The comprehensive effort was surely undertaken by a small army of committed radicals, whose dedication to the cause would make an Al-Qaeda recruiter green with envy.
It was quite a treat perusing the many different signs, many of which had me laughing out loud.
Pages and pages of signs seemingly impressive at first, belied the fact that its was a largely trumped up affair with duplication, slight of hand and outright dishonestly par for the course. A lot of the content included English only websites that puffed up the numbers by printing multiple pages from the same site. Some of these sites like Urban Outfitters are not even available in Quebec. (See my previous post,) and some don't even exist
Some of the unilingually English signs were photographed without the accompanying French sign posted beside it. Some signs were clearly legal and some signs were just silly.
You can see the whole list HERE or enjoy these pearls that I've pulled out for your enjoyment;
Poor Tobie, Even in Bankruptcy they don't let up |
Attention! Illegal transactions must be in French as well! |
No Change for Anglos! |
If it isn't French it must be English, Right?
Guilty!! But if you are looking at the writing, you need help!
No attack on Anglos would be complete without an assault on that bastion of rich colonizing next gen students living in the McGill Ghetto.
Oh the humiliation!!!!!
And finally, now I'm no making this up.... what do you think about the idiot who complained about this sign. I shall let readers provide a caption for it....