For those interested there is a rally scheduled for this Sunday at noon, in Montreal in front of McGill University, to protest Bill 101.
I shall be there......
ABOLISH BILL 101 RALLY for April 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011Recently a number of men and women from numerous different ethnic and religious and lingusitic communities in Greater Montreal discussed a rally and march to abolish Bill 101 in our political region. It was decided to invite participants to brandish posters and signs in every language of each community on the Island and throughout Greater Montreal who shows a marcher.The ad-hoc Committee to ABOLISH BILL 101 plans this as the first in a regular twice-annual event: April and October … until Bill 101 and official Quebec french racism is outlawed by either Canada or the United Nations. Twice a year will keep it in the consciousness of the victims of Bill 101 who want to go to the World Court in The Hague for Reparations against the particular separatist leaders, lodges, clubs, fronts, unions and businesses as well as individuals responsible for the fascism we live under here. In any event we realize that we must do this ourselves if we are ever to hope to change the inherent anti-democracy and anti-Human Rights music emanating from of Ottawa (Canada) and Geneva (UN). READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE
Gee, the demo is scheduled for the corner of Sherbooke and University College. Sounds like it has been prepared by someone who has never been to Montreal. Who could have made such a gaffe?
ReplyDeleteDid you just dredge this up? The article you refer us to was posted last October?
ReplyDeleteAt the bottom of the ad :
ReplyDelete"Save your children future" ?!?
Hmmmm...Is it a joke?
Montreal should seriously become a "language free" zone. Bill 101 has no place in a free and democratic society.
ReplyDeleteSadly, I see this as too little too late. Besides, too much of the English speaking community acts with apathy, indifference and complacency, all reasons why I left Quebec in the first place going on 27 years ago and planned my escape ten years earlier while still in high school.
ReplyDeleteI'll be disappointed if the rally doesn't attract many people, but I won't be surprised. Too many in the English speaking communities shot down Howard Galganov, and while at times he doesn't know when to shut up (curb the limits really), his heart and soul were in the right place.
When it's all said and done though, there is an inadvertent passive resistance because many immigrants gravitate to the English speaking community no matter how hard the Quebec government pushes its preference for immigrants to live in French.
In the English debate the other night, Duceppe clearly and unequivocally stated how the Canadian mosaic model is incompatible with Quebec's societal aspirations of its mini melting pot--"A Quebecer is a Quebecer is a Quebecer" was the way Duceppe put it. Their objective is to make immigrants and indigenous Anglophone children born post-Bill 101 clones of their pur laine selves and ideals.
Sadly, this is the sick paranoia that caused me to leave. Being young when I left, I was not planted sitting ducks like my parents were, I chose to leave, and I haven't looked back. I'm not the least bit sorry I left, and seeing Quebec sink into the cesspool of fascism, hatred and economic failure (as inevitable as death should Quebec one day choose to separate and not have the federal crutch to lean on), I'm convinced I was right to do so and not subject my one and only child to life in a fascist state.
Duceppe couldn't shut the hell up about French speakers making up only 2% of the North American demographic as being the reason to flush English down Quebec toilets. Seems French is always in danger of disappearing. We're going on a half millennium since Jacques Cartier conquered the New World and French is still being spoken. An attempt was made within the last quarter millennium to assimilate French speakers into English. It failed miserably, and with modern media and technology enabling people to communicate half way around the world instantaneously, any such attempt made today wouldn't even get off the ground! The French language in danger of extinction? AS IF!
Eliminating English to save French is a nonstarter. The Anglophone community doesn't buy it, the immigrants are not allowing themselves to be programmed by Quebec government dogma, and sadly, fortunes of Quebec tax dollars are wasted on the effort. For all their beefing, all their propaganda and all their hatred, it's just not worth it!
It's high time a federal political party be formed to put Quebec's resolve to a test once and for all. Such party will not insist Quebec leave, but the limits WILL be tested when such a party resolves to cut back equalization payments to the quick. Let Quebec get out of the federal tax system what it contributes, but no more. Let Quebecers speak and live in their French language, but not impose upon those who choose to live in another.
Whether the separatists and other hateful French speakers of Quebec like it, or the don't like it, English will be a part of their fabric. It's inescapable and it's not worth trying to flush it down Quebec toilets because it will come back up through the tank and the faucet. The 98% of the continent that doesn't speak French is not going to bend over and yield, and to enjoy most of what North America has to offer isn't in French. Case closed!
Great post!
DeleteIt's real. Link below is part of the same demonstration:
ReplyDeleteAbolish Canada's/Quebeck's ILLEGAL Language Laws - Immediately!
It's about time.
ReplyDeleteTo the person above who commented regarding the location, please read this first: (and then come back to me once you've choked on your keyboard :) since those gates are part of Anglo-Montreal heritage.
ReplyDeleteI have personally received a death threat as a member of the Committee to Abolish Bill 101 Member by facebook - the police are currently determining the location of this computer and how many Chumps were in front of it.
If this franco-fascist fake militia idiot by the name of 'Major' Serge Provost thinks threatening someone's life for their politic views, and for his worship of a sacred false idol of tyranny by means of the provincial majority we know as Bill 101 will continue be tolerated in a modern Quebec, he is wrong:
It should be noted by these Thugs, that I shall be accompanied not only by the Police, but also by several buddies from the XV de Montréal - the Montreal XV Rugby team. They are francophones who understand our point of view very well, here is an example:
Je pense qu’il y a présentement des enjeux de beaucoup plus d’importances à régler que la loi 101. Je crois que le fait que certains partis politique discutent encore de ce sujet c’est qu’ils ont un agenda caché et il serait bien que la pop...ulation se réveillent. On remarque aussi les partis politiques qui en parlent. C’est de la dictature, du communiste pure et simple pour ma part. Soyons tous égal et pareil.
C’est vouloir garder les gens du Québec dans l’ignorance, c’est vouloir confiner les gens au Québec, les empêcher de vouloir s’épanouir
L’État encore une fois n’a pas à venir s’ingérer dans la façon dont les parents désirent éduquer leurs enfants.
Comment veux t on être connaissant en économie, finance, politique si les gens ne comprennent pas l’anglais. Certaines personnes qui n’ont pas de connaissance de cette langue saurons dans l’embarras toutes leurs vies soient en voyageant, au travail ou à interagir avec d’autres dû à une barrière linguistique.
Vouloir cette loi pour ma part c’est brimer ces enfants pour un avenir plus prometteur.
Read the French page of how we justify our legitimacy for our Rally against this disgusting law:
See you on Sunday Editor!
I just browsed through the site where your link originated:
...and I'm totally speechless. You complain endlessly about, and then you turn around and support this demented wacko?
There goes what was left of your credibility, oh great anonymous Editor...
"Comment veux t on être connaissant en économie, finance, politique si les gens ne comprennent pas l’anglais. Certaines personnes qui n’ont pas de connaissance de cette langue saurons dans l’embarras toutes leurs vies soient en voyageant, au travail ou à interagir avec d’autres dû à une barrière linguistique"
ReplyDeleteAvec une affirmation comme celle-la,on voit tout de suite a quel genre d'individu on a affaires.
Je crois qu'il y aura quelques tomates bien mûres qui vous seront destinées ainsi que quelques tartes a la crème.Pas besoin d'équipe de rugby,c'est plutôt d'une bonne douche dont vous aurez besoin.LOL!
Moi qui croyais que vous étiez sérieux.
ReplyDeleteThe writer lost me at "Kébekistani french racists..." No one with a serious intention to change laws would join you jokers. That was bad form. Grow up.
ReplyDeleteUh, yeah... after that guy is done eating his keyboard, did you mean McGill College?
ReplyDeleteI do not agree with everything written on that site, don't put someone else's words in my mouth.
ReplyDelete@ Hugo,
ReplyDeleteGreat idea about the rugby team at the rally this weekend. They will make quick work of any little seppie brownshirts that show up with bad intentions. Hopefully they will receive the same treatment as members of the RRQ did at the Saint-Patricks Day parade a few years ago
Marche 17 avril 2011 pour l'abolition de la Loi 101
ReplyDelete- Pour que la discrimination basée sur langue au Québec prend fin et la liberté crée la richesse cette province a besoin.
- Cette marche concerne l'abolition de la loi discriminatoire 101 (Charte de la langue française).
- Cette marche n'est pas contre la langue française, ni les citoyens du Québec, c'est contre le Gouvernemama corrompu qui nous empêche de progresser dans notre propre province.
Un grand peuple n'as pas besoin d'une loi pour faire une jambette à ses propre voisins qui parle une langue 'étrangère' tel que projeté sans cesse par des extrémistes tels que Louis Préfontaine. Ce sont des gestes anti-diversité qui contribue à l’épuration ethnique par harcèlement psychologique et propagande sociologique envers les minorités de la province, afin de le rendre homogène ‘pur laine’ (cette amour propre est normale, mais le problème qui est existe dans la législation provinciale - that means State Sanctioned discrimination).
La langue française au Québec n'est pas en danger, c'est une fausse tempête pour que le PQ ou Bloc obtienne plus de vote sur le dos des minorités qui favorisent la Lingua Franca (qui est une langue officielle au Québec dans plus de 70 municipalités, donc c’est absolument faux de dire le contraire), bien sûr, et pour favoriser un environnement non-concurrentielle au gouvernement pour la majorité linguistique de la province. Le bilinguisme est en danger plutôt, parce d'interdire la langue du 'Business' nous rendre isolés économiquement de nos voisins au Canada, et aux États-Unis
Pourquoi on doit enlever le droit des Francophones d'aller à l'école en Anglais quand les ministres font la même chose ? À quand, on vivra dans une démocratie qui respecte la convention de L’ONU sur la langue de formation de nos enfants. La loi 101 est à la source une loi qui reflet l'inquiétude éternelle de la majorité - et de prendre une décision basé sur une inquiétude n'est pas un bon raisonnement en soi. One should never base decisions solely on fear or loss of something. Ce n'est pas le travail de Gouvernemama de nous piquer nos droits. Selon les anglophobes on doit rester renfermer dans notre bulle...bad idea, moins de liberté, moins de richesse. Si je suis la logique du Gouvernemama, en Colombie-Britannique, j'aurais pas appris le Français dans une école publique à cause d'une loi tel que 101 - voici l'école en question: l'école-bilingue (1980-81, I was there before transfer to University Hill).
Un grand peuple, dont je fais partie (par des Charlebois), n'as pas besoin de baisser son voisin, ‘ma langue doit être plus grande que la tienne icite’, avec une loi si discriminatoire que cette Chartre! Il est grand temps que le Québec évolue de son Anglophobie, nous sommes en 2011, pas en 1960 voyons! C’est débile au Québec le racisme et justice à deux vitesses (voir Marc Cassivi article dans la Presse).
ReplyDeleteSi vous n’êtes pas capable de voir comment les moins que riens-choyés-pitoyables, selon les Pierre Curzis/Louis Préfontaines/Gilles Duceppes du monde, sont empêchées de progresser au sein du Gouvernemama ici au Québec, car <2% d’anglophones seulement sont permis de travailler dans notre propre gouvernement (and even less than that were I have worked), alors vous êtes complètement irrespectueux et l’ignorant que cette forme de discrimination peut se passer partout, et le Québec ne fait pas épargner de ce genre de bassesse. Cette une scénario qui se reproduise partout, mais il ne faut surtout pas laisser-faire !
Actuellement la Commission des droits de la personne est dans le processus de médiation avec la Caisse de Défauts pour les commentaires non-voulus envers ma personne ‘Tu vois, c'est facile à mettre dehors les anglais’ par Yves Roy, ancien Première Vice-Président de cette institution pourri à l'épochè par Rousseau et sa gang de bandits à cravates, alors une fois de plus, les extrémistes se trompent encore avec leurs pensées 'tunnel-vision ou pensé-unique' que la discrimination n’existe pas envers les anglophones du Québec. C’est à noter aussi, qu’une deuxième Première Vice-Président, Rodrigue Lussier, a été mis à la porte grâce à mes plaintes. Par la suite, la Caisse, en déboursant 1.4$ millions de l’argent des contribuables, et a fait le nettoyage de 55 postes, depuis que Michael Sabia est arrivé pour rediriger cet énorme bateau perdu avec son ethno-nationalisme rétrograde.
Il y a un autre règle bien claire - il faut parler la langue du client and not throw everybody off the bus because someone asks the time in English (STM!) - or fine them for $2000 as journalist Martin Pelletier suggested the other week. Is it that hard to imagine why? Le Québec, mon cher, ça vas faire l'Anglophobie! Il nous faut avancer ensemble de ce clanisme et rebatîr la province ensemlble. Il faut des quotas afin que les minorités linguistiques (or any visible or audible minority for that matter) puissent travailler au gouvernement, mais il faut d'abord abolir cette maudite loi 101 ! De plus, la démocratie dans le sens de choix de la langue de formation pour la majorité de la province, sera de retour pour tous, et non seulement pour l’élite.
Veuillez accorder mes plus grands sentiments distingués.
Hugo Shebbeare
Je suis un Champion pour le Canada, et le Québec est inclus dans mon pays !
PS. Je suis Canadien pas un ‘anglais’. Les anglais habitent en Angleterre, Grande Bretagne!
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDelete@Hugo Shebbeare
ReplyDeleteMoi,je suis un champignon pour le canada et le Québec est inclus dans ma pizza!
To Hugo Shebbeare,
ReplyDeleteWhile you are in touch with the police, you should also report the Anonymous commentor on this blog at 10:51 AM this morning. He is advocating that projectiles be launched at peaceful demonstrators, which is illegal.
Message just off my phone from Sergant Bourdeau of the Montreal Police:
ReplyDeleteSerge Provost was arrested this morning for the facebook death threat against Hugo Shebbeare sent last month, and liberated on conditions. He will placed in front of a judge shortly, and his photo will be taken as well as his fingerprints taken. He must stay 100M away from Hugo Shebbeare, cannot hold any sort of a gun, and cannot change his address without informing the police.
@ Didi Miesen
ReplyDeleteI've browsed a bit of your writings, and you seem to have really deep issues with anger, bitterness and hatred. I suggest you talk to a professional about it. Those are... interesting rants. They make No Dogs look like Socrates in comparison. Of course, the Park avenue guy is even worse. He may be the Unabomber's long lost brother. Those two and Hugo make a nice trifecta! LOL
Its 2011 and in Montreal, it's a person's blood line that determines which school they go to according to this language law. What kind of backward-ass law is this?? Shouldn't it be the parent and not the State that determines where a child should go to school? Why can't francophones send their kids to a bilingual English school in their neighbourhood if they want??
ReplyDeleteBientôt le retour des Fils de la liberté...
ReplyDeleteYou can say what you want, but I've been trying to get the Rule of Law to be respected in QC, and if you listen to this, it does not:
ReplyDeleteToday though, the Montreal Police have shown our rights are honoured, thankfully.
I have full confidence that this will be a peaceful demonstration on the part of the protestors, and it will be language zealots who will cause a ruckus, if there is one, but if there is a rugby team present, I'm sure they'll think twice.
ReplyDeleteAs for Hugo's death threat, I wouldn't hold my breath about the police being much help. My faith in the police, especially the SQ, was lost when NOTHING was done to help the Jewish cottage owners in Val David (at least I haven't heard of any crimes in the way of arson and vandalism there being solved) from a couple of years ago.
I hope I'm wrong re the above, but I don't imagine the City of Montreal will let things go to that magnitude. If anything, there will be foolish rioting over the hockey series.
To Anonymous at 4:46 PM:
ReplyDelete"Bientôt le retour des Fils de la liberté..."
Is that another threat? Do you mean the FLQ? Seriously, someone should report these postings to the police.
"I have full confidence that this will be a peaceful demonstration..."
ReplyDeleteSerez-vous de la fête Messysauga?Si c'est le cas je vais échanger mes tartes a la crème,subito presto, pour des...Donuts.
Quelle est votre saveur préférée Messy?
J'imagine que vous avez un faible pour la crème anglaise.
This is for people not english not french...PEOPLE.There are people with their kids stuck in an education system that discriminates against them based on their language.
ReplyDeleteAnon 4:04 said...Its 2011 and in Montreal, it's a person's blood line that determines which school they go to according to this language law. What kind of backward-ass law is this?? Shouldn't it be the parent and not the State that determines where a child should go to school?
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable isn't it? If you didn't know it was Quebec, you'd think it was something out of North Korea. Maybe Quebec is just a Stalinist wannabe.
"They make No Dogs look like Socrates in comparison."
ReplyDeleteBut DiDi looks like a dog (see her picture)and
i wonder who is her master.
You're right Diogenes, this law does have a certain Stalin-esque quality to it. Blood line based laws are archaic and really don't fit in a modern society that's supposed to be based on equality. The problem is the majority of les Quebecois have bought into this nonsense that the sky is falling on the French language (I can think of six million reasons why it's not). Also, the surrounded by a, "sea of English" argument that they have been using since the 1960's is starting to get a bit stale. Brainwashing is most effective when it plays to one's emotions and they (Quebec's political class) have had great success in feeding this malarky to the great unwashed in Quebec every since the Church handed them the keys in the 60's. I read a speech that Rene Levesque gave in 1978 in which he states that by 2010 French wouldn't be spoken in Quebec anymore. Really?
ReplyDeleteAmerica has a Military industrial complex that has become the beast that drives their policy and economy, in Quebec we have the Political Industrial complex which is just as useless and wasteful. Hugo, S., I'm glad you proved me wrong. Score one for SGT Bourdeau and whoever else was involved in tracking down this culprit Serge Provost. He sure lost some privileges today, and I don't mean language!!!
ReplyDeleteEditor, I hope you'll somehow keep the name Serge Provost on the lips of every reader of your blog!
I'm quoting this from on the MPQ subject...
ReplyDelete"The selective enforcement of laws to appease "political correctness" is a far greater danger to the body politic than the actual bunch of Walt's(MPQ) on display here.
It should not matter who is forming a paramilitary group or where it is formed (or for what alleged purpose); if the law is to have any meaning, than all such groups should be sanctioned and punished to the full extent of the law. Islamofascists, native "Warriors", Brownshirts in Universities who attack groups and individuals exercising free speech or "Militias" who operate with impunity tell others that the law is selectively enforced and reduce the respect for other laws and regulations.
It also tells the police and the courts that difficult cases should be avoided, while "easy" targets are to be prosecuted, allowing real criminal activity to grow and spread (and gain power), and eventually compelling citizens to take the law into their own hands for protection. This is how civil society collapses."
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBientôt le retour des Fils de la liberté...
Nous sommes déjà la:
... et nous y serons dimanche. Préparez-vous, ma gang de sales. Cette fois-ci, c'est le Doric Club qui va payer la facture.
Quand je vais à Kingston, je parle anglais tout simplement parce que l'ontario est anglophone, même si il y as plus de francophone en Ontario qu'il y as d'anglais au québec, en d'autre mot,if you guys arenot happy with quebec just move to ontario or elsewhere they speak white, there is about 350 millions of peoles who speaks white in north america, i dont think it would bother if we protect the language for 8 millions of peoples.
ReplyDelete"Nous sommes déjà la:
... et nous y serons dimanche. Préparez-vous, ma gang de sales. Cette fois-ci, c'est le Doric Club qui va payer la facture."
I've been posting for several weeks very critical comments on this blog to counter it's biased and hypocritically bigoted tone, including some above, but really this is beyond stupid.
What purpose does this serve other than to legitimise and vindicate a bunch of idiotic wackos who are going to crave this attention? Don't be even stupider than they are and find something better to do with your weekend.
The ROC banished french education. Why does Quebec cannot do the same thing?
ReplyDelete"The ROC banished french education. Why does Quebec cannot do the same thing?"
ReplyDeleteBecause the ROC never banished French education. Peter Pan isn't real either by the way.
"The ROC banished french education. Why does Quebec cannot do the same thing?"
ReplyDeleteBecause, right around the time that Québec nationalism was on the rise, Canada decided to be multicultural. What a coincidence!
Well, that and the fact we are nicer than they are. ;-)
To Anon 12:06
ReplyDeleteIn Kingston you can post signs in any language, including French, in Kingston you can send your kids to a French school. In Quebec your Blood line determines what school your kids go to and you cannot post signs in any language other than French (with some exceptions). That's the difference between a free society and a society ruled by paranoid xenophobes. Montreal and the rest of Quebec are two different animals and quite frankly should be governed SEPARATELY. Bill 101 can burn in hell.
"Well, that and the fact we are nicer than they are. ;-)"
ReplyDeleteObviously. Because you no doubt posess magical powers that allow you to see, analyse and compare the personalities of every single individual living throughout Canada.
Way to generalize and oversimplify.
Filles de la liberte and FLQ???
ReplyDeleteThey're the same thing. The Filles will eventually end up in jail or be deported from Canada too.
@ Jason
ReplyDeleteAren't you the one lecturing me about "nationalists wanting to remove all tracef of english"? Way to generalise and oversimplify when it suits your ideology, especially since my wording was in jest, per the smilie.
@ Anon 3:11
"In Kingston you can post signs in any language, including French, in Kingston you can send your kids to a French school."
Good for them. French-only speakers account for about 0,3% of their population, and bilinguals (of english or french origin) make up about 12%. I guess they aren't too worried about being overrun, especially when english is the language spoken by about 95% of North America.
"Good for them. French-only speakers account for about 0,3% of their population, and bilinguals (of english or french origin) make up about 12%. I guess they aren't too worried about being overrun, especially when english is the language spoken by about 95% of North America"
ReplyDeleteAt least they have the freedom to send theit children to schools of their choice of language and not get penalized for having unilingual French signs. Quebec does not seem to know anything about basic freedom of expression.
Your excuses are getting old like a broken record. Take your paranoia somewhere else and let Anglo Quebeckers prosper. Stop being a little Nazi about it
"...let Anglo Quebeckers prosper"
ReplyDeleteBonne idée!Allez-donc prospé ontario.
Peut-être pourrez-vous vous échanger votre vieux tourne-disques pour un lecteur mp3.
@press 9
ReplyDeleteNo we want to prosper in Quebec and if we have to take Montreal and other parts of quebec out of quebec to do so we will.
While we argue over french and english the politicians and lawyers get richer.Can you say distraction ?
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous "Quand je vais à Kingston, je parle anglais tout simplement parce que l'ontario est anglophone, même si il y as plus de francophone en Ontario qu'il y as d'anglais au québec, en d'autre mot,if you guys arenot happy with quebec just move to ontario or elsewhere they speak white, there is about 350 millions of peoles who speaks white in north america, i dont think it would bother if we protect the language for 8 millions of peoples"
ReplyDelete- Are you referring to the ones who visit other provinces and then write letters to our government complaining they weren't served in their language since Canada is a bilingual country? Totally neglecting the fact that Canada is institutionally bilingual? Or the ones who visit Florida and can't get service in French?
Furthermore, Anglos are Quebecers as well my friend and do not wish to live anywhere else but their HOME!
There was a brief mention of the rally on the local CTV news. Didn't look to be more than a handful of people showing up.
ReplyDeleteDespite the small show, the Milice Patriotique Québécoise (aka Quebec's version of Brown Shirts) showed up as a threatening presence. "We don't need your English regime!" was one quote...hah, don't they mean Joule Regime? And apparently one punch was thrown, I can only guess by who. The same idiots dressed in military costumes.
It looks like they were filming the protesters with their cell phones and cameras, no doubt to post up their pictures as "Enemies of Quebec".
I'd be interested in hearing what really went on, CTV didn't seem to care much about it.
We show up for a peaceful protest and we got Death Threats and a sole RRQ guy tried to punch me, but hit the megaphone:
ReplyDeleteThe Montreal Police kept the MPQ guys on the opposite side of the street and did a great job.
Bravo to the SPMV!
A lire ceci j'ai l'impression qu'on pronne le retour à la liberté d'expression et du "speak white fucking french frog" qui était la normalité avant la loi 101.
ReplyDeleteIls sont fous ces libertariens d'anglouilles!
ReplyDeleteTous des fans de Danielle Smith.
"Aren't you the one lecturing me about "nationalists wanting to remove all tracef of english"? Way to generalise and oversimplify when it suits your ideology, especially since my wording was in jest, per the smilie."
ReplyDeleteRight, except you were generalizing about a stereotype which borders on racism, and I was stating the hard cold fact that Quebec nationalists have been removing the English language from the face of Quebec and are still looking for new ways to do so (wanting to extend bill 101 to CEGEPs is one example) and to deny this fact is just plain lunacy. This is a reflection upon the powers that be and not upon the Quebecois people, which is what you are trying to spin my comments into looking like.
"A lire ceci j'ai l'impression qu'on pronne le retour à la liberté d'expression et du "speak white fucking french frog" qui était la normalité avant la loi 101."
Nobody is saying that. Don't try to paint a picture that isn't there. We're simply asking for equal rights and aren't asking to ban the French language and "fuck the frogs" as you so eloquently put it.
"Ils sont fous ces libertariens d'anglouilles!
Tous des fans de Danielle Smith."
It's true, every single one of us is a fan. Every one of my friends has an autograph and signed book of hers. I personally have a poster of her hanging right above my bed. In fact if you did a little research you'd find that EVERY anglophone in the WOLRD worships Danielle Smith like a Greek diety. We also get drunk for nothing, pick fights, goon it up in hockey, worship Don Cherry, eat nothing but Tim Horton's, and still collectively dream of colonizing the Francophones of America.
@ Jason
ReplyDelete"you were generalizing about a stereotype which borders on racism, and I was stating the hard cold fact"
Right... when you generalize it's a fact, and when others do it it's racism, as illustrated by your last post. You must have been captain of you school's debate team...
"Right... when you generalize it's a fact, and when others do it it's racism"
ReplyDeleteNo, when I provide a fact, it's a fact. I even gave an example to demonstrate my claim. An example that's been on the front pasge of so many newpapers for so many days, and yet you claim I generalize. Here's more examples. Many Bill enacted since the PQ first came into power have lessened the English language in Quebec (101 is the prime example, language police is another, changing street names into French ones) and now they're trying to find new ways which have yet to be decided on (extending bill 101 to cegep and even some New-Brunswick businesses is a perfect example). You cannot deny these facts unless your head is so far up your ass you're tasting lung. And by the way, stating the racist legislation applied by the PQ as fact doesn't mean I'm racist against Quebeckers as you so lovingly wish to spin my comment into appearing. You, on the other hand, provide us with nothing but generalizing drivel, like when you imply that all Quebeckers are nicer than Canadians. Yes, I'M the one who generalizes.
To Anonymus April 18, 2001 12:01 AM, you say : "I'd be interested in hearing what really went on, CTV didn't seem to care much about it."
ReplyDeleteI saw the report and the journalist said something like this : "A group of Anglo supremacists held a protest to abolish Bill 101". After a close-up of protesters, the report shows two women of Westmount. The first one said : "I can't believe it ! We're not even on our land, how can we impose our inferior language to that wonderful nation ? Even French speaking in Quebec is superior to our language ! Furthermore we have no culture, it is american ! I am very ashamed of these people !". The second one said : "For my part when I left home I leave behind my stupid language and I speak French. It raises my intelligence".
This is a short summery of the report, I hope to have help you.
ReplyDeleteBoth women were likely planted by the counter rally. Either that or the Stockholm Syndrome amongst Quebec Anglos has reached new heights, and maybe needs to be given a new name just for this bunch.
As an Allo, I can tell you that I only have sympathy for these kinds of Anglos. Pitiful. (but once again, these two could have been planted by the equally pitiful SSJB)
@ Jason
ReplyDelete"You cannot deny these facts unless your head is so far up your ass you're tasting lung."
My lungs tell me we Québécois have much more english thrust upon us in our daly lives than 20 or 30 years ago. The english language is not in any danger of disappearing from Québec, Canada or the world, for that matter. The Jason doth protest too much, methinks.
How was that protest, by the way. Nobody from your group seems very inclined to talk about it?
Anon 3:59PM: “The english language is not in any danger of disappearing from Québec, Canada or the world, for that matter”
ReplyDeleteThat’s irrelevant. First of all, the French language is not in danger of disappearance either, not in Quebec, not in France, not in Africa. Second of all, how can you prove that French in QC is in danger of "disappearing"? This argument is impossible to prove, and has nothing in it but emotional charge. The argument of "danger" is in fact skillfully used by many governments, including that of Quebec, and it works well on dumb populations that need to be kept in check.
Is the fact that there are 350 million English speakers around Quebec a good enough reason to impose French on everyone in Quebec? Wouldn’t it be better, for that exact reason, to ensure that everyone in Quebec can function in English, instead of doing the reverse? See how arbitrary this is? Two can play this game.
There is only one fact in this story: the 80% Francophone Quebec finds itself in an overwhelming Anglophone geo-political setting. Everything else aside that fact is politics where facts don’t really matter, and things are rather arbitrary.
"Second of all, how can you prove that French in QC is in danger of "disappearing""
ReplyDeleteJe crois que vous devriez aller faire un petit voyage au Nouveau Brunswick,en Ontario ou en Louisianne.
"Je crois que vous devriez aller faire un petit voyage au Nouveau Brunswick,en Ontario ou en Louisianne"
ReplyDeleteI thought you weren't part of an imperialistic, colonizing, genocidal nation like the British were. How on earth did French make it to all these areas?
And if it is the result of French colonialism then it would make sense that if French culture has survived in our enclave it has done so, in part, with the protection of the British Empire. It would otherwise had vanished like it did in these other places. Afer all, it was the very same Francophones that inhabited the lands from Quebec to Vermont and down to Louisiana.
Bill 101 was never necessary because French culture was not threatened in the province. Your claims to a colonized status are complete bullshit, as are the historical sources you spend your time with seeking an identity and a cause. You and the British are one and the same, only that they were better at it than your side was.
Speaking of colonized people, maybe you should take a trip to Haiti where indigenous culture has disappeared and the younger generations of African slaves speak YOUR language, worship YOUR God and suffer the consequences of real imperialism. The same exists in Africa, Indochina, the Middle East and even right here where white Catholic spires loom tall on reservations in Quebec.
You hate British/American imperialism because it's not French imperialism and the world no longer suffers under the boots of your armies. Too bad pal. As a Catholic, maybe you should allow for the possibility that you're now paying for the sins of a nation that made millions suffer around the world. Console yourself with the possibility that the same may happen to the British.
Whatever JP said APRIL 18, 2011 3:25 PM above is complete lies, but rien n'est plus difficile à réfuter que ce qui est entièrement faux.
ReplyDeleteThe RRQ guy was trying to do exactly as was done to this guy at Uni. Lava:
Territorialists-extremists from the RRQ (only a handful of people with respect to the majority of QC) who think that QC belongs to them and only them (like toddlers in a sandbox who are still learning to share...) - meaning they are simply ingrained with their ass-backwardness, and certainly not well raised.
Here is the opposing sides propaganda video , which shows me yelling at them (yeah, wasting my breath, perhaps) how together we create wealth (la liberté cré la richesse), while creating a francophone Ghetto prevents growth. This was written milllenia ago in the Old Testament even `l'homme domine l'homme à son propre détriment.` But the QC Govt (esp the PQ-BQ faction), have still not understood this basic notion. They enjoy their franco-supremacy Bill 101 privilege as if they are entitled to pre-dominate all ethnicities even if there is no threat the FR language in QC (just trivial bean counting over signs as we see with Gilles Proulx's rants). Scapegoating our community and shutting down our schools indirectly with discriminatory legislation - as I yelled with the Megaphone into the RRQ épais' ear - c'est l'épuration ethnique des anglophones du Québec that these extremists want, nothing else.
As a friend said: Louis Préfontaine didn't show up because is a troll without honour and a coward (in fact he never leaves his blog)...even seppies NEVER see this guy in any rally or manifestation...and some people doubt he even exists (actually you can listen to his toned down anglophobia here:
"Here is the opposing sides propaganda video"
ReplyDeleteYikes, THAT was the whole group? You can pretty much link every face to a name. Shebbeare, Miesen, Brown. I'm no surprised that No Dogs isn't bragging about it. Somehow, this was exactly as I expected from the mastermind who wrote this:
I guess looking at that rally, we can officialy conclude that there is NO public interest in repealing bill 101. None.
Anon 9:54PM: "I guess looking at that rally, we can officialy conclude that there is NO public interest in repealing bill 101. None. "
ReplyDeleteI think that there is a general feeling of helplessness amongst those who disagree with this law. The francophone majority of Quebec has a nearly mythical attachment to bill 101, and the anglophones would prefer not to disrupt the “linguistic peace” (it would not actually surprise me if the two anglophone ladies cited by Jean-Philippe were real).
Secondly, Canada can’t be counted on. The feds are staying out of it. In fact, just in recent weeks we have seen all 3 Anglophone leaders going around Quebec and kissing Quebecois ass. Ignatieff said on TVA 6pm news last week that the Quebec issue is an ongoing issue and will remain on the books forever. This is exactly what Quebec wants – never close the case and remain the centre of attention. And just the other day, I saw some Anglo clown “expert” on CTV evening news telling the Anglos not to stir up too much trouble, so as not to disrupt the “peace”. This pretty much sums it up.
To effectively overhaul 101, not only the Quebec establishment would have to be torn down, but also the Canadian establishment. 101 is as much a Canadian law as it is a Quebec law.
And ironically, this law probably does most damage to the francophones themselves and especially to the image of Quebec. Because of bill 101, I have always found it hard to take this place seriously.
“Bill 101 is the greatest Canadian law” – Stephane Dion.
@ adski
ReplyDeleteThey weren't able to round up more than a dozen people for their HUGE rally, among hundreds of thousands of non-francophones, after months of preparation. Perhaps it's because it's because it's negative impact on anglophones is overstated and exagerated around here?
Même Adski n'y était pas.
ReplyDelete@ anon 1:07
ReplyDeleteOne dozen people is a start, though rally wasn't in the mainstream media. Another factor is, unlike RPQ, IMF types, majority of Allos and anglos work. They are scared of retaliation at work. While the chauvanists usually work for the Quebec or municipal govts or are on welfare.
This is a start, with more exposure these things should get bigger. It caused a stir among the Chauvanists so it is a positive thing.
Didi was not there, or did not introduce herself to me, nor anyone, as far as I know...
ReplyDeleteThere were a load of factors that prevented many more from coming, weather, sickness, and most importantly (duh?!) a Death threat from a fake QC militia that were kept in their place by the Montreal Police (Kudos to them again).
We are planning another in a few months, this is just the beginning of the end of the Tyranny of Bill 101 that has harassed minorities and prevented their advancement for over a generation.
I still don't get it: what are anglos so afraid of? French IS disappearing from the continent.
ReplyDeleteIf Bill 101 is "racist", then rallys against it also are, especially when you consider that Bill 101 only aims at protecting a disappearing minority.
French is endangered, not English, isn't it?
I mean, ok, anglos have the right to be angry against frenchs.
ReplyDeleteThen certainly anglos can understand disappearing frenchs' anger towards anglos?
French were once 50% of canadian population, now less than 24%, and 2% of north america. Why don't you celebrate your (apparently inevitable) victory?
I'm actually quite sick of this. Thinking of moving to Ontario. A sinking ship is not where I want my children raised.
ReplyDelete"PS. Je suis Canadien pas un ‘anglais’. Les anglais habitent en Angleterre, Grande Bretagne!"
ReplyDeleteWOW! MY HERO!!!!
I'm an engineer and I'll move to greener pastures as soon as the PQ wins. I expect there will be thousands of us, too. How's that: I went to French highschool, English College, French University... apparently separatists are TERRIFIED of me, which is why they want to extend bill 101.
"Thinking of moving to Ontario."
"I'm an engineer and I'll move to greener pastures as soon as the PQ wins. I expect there will be thousands of us, too."
ReplyDeleteThank you so much!Its never too late to have a new beginning.
Hey anonymus; stop thinking about moving to ontario and just do it..... bring along your bigot friends with you.
ReplyDeletePierre Véronneau
p.s have the balls to state your name you coward
man bill101 is really wack.. I can't even buy a game because it's NOT FRENCH ENOUGH..
ReplyDeletefuck mon esti de merde moi je suis bilingue pis Le PQ doit choisir ma language pour le jeu que je veux jouer.
I think Montreal is like a beautiful version of Detroit, and it is greatly because of the Bill 101. I think it is clear to everyone including Anglophones,Francophones,&everyone else from the world, that the people wanted to keep a certain language(French) in the cost of the mighty city of Montreal and Quebec overall.
ReplyDeleteI am a first generation immigrant in Canada and will be more than happy to learn some French. But if Bill 101 finally gets abolished, I will celebrate the victory of "Montreal" not just English speaking community, and will go there and be part of the great city of Montreal in the proud province of Quebec of the Future. Vive Montreal, Vive le Quebec!
I think that bill 101 is racist. And this reason of "protection of a the French language" is ridiculous. My parents came here many years ago from Europe and I was born and raised in Montreal.
ReplyDeleteI can speak English French and Greek. I now have 2 children and a grandchild and they are all trilingual. My culture is strong enough to assimulate and survive without the cost of suppressing another culture, language or race.
The majority of the regular French Quebecers are good people. It's just that the politicians want control of them. In the past the French in Quebec followed and were controlled by the Cathholic Churc, until they realized that they had become a suppresed society and broke away from the church. However it does not stop there. Some of their own elite viewed this as an opportunity to control the French Quebecers once again but with a different agenda which they call protection of a language. The majority believed and voted for them. Then Bill 101 came to pass which made it ilegal for English to appear on public signs. They also prohibited the French to send their children to English schools. However, the English are allowed to send their children to whatever school they wish. The immigrants have erected their own schools which teach their childrern, French, English and their own mother tongue. So what do you have? A society of Anglophones and Allophones who are either bilingual or trilinugal and have more opportunities anywhere in North America and a society of Francophones who only speak French and maybe some broken English, with maybe some opportunities in Quebec only.
In short, the Catholic Church did not really leave. It just changed it's name to Bill 101 or PQ.