Thursday, September 2, 2010

Danny Williams Shows His True Colours

For all you staunch defenders of Danny Williams, who made your opinion known commenting to last week's post, Danny Williams Bashes Quebec, I direct your attention to last Wednesday's announcement that Ottawa is forking out a $130 million dollar settlement in relation to Newfoundlands rash and indefensible expropriation of property belonging to defunct AbitibiBowater. Read 'Ottawa to pay for Williams' asset seizure'

The federal government is making this payment after being sued for 500 million by trustees of the bankrupt company under NAFTA rules. The Feds realized that they really hadn't much chance of winning in court. Under NAFTA rules, the feds can be sued for any illegal expropriation made by any level of government.

Once again the Newfoundland government shows its brilliant business acumen and just like the Upper Churchill power deal, is refusing to take responsibility for its actions. Once more, it's everybody's fault but their own, so I guess it's time once again, for Danny Williams to break out the violin fiddle and whine.

The province seized the property of the AbitibiBowater when it closed a sawmill and rushed legislation through Parliament so fast, that they actually expropriated a mill that they legally weren't entitled to.
Of course the defiant Danny Williams, remains the arrogant prince, promising that his province won't kick in a nickel to pay for the settlement. After all that's what the Canadian taxpaying suckers are for.

To add insult to injury, he said that he'd do it all over again. Illegal or not.
And why not, he's not writing any cheques!

When asked why his province is sticking Ottawa with the bill, he enumerated his province's many contributions to Canada since it joined Canada in 1949. These include fish, minerals, offshore oil and other natural resources. arghhhh.......LINK

While some may excuse Danny Williams on the basis that he is just trying to do the very best he can for his own province, damn the others, let's bear that in mind the next time he throws a tantrum demanding that Quebec 'play fair' and re-negotiate the Upper Churchill deal.

So in the end, Danny Boy also believes that it's every man province for itself and damn any sense of fairness.
It seems that Newfoundland and Quebec are birds of a feather, both with an outrageous sense of entitlement and both prone to sanctimonious outbursts of hyperbole.

I hope you all see Danny Williams for what he really is... a nasty little whining hypocrite.