Victims of Earl Jones will be disappointed that they won't get to see the fraudster face his accusers in a court of law.
Negotiations are underway for a plea agreement between Jeffrey Boro, Jones' lawyer (shown on the far left in the photo) and crown prosecutors.
The crown is demanding a sentence of 12 years while Jones' lawyers are holding out for 10 years.
At any rate, the broken and fragile Jones is in no condition and has no intention to suffer the humiliation of a full-fledged trial which would ultimately result in his conviction anyway.
Although Jones is supposedly broke, his legal fees are being paid, purportedly by "family" members.
It's important to note, that even at the higher term of twelve years, Jones will be eligible for parole in just twenty-four months.
Those who are holding out even the fainest hope that some money can be recovered, should move on- there's nothing there, according to those who know.