"Money and the ethnic vote"
Once again we're hearing complaints in the nationalist camp that the Anglos and Ethnics caused Louise Harel to lose the Montreal mayoral election.
The Montreal daily Le Devoir went so far as to hire two experts to analysis the Anglo and ethnic vote to in order to determine if this was true.
I could have saved them the money. Of course it's true.
Back in March I wrote a piece explaining why Louise Harel couldn't win the race to become Montreal's next mayor. It's the perception that she's anti-English and anti-immigrant.
Ever since the merger that fused several Montreal suburbs with Montreal, the city shifted to a non-francophone majority and became manifestly federalist. It's ironic that it was Harel herself who masterminded this merger while serving in the PQ government.
One of the major complaints by nationalists is that ethnics and Anglos tend to vote as a block, which they somehow perceive as unfair.
This subtle racism was best evinced by blow-hard Yves Michaud, who complained many years ago that ethnics voted 'No' in the referendum as a block, while Francophones split their vote.
He viewed this as inherently undemocratic.
While everyone is free to vote as they wish, it seems that democracy must rest on a balance of forces and opinions that underpin the public debate. Districts where there was French-speaking majority showed a balance by voting 60% for "Yes" and 40% for "No".....So ethnics and Anglos must vote as Francophones do.
In some voting stations in the cities of Hampstead, Montreal West, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, it's the same thing, where with over two hundred votes cast, there wasn't a single vote in favour of "Yes".....
......This is not the best example of democracy.
This opinion has become a nationalist talking point. Here's a fresh take on the subject by Sylvain Maréchal writing in Tribune libre de Vigile
We can indeed take comfort in that we voted "normally." The francophone vote, unlike the English vote, was widely distributed among the three candidates, so we escape with dignity, escaping the "ethnic vote" At the end of it, what do we take out of this election- that we grew.It seems that the idea that people vote their conscious and in their own best interest doesn't apply to Anglos and Ethnics. Voting as a block is 'undemocratic.'
That is the racist under-tone of those who complain about block voting.
Francophones are used to having split opinions about sovereignty. In most families there are members both for and against, it's no big deal. On many occasions, especially in local elections sovereignist vote for federalists and vice versa.
In Anglo and Ethnic families, it's pretty much the opposite. Everyone is a federalist and here, sovereignty is the only issue that counts in an election. Every other issue pales by comparison and it's likely that if Angel Gabriel came down from Heaven and ran for mayor as a sovereignists, he'd lose as well.
For these nationalists it's just another example of Anglos and ethnics frustrating the will of the legitimate majority.
For them, nothing has changed.