Climate Fraudsters |
Those abounding insects in late Autumn testify that the climate is getting warmer and a good thing that it is.
I have seen and accept evidence that the Earth is in a warming phase, but pay no heed because the Earth is always warming or cooling. If mankind has sped up the process a bit, by virtue mostly of the vast population explosion, so be it.
The media and the climate doom saying scientists have been recklessly predicting catastrophe for the last thirty years and continue to churn out doomsday forecasts of our imminent demise without shame, predictions that happily never actually materialize.
When faced with the reality of those failed predictions, they push the date a little further on down the line, stringing us along the climate change charade, taking us for a ride like a donkey chasing a carrot held on a stick in front of its head by its rider, never to be actually reached.
You'd think we'd be smarter than that dumb ass, but alas as a society we are not, lapping up the nonsense that we are on the road to climate ruin, which like the Jewish Messiah is forever coming, but never actually arrives.
Alas, the messianic obsession with the end of the world predictions is utterly painful to watch for those of us, not of the faith and otherwise unconvinced.
More in sorrow than in anger I watch with incredulity the rapturous climate-disaster adherents pay reverential homage and piety to the latest Joan of Arc of the climate change movement, the 16-year-old Greta Thunberg who like the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima has risen to guide us all to the path to redemption.
It would be comical if not so sad.
Every time some brave unbeliever disputes the coming climate disaster, he or she is attacked as an utter fool or apostate, all with the fervour of a Muslim extremist explaining with absolute certainty the reality of those 72 virgins awaiting him in Heaven.
It's hard to argue with that kind of religious zealotry and thus equally as hard to argue with climate change fanatics. To them, there can be no discussion because after all, as God to some, there can be no other valid reality.
And as the jihadist explains, who can actually say that there aren't 72 virgins in Heaven awaiting the pious.
I don't worry about climate change, in the same way that I don't worry about crashing when boarding an airplane.
The situation is out of my hands, just as climate change is.
All the alarming rhetoric and hysterical entreaties haven't made a difference in our so-called carbon footprint. Climate change fanatics have generally done no more (other than talk) to change their habits and seem to adhere to a policy that something has to be done to avert global warming, but that something should be done by someone else and paid for by others.
Climate evangelists like Al Gore, David Suzuki and even Prince Harry live privileged lives in huge mansions and have carbon footprints that stagger the imagination. They flit around the world in jets (sometimes private jets) to preach about the evils of global warming and the coming doom to fanatics. Cleverly they claim they 'offset' their own huge carbon footprint by buying so-called 'carbon credits,' which is a clever way out of a sticky wicket. Buying a carbon offset is easily explained as paying someone else to do the prison time for the crime you committed.
A week after meeting Greta, Arnold is seen tooling around in this gas-guzzler. |
It is sickening.
Read about this fraudster
So in the climate change world, rich people don't have to moderate their behaviour, just the hoi-polloi.
It is the weakness and contradictions of the movement that leave me out of the global-warming disaster camp because, for one, all the hysterical disaster predictions over the thirty years have proven false.
You know the old saying....
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me!
A cold analysis of our human condition can only conclude that even if the impending climate disaster is real, we can do nothing about it because mankind is incapable of making meaningful change.
The significant changes that would be required should all these predictions be true are out of our reach because humans, individually and collectively have proven that they are selfish, short-sighted and unwilling to undertake the harder path for long-term gain.
It just isn't in us.
The great popularity of Greta Thunberg is in the blame she heaps on the older generations who she blasts for climate change,
This theme is wildly popular with the young because it demands that another generation fix the problem, something which is never going to happen.
Her popularity would crumble if she proposed that her generation take charge and make the sacrifices necessary.
Imagine if Greta proposed that young people stop eating meat, consume less manufactured products and buy less clothing in the name of wasteful fashion. She should tell them that they must curtail flying and car ownership. They must undertake not to use disposable diapers and sanitary products and commit to living in smaller quarters, closer to their jobs. She'd have them commit to changing their electronic equipment like phones and computers less often, perhaps every ten years. Commit to pay three or four times the price for energy, be it gasoline, natural gas or electricity. Eliminate backyard barbeques, fireplaces and campfires.
Vending machines that distribute water, pop and juices in plastic bottles would have to be eliminated and everyone would walk around with their own reusable utensils and plates for restaurants now using plastic and single-use takeout food containers would be banned.
Universities and colleges could ban tail-gate parties at football and other entertainment events as wasteful carbon emitters.
Sports teams would be restricted to train travel and international sporting events would be seriously curtailed.
Foreign tourism would be perhaps reduced to one personal trip every five years.
Most importantly each individual could be given a carbon ration card where the personal limit could not be exceeded and where the rich would not be allowed to buy carbon credits from others.
Every year, as we do today at tax time, everyone would have to declare their carbon footprint and those over the limit would face harsh punishment.
And most importantly every single young woman on Earth would need to commit to bear no more than two children. After all, population is the driving force in the overuse of resources.
Young people in third-world countries would be asked that their society not be allowed to catch up to the west in industrialization.
Does that sound like a viable plan that this Greta generation will willingly adopt?
I somehow doubt that this will happen, because truth be told, the Greta generation is even less altruistic than my generation, or my father's.
As I said before, we have as much chance reducing global warming as we do in ending war in this world.
All the good intentions will not bring about any significant result.
But while climate messiahs describe the horrors of global warming, nobody describes the benefits, which if the old saying that its an ill wind that blows no good is to be believed, must exist somewhere..
We are told warming weather will bring more hurricanes and unsettled weather, an unsubstantiated scare tactic.
We are told that climate warming will lead to animal extinctions when the opposite is true. For every species like polar bears that disappear the warm weather will encourage and nurture many more new life forms.
We are told that hot weather will lead to many worldwide deaths when the reality it is that cold weather today kills five times as many people as warm weather.
We are told that rising sea levels will drown coastal areas which if true is easily controlled by dykes, berms and sand walls. Trust me Miami Beach will not disappear into the ocean, ask the Dutch.
Warmer temperatures are better for humanity than cold, a fact the climate fanatics fail to accept.
Evidence of this is in comparing the mini ice age of the Dark Age to the Renaissance period which enjoyed a hotter climate.
Warmer temperatures mean less burning of fossil fuels to heat homes.
And finally, the loss of equatorial habitat due to an unacceptable rise in temperature is more than offset by the opening up of vast newly liberated territories in northern Canada and Russia.
Yes, Canada will be an infinitely richer country as a result of global warming!
While the Greta generation suffers from climate change derangement syndrome, they'd be better off worrying about things they can control.
Climate is not one of them.