Peta pulls a lot of stunts to advance their agenda, but this campaign is clearly stupid.
I can't think of a more ill-conceived idea, one that will bring the organization into disrepute and hamper their legitimate advocacy efforts on behalf of animals in Canada.
Calling for a boycott against an industry that has zero to do with the seal hunt is disingenuous, stupid and cruel.
Their reasoning, that the maple syrup industry is vital to Canada is so childishly wrong, that it can only further damage their credibility.
Maple syrup, a tiny cottage industry, is such a small part of the Canadian economy that any boycott will be sadly ineffective.
Secondly, maple syrup is in such high world-wide demand that the price has almost doubled in the last year. There is more demand then product.
Talk about picking your fights.
Good luck, PETA. You've lost me and countless other Canadians supporters because;
- You've decide that it's OK to punish an industry of family owned business' for a transgression committed by others.
- You've clearly no clue as to the ineffectiveness of your actions, which indicates a lack of maturity and professionalism.