"Celle Depart! -- They're Off!"
The track was a Montreal institution for over a hundred years until the impact of casino gambling and poker machines sent it into a sharp decline as it's gambling revenues dwindled.
I found this on YouTube, but can't attest to it's veracity, supposedly it's a call of a race in 1922.

The original Blue Bonnets Raceway was located in Montreal West but had to be moved in 1886 when the newly installed Canadian Pacific Railway line split the facility in two.
The track was built on the old encampment of the Scottish Highlanders, who had fought in the Battle of Montreal.
In 1760, the two battalions of Royal Highlanders, accompanied by eight companies of Montgomery's Highlanders would launch from their final assembly point at Oswego as part of Amherst's army expedition to capture Montreal, the last defended city of New France in August 1760. It would be in that captured French city that all three Highland regiments would meet for the first and last time during their existence. (Their former campground, now a large stadium for harness racing is appropriately named Blue Bonnets Raceway.)
The "Blue Bonnet" appellation is an obvious reference to the hats worn by the 77th Highland Regiment.
Donald Pinard's passing highlights the sad end of the venerable institution as it lies dying in bankruptcy protection.