Here is a collection of statistics taken from various sources comparing Quebec to the Rest of Canada (ROC).
Family Income
Quebec = $53K
ROC = $65K
Cell Phone Penetration
Homes with at least one wireless phone-
Quebec = 65%
ROC = 77%
Babies born out of wedlock
Quebec - 62%
ROC - 30%
Quebec has the second highest rate in the world (Iceland=66%). The rest of Canada is at the low end of the scale with Germany, Italy and Ireland. Japan is in a class of it's own with just 2% of babies born out of wedlock. Link
Household net worth
Quebec families are worth aproximately 45% of British Columbians.
Suicide Rate (per 100,000 people)
Quebec = 27
ROC = 17
Number of Christians attending weekly church services
Quebec = 6%
ROC = 20%
Murders rate per 1,000,000 people
Quebec =12
ROC = 20
People who smoke (over the age of 15)
Quebec =25%
ROC = 20%
Average price of a home
Quebec =$232,00
ROC =$360,000
Workers who take no vacation days
Quebec =4%
ROC =11%
Workers who admit to falsely calling in sick
Quebec =47%
ROC =23%