Wednesday, August 4, 2010

McGill Caves in to Language Pressure- Affirmative action Arrives

The news that journeyman hockey player Dominic Moore has left the Montreal Canadiens to pursue  greener pastures on Florida's Gulf coast, didn't exactly rock the Montreal sporting community, other than the usual language grousing by francophone journalists that follows whenever a French speaking player is shipped out of Montreal.

To date and to their credit the Canadiens have been impervious to complaints that the team should 'Frenchify' itself, in order to better resemble the community in which they play. It remains team policy to build the very best team that they can, regardless of language.

Too bad their example is lost on McGill University who have sadly caved to language extremists in regard to its medical school.

The McGill University medical school has announced that it is no longer requiring potential entrants to take the standardized MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) exam, which is the gold standard in assessing applicants potential.

Th exam is pretty much standard across North America and is the most important element in the selection process. Potential doctors study intensely for months and months in preparation for the test. The test itself is a gruelling 8½ hour ordeal which comprehensively assesses the applicant's knowledge and abilities. A high score is almost a sure ticket into medical school.
Score poorly and it's time to look into dentistry.

As one can expect, in Quebec the MCAT exam is not part of the selection process for French medical schools and those francophones that want to go to an English medical school are at a distinct disadvantage, having to write the exam in English. For this reason, those francophones who make it into McGill medical school, (or any other English med schools) can be considered exceptional students.

Shockingly, in an announcement last week, McGill said that it is dropping the MCAT, much to the derision of the traditional medical community.

The decision is one of the most blatant cases of caving in to language militants, an  abrogations of responsibility to maintain high standards that shames the school and will likely lead to the school losing its status as the best medical school in Canada.

After years of vicious attacks by the likes of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society, Reseau de resistance du Quebecois and the  Mouvement Montreal Francais, who demanded that something be done about the 52% of graduates who choose to leave the Province of Quebec after graduation, the school decided that their position was untenable.

The solution?
Add more francophones to the English medical school, students who will be more likely to remain in Quebec. The only hitch in the solution is that not enough francophones can pass the MCATs.

And so PRESTO, the MCATS are gone!

Dr. Saleem Razack, assistant dean of admissions for medicine at McGill said it best. "We want to make sure we have a class that is a bit more representative of society. The aim of the nontraditional pathway is to bring people into the class with diverse life experiences." LINK

LIFE EXPERIENCE!!!! ....aarrgh!!!!!!!!!

'Life experience' has always been code for a policy of enrolling unqualified students in situations where the school is in desperate need of students or where affirmative action programs are in place.
It is a fancy term for admitting students who are otherwise academically unqualified.

Sir George Williams University (precursor of Concordia) in Montreal, during its startup phase was notorious for accepting just about anybody who showed up and manipulated standards to fill the ranks of an empty school.

Perhaps McGill can rename their medical school for something more appropriate, GREENWOOD COMMUNITY COLLEGE MEDICAL SCHOOL, sounds about right.

In one fell swoop McGill has destroyed its reputation. It is in the process of turning itself from an elite program into a run of the mill secondary medical school.

By throwing out standards, every francophone doctor who graduates will be considered damaged property.

It's sad.....

All of you over at the University of Toronto medical school....



  1. "To date and to their credit the Canadiens have been impervious to complaints that the team should 'Frenchify' itself, in order to better resemble the community in which they play. It remains team policy to build the very best team that they can, regardless of language."

    It seems that some French zelots journalists will soon envy Tampa Bay who is building a Frenchier team than Montreal and who has the best French connection ever since the good old days of Gilbert Perreault and the Buffalo Sabres in the name of Simon Gagné, Martin St-Louis and Vincent Lecavalier.

    Talk about some crunching offense.

  2. Typiquement québécois: tous égaux dans la médiocrité

    How can we make this society grow and prosper with such mentality. We Francophones have nobody else to blame but our own selves as to why we lag behind the rest of North America.

    But it's easier to accuse the neighbours :)

  3. Encore une petite victoire,on reprend progressivement notre territoire.Tenez-vous près de votre clavier car avec l'arrivée prochaine du Partie Québécois au pouvoir,vous allez être témoin de grands changements a Montréal,surtout au niveau linguistique.Nous (les nationalistes) avons élaboré un très beau document qui je crois va vous tenir occupé pendant quelques mois pour ne pas dire années,considérant votre position face a la question.

  4. Wow. Hard core Francophones really would prefer to die in French than live with a little bit of English. I don't see how this can be considered a victory for anyone other than second rate medical students?

  5. Too many concessions to the unilingual petits Québécois! McGill is ENGLISH and if unilingual Québécois are not able to pass the English test, they should go back to their farms and carry on planting cottons.

    Quelle honte de savoir que les petits Québécois auront accès à McGill ! Quelle honte !

  6. Je suis daccord avec vous, on aurait dû tous les exterminer dès le départ,quelle vermine!Moi je plus aucun problème d'identité depuis que j'ai switché a L'anglais,maintenant il faut que je trouve un moyen pour changer mon nom...dertteilzet...auriez-vous un truc a me proposer?

  7. Mc Gill français ! Tous les Québécois payent pour l'Université, même les fermiers, espèce de pauvre plouc !

  8. To Anonymous August 4, 2010 9:39 AM ''

    Je suis daccord avec vous, on aurait dû tous les exterminer dès le départ,quelle vermine!Moi je plus aucun problème d'identité depuis que j'ai switché a L'anglais,maintenant il faut que je trouve un moyen pour changer mon nom...dertteilzet...auriez-vous un truc a me proposer?''

    A real democrat, like we like it ! Ceux qui n'ont pas les mêmes convictions que vous, des menaces d'extermination, une belle leçon de tolérance ! Semeur de haine ! Anglo Zealot ! Vous n'avez plus de problème d'identité ? Êtes-vous certain ? Votre ''switch'' ne fonctionne tout simplement plus, désolant ! I suggest you Royal Victoria hospital ! Payé par tous les Québécois !

  9. J'espère que vous comprenez qu'il s'agit ici de sarcasmes.Je crois qu'il serait bon d'utiliser des pseudos afin d'éviter de confondre les anonymes.Je serais même daccord pour que l'on utilise nos vrais noms.J'aime bien jouer cartes sur table.

  10. Good blog. Thanks for drawing attention to the never ending assault on all things Anglos, in Quebec. McGillois? Je prend mon diploma avec fromage s'il vous plaît. It seems this blog is attracting more and more Franco-freaks, who feel a need to sustain the Anglos bullying online. How they hate to see Anglos gather and discuss. Their facist tendencies are so obvious to everyone except themselves. Anyway, if we apply the Franco-freak logic, we can say "If they come here to abuse us, they must hate us, and if they hate us, we must be doing something right'.

  11. Poor Kebec, what a racist, anti-English language dump it has become.

    Quebec, where the English, Scottish, Irish, United Empire Loyalists… built up the province of Kebec (original native spelling) since 1763. Yes, the same province of Kebec where the Union Jack and Red Ensign flew until 1950. Quebec where the English language and culture are being wiped out a la bill 22, 178, 101…Racism, bigotry, ethic language cleansing and human rights violations presently going on in Quebec…wake up, its going on all over the country. What’s it really about? “First Quebec, then we take over the rest of the country, one step at a time…through bilingualism…” PT, “How to take over a country through bilingualism…” SD. How ? -First comes the right to communicate with gov't in a minority language (ie French),then comes bilingualism, then comes the right to work in the language of choice(ie French), then comes a bilingual boss,(ie French) then comes a exclusively French department and on it goes until its all French. This IS going on in every province, wake up people, you have NO idea what these people are up to, the proof is all around us. Again, just the facts…This lie, this hoax, this revisionist nonsense that Quebec is a French province and that Canada is bilingual is just that, an outright lie. Fact: We have been part of the British Empire since 1763.We were officially an English speaking country for over 200 years, again just the facts. Almost 1 million people have been forced out of the province of Kebec due to this type of hatred/lie/spin/intolerance… While all this is going on in Quebec they are forcing the French language outside Quebec in every province. Everything and anything the French demand they are getting across this entire country. They call it bilingualism (another lie never clearly defined on purpose). What are they really up to? “First Quebec, then we take over the rest of the country, one step at a time…through bilingualism…” PT, “How to take over a country through bilingualism…” SD. That’s what’s really going on. Wake up, people! Ask yourself a simple question. Why are we not teaching our real BNA history? Why are we not teaching our proud UEL history in our schools any longer?

    "Loyal She Began, Loyal She Remains." Go learn our proud, real BNA and UEL history. These were the builders of our country since 1763. Not this phony, revisionist lie, this bilingual, multicultural, 2 founding nations, linguistic duality lie, propaganda, spin that we’ve been living with since Trudeau, and kebec forced this upon the nation. We’ve been part of the British Empire since 1763 and officially an English speaking country for over 200 years…just a fact.

    Wake up people, your country is in deep trouble and NO English speaking politician is telling you the truth, is exposing what is really going on. Not one politician has the decency, the honesty to expose the truth, to speak the truth, how pathetic. Poor Canada, what a mess.

    1. Bravo. Perfectly said. All Canadians, wake up you bunch of retards and stomp out the fascist biggots!!!

  12. Mc Gill français ! Tous les Québécois payent pour l'Université, même les fermiers, espèce de pauvre plouc !

    What's your point, do you actually think that your Quebecois tax dollars entitle you to be a Quebecois facist douch bag? I think so. You think your tax dollars are well spent by pressuring a prestigous Anglos university into compromising the high standards on which it's reputation is based. How fanatical is that? Par for the course in Quebec I suppose. Now substandard Quebecois medical students can graduate from a diminished institution and then practice their mediocre medical skills on an unsuspecting population. Sound good! Good job! By the way, Anglos tax dollars pay for the Quebecois universities and the Quebcois hospitals and the Quebecois bloated public service and the Quebecois gangs (I mean unions) and the Quebecois language police, and the Quebecois racist groups like SJB (which the government directly funds) and on and on it goes. It seems counterproductive to abuse and drive out those tax paying Anglos and alienating the other Canadians who will eventually run out of money and patience for Quebec.

  13. Anonymous 9:59AM: "Mc Gill français ! Tous les Québécois payent pour l'Université, même les fermiers, espèce de pauvre plouc ! "

    McGill in French would be the end of McGill as is – prestigious and well known all over the world. In French, McGill would become another UQAM - a financially unstable institution more concerned with spewing out brainwashed nationalist ideologues, than educated and qualified people that could contribute to the development and prosperity of this province.

  14. McGill's law dept. doesn't require the LSAT -- at least for the B. Civil Law program. However, if you have taken the exam, you must disclose your results. It has been their policy for at least two decades.

    That being said, the LSAT mainly assesses reading comprehension, etc. If you are intelligent, you could probably ace the exam while still in high school. The MCAT -- from what I gather -- focuses on subject matter that you should have covered during your undergrad pre-med studies.

  15. anonyme 12:07

    Vous êtes dans l'erreur Monsieur,nous en avons tout simplement assez de ces blogues racistes et intolérants ou le mépris des Québécois est un sujet quotidien.Allez-donc manger votre cheez whiz en ontario avec votre diploma(sic) si vous êtes si malheureux.Il est temps qu'on redonne du mordant a la Loi 101.

  16. 1 of 2:
    Hi folks! The Mississauga Guy here! I've been totally anonymous the last two months since I joined this blog. I'll only identify myself on comment as opposed to a specific profile.

    There were 13 comments prior to my comment, so I'm #14, or #15 if someone beats me to it.

    I'm a Montreal expatriate, and have been for half my life. I was a toddler when we moved out of Outremont, and grew up in Chomedey, the only Quebec domicile I remember. All my education, from kindergarten at Hillcrest Elementary School, Chomedey Polyvalent and Western Laval High Schools, Vanier College through Concordia University were all in the Montreal area, all in English.

    BTW, I was satisfied with my Concordia education. Between it and McGill, Concordia had a better Commerce program, and so I studied at the underdog without a world renowned reputation. I studied under world renowned management professor Stephen P. Robbins at Concordia. I spoke to him in his last days at Concordia before moving onto San Diego State U and later on Johns Hopkins, and he stated to me that Concordia had a tough program and one had to pull one's weight to succeed there. I finished his sentence be stating "...but without the reputation [of a McGill U]." Robbins concurred.

    Be that as it may, Concordia has always been in McGill's shadow and always will be. I moved out of Quebec the day after my convocation. Another investment in Quebec's future gone. I felt I had no future where I was and my well-educated mother knew it (she studied nursing at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Westmount when it was the Montreal Homeopathic Hospital).

    That hospital is gone, my elementary school is now a Greek parochial school, Western Laval became École secondaire Marie Curie and now it's some kind of international language school. Chomedey Polyvalent is now Laval Liberty High School that runs on a ridiculously low budget until its enrollment diminishes to closure.

  17. 2 of 2:
    All those institutions, all gone or are shadows of their former selves, so why not McGill? Why shouldn't McGill become part of the toxic racist undercurrent that has and is still chipping away at the minorities that make up Quebec? Bit by bit, it's dragging everything under and drowning everything that isn't of the majority's ilk.

    Who is to blame. Interestingly, as I was waiting for my old doll of a computer to boot, I read Howard Galganov's editorial of November 25, 1997 entitled "The Quebec Bully Boys: Government by Intimidation", on pp. 206-208 of his book entitled "Bastards".

    Galganov squarely names who is to blame for letting the language police run roughshod over the minorities: It's the minorities! I agree with him 100%. I saw it when Bill 22 was passed, then Bill 101. I was 16 and 19 years old when these fascist pieces of legislation passed. I chose to leave Quebec on a trip to a family function that took place about five weeks before Bill 22 passed. Bill 22 sealed the deal for me.

    I bided my time, finishing my education. It took me eight long, agonizing years of witnessing this language crap unfold in front of me and next to nobody fighting those bastards every step of the way. Far too much compliance has led to the Quebec of today. The politicians we voted for were of NO help--not one iota of help!

    Thomas Mulcair, the former MNA for Chomedey, left Quebec politics with reckless abandonment to join the federal NDP and then stab his former predominantly English and minority ethnic constituents in the back by advocating Bill 103. IT WAS THOSE CONSTITUENTS WHO ELECTED AND RE-ELECTED THAT SON OF A BITCH to office. He has a squabble with Premier Goldilocks and then runs away like a crybaby because he was demoted in cabinet, feeling the job he was given was "too small".

    Thomas Mulcair is a chicken hawk--or maybe a hawk chicken! He was hawkish after the Chomedey constituency was cheated out of over 5,400 no votes in the 1995 referendum, squawking for an investigation, then carves those same constituents by voting for a fascist law that for all intents and purposes forbids certain children access to English schools. As far as I'm concerned, Mulcair, Jack Layton (from that WASP nest, Hudson, QC), Victor Goldbloom and his son should all share the same hawk's nest.

    Here it is, almost 13 full years since Howard Galganov released that commentary and nothing has come along to prove him wrong. Patrick Watson, a former CBC stalwart said over 20 years ago that if Canadians remain politically apathetic and complacent, they'll get the democracy they deserve. Those are two examples that show the proof is in the pudding.

    The Mississauga Guy.

  18. To anonymous August 4, 2010 12:51 PM ''It seems counterproductive to abuse and drive out those tax paying Anglos and alienating the other Canadians who will eventually run out of money and patience for Quebec. '' What a paternalistic sentence ! I'm polite but your money and supposite patience, we see the end ! Good for us !You alienating all francophones by thinking they're all beggars and stupids ! I don't accept that ! You just spill lies and treat francophones and all the Québec of racists, fascists and other falsity !

  19. En terminant, profitez donc de l'assurance-médicament pour vous payer vous donc un diazépam (communément appelé ''Valium'').:)

  20. Good post Mississauga Guy. What a lot of people don't realize is that this group that destroyed Quebec has been running Ottawa and Canada into the ground for the last 4 decades as well. It was all part of the plan. We don’t want this, but they are forcing it all over the country. We didn’t ask for it, they forced it upon the nation and continue to do so…

    They are changing the names of towns, streets, counties, bodies of water, riding names…and I’m not taking about kebec any longer. It’s now going on all over the country; it’s a mess in Ottawa where they name things after anti-English language bigots and racists all the time. They are slowly wiping out our English, Scottish, Irish, United empire loyalists history. Just like they’ve been doing in Quebec for the last 5 decades…it’s a blood y nightmare. This is one of the main reasons we are not teaching any history from 1760 to 1982 in our schools any longer. These racist metis bastards control government, the curriculum, our money…we get a daily dose of spin, lies and propaganda. Wake up people, spread the word.

    It’s a nightmare, they run everything in Ottawa, they funnel the money where they want, spin, lies, propaganda, revisionist BS … Proof - In that there is constant pressure to rewrite our history - to pacify the cranky Province of Quebec and the “french “outside Quebec - the reason we lost the Red Ensign in the first place - we must do what we can to protect and preserve our history. A history that is under constant attack. Very few Canadians are aware that we now have portraits in our parliament of French Kings - who had nothing to do with the building of Canada- the statue of General James Wolfe no longer overlooks the Plains of Abraham, the only statue in Quebec City is of the losing General, Montcalm. There are statues of three French generals but no statues of the victorious generals at the Valiant’s memorial in Ottawa. That’s right, no General Wolfe, no General Amherst… This historical revisionism is going on right under the noses of the Governments we elect - and they remain silent!

    What are they really up to? “First Quebec, then we take over the rest of the country, one step at a time…through bilingualism…” PT, “How to take over a country through bilingualism…” SD. How ? First comes the right to communicate with gov't in a minority language (ie French),then comes bilingualism, then comes the right to work in the language of choice(ie French), then comes a bilingual boss,(ie French) then comes a exclusively French department and on it goes until its all French. Its happening all over the country, Ontario, New Brunswick…That’s what’s really going on. Wake up, people!

    "Loyal She Began, Loyal She Remains." Go learn our proud, real BNA and UEL history. These were the builders of our country since 1763. Not this phony, revisionist lie, this bilingual, multicultural, 2 founding nations, linguistic duality lie, propaganda, spin that we’ve been living with since Trudeau, and kebec forced this upon the nation. We’ve been part of the British Empire since 1763 and officially an English speaking country for over 200 years…just a fact.

    Wake up people, your country is in deep trouble and NO English speaking politician is telling you the truth, is exposing what is really going on. Not one politician has the decency, the honesty to expose the truth, to speak the truth, how pathetic. Poor Canada, what a mess. Please pass this on.

  21. It should be noted that Quebec has been shutting English out of public institutions since 1976. So it has been happening for over 30 years now. English has been pretty much weeded out from public offices, to the point where I don’t even bother speaking English when I have to deal with the provincial government or its agencies (like SAAQ).

    However, the removal of English from institutions hasn’t been accompanied with the disappearance of English, which is still a viable alternative for communication, as it was in the 1970s. Not much changed here in this department – yes, many Anglos left, but many stayed, and the immigrants, even the ones from Francophilic countries, do take up English.

    In 1976 the nationalists assumed that if they “de-officialize” English, they will subsequently make it disappear, or at least make it fade into the background to become a distant second language, not a real alternative to French in everyday communication. They were wrong. They wagered all their reputation on these language laws, and in the end they lost. English is out of public institutions, BUT it is nonetheless very present in people’s daily lives. So present in fact that it triggered some extremist anti-English (or “pro-French” according to some – everything is relative after all) organizations (MMF, IF, RRQ) that popped up all around in the last decade, and seem to function with a silent approval of Quebec governments (both PQ and PLQ).

    The fate of language laws in Quebec is also a lesson – you can’t take shortcuts when it comes to things like language and “respect”. You can’t legislate respect, and for a language to become “common”, it must evolve gradually as a function of many factors, such as people’s personal preferences, economic incentives, demographics, etc…A language does NOT become “common” by some arbitrary one-off decree passed in a provincial parliament. It is not so simple. Same with respect – it has to be earned with hard work, not “declared” in a parliamentary decision.

    The talk of extension of 101 to Cegeps and daycares is a sign of admission of defeat. I think that the further these laws go, the more detrimental they will be to French in Quebec. I think we might be approaching the point where Francophones themselves will have enough. I know I would, if I were a Francophone.

  22. Vous êtes dans l'erreur Monsieur,nous en avons tout simplement assez de ces blogues racistes et intolérants ou le mépris des Québécois est un sujet quotidien.Allez-donc manger votre cheez whiz en ontario avec votre diploma(sic) si vous êtes si malheureux.Il est temps qu'on redonne du mordant a la Loi 101.

    Fascinating, this blog can always count on some Francophone commenter to lend credence to the notion that the Quebecois have racist tendencies that are fully entrenched and deemed acceptable in Quebec society. Regardless of how legitimate the criticisms are, the Quebecois routinely marginalize, label, and threaten all dissenters. For example, the commenter above wants to make Bill 101 even harsher, because some Anglos dared to challenge the 'majority' and complain about the prejudicial state of affairs in Quebec society. Thankfully, the author of this blog is not intimidated or deterred by such veiled threats. Keep your hate filled comments coming Quebecois; you represent your cause well. And let it be known, you Francophone racist (and you alone) are known as the ‘Quebecois’. No self respecting Anglos can identify with this ethnocentric term. I was born in Quebec and I am insulted if anyone calls me a Quebecois. To me the word ‘Quebecois’ is a dirty and ugly word that was expropriated by the separatists to delineate and underscore the difference between themselves (the pure lain) and everyone else in Canada (the bastards). They say you are Quebecois if you are born in Quebec; I say you are a Quebecois if you earn the label one racist comment and belligerent action at a time.

  23. "They say you are Quebecois if you are born in Quebec; I say you are a Quebecois if you earn the label one racist comment and belligerent action at a time."

    Oui vous avez raison avec ca. And then they (the Quebecois) wonder why the allophone immigrants migrate towards the anglo element and english language in Quebec. Of course with bill 103 (and its failed predecessor bill 104) they wish to close off any prospect of an allo immigrant from schooling their kids in english.

    Who is us, nobody unless you are "pure laine".

  24. ''I was born in Quebec and I am insulted if anyone calls me a Quebecois''

    Pas besoin de préciser,nous le savions tous et depuis longtemps.Comment qualifiez-vous ce genre de commentaire déja ? ''bigotry'' ?

  25. You alienating all francophones by thinking they're all beggars and stupids !

    I hope so. Anyone who has their hand out bumming money to pay for things they cannot afford is referred to as a beggar. Anyone who believes that the Quebec separatist 'project' is advantageous and desirable is stupid (IMHO). Put the two together and you have yourself the kind of Quebecois that many people in Canada are growing tired of...and to them we say 'fuck off'. Is that alienating enough for you? To all other Quebecers who want to work with Anglos and Canada to create an unbiased society that strives to accommodate all peoples, I say Hallefuckenlujah.

  26. ''The talk of extension of 101 to Cegeps and daycares is a sign of admission of defeat.''

    Encore dans l'erreur..tss tss tss,ce n'est que le paufinement de cette loi qui a fait un très bon travail jusqu'a maintenant...non? Le travail n'est pas fini pour autant.Vous oubliez que nous sommes une société très raffinée et nous trouvons que cette belle loi 101 manque légèrement de finition afin d'être presque parfaite.Le meilleur est a venir...Nous prévoyons l'étendre au ROC d'ici une vingtaine d'années environ.Cela dépendra bien sûr de votre coopération.Merci a l'avance!

  27. Bonne chance avec ca...He Ha....le francais est le langue est mort...Nous avons mieux choix que le francais.. Mandarin, espagnol etc. Francais est mortais en le monde...C'est seule vous en Quebec qui pensez que le langue vous parlez est pourtant dans le monde. Vous etes tres drole avec votre poste. Stupid is as stupid does.. mais tu voulez les ROC a parlez une langue mortez....Encore bonne chance avec votre reves...Pour reele vous parlez joual, n'est pas le francais traditionale.

  28. I love these words pure laine, and quebecois. Here’s some info for you dumb clowns. You are of mixed blood, Métis, ya just a fact. There is no such thing as a pure laine quebecois, what a racist term to begin with but just a lie like so many other things in Kebec. Just like John Charest, Trudeau, Ducceppe…you all have native and/or English, Scottish or Irish in your genes in your blood ,like or not. You are so racist you just can’t admit the truth, pathetic really.

  29. Mississauga Guy here again!

    I've now read yet another dozen comments since my last ones were entered, and it's the same old s--t, different day, bigger shovel. What I am concerned about is if it's true that the statues of Gen. Wolfe and others on the side of victory are being removed outside Quebec. The fact that Quebec has removed its reminders is absolutely no surprise. The revisionists are at work, and the government of Quebec, be it the so-called "federalists" [my ass] led by Premier Goldilocks or the vrai separatists led by you-know-who, that old you-know-what who is uglier than my brother's bulldogs.

    I recently drove to Montreal from Toronto. Up to the border, the Canadian flag was visible all along the highway. Cross into Quebec, I only saw a few Canadian flags driving through the West Island on Highway 40. Outside of there, only federal buildings wave the Canadian flag, and a few others. Very few!

    It's hard to believe Quebec didn't vote for separation considering how little the Canadian flag is flying and considering how the so-called federalist Quebec government passes anti-English legislation in the name of so-called linguistic peace.

    What am I saying? Goldilocks is just another chicken hawk! Too chicken to stand up for federal values despite once being a federal cabinet minister, but very hawkish against the English language in Quebec, or whatever is in it for Quebec as opposed to Canada as a whole.

    Quebec is in confederation only for its own selfish reasons, and nothing in the way of being an equal, participating partner.

    If Quebec separates, what does the rest of Canada have to lose? The costs of doing business in two languages (packaging, advertising, etc.)? Half the dairy industry will be lopped off, unless the Real Canada decides to import its dairy needs (truly unnecessary). What will Quebec do to make up the extra $5 billion it receives in equalization payments? Will it raise taxes to fill the void? Will it cut services to fill the void? Or will it let its deficits increase accordingly?

    With Quebec the sixth most indebted jurisdiction in the world, let them go and they will get exactly what they deserve. I'm just discussing economics here, never mind how the First Nations people will prefer to keep THEIR land in Canada, never mind what property belongs to Canada, etc., and how the partitionists will then come out looking for their territories to stay part of Canada.

  30. Encore dans l'erreur..tss tss tss,ce n'est que le paufinement de cette loi qui a fait un très bon travail jusqu'a maintenant...non? Le travail n'est pas fini pour autant.Vous oubliez que nous sommes une société très raffinée et nous trouvons que cette belle loi 101 manque légèrement de finition afin d'être presque parfaite.Le meilleur est a venir...Nous prévoyons l'étendre au ROC d'ici une vingtaine d'années environ.Cela dépendra bien sûr de votre coopération.Merci a l'avance.

    Cool…a Franco-supremacist/Quebecois separatist with the gonads to be honest and lay bare their plans. Decades go by…I’ve never seen that before. Shocking really, but ultimately refreshing. Most Franco-supremacist/Quebecois separatist are contemptuously deceptive and insincere. One of the reasons I never support separation is because of all their lies, half truths, distortions, and deception. After all this time I know what they stand against, but I still don’t know what they stand for…apart from the Franco-supremacy bit that is.

  31. ''The fact that Quebec has removed its reminders is absolutely no surprise. The revisionists are at work''

    Je me suis toujours demandé comment les anglais(descendants) peuvent avoir le culot de nous traiter de raciste lorsque les ancêtres de ces derniers ont déporté,sous considérations raciales, en 1755 des milliers d'Acadiens (femmes,enfants et vieillards confondus) dans des conditions totalement inhumaines et dont un grand nombre sont morts sur des rafiots infectes. Vous voulez peut-ëtre qu'on érige un monument comémoratif (et une fête annuelle) en Acadie (terre de nos frères et soeurs) afin de souligner ce grand geste humaniste et a quel point vous représentez un peuple vaillant,courageux et exemplaire.Pourquoi croyez-vous que sur nos plaques d'immatriculation est inscrit : Je me souviens ? Vous voulez toujours parler d'histoire ?

  32. "Je me souviens ? Vous voulez toujours parler d'histoire ?"

    It is history. The french were defeated on the plaines of Abraham.. Soundly defeated in a short time. Two founding nations is a total myth...The French lost the battle with their Scottish commander.

    Get over it...You lost and all your silly french agenda in Canada will eventually be assimilated into English as statistics indicate.

    Loi 101 has not worked.

    Official bilingulism brought in by the communist Trudeau has now worked out.

    Your continued fight is futile and you should realize that your are your worst enemy.

    The french language will disappear with the next two decade as a language of prominece as statistics illustrate. You don't believe, Check out Mr. Castonguays writings.

  33. Vous avez raison, on n'est foutu mais pourriez-vous nous laisser juste un peu de Français sur les boites de céréale ? S.V.P! C'mon!... juste les céréales et plus de revendication ensuite c'est promis.Nous laisserons la place au mandarin.Au fait,est-ce que les Chino-canadiens mangent des céréales?

  34. I'm Acadian,

    Some anglophones have been trying to stop us from speaking french for centuries, it did not work. It only makes us stronger when we see insecure anglophones STILL trying to get rid of us, even though my ancestors have been here since, at least, 1632.

    I will continue speaking french, my wife will continue speaking french (she's from Mississauga, btw :)) and our children will continue speaking french.

    Vive les Acadiens, vive les Québecois!

    I've always considered myself a proud Canadian, but when I see these comments...

    Lucky for us, you people are but a minority. My anglophone friends are very proud to be living in a country where different cultures co-exist.

    By the way, I proudly speak French, English, Spanish and Czech.

    You couldn't get rid of us in 1755, you won't get rid of us now... sorry

  35. You alienating all francophones by thinking they're all beggars and stupids !

    Not Beggars, just folks who feel "entitled" to more than their fair share.

    Stupids? You "coined" that one, I sure didn't, though I will offer that that probably was the result of a university education (a french one).

  36. Anonymous: "Not Beggars, just folks who feel "entitled" to more than their fair share"

    Exactly. Self-entitlement is one thing that stands out the most. The whole thing about being "unique", "distinct", "special", being of a heritage that Canada is supposed to bend over backwards to "protect".

    Each one of us has some background that is in a way special to us, but not so special to others. Quebeckers need to understand that their heritage may be very special to them, but they must allow a possibility that others will be rather indifferent to it. And that indifference is not necessarily "disrespect" or "contempt".

    I have a culture that I am very attached to, but I'm not going to impose it on others, and I won't be offended if someone doesn't share my sentiments. It's just the way it is. Quebeckers should stop thinking they are the center of the world, because they aren't.

  37. ''...but they must allow a possibility that others will be rather indifferent to it.''

    Pour quelqu'un de ''plutôt'' indifférent,je trouve que vous intervenez souvent sur la question.Nous sommes loin d'être le centre du monde avec nos 2% de représentation en amérique.
    Vous n'avez pas l'impression que ce sont ''plutôt'' les anglophones qui ont cette triste ambition en imposant de façon systèmatique et délibérée leur langue a toutes les nations ?
    Vous connaissez surement l'expression : Égémonie linguistique.

  38. You couldn't get rid of us in 1755, you won't get rid of us now... sorry

    What a bunch of self-pitying distorted BS, all to avoid the issues, once again. Nobody is trying to ‘get rid of’ YOU, you brazen fool. The French language is officially supported and making regular advances across the country. On the contrary it is your French speaking compatriots in Quebec that are eradicating the English language from its rightful place in the province. The English language is treated with official contempt in Quebec. Most Francophones have been trying to stop Anglophones from speaking English for decades, and it hasn’t worked. Their paranoid attempts only makes Anglos stronger as they see insecure Francophones routinely trying to get rid of them, even though Anglos have been in the Quebec and contributed disproportionally to provinces growth since the beginning. So I guess what you’re saying is that it’s payback time; the Anglos persecuted the Francophones back in the day, so now it’s your turn to support with delight anyone who is willing to repeat the mistake. Way to evolve mister, you make all Canadians proud to have vindictive individuals like you within our borders. People like you make Anglos think that the Quebecois are irredeemably self-absorbed and care for no one but themselves. In Quebec, Anglos actively advocate for the peaceful co-existence of different cultures. On the other hand, the Quebecois routinely debate whether or not to tolerate or accommodate ‘the others’ who they say represent an ever present threat to their way of live. Nowadays the Quebecois generally conclude that tolerance will lead to their demise, so imposing draconian restrictions on ‘the others’ is necessary and acceptable.

  39. Anonymous 9:49AM: "cette triste ambition en imposant de façon systèmatique et délibérée leur langue a toutes les nations ?"

    This is false.

    In the old days, all colonial powers (Britain, France, Spain, Portugal) tried to impose their languages on others. Today, English is a lingua franca. Noone forces anyone to learn English these days - people do it willingly all over the world. China is the best example:

  40. To anonymous August 5, 2010 5:36 AM : For having see what's Mc Gill students can do in fact of stupidity in the district of the University, I can say that don't represent an elite ! French university are in good position, I invite you to read this (in french)''Quatre universités québécoises'' sont parmi les dix meilleurs au pays selon le magazine canadien Maclean's, qui publie son 13e palmarès annuel. 3 are french except Mc Gill ! In your teeth !

  41. Anonymous said...
    To anonymous August 5, 2010 5:36 AM : For having see what's Mc Gill students can do in fact of stupidity in the district of the University, I can say that don't represent an elite ! French university are in good position, I invite you to read this (in french)''Quatre universités québécoises'' sont parmi les dix meilleurs au pays selon le magazine canadien Maclean's, qui publie son 13e palmarès annuel. 3 are french except Mc Gill ! In your teeth !

    Dear exclamation mark !!!!!!!!!!!!!! This topic is about what the Franco zealots have done to McGill University. Your simple-minded reference to other French Quebec universities is not relevant. Not to mention the fact that Anglos are not deriding French universities, they are not trying to undermine the Francophone community they serve, and they are not trying to impose English in French institutions. Quebecois like you are so used to feeling victimized and being mean-spirited and heartless towards others that you feel insulted if Anglos complain about the mistreatment you inflict. You degrade and poison McGill with your ethnic cleansing agenda, and then extol the virtues of French Universities, when people complain about your tactics. I’m not sure what compels you to repeatedly return to this blog to publish your inarticulate hate-filled diatribes; maybe it’s because you’re one of those entitled, abusive Quebecois.

  42. ''Anyone who believes that the Quebec separatist 'project' is advantageous and desirable is stupid (IMHO)'' Comment dites-vous des ''Zealots?'' Anglos zealots, fanatics !

  43. Trying to educate a petit Québécois is like forcing a donkey to read Paradise Lost by John Milton...It's a lost battle...

  44. History told us that we don't want to get over it Anonymous August 4, 2010 11:39 PM. If we have to get over it, doing the same with the Bill 101 and the Indépendance du Québec !

  45. To adski: The Sun what a good newspaper !

  46. The Sun, what a rag ! Maybe you read it for the sunshine girl or the intellectual opinion !

  47. To anonymous august 5, 2010 1:33 pm :''You degrade and poison McGill '' Pas besoin de le faire, les étudiants qui habitent près de l'Université le font eux-mêmes ! What an elite, play football in the streets, throw garbages at anytime during the week, throw beer bottles everywhere, burp on the street and finding we look intelligent with our 24 years old and cap on the head !

  48. Milton et son paradis perdu (1667) Wow! Vous n'avez pas quelque chose de plus récent a nous proposer? Proust ou Camus par exemple...Des contemporains quoi!

  49. You're right, The Sun is a rag. But here is the same article in The Guardian:

  50. Je pourrais vous proposer "Il Decameron" par Giovanni Boccaccio, mais je doute que vous parliez italien ! Mais, comme j'ai dit auparavant, c'est una bataille perdue tenter d'éduquer les petits Québécois...

  51. "...c'est una bataille perdue..."

    Non,non pas du tout,je vais jeter un coup d'oeil sur ce bouquin et si le sujet m'intéresse,je vais tenter de trouver une version Française.
    Votre érudition m'impressionne...vraiment.

  52. Merci...Est-ce que vous aimeriez prendre contact avec moi pour en parler ? J'aime les personnes comme vous qui aiment la culture ! Merci encore !

  53. Pourquoi pas un bouquin de Tennyson ?

  54. Si vous voulez, contactez-moi à ma vieille adresse ( En suite, je vous donnerai mon actuelle adresse. La vieille sera fermée bientôt, anyway.

  55. ''Pas besoin de le faire, les étudiants qui habitent près de l'Université le font eux-mêmes ! What an elite, play football in the streets, throw garbages at anytime during the week, throw beer bottles everywhere, burp on the street and finding we look intelligent with our 24 years old and cap on the head !''

    Même phénomène a l'université Bishop's a Lennoxville près de Shebrooke.Dès l'arrivée des anglos a la rentrée scolaire,les policiers doivent intervenir régulièrement et augmenter leurs effectifs.Ils ont même massacré tout un poulaillé du voisinage y'a environ 2 ans.(Lennoxville est très rurale)

  56. College kids (including French ones) act up everywhere. Haven't you ever seen the movie, "Animal House?"

  57. "Haven't you ever seen the movie, "Animal House?""

    sure i do at sundance film festival,Good movie!

  58. jesus christ you really brought out the lunatic, self-righteous bigotted seperatists with this post. i guess it took them about 15 years to finish licking their wounds and rear their ugly heads again. hopefully the pq never scrounge up enough votes to pass their feeble all time record of 44% pop. vote. bahahaha

  59. My cousin, French-Canadian, studied law at UQAM. He was a nationalist. He came out normal he was so disgusted with the parochialism. At one point, the professor wanted to show a video about an important case but it was in English. Rather than just put it in, he asked the students if they wanted it. They voted AGAINST it. My cousin and ONE other person in a class of roughly 30 wanted to see it.

    McGill "francais" indeed. They actually believe their own vomit. McGill is an English institution of impeccable pedigree and doesn't owe squat to anyone but the BEST AND BRIGHTEST of whatever language or background.
