Being optimistic is part of the fun, but for Montreal fans the wholesale changes that the team made over the summer is somewhat disconcerting. Not only will we have to re-learn jersey numbers and player idiosyncrasies, the loss of our erstwhile stars is painful and if our replacement crew doesn't perform, fans will turn on management faster than you can say "Et tu Brute?"
As to how our Habs will do this year, it's hard for us to say. The pundits are clearly confused with the majority taking the safe approach by predicting that the team will end up where they finished last year- In the playoffs, but barely.
I'm going to agree with the prediction of how the Habs will do.

- Boston (5th in east)
- Buffalo (6th in east)
- Montreal (7th in East)
- Toronto (10th in east)
- Ottawa (13 th in east)

At $10 even, it means that the automatic 50¢ tip that the hawkers could expect when the price was $9.50, is gone.
Oh the inhumanity!
Me, I have long ago forsaken $100 beer nights at the Bell Centre and have fatefully decided to go down the cheapskate route. I also categorically refuse to pay $4.50 for water.

It's a perfect work-around. If only I could only figure out how to bring in hot dogs, it would be perfect!
By the way, Las Vegas odds makers have the Canadiens at 30-1 to win the Stanley Cup, it's probably a generous assessment. Canadiens fans would probably accept a second round playoff defeat as highly acceptable.
As for the top teams in the NHL, here's the line on winning the Stanley cup;
Detroit Red Wings 5-1
Pittsburgh Penguins 6-1
San Jose Sharks 6-1
Chicago Blackhawks 7-1
Washington Capitals 10-1
Philadelphia Flyers 10-1
Boston Bruins 11-1
If you think Canadiens fans are eternal optimists, here's an online poll taken by (East). I imagine that it's mostly Ontario fans voting..
