Canada's entitled liberal left did not understand, nor fathom that Bill 21 enjoys broad support in Quebec and that attacking the bill would only propel Quebec's fickle fence-sitting voters into choosing to embrace the Bloc for no other reason but to provide a countervailing political force vis-a-vis Bill 21.
Make no mistake, Canada's prodigious liberal left's righteous and indignant opposition to Bill 21 and its attack on the Quebec government and its constituency led to our minority Parliament, for better or worse.
For myself, I cannot say that I'm dissatisfied with the comeuppance of Canada's liberal left over the issue, particularly the politicians and media who led the vociferous opposition to Quebec's Bill 21, all to no avail.
They are destined to fume and fustigate for years to come over Quebec's refusal to knuckle under to their liberal agenda, dumfounded that their demand for the repeal of the hated law falls on deaf ears in Quebec despite using every weapon in the liberal book, including shaming. humiliating, lecturing and uncontrolled hectoring.
Yesterday the city of Toronto added its two cents by piling on in opposition to Bill 21.
In its motion, Toronto council said it is opposed to the law and endorses an initiative proposed by Calgary city council that asks the Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination “to create a nationwide campaign that highlights the harmful widespread impacts of Bill 21 on social cohesion and inclusion in Canada.”Ha! Ha!
Toronto also called on the federal government “to unequivocally condemn and challenge Quebec’s Bill 21.” Link
For Quebec nationalists and separatists in Quebec, Toronto's opposition and blustering is sweet music to their ears.
Quebec is immune to this intimidation for a variety of reasons, but largely because taking orders or advice from the ROC is the last thing it is interested in doing. In fact, piquing the nose of the perceived smug and superior liberal Anglos in the ROC over the issue is the cherry topping the Bill 21 sundae.
As can be clearly seen by the desperate and toothless remedy proposed, there is nothing to be done politically (at least nothing Trudeau would dare) and so the reality is that Toronto's pain is Quebec's gain as the saying goes.
Quebecers are thoroughly enjoying the pain Bill 21 has inflicted on the ROC and the more Canada howls, the more Quebec remains steadfast and resolute.
For Canada's majorly left-leaning politicians and journalists, Quebec's refusal to knuckle under is all the more galling because of the left's prevailing belief that not only is theirs the only truth, but those who share a different opinion are dead-wrong, stupid, out of touch and inconsequential.
You would think that given the
But alas it is no so.
Despite calling the law evil, racist unconstitutional and every
Canada's liberal-minded are in the majority in this country, which is to say that they outnumber conservative-minded folks by a margin of about 65% to 35%. This is just a fact.
And so they control the media, the elected governments and the policies that govern Canada and have done so for decades.
This liberal dominance was broken up by the reign of Stephen Harper who's Conservative government was created by the serendipitous split in liberal vote between the Liberals and the NDP..
That being said, Harper did little to promote a real conservative agenda but rather acted to curb the excesses of wanton liberalism.
With the rise of Justin Trudeau, liberalism has run rampant, the hallmark of which is an overwhelming sense of entitlement and righteousness.
This is the part of liberalism that is most distressing, the dogmatic and fanatical belief that liberalism is the only legitimate political agenda.
Those who oppose the liberal agenda on gay and transgender rights, unbridled defecit spending, abortion, affirmative action for women in the workforce and climate activism are portrayed as regressive, deniers and other pejoratives coined by liberals to paint those who oppose their agenda as evil and regressive.
It is this, more than the policies that is so galling.
wrong and inconsequential
A poll commissioned by CBC News earlier this year found 65 per cent of all Canadians said they agreed with the statement "we have gone too far in accommodating every group in society" -- a view held most strongly in Alberta and Quebec. link
Smug and superior