Friday, June 12, 2009

Quebec Language Wars- Vol. 2

Concordia launches English-Speaking Communities Research

NetworkNews Release; MONTREAL, April 15 /CNW Telbec/ -
Concordia University and its School of Extended Learning are pleased to invite you to the official launch of the Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN) in the presence of Mr. Graham Fraser Commissioner of Official Languages.

I wasn't thrilled to read about Concordia's plan to study Quebec's Anglo community.
It sounded like a project aimed at some endangered indigenous tribe in Papua New-Guinea, one bordering on extinction. Hmmm... that might be right!

Université de Sherbrooke not French Enough
The school was taken to task by a French language crusader for using improper French.
In a letter to the Sherbrooke daily 'La Tribune' a certain Jean-Marie Dubois, professor emiritus and winner of the ultra-prestigious 'Prix 2009 du Mouvement estrien pour le français', fulminates against the choice of 'Parc Innovation' (which sounds too English) instead of "Parc de l'Innovation", which according to the letter writer is the correct form.
Apparently the excuse that
'Parc Innovation' sounds better, just doesn't wash.

Letter Writer Knows what Ails the Habs - Language
A recurring theme among many fans and even sportswriters is that the problem with the Montreal Canadiens can be fixed by hiring more francophone players. Link
"Until we don't reinforce the Québécoise identity, the team can never accede to the path of glory"
Radical Group Proselytize in CEGEPS
The radical Mouvement Montreal Francais has been granted access to a number of Montreal CEGEPS to proselytize students over the importance of Bil 101(the law restricting English use). At the same time, the group solicited students and faculty to sign their petition in favor of adding harsher language measures to the law. They also invited students to attend the organization's annual meeting.
I wonder if a federalists groups would be offered such unfettered access?

Letter Writer denounces vulgar "Garage Sales'
In a letter written to Sherbrooke's daily newspaper 'La Tribune' a reader is thrilled with the birth of a new French term for 'garage sale'. The writer decries the term 'garage sale' as a vulgar anglicism and much prefers the more eloquent term of 'vente-débarras' (Getting rid of-sale) Link

Satirical letter is Bang on
Faced with a depressing poll which shows support for sovereignty at a new lows, Pauline Marois has decided that instead of calling for a referendum, she and her party will concentrate on pushing Ottawa to cede more power to the Quebec provincial government.

In response to that ridiculous notion here is a hilarious piece by Pierre Cloutier.

Instead of just providing the direct link for the piece
I've reprinted it here with some annotations for those of you without French.

La scène se passe à Ottawa en 2013. Pauline Marois, la nouvelle et première première ministre vient rencontrer le premier ministre du Canada, M. Michael Ignatieff.
(The scene takes place in Ottawa in 2013. Pauline Marois,the new Premier of Quebec meets the Prime Minister of Canada, M. Michael Ignatieff.)

MI - Hi Pauline, how are you ?

PM - Je vais fine merci.

MI - What can I do for you, dear Pauline ?

PM - I come here to have plus de pouvoirs
(political powers) for Quebec.

MI - You want more powers for Quebec

PM - Yes

MI - And what kind of powers you need, dear Pauline ?

PM - I have a liste here in my sacoche(purse)

MI - Ok, lets' have a look. Your list is very long. It look like a grocery list.

PM - Not exactement. You see, my peuple
(people) want his souveraineté(sovereignty).

MI - I see. You want more powers for Quebec to get out of the Confederation

PM - Not exactement. My peuple want its souveraineté et en attendant
(until then) we need more pouvoirs(political powers).

MI - In others words, you want the cake and eat it too.

PM. Non, not the cake, juste le beurre et l'argent du beurre.
(just the butter and the butter money.(a French version of the cake reference-ed.))

MI - I see. I will discuss that with M. Coderre. Can you give me a phone call, let see, year at the same date and time.

PM. Ok d'abord, I will retourne
(go back) to Gatineau just l'autre bord du(on the other side of the) bridge. I am not pressée(in a hurry). I have all my temps(time in the world). Les souverainistes are very sick... je veux dire(I mean) patients Like patients(sic..patience) in the hôpital.(hospital)

MI - OK, OK. I understand what you are talking about. And what you will do if I say NO.

PM. I will make one referendum pour each pouvoir you refuse me.

MI - I see. So goddbye, dear Pauline. I will see you next year, ok ?

PM. Ok, I will revenir
(be back).

author - Pierre Cloutier

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