Caught with his hand in the public purse, sending Hydro-Quebec money to his alma mater, (College Notre Dame) where he sits as the president of the board of directors, it remains inconceivable that he is stonewalling the media and the public.
It is also a sad testament to the complacency of the public and media who make a big deal about the story for a couple of days before getting back to the more important business at hand, bitching and moaning about anglophones and Ottawa.
Why does public indignation over dishonest or unethical behavior by public officials evaporate so soon?
Why is the public's attention span so limited?
It may not be fair or decent, but Mr. Vandal may be right to hide out and ride out the storm.
Quebeckers are notorious for their short memories.
Look at the example of our illustrious Premier, who is again riding high in the polls. Who would have believed he could recover so quickly from the fury directed at him for essentially fooling voters about the disaster at the Caisse de Depot
We deserve the leadership that we have.!!