of. Even my daughter and grandchildren are leaving the province to return to the west where there are not bigotted language laws and oppression of minorities, and where you might be able to get a family doctor. Oui, j'connais tous que est Quebec.

    A la fin de jour, je dis a toi, il est vous qui besoin le protege de Dieu. Bonne chance!

  53. Cher Anglophone,
    Je vous remercie pour vos efforts en français. Vous vivez dans un endroit où vous devez connaître l'histoire davantage, et où le contrôle du français est encore à travailler pour vous. Pour bien maîtriser une langue, il faut investir au moins 10 ans de votre vie.Vous êtes très prêt de choir, à cause de votre désespoir.

    Quant à la ville de Québec, c'est autre chose. Ce sont les puristes. Cette ville est la ville qui a maintenu les premiers arrivants et qui ont défendu les français qui ont colonisé au continent. C'est un fait. N'allez pas plus loin, il s'agit d'une nation, non d'un hobby que de parler français, il s'agit que de beaucoup plus que d'un idiome, vous êtes un adulte, vous devez le comprendre maintenant.

    Il est humiliant pour vous de voir comment l'anglophonie peut devenir meurtrière et harrassante, mais jamais vous ne vivrez JAMAIS ce que j'ai vécu ici en Ontario.

    Plus le parcours vers l'ouest se déroule, plus les anglophones sont irrrascibles. Je ne suis pas intéressée par le Canada anglais, mais par l'Europe et le sud des USA, où des souches françaises m'y attachent également. Alors allez. Lors de la vente de vos propriétés, de bons francophones(ou anglophones qui sont devenus francophones)se régaleront de vos propriétés. Les miennes sont partagées entre l'Ontario et les plantations sudistes. J'ignore les Anglais et j'ai un grand mur de pierres.

  54. Cette correspondance démontre de sérieuses lacunes, concernant les rapports culturels. Prenez en exemple: "Je n'ai pas besoin de protection, car je vis dans l'ouest."

    Une traînée de poudre à canon.. qui rend la nature du message explosive mais ignorée volontairement de la part du correspondant francophone.

    La protection de Dieu est une bonté de coeur, dans la nature même d'un catholique français de souche. Cette lacune venant d'un protestant leur donne un aspect hostile.(Bien sûr que nous savons que les Anglophones peuvent bien vivre à Montréal s'ils ignorent le contexte rébarbatif des langues!)

    Je crois qu'il faut comprendre la genèse de Max Weber, sociologue et philosophe Allemand qui dans sa théorie de l'éthique protestante démontre que le capitalisme représente pour un anglophone une toute autre forme de vie que pour un catholique français. Il considérait, en effet, que les religions ont apporté une contribution décisive à la rationalisation du monde. Il est difficile de l'expliquer en quelques mots, mais si les gens étaient obligés de suivre le chemin de l'éducation nécessaire à cette compréhension, le Canada serait plus en paix avec lui-même.

  55. "Vous vivez dans un endroit où vous devez connaître l'histoire davantage, et où le contrôle du français est encore à travailler pour vous."

    Je connais assez bien l'histoire, mon ami, et Je sens mal pour le minorites dans Quebec. Il n'ya pas francais dans l'ouest du Canada. Moins que 0.5% le langue maternelle a utilisez dans les maisons aux francais. Aussi, il n'y pas des problems comme en Quebec avec les francos et des maudits anglos. Fin de cette histoire. Aussi, pas des mauvais lois dont seule offrez malheursement pour les minorite. Demander vous- meme si cette est ne pas les mieux chemin. Pas des problemes avec cette facon.

    "Je ne suis pas intéressée par le Canada anglais, mais par l'Europe et le sud des USA, où des souches françaises m'y attachent également."

    Alors, pour quoi vous restez en Canada dont des majorite sont anglos. Tu savez, Ici votre moral est tres mal car des tout le anglos, dont vous haine.. Peut etre que vous etes un masochiste. Etre honnete??

    "J'ignore les Anglais et j'ai un grand mur de pierres."

    And here I thought the french canadians were such an open group to other cultures. At least this is what they tell us whilst they inflict discriminatory laws against minority cultural groups. Rather hypocritical, isn't it.

    Vous tous avez une bonne journee.

  56. Vraiment vous êtes un idiot, allez au diable, le Canada français ne vous mérite pas ! Le mur de pierres, vous n'y toucherez pas, il est une protection contre les idiots.

  57. Hey Hey, this English bastard is insolent ! What a prostitute he is ! A father and a grandfather. Such an idiot, no wonder why people in Quebec city treats him badly. She, on the contrary is protecting herself. People are not interested in her, so she protects herself. They nearly killed her husband because of her provenance. The poor bastards English are killing themselves through the French ! WHAT A F.. COUNTRY THIS IS

  58. @ rich bitch

    If you really wanted to increase numbers of francophones maybe you should be having some children instead of trying to make laws like Bill 101 that aren't working anyway. I still have no idea why all these pur laine chauvanist types bash the catholic church. IF it wasn't for the highest birth rate in the western world, Quebec would have had a 40% non francophone population.

    Also anon @ 1:47 that translation service you is pretty bad.


  60. Lorsque l'on refuse l'existence même au francophones du Canada, il s'agit là d'irrationalité très grave. Il est à remarquer l'insolence, le manque de respect pour les autres, ainsi que la négativité à refuser qu'un peuple aime sa langue. En bref, il est normal que le peuple francophone ne veuille pas éroder leur langue au contact de la langue anglaise constamment. La loi 101 les protège. Tant mieux. Un reproche: la province de Québec devrait être en français uniquement. Leur système éducationel français pourrait devenir plus raffiné et accomplir beaucoup avec la mère patrie. (Lycée de Paris, La Sorbonne etc..)
    Ceci dit, la pureté d'une langue évidemment possède ses sanctions. Si le Canada anglais se sent déjà lésé, le Canada anglais devra s'en remettre à apprendre le français pour y pénétrer. Je connais l'espagnol et lorsque je visite, je dois utiliser leur idiome dans certains endroits. Toute le monde en Europe fonctionne de la même façont ! Nous sommes portés à croire que le Canada anglais souffre de xénophobie complexe ou de paresse intellectuelle. Je félicite les Canadiens français pour avoir conservé leur langue et leur culture. Ils ont haut la palme. Le Québec est un grand pays, il fait 9 fois la taille de la France, c'est ce pourquoi il doit bien utiliser ses capacités et les mettre à profit pour lui-même et non pour le Canadien anglais qu'il devra de plus en plus ignorer.
    Son budget ne le mettra pas en faillite, car il possèdes des puits de gaz qui sont encore vierges.Une économie futuriste promettante.

  61. Ceci dit le système d'éducation canadien enseigne le français et l'anglais ainsi que les autres langues. Les meilleurs écoles actuelles sont les écoles et collèges privés. L'anglais est mal enseigné, le français est atroce pour les anglophones. Seuls les gens qui possèdent un doctorat en enseignement sont en mesure de changer les systèmes et ils ne sont pas intéressés.

  62. "Vraiment vous êtes un idiot, allez au diable, le Canada français ne vous mérite pas ! Le mur de pierres, vous n'y toucherez pas, il est une protection contre les idiots."

    Does that stone wall around Quebec hold water. I doubt it with what I have seen with the infrastructure which is in serious decay (recently the autoroute 13 bridge falling down as the other two before). If it could hold water than perhaps we could fill it with water and put all the Quebecois out of their misery with lives in Quebec. Of course the anglos would be ok as they know how to say "help" Careful with your fences!!

  63. "I said francophones in the WORLD. GO TO THEIR OFFICIAL SITE "

    Oh yes, the site with diminishing numbers every year. Vous etes tres fous...he he.

  64. "Il est à remarquer l'insolence, le manque de respect pour les autres"

    Where are there laws restricting commercial signage and language of education in Canada other than Quebec. Alors. qui'ont mangue de respect pour les autres ??? Demandez vous-meme.

    "Leur système éducationel français pourrait devenir plus raffiné "

    Oh my, you must mean the one with the highest drop out rate in the country. Ben Oui!!

    "Ceci dit, la pureté d'une langue évidemment possède ses sanctions. Si le Canada anglais se sent déjà lésé, le Canada anglais devra s'en remettre à apprendre le français pour y pénétrer."

    And for what purpose to learn a dieing language of little relevance to the majority of Canada and for that matter the world.

    "Le Québec est un grand pays,"

    Vous etes tres drole...Quebec has a debt of 220 billion dollars, has one of the lowest GDP/capita ratings in NA and is rated on a GDP per Debt basis near the bottom of the industrialized world. Check out the figures before you pass out your accolades.

    "utiliser ses capacités et les mettre à profit pour lui-même et non pour le Canadien anglais qu'il devra de plus en plus ignorer"

    "Une économie futuriste promettante."

    Are you kidding. Havent you heard about the negative attitude about the "schiste gaz". The drilling in the St. Laurent basis will be done from the Newfoundland side as the exploration company doesn't want to deal with the problematic and unstable Quebecois.

    For christ sake, get the facts before you make an ass of yourself.

    Are you every f'ked in the head. Quebec receives 8.5 Billion dollars per year in Equalization payments as a gift from the anglais in Canada. Plus en Plus ignorer...Je penser il est vous.

  65. "Seuls les gens qui possèdent un doctorat en enseignement sont en mesure de changer les systèmes et ils ne sont pas intéressés."

    Oh, you must mean the ones that on obtaining their doctorates leave Quebec for greener (anglo) pastures. Of course they are not interested, they are gone.

  66. "The poor bastards English are killing themselves through the French !"

    Well, err, not from where I live. We couldn't give a GD about the Quebecois other than we really wish they would quit picking our pockets.

  67. What kind of effronterie is this Mr. Editor ? We don't care about the English neither, but we don't kill them hinding behind our medical licence, using laxism.

  68. To Anon. Nov. 16 at 7:01 PM:

    There has been a mass exodus of Anglophones from Quebec during the last 40 years.

    If life is so difficult for Francophones in Ontario, then why hasn't there been a huge migration of them to Quebec?


    1. Jobs are asking some talents which are not be held from you Anglos;

    2.- Marriages are happening between civilized Anglos and Francos,

    Finally, now that the Berlin Wall is down, you'r putting one up which is worse than any Nazism migration. That cost you your seat in ONU. Investigations are fruitful sometimes and the wole world is thinking on the kind of relationship you have with the non-Anglos on the northern continent. It is your side which is rejecting, the French do speak a minimum of two languages, your side is a one way street. Everybody knows.

  70. Anon 4:46PM: "Jobs are asking some talents which are not be held from you Anglos;"

    Anon, can you enlighten us as to which "talents" you are referring to?

    Anon 4:46PM: "Marriages are happening between civilized Anglos and Francos"

    If a potential mass outmigration of ON Francophones is offset by "civilized" Anglos, we can logically assume that there is quite a lot of civilized Anglos in ON. And that contradicts what you said before about Anglos in ON. Anon, something in your story doesn't add up.

  71. Absolutely not adski. You suffer from a complex which comes from biotech syndrom. Go out there and listen to people on both sides, in French Canada and English Canada. I believe you misunderstand as usually or you lack of seriousness.(Caution: humour is different in English than in French).

    No, Ontario is filled with mediocrity, and people who accept anything, or everything. You are putting words such as: outmigration, or massive exodus. I am not. I am talking exclusively of minorities.
    OK let's start again for you Mr. Know everything:
    a) There is an English minority who is happy in Quebec. Those who are not, are not exactly at their place, or they are trying to feel a majority; even if they are only a minority in Quebec, they will have to accept the facts.

    b) As far as the Francophones in Ontario, I was referring to them, as also very unhappy in Ontario, (they are tired to be treated like a third rate citizens)and they cannot move. Why Mr. Knows everything: because some Francophones are married to Anglophones who have BOTH a higher education than the average, speak many languages (UNLIKE THE ONTARIAN), and are working at their profession as there talents were needed in the province of Ontario. A lot of people would be happy to tell you their tales ! A lot of them are in Ontario.

    It does not necessarily make them happy, can't you understand that? Why ? Because there is only one culture in Ontario, despite everything out there. Just read the other anonymous imbecile who thinks with his feet, you will understand why ?

  72. Yes, I believe like this anonymous that the other "real anglos" are playing with French like a bunch of " false diplomats in silk hats playing with dynamite". One day they will be sorry of their wrong doing:dividing and conquer. It will blow up in their face !
