This means that the government will not offer approximately 400 jobs.
On February 2, the government dropped the bombshell through a directive that it sent to Quebec health and social services, confirming a moratorium on the hiring of new specialists.
Incredibly the mainstream press has completely missed this story, which is sending shock waves through the medical community.
'Residents' is the term used to describe doctors, who are training to become specialists. After four years of medical school, they typically spend another two to seven years working in a hospital setting in an apprenticeship program, learning the skills that they will specialize in.
Here's some sort of a list of what Quebec will no longer be hiring;
Imunologist/ Anesthesiologist / Cardiologist / Cardiovascular surgeon / Colon and rectal surgeon /Dermatologist - Diagnostic radiologist - Emergency medicine specialist - Endocrinologist -Forensic pathologist- Gastroenterologist- Geriatric medicine specialist - Gynecologist -Haemato-oncology/Hematologist -Infectious disease specialist Internist Medical geneticist / Neonatologist /Nephrologist / Neurological surgeon /Neurologist / Nuclear medicine specialist/ Obstetrician/ Occupational medicine specialist / Ophthalmologist - Oral surgeon / Orthopedic surgeon /Osteopath / Otolaryngologist / Pain management specialist - Pathologist / Pediatrician /Perinatologist / Plastic surgeon /Preventive medicine specialist /Psychiatrist /Pulmonologist / Radiologist /Reproductive endocrinologist / Rheumatologist/ Sleep disorders specialist/ Spinal cord injury specialist/ Sports medicine specialist/ Surgeon Thoracic surgeon/ Urologist/ Vascular surgeonHere's what they're still hiring;
Family doctor (outside Montreal) / Radiation Oncologist /Haemato-oncologySo all that training is going to be Quebec's loss and somebody else's gain!
The Journal de Montreal has been blasting McGill because 52% of the doctors that graduate there, move out of the province. This moratorium should bring that number up to 95%, since the only jobs available, in family medicine, are located in the boonies.
On an ironic note, the Federation of Residents held its 13th 'Outside Quebec Career Day' and booths were reserved by 47 health care establishments from the rest of Canada and the U.S.
The event was attended by some 300 medical residents.
The 400 doctors that the government is sending out of Quebec means that the approximately 4,000 years of medical training, paid for by the people of Quebec, is being given away for nothing.Shame on the government.
Shame on the media for not reporting it.