Monday, January 17, 2022

Meet Quebec's Nastiest Racist!

 I'm going to start this post with a bit of a preamble because of the nature of the inflammatory, racist and ethnocentric ramblings of the quoted articles.

I'll bet that when you read the translated passages below you'll agree that I wasn't exaggerating with the title of this blog post., but I'm not offering these translations as any proof that Quebecers are in general more racist than Canadians.
And so, are Quebecers more racist than Canadians?
I actually think not. 

I've spent my entire 35-year career travelling the province of Quebec from one end to another managing a chain of retail stores, working and interacting almost exclusively in French in communities large and small from La Sarre in the northwest to Sandy Beach in the Southeast.
As an anglophone and a Jew, you'd think I'd encounter a lot of racism and mistrust but the opposite is actually true. I have always been treated with respect and can honestly say that racism was never a concern.
So for me, the idea that Quebec is the most racist province doesn't ring true. In fact, my first incident of racism occurred not in my home province, but actually on a business trip to Alberta. While these interactions are anecdotal, they do form the basis of my conclusions.

What is true is that Quebec is, or more to the point was an insular sort of society, formed by a government and a powerful church that reinforced and consolidated its power by instilling a fear and loathing of forces outside the majority.

It would be normal and understandable that Quebec society, bathed in this sort of propaganda and conditioning would become xenophobic and racist, which it actually was to some extent. 
But the rapid modernization of society that occurred in the sixties with the rejection of the Church and reactionary politics of the Duplessis era style politics changed all that rather quickly.

So is Quebec racist?
Of course, but I don't think it is more racist than anywhere else in the country and this despite an organized effort to demonize anglos and ethnics by the French press and our own provincial government.
While running ads decrying racism, our Premier acts and speaks like an ethnocentric racist to the applause and support of a sycophant media.

But I remain pleasantly surprised that considering Quebec's nationalist media and populist politicians' obsession with culture, race, immigration and anglos, that there isn't more racism in general.
It's a testament to the nature of Quebec's francophones, who generally distrust their own leaders who lecture and hector them on how to act and what to think. They remain defiantly independent in thought, perhaps a product of their past betrayal, by not Anglos, but rather their own Church and government.

Quebecers' view of racism mirror
Canada's closely

That being said, there remain pockets of extreme racism and xenophobia, mostly in the older generation yearning for the good old days and in the ranks of some devoted sovereigntists that see minorities and anglos as an obstacle to independence.

Sadly the sovereigntist media has invoked the spectre of cultural and French language destruction as the last issue to militate for sovereignty, a pivot made necessary ever since the economic argument for independence collapsed with Quebecers coming to the overall conclusion that Canada represents a good financial deal.

A lot of hate, racist screeds, ethnocentric rants in Quebec's official and unofficial media go mostly without reply or rebuttal because few on the English side pay much attention to the garbage being spewed in both the mainstream French media and blogosphere.
I remain dumbfounded at the nasty, racist and ethnocentric themes and opinions that are being propagated not only on websites like but in the mainstream media which allows commentaries and insults by nationalists that clearly cross the line of honest debate.

In this and hopefully more following posts I'll give you a glimpse of the most egregious examples of excess, allowing you to make your own judgments and come to your own conclusions.

Let me start with whom I consider to be Quebec's most racist xenophobe, a certain Réjean Labrie who writes the most egregious screeds on the website an ultra Quebec nationalist website, long associated with racism and xenophobia.
Mr. Labrie subscribes to the Nazi doctrine of ethnic purity, denouncing and  threatening all who are not  'pur laine' He unashamedly calls for Quebec anglophones to be deported from Quebec and demands that "impure" immigrants be banned,
If you think I'm exaggerating, I encourage you to read some of his hundreds of articles, most tinged with racism, ethnocentrism and unabashed depravity.

I'm sure that there are some equally vile websites in the ROC, but I'm not sure any have the reach of the above-mentioned Mr. Labrie boasts of having over a million views of his some 600 hundred articles.

Now there are countless Quebecers named Réjean Labrie, throughout the province, it is a not uncommon name, so do not make the mistake of drawing conclusions to others who share the name.
This certain scoundrel, a retired civil servant according to his bio comes from Quebec City and proudly proclaims to be a pure eleventh-generation Quebecer. 
Here is but a snippet of what he has to say;
All the translations are mine.

Non-Western immigration destroys the Identity of Nations

Let's start by defining what authentic Quebecers are not:  
Quebecers are not Muslim Arabs, so why would we let Muslim Arabs into Quebec by the tens of thousands? 
Quebecers are not Africans, so why would we let tens of thousands of Africans and Haitians into Quebec? 
Quebecers are not Hindus, so why would we let tens of thousands of Hindus into Quebec? 
Quebecers are not Asians, so why would we let tens of thousands of Asians into Quebec? 
Quebecers are not Latinos, so why would we let tens of thousands of Latinos into Quebec? 

No, Quebec is not their country, and it never will be, because they will never succeed in blending harmoniously with the rest of the population.
We see this very clearly in the overly cosmopolitan metropolis, which no longer resembles the Quebec outside of Montreal.
Authentic Quebecers desert it, and certainly not just because of the orange cones (and who said anything about the daily ethnic shootouts?).
Here are 13 solid reasons to oppose it;

1- Their cultures are too distant from ours. They never end up adopting ours and remain confined to their own. Far from enriching us, these remote cultures impoverish us. There are not enough points in common for it to be possible to get along well. 
2- Many have mores and customs that clash with ours and which we do not want spread here. Their value system contradicts with ours. 
 3- Often the influence of their religion controls them to the point that they are incapable of adopting our superior and more advanced values ​​than theirs. They show themselves incapable of separating the spiritual life from the civil life as we conceive it for the proper functioning of things (one need only think of their negative reaction to Bill 21, however desired and supported by the population). 
4- Many come to join a community that has opted for English, jeopardizing the survival of the French language. 
 5- Many have a galloping demography, which has the effect of gradually replacing the historic Quebec nation with the appearance of a destitute Third World.
 6- Several of these communities practice communitarianism and live voluntarily cut off from our world, on the margins of our society. They are only there to take advantage of social benefits paid by the State. 
7- Nationals of the most underdeveloped countries on the planet display a higher rate of crime, fraud, corruption and violence per capita, causing the enslavement of society, the multiplication of barbaric acts and the general insecurity of our good people. 
8- Several ethnic groups resentful of our way of life and our choices of society have taken the bad habit of systematically contesting in court all the laws supported by the people and the government which represents them, even pushing the insult by being financed by funds from the anti-Quebec federal Liberal government. 
9- Several third world ethnic groups do not correspond to the historical face of the population, which is one of the integral characteristics of each nation. The general appearance of a people is part of its assets and which, as such, must be protected. A country is made up of people who look alike. If you go to Scotland, you naturally expect Scots to look like Scots, not Tamils ​​or Taliban. If you go to Corsica, you naturally expect Corsicans to look like Corsicans, not Senegalese or Congolese. 
10- Several ethnic groups bring the current home-country conflicts here, and spread them in the public square by making noisy demonstrations which do not concern us and which poison our lives in an unjustified way. 
11- Excessive cosmopolitanism unravels the host nation, it shrinks us, turning us into a minority in our own country. We no longer feel at home, a basic condition for the feeling of collective well-being and security. 
 12- Several of these ethnic groups do not show any kind of solidarity with we the people of Quebec by helping us achieve our major objectives: the birth of a country of our own, the consolidation of the French fact, more equality for all . 
13- The mixture of foreign races and ethnic groups gradually destroys the historical collective identity of the nation. The established society is divided and scattered, it is moving away from its roots, from its secular foundations which have enabled it to successfully face the trials over time. It loses its bearings, becomes different, empties itself of its contents of its nourishing sap; in short, it dries up like a dry spring.
.....It is up to us not to allow ourselves to be de-civilized by massive Third World immigration. Western societies have been able to progress and maintain their high standards of civilization and advanced society by keeping the Third World at a distance. 
.... Speaking of uninvited immigration, we cannot avoid the analogy: you've seen the recent ravages committed by the monstrous Asian hornet which arrived here in containers imported from where certain viruses also come from...
...It is in no one's interest to encourage overpopulated peoples to come and overpopulate western countries. Do not let them come to propagate the state of constant stagnation and renewed conflicts that they maintain at home.  
....Quebecers are of Western, European and Caucasian extraction. Hence the vital importance that this element be part of the priority selection criteria for any candidate for immigration. We are not just anyone from anywhere, and we take just pride in that. 

 You can read the original French post HERE

Mr. Labrie may also be the most vocal ethnic cleanser in Quebec, proposing that Anglos be deported in another missive published on

In Montreal,  to hear less English, we require fewer Anglos.

We do not want a Quebec with Anglos capable of speaking French to the Francos when necessary, but who speak in English and live in English in their English culture the rest of the time. 

It's not living the Quebec way, it's continuing to live the Canadian way.

No, we want everyone in Quebec to speak French and live in French in Quebec culture, all the time. 

As a result, Anglophones (and allophones who opt for English - basically they all would like to) must be considered too numerous and must for this reason be encouraged to leave Quebec to settle somewhere in Justin Trudeau's vast Canada. 

Government and citizen measures must be taken so that this series of moves is initiated with the aim of reducing the number of Anglos in Montreal by 90% within 10 years. 

He goes on to suggest Quebecers adopt these slogans which even if you don't understand French you can surmise

   Alcool au volant, tolérance zéro. Anglais à Montréal, tolérance zéro

“ Tous ensemble, combattons les gangs de rue, le crime organisé, l'anglais à Montréal 

   By the way, did you know that at the end of the 19th century, the majority of the inhabitants of Quebec City were English-speaking? Mind-boggling, isn't it? But despite such a handicap, we finally managed to get rid of them to make the national capital the most proudly French-speaking city in America. So, let's roll up our sleeves and do the same for Montreal. If it worked then, it could work now. 

Not making this up. Here's the LINK

And here is his solution to the immigration 'problem"

Immigration quotas for harmful minorities.

1- We could establish that Quebec should not be made up of more than 2% Africans, 2% Hindus, 2% Arabs, 2% Asians, 2% Latinos, etc. As soon as we reach this maximum percentage in relation to the total population, we close the floodgates.

2- We could establish a maximum of 15% of non-Westerners in Quebec in order to preserve the historical face of the nation, its natural demography, and the aspect of its native population

3- We could establish  a maximum of 3% Muslims in Quebec, the only effective way to counter the hegemonic will of conquering Islam

4- We could establish a maximum of 10% of allophones of the total population for the sustainability of our official French national language

5- We could establish a maximum of 10% of native English speakers in Quebec, the excess being relocated to other provinces

6- We could establish a maximum of a total of 15% of people not born in Quebec at all times 

Again, not making this up. Here's the LINK 

Are you shaking your head yet?