Bill 101 has successfully been sold to francophones as a necessary defensive mechanism needed to protect their language and culture from the onslaught of the English and remains massively popular.
Dr. Laurin shrewdly added clauses to the law that were overtly contrary to Canada's founding constitution, the BNA act. The inevitable challenges in the Supreme court and the subsequent defeats were anticipated and designed to bolster francophone resentment of Canada thus fostering a climate of confrontation that would serve separatists in their battle to convince Quebecers that Canada was an impediment to a flourishing Quebec society.
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Evil father of Bill 101, hateful Anglophobe Camille Laurin |
The law was actually based and sold on two very wrong premises, the first that Quebec was becoming more and more English and secondly that it was the English and ethnic communities who were responsible for the perceived, yet false reality that English was on the upswing and threatening to steamroll the French nature of Quebec.
Let us consider that today's issue of massive immigration to Quebec by those speaking neither English or French wasn't an issue back when Bill 101 was conceived and where only about 20,000 immigrants per year were accepted compared to 50,000 today. Back then Quebec also produced more babies and was growing at a rate of 50,000 people (births minus deaths) locally compared to zero or negative growth today.
Bill 101 was a law conceived to battle a problem that didn't exist.
At any rate, restrictions were placed on the English language and the English community to the wild rejoicing of nationalists, while the general francophone population accepted the law as a necessary evil employed to forestall Quebec's demise as a French nation.
It wasn't actually that hard to convince the general francophone population that someone else's rights had to be trampled in order to protect theirs.
It's the same scenario employed around the world by ethnic-cleansing governments who first blame the ills of society on certain definable minorities and then place restrictions on those communities to placate and distract the masses.
While some of the tactics employed to rid nations of these pesky threats rise to genocide, other less obvious tactics are employed to disempower or drive out minorities deemed unwanted though restrictive laws that render these minorities, second-class citizens
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial and/or religious groups from a given territory by a more powerful ethnic group, often with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous. WikipediaEvery single Quebec government since Bill 101 has enacted or enforced laws that promoted the destruction of the English minority, laws that renders the community so uncomfortable that an exodus to friendlier environs is preferable for many of the young and mobile.
What Anglo Quebec family doesn't count members who have emigrated to greener pastures in other parts of Canada or the USA?
How many times have you heard nationalist leaders tell us that if we don't like Bill 101, we should consider taking Highway 401, the road to Ontario.
Those my friends are the voices of ethnic cleansers who may blanch at being labelled as such, but who fit the bill.
Succeeding Quebec governments, whether separatists or federalists have always professed love for the anglo community but through their action or inaction in the face of Bill 101, have all worked to weaken, undermine, dislodge and ultimately render the Anglo community numerically impoverished and politically irrelevant.
`The premier (Legault) was asked to define just who is a "historical anglophone," after Immigration Minister Simon Jolin-Barrette, who is also responsible for the protection of the French language, said a new language policy will ensure all ministries and organizations offer public services almost exclusively in French.The policy should be ready in the coming weeks, Jolin-Barrette said, and will apply to communication with individuals as well as companies.Nothing will change for the "historic English minority," he explained — they "will always be able to receive all the services in their own language."
"Historic Anglo Minority."
Whenever you hear that phrase, understand that is code, and you are listening or reading an opinion provided by an ethnic cleanser.
Referring to the historic Anglo minority implies that it is a closed shop, amd nobody can join this community by choice and that immigrants who come to Quebec and their descendants will never be allowed to become Anglophones.
And therein lies the rub.
Consider that both native-born francophone and anglophone numbers are dwindling because of the falling birth rate which can no longer support a stable population.
For anglophones, this problem is infinitely more acute because of emigration by young Anglos fed-up with life in Quebec as well as inter-marriage between francophones and anglophones where two out of three blended families choose to educate their children in French.
While francophones can hope to bolster and restore their numbers through immigration and the forced adaptation of French as their language and culture, Anglophones are by law forbidden to assimilate new immigrants.
By refusing to allow a certain percentage of immigrants to enter the English primary school system, the law assures the gradual destruction of the English community in Quebec.
It is that plain and simple and we have already seen the results over the last thirty years, that is an Anglophone community reduced by half.
Beneath the surface of feigned respect and appreciation of the English in Quebec lies a starker and more sinister picture of francophone Quebec, a society obsessed with its purity, detesting the English and fearful of the necessary evil of impure immigrants who water down pur laine Quebec culture, even if they speak French.
Petty and vindictive, as highlighted by the Bonjour/Hi fiasco, 'pastagate' and more recently, the ruling by bureaucrats that a native French citizen of France did not possess the right stuff for immigration because a tiny portion of her dissertation was written in English (so that it could be published) highlights the underlying official enmity towards the English that is manifest and undeniable.
These are not isolated instances of pettiness but mark the underlying hateful attitude that Quebec governments and bureaucracy holds for the impure.
Such is the rhetoric of Francois Legault and his xenophobic minions, including the French media who heap scorn and disdain upon those not of the tribe.
Make no mistake, the organized assault on the English community is a plan launched by Dr. Laurin and followed and enforced up by every single subsequent Quebec government.
So don't single out Francois Legault and the CAQ for the hateful attitude towards Anglos and Ethnics, he and his party are just continuing the fine tradition of bashing minorities, the only difference being his unabashed zeal and shameful enjoyment of the endeavour.
Would Dr. Camille Laurin be alive today, he would be disappointed that Quebec has failed to gain independence but he'd be overjoyed at the humiliation his law has unleashed on the hated English and the decimation of the community his law has wrought.