Thursday, November 25, 2010 Webmaster picked up by Police

Faster than you can say Jack Rabbit, Canadian Internet providers commenced blocking the site  after complaints voiced on places like

******************* UPDATE *****************
This is not true. reports that it was a maintenance issue, that weirdly coincided with the separatist attack.

Here's what to do if sites do get blocked.

Back when the Urban Outfitters site was intimidated into blocking viewers from Quebec from visiting the site because it was English only affair. I received a suggestion from a reader who told me to use a free simple proxy to view the blocked web site.
It pretty simple affair, just go to a site like and type in the website address that you wish to visit in the box provided.

It's a great place to view blocked sites or to keep your identity completely hidden when browsing.

******************* UPDATE *****************
A Montreal radio station reports that;
"A blogger who runs an anti-separatist website here in Montreal was taken to provincial police headquarters for questioning last evening. James Angus Brown came to the attention of police because of a headline on a posting arguing for the death penalty for francophones pursuing the ethnic cleansing of anglos in the province.

After the discussion at SQ headquarters, Brown removed the headline, which called for the hanging of Pauline Marois for the good of humanity. The article itself remains on his website," is available again......but both articles in question seem to have been pulled completely.

The links in the previous post now lead to a '403 ERROR'



  1. "Canadian Internet providers" - means nothing.

    Which ones, exactly?

  2. Thanks for the proxy site. I will certainly be putting it to good use.

  3. I heard on CJAD this morning that the guy was arrested.

  4. If the guy was indeed arrested, then a lot of other people should be arrested too, especially the folks who run

    In absolute terms, the ParkAvenue guy could reasonably be subject to a police investigation, since he made some serious threats. But in relative terms it doesn’t make any sense. Because if ParkAvenue is being investigated, why not the RRQ for their website? The RRQ guy - Patrick Bourgeois - often incites violence and makes threats. He should be questioned by the police too.

  5. I tried going to the site without using the proxy website, and it was still blocked.

  6. A lots of RRQ members used to get arrested and question by the polices more often than you thougths...get inform yourself a little before think they are immune from the Law enforcement.

    For, they never request a public execution of someone for now on their websites.

    For now..........

  7. Anglos should start making official complaints to the police about racism and threats on the Quebec nationalist websites. If the provincial (SQ) or municipal police don't take any action - which wouldn't be surprising - then these complaints should be passed on to the RCMP.

  8. Anonymous, months ago, I already did so, to the two security services, including the RCMP. Nothing was done, there's the e-mail, sent to me by Yvan Major of the RRQ, and FB group 'Quebec, c'est en français:

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Québec Francophone []
    Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 3:58 PM
    To: Shebbeare Hugo
    Subject: DEAL

    Look at it man, seriously insulting me and my family will get you in
    troubles, i already called the CIE boss' about your acting and
    even more by doing so on your job hours, so i just hope you will learn from
    your mistakes. I kept all the mails you sent me on your job time and will
    show them what your doing.

    At any time i never threat you or anyone speaking english like your doing
    with me and my children. You are a french hater the same you complain for
    Louis Préfontaine is an english hater... there is not much differences
    between both of you but the language your trying to badly defend.

  9. The rest of the thread:

    From: Shebbeare Hugo
    Sent: August-17-10 12:59 PM
    To: quebecfrancophone videotron ca
    Subject: Re: RRQ supporters beware - la loi sera respecter

    I wrote in french on the site Chump, that is why I posted my original message on the blog. U blocked me b/c u cannot handle the opposition (vous souffrez de la pensé unique) to a ridiculous march through a neighborhood (mine, tmr) that is 60 percent francophone - bien partie la tolérance de notre cher Guy Favreau, heh ? C'est du Anglophobie haineux et ne sert dans aucun. sens la promotion de la langue française.
    Why are so many francos defending me against Louis 'cave' Lafontaine? Parce qu'll a tort, c'est ca la verité.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Québec Francophone quebecfrancophone videotron ca
    To: Shebbeare Hugo
    Sent: Tue Aug 17 12:43:52 2010
    Subject: Re: RRQ supporters beware - la loi sera respecté

    Est-ce vraiment une raison de traiter les gens, dont mes 6 enfants présent, de "chumps" ?
    Ça c'est du Louis Préfontaine.

    Louis est le bienvenue sur Québec Francophone puisqu'il accepte de parler en français sur un site 100% francophone et ce même si je ne suis pas en accord avec ses propos ou non.

    JE suis l'organisateur de la marche "Au Québec, c'est en français"...
    JE vopus ai banni puisque VOUS ne respectiez pas le site 100% francophone.

    Tu veux que j'essaye d'écrire en français sur un site 100% anglophone pour voir la réaction des gens?

    If you can't see the difference between promote french speaking for the new immigrants and hate english speakers... What can i say?

    From: "Shebbeare Hugo"
    To: "Québec Francophone" quebecfrancophone
    Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 12:14 PM
    Subject: RE: RRQ supporters beware - la loi sera respecter

    Merci Yvan, mais il faut comprendre que les Anglophones vivent ici depuis
    des siècles, c'est chez eux aussi. Le français est parlé dans notre famille
    depuis 1300 ans.
    L'anglais est une langue officiel au Québec aussi (nos droits sont nos
    droits, et personne va nous faire croire qu'on doit vivre ailleurs) - dans
    une cinquantaine de communautés à travers la province.
    De leur dire qu'il faut partir parce qu'il sont pas assez francophone c'est
    une combinaison du lavage ethnique (et notre communauté ne vas plus accepter
    un autre exode) et du harcèlement psychologique (comme j'ai vécu à la Caisse
    de Défauts). Le français est en recul à Montréal parce que les immigrants
    apprennent l'anglais normalement avant (même Duceppe avoue c'est la Lingua Franca),
    et les anglophones reviennent chez eux aussi (suite aux referendums ratés)
    parce cette ville est pas mal moins cher que Vancouver ou Toronto, par example.

    I don't break laws like Louis, don't ever compare me to him please. He is
    anti-bilingual, I am not, he is xenophobe, I am not, he harasses people, I
    do not. Lisez ceci, et vous allez voir comment mes amis francophones frappe
    l'ignorance que Louis essai de projeter envers toute le monde.
    'google how to deal with Quebec's extremists'
    I defend the Charter of Rights and Freedoms et Sec 10 de la Cht. Langue
    française (nobody should be discriminated against by language).

    Hugo Shebbeare

  10. - I left him my phone number and he harassed me at work several times

    From: Québec Francophone
    Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 2010 11:44 AM
    To: Shebbeare Hugo
    Subject: Re: RRQ supporters beware - la loi sera respecter

    Yvan Major Merci à tout ceux et celles qui seront là, invitez les gens de
    votre entourage qui font un effort de parler français.
    Dans le fond se qu'ont veut c'est pas la perfection, mais l'effort et le
    respect du français dans toute sa complexité. Je suis loin d'être un exemple
    de perfection du français écrit mais mes efforts son... là.
    Ce que je souhaite est de rassembler les québécois et québécoises autour de
    la langue national, le français.
    Pour les unilingues anglophones qui n'aiment pas le français, je crois qu'il
    y a tellement de choix dans 9 provinces au Canada et 50 états américains ou
    l'anglais domine que de vouloir garder notre Québec en français est vraiment
    pas trop demandé.
    [thanks for all who will be there, invite your friends who make an effort to
    speak French. In the end, we don't want perfection, but the effort and
    respect of the French language in its complexity. I'm far from perfect in
    French, but my efforts are there.
    What I hope is to gather Quebeckers around the 'national' language, French.
    For the unilingual Anglophones that don't like French, I believe there is so
    much choice in the nine other provinces of Canada and in the U.S.A, where
    English dominates, that to want to keep our province a French province is
    not too much to ask. ]

    Je vois que tu commentes beaucoup mes "post". Enfin ça ne me dérange pas du
    tout puisque je ne suis pas un anti-aglophone comme je t'ai parlé, mais
    plutôt un pro francophone.

    Regarde aux États-Unis, par exemple dans l'état du Texas tu as le droit de
    porter une arme alors que dans l'état de Washington, tu n'as pas le droit.
    Pourtant n'est-ce pas le même pays?

    Au Québec c'est en français et c'est donc une question de respect que de
    faire l'effort de parler en français, pas de le connaitre par coeur, mais
    bien de faire l'effort. Toi et Louis vous agissez de la même manière mais
    pas du même côté. En Ontario c'est en anglais, au Québec en français et oui
    c'est dans le même pays... Apprenez toi et Louis à respecter les autres ça
    aiderait grandement pour tous.


    From: "Shebbeare Hugo"
    To: quebecfrancophone
    Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 8:45 PM
    Subject: RRQ supporters beware - la loi sera respecter

    Cher Admin,

    Just so u know, the RCMP has received several cyberbullying complaints
    (charges yet to be laid) from members of groups you administer (ex. voir
    shebbeare louis prefontaine sur google). Inciting violence against
    Anglophones will not be tolerated or menacing statements - le Quebec est
    chez nous aussi. La langue est le francais et n'est pas la langue
    Les Anglais habitent angleterre aussi, ici nous sommes Canadiens et fiers.
    Ce n'est pas notre faute que l'anglais est la langue internationale
    (anciennement le francais), ne faites pas punir les immigrants pour ce fait.

    Merci de votre co-operation, veulliez accepter mes sinceres sentiments

    Hugo Shebbeare

    Je suis un Champion pour le Canada et le Quebec est inclus dans Mon Pays

  11. I do think all anglophones, allophones, ►everyone◄ must be able to speak french in our beautiful province. Yet, the francophones must have the liberty to also learn and speak english in this province. Bilingualism is the answer.

    What's is great about the USA, many schools offer french-english immersion classes. Le français se répand partout au Canada. Et croyez-moi, je sais de quoi je parle. Cessons de nous comparer aux autres et vivons ensemble en harmonie dans notre province no matter what our mother's tongue is.

  12. "...ParkAvenue is being investigated, why not the RRQ for their website?"

    Parce que vous êtes des étrangers (voyous) qui menacés d'honnêtes citoyens Québécois.

  13. @ Anon 10:36 PM
    "Parce que vous êtes des étrangers (voyous) qui menacés d'honnêtes citoyens Québécois."

    Anglos are not "etrangers" you little petits Kebekua. Someone should report to the RCMP and shut down their website, and same for ParkAvenue. Quebec belongs to minorities too you little fascist.

    Anglo Montrealer

  14. Vigile vient d'atteindre 116% de ses dons annuels provenant d'honnêtes citoyens Québécois.Surtout n'arrêtez pas de faire du bruit.

  15. You cannot argue with the Zombies, they just keep coming at you - with figures that are mathematically impossible like 116%.

    The threats against Marois and her response show us clearly her hypocrisy: She walks hand in hand with the RRQ and related 'militants' who use verbal violence. Her party sponsors many seppie propaganda sites, and members of these groups , as you see above, use threats of violence to try and 'scare' us out of the province. No more shall minorities in QC, take this as acceptable - stand up for your rights, and especially your right to work in the Civil Service.

    Just because Marois does these threats by proxy does not mean she is 'plus blanc que blanc'.

    When I reported the internal audit failure, and how Bill C-198 was broken at the Caisse de Depot the SQ did nothing, even though I copied Homeland Security in the States (I know senior patrol in Vermont personally). The SQ rep, calling from an untraceable number told me that I should just shut up since Sabia was running the CDPQ, although what had happened was a good 8 months before Sabia even arrived.

  16. "...told me that I should just shut up..."

    Je crois qu'il a très vite compris que vous êtes un paranoiaque.J'espère seulement que vous n'êtes pas représentif de nos minorités Montréalaises.
    Totalement hallucinant!Je crois que je vais faire analyser vos commentaires par un psy.

  17. "I do think all anglophones, allophones, ►everyone◄ must be able to speak french in our beautiful province."

    I do think all francophones - every last one of them - must be able to speak English on the North American continent.

  18. "...North American continent." (sic)

    L'amérique du Nord n'est pas un continent.L'amérique est un continent ou la diversité existe...Heureusement.

  19. "L'amérique est un continent ou la diversité existe...Heureusement."

    Then you hypocritically attack diversity within the confines of Quebec at every turn.

    "L'amérique du Nord n'est pas un continent."

    North America is a continent and so is South America. You don't even know basic geography. You're a stupid fool!

  20. Hey, Anonymous at 11:26am today.
    Why don't you analyse this !? - a reaction of how not to manage Databases directly from the ethnocentric amour propre phrack ups I saw at 'le joyaux de l'investissement du Québec' - an article published on Remembrance Day by Microsoft:

  21. "...and especially your right to work in the Civil Service..."

    Êtes-vous apte a communiquer avec les Québécois en Français?Sinon allez étudier notre langue et revenez plus tard avec un C.V adéquat,il nous fera plaisir de vous compter parmi les nôtres.

    Merci et a la prochaine!

  22. "Êtes-vous apte a communiquer avec les Québécois en Français?Sinon allez étudier notre langue et revenez plus tard avec un C.V adéquat,il nous fera plaisir de vous compter parmi les nôtres"

    Minorities that are fluent in French get refused, just so you know. The discrimination in Quebec's civil service sector is well known.

    Anglo Montrealer

  23. Let's get on thing straight, Quebec is a province of Canada.

    Never mind this we're a nation bullshit. The fact remains that Anglophone Quebecers are tax paying citizens and thus are entitled to speak English whenever they choose too. Especially when they seek Quebec government services, or when they do there banking not to mention when they go and see a doctor. Knowledge of French is definitely an asset when you live in Quebec but to make statements like if you only speak English you should choose any of the other 9 provinces or the states to live in is plain wrong.

    In fact I believe that all government employees dealing with the public should be bilingual after all they are paid by Francophone and Anglophone tax dollars.

    To the guy who said:
    Au Québec c'est en français et c'est donc une question de respect que defaire l'effort de parler en français

    Respect my ass, in life you earn respect you are not entitled to it. I respect myself everyday when I exercise my choice to speak any languages I feel like. The Quebec government has shown an utter lack of respect to it's Anglophone population by systematically imposing it’s will through draconian laws aimed at enforcing the supremacy of the French language. Quebec has has striped it citizens of freedoms that one takes for granted in the rest of the civilized world.

    I live in Quebec and my society is not French. I speak French when English is not understood. I speak English in Quebec so it can be heard by everyone around me. I speak English in Quebec because I'm proud of it.

    Nikolaos Karabineris

  24. "I live in Quebec and my society is not French."

    Je crois que vous avez un petit problème car la langue officielle du Québec est justement le Français.Vous êtes comme cet Allemand qui qui vit en France et qui persiste a vouloir vivre en Allemand et se plaint de se sentir isolé.Pauvre bougre.

  25. Nope Anonymous, you are wrong, there are 77 officially bilingual communities in QC, we have universities, CEGEPS, School Boards - so that it typical clannist bullshite.
    Aussi, je blogue en français,
    donc de travailler au gouvernement n'as rien avoir avec la langue que j'écrit, c'est la discrimination parce que je suis Anglophone dont j'ai vécu à la Caisse de défauts. Why would the Human Rights Commission be backing my case :)

  26. "...c'est la discrimination parce que je suis Anglophone dont j'ai vécu à la Caisse de défauts."

    Est-il possible que ces rejets soient reliés a votre personnalité plutôt qu'a vos origines?

  27. "The Quebec government has shown an utter lack of respect to it's Anglophone population by systematically imposing it’s will through draconian laws aimed at enforcing the supremacy of the French language"

    That's a good point. Spit in people’s faces for 35 years, and then demand respect. How hypocritical. 101 has done so much to antagonize non-Francophones that I'm surprised to see so many pleas for "respect" and even "social cohesion". How can you plea for social cohesion if your actions and laws promote exactly the contrary?

    Even more far fetched are the pleas that the Rest of Canada open up to French. In the RoC we're not only dealing with antagonisms, but also with the practical aspect (or lack of thereof). It makes me wonder, how many more years will the OLA and 101 have to be around for all people to finally realize the obvious.

  28. Bill 101 discriminates against everyone including Francophones.

    It prohibits freedom of choice!

    It is not the government's place to tell people which schools their children can attend or how to run their business.

  29. Ah yes, the Anonymous Chump has to try and antagonise the victim (watch les voleurs de l'enfance much?) of la médiocrité, nivellement vers le bas, la hypocrasie dont on vit ici dans la petite bulle de Québec, fuddleduddle you coward? Cannot even use your real name when picking up a fight...tell me, did you wear a mask when His Majesty showed up at the Blackwatch?
    If I was the problem (?), then why did they lose $47BN of your and my retirement investments, only revealed eight months after I warned of the Trainwreck at the Caisse (see Diane Francis' articles).
    If I was the problem, why would so many recommend me on LinkedIN (even many Francophones!):
    I haven't made it to the top 300 of database administrators across the globe (SQL Server Most Valuable Professional) because I was the problem, would I? Go ahead, keep shooting the messenger, worked out quite well for Maclean's and Patriquin didn't it? The wall is falling all around you of discrimination, or corruption, and it must be someone else's fault - hey look, there's a maudit Anglo, un magrebien, un vietnamien, let's fire them and say it was their fault: exactly what happened - du racisme á cause de votre amour propre directly related to an inferiority complex.
    I was told, you´re too Noble for the Caisse: meaning we're une gange de bandits á cravatte, tu ne peux pas rester icite. And from the doorway, which they will leave open for you to hear, the two now fired Vice Presidents will say to each other how proud they are to 'mettre dehors les anglais.'

  30. "It is not the government's place to tell people which schools their children can attend or how to run their business"

    C'est effectivement le rôle de l'État d'assurer le bien de la collectivité et d'éviter qu'elle ne dérive.La langue d'enseignement est un droit collectif et non individuel.

    Pourquoi insistez-vous tant a demeurer dans le seul bastion Francophone d'Amérique?Êtes-vous masochiste?Aimez-vous cette position de demi-citoyen qui ne s'améliorera guère au cours des prochaines années.

    Allez!Vous n'êtes qu'a quelques kilomètres du statut de citoyen a part entière.

  31. "...Cannot even use your real name when picking up a fight..."

    Du calme cher ami,je ne vous veux aucun mal.Je vous pose simplement une question.Je sais que la situation des minorités de Montréal ne doit pas être facile mais parfois il faut mettre de côté nos impulsions agressives surtout devant un éventuel employeur.Vous êtes rapide sur la gâchette,personne ne vous veut du mal.

  32. "...did you wear a mask when His Majesty showed up at the Blackwatch?"

    Pas besoin,elle ne me voit que le derrière et j'évite le plus possible les rassemblements d'anglos.

  33. “Bill 101 discriminates against everyone including Francophones.”

    Yet despite this obvious fact, the law is still in place and continues to enjoy the status of a sacred cow. Which means that historical animosities can, in some cases, trump common sense and personal interests.

  34. Si seulement les Anglais pouvaient se taire, il n'y aurait pas de problèmes. Comment pouvez-vous dire que nous ne leur voulons pas du mal, après tout le malheur qu'ils nous ont fait, incluant pendre et tuer haineusement nos Patriotes ?

  35. OMG, qu'est-ce qu'ils on fait à nous, à nous, à nous, voilà le gros bébé qui ne lâche pas son nombril!!!! There were patriots seeking responsible govt in Upper Canada that were killed also, oh master of brainwashed and revisionist history. I suppose you're going to cry about the plains again too?
    Hey, do the English complain about the Franco-Norman invasion of 1066 still? No, they Celebrate it with re-enactments almost every year - grow up please, for everyone's sake, and read some other history published outside of the bubble.

    Someone is confusing "freedom of expression" which is the freedom to speak freely without censorship or limitation, or both FROM language rights which is an intellectual property people, AND PEOPLE have the right to protect IT. It is legitimate and it belongs to the non-anglophone,! not to you at all. Nobody will sympathise with you against THE CHARTER OF RIGHTS AND FREEDOM. You are IMITATION BIN LADEN !

    Même l'ONU a des programmes pour préserver et conserver au-delà de 6,700 langues en voie de disparition, par des moyens gouvernementaux et autres programmes. Ce qui est très légitime, car il s'agit de préserver des cultures et des langues, des gens et des pays.

  37. Really, well the Quebec Human Rights Commission is behind me and my case against your sacred institutionalised racism organisation la Caisse de Défauts, so I am sorry, vous avez tort!

  38. adski, please explain how linguistic legislature is discriminatory? Because of the 1982 charter of rights and constitution? The same constitution that took away the tiny bit of democracy actually present in parliamentary democracy and put it in the hands of non elected judges, all this hiding behind the veil of "individual rights"?

    Seriously, when one the the best treated and well off minorities in the world starts getting riled up because the majority doesn't agree with their culture flattening multicultural ideology, I retch. I have yet to come across the type of systematic historical discrimination that first nations AND Québecois were subjected to done to the English in Québec. "Speak white" ring a bell?

    Oh being spat on for 35 years? Try 250. I used to resent Québécois who were nationalistic and independentists because I was taught to do so and my mother spoke english. It turns out they -we- were right. Language is but a small piece of this divide and the fact that you and your ilk are willing to sacrifice the economic and political well being of the place you live in for sheer resentment and condescending hubris is a testament to the sad state of society.
