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"Legault promises zero equalization" "Go ahead we're listening!" credit Ygrek |
He said this just before it was announced that Quebec would be receiving a whopping $13.1 billion in equalization payments from Ottawa, a portion of which is paid for by this same dirty oil.
The political cartoon by Ygreck mocks Legault for promises made in the National Assembly
"What I want to say to Quebeckers is that a CAQ government will target zero equalization," said Mr. Legault. A CAQ government will eliminate the wealth gap with the rest of Canada. A CAQ government will have ambition and plan big for Quebec. "Ha!Ha!
Today Legault reminds me of the mythical broke-ass, unemployed brother-in-law who freeloads on your couch and complains about the free food.
Like Rob Ford, Legault is off to a maladroit start, both gaffing rather publicly, displaying a lack of sophistication and deficient political skills.
Legault's jab at Alberta's 'dirty oil' had his own cabinet members wincing at the lack of manners, unbefitting of a Premier. It fell to Sonia Lebel to try and mitigate the damage to Alberta/Quebec relations via a statement wherein she clarified that both provinces enjoy good relations. This after Alberta Premier Rachel Notely furiously scolded Quebec telling reporters that Alberta's oil pays for Quebec schools.
What is interesting and a bit amusing is the reaction in the French press to the equalization payment and its relation to 'dirty oil.'
Even more interesting is the hysterical reaction in the comments section below these stories, both of which I'd like to offer you a glimpse of.
There is of course fact and then there is opinion, but in Quebec, it seems that opinion is considered fact by some journalists and a considerable portion of their readership.
(my translation) They try to embarrass us with the $13 billion figure, omitting to mention that $5 billion comes from Quebec. Net, it is $8 billion that remains which insures that equal services are available as compared to other provinces. Rejean Parent-Journal du Montreal
Mr. Parent must be mathematically or factually challenged or both.
Of the $13 billion that Ottawa sends to Quebec, he claims that Quebec contributes $5 billion of the amount or about 39%. Really????
Where and how can Quebec possibly do so? It would mean that Quebec contributes 39% of Ottawa's revenues with 23% of the Canadian population.
By the way, a recurring theme in the comments sections is that Quebec pays 23% of Ottawa's revenues because it has 23% of the Canadian population.
This, of course, is nonsense. With its 23% of Canada's population, Quebec actually contributes just 18%.
Of the $13 billion in equalization that Quebec is to get this year, the truth is that Quebec contributes just $2.4 billion to it.
Mr. Parent goes on with more nonsense.....,.
(my translation)" It would be easy to believe in a conspiracy theory imagining that equalization was invented so that Quebecers would feel lousy and dependent on the generosity of other provinces, however, I am convinced that the federalists did not even think that."
If you don't believe it's true, why mention it, other than to plant the seed of doubt.
More dishonesty.
(my translation) "In the meantime, there is no reason to say thank you to the other provinces because we are just receiving what we contribute in taxes in Ottawa."
As for separatist resident apologist Josée Legault's take on the equalization story, it's just a case of the same old/same old Quebec-bashing, using the comparison of a husband humiliating his wife by reminding her that without his income, she'd be up shit's creek. Link{fr}
Not all French journalists were inventing facts to mitigate the shame of the equalization payment and in an article entitled "Quebec wins the big prize of $13 billion" in the Journal du Montreal, Michel Girard, lays out the naked truth, fact by fact. If you have French I highly recommend reading it. Link
Some of his points;
At any rate, it was a bit amusing to read the comments under these various stories, some offering feeble excuses meant to belie the apparent humiliation and shame.- In terms of disposable income (after taxes and social contributions), Quebec is at the tail end, with its meagre income of $28,785 per capita, $4,548 less than in the rest of Canada.
- As for GDP per capita, Quebec ranks 7th out of 10, with an amount of $ 50,276.
- Our productivity shows a deficit of $ 10,638 in per capita GDP compared to the rest of the country.
- "Last week when François Legault put a stop to the construction of a new pipeline that would cross Quebec's territory to transport oil from the west to New Brunswick, the frustration of the premiers of Western Canada climbed up another notch. They feel largely cheated by the Equalization program. They are all the more frustrated when the Legault government tries to sell its "clean energy" to the provinces while pocketing $ 13 billion thanks to their oil that he describes as 'dirty energy."
- "First of all, it is not the western provinces that pay equalization, it is the federal government; therefore more or less 23% of our equalization received is paid by ourselves. On the other hand, the western provinces would only have to tax their citizens more: this would increase their fiscal capacity and could lead them to receive it.
- In fact, equalization is a federal program paid for by taxpayers .... The provinces do not send a cent to Quebec, contrary to what these provinces tell the people.
- We are far from being beggars! Through taxes, we send Ottawa $ 53 billion each year. Through equalization, it only gives us $13 billion, of which we contributed about 23%. What is Trudeau doing with the rest of our money? Ottawa is not giving us a present!
- François Legault has been on the job for two months and has nothing to do with this federal grand prize. If Quebec is in the Canadian welfare club it is rather thanks to the good work of the undermining Quebec Liberal party which has continued to applaud each sale of flagship Quebec companies. And when Hydro-Québec is finally sold, we will be all be forced to speak English ...
- Oil is subsidized by the federal government. Hydro-electricity was financed by Quebec with the help of American banks while Alberta burned its wheat because it was unable to sell it and so received equalization to survive ...
- They must regret the famous Love-In of 1995? Should have thought about it before.
- Do English schools in Quebec not also benefit from this money?
- If English Canada is angry with the cost of the Occupation of Quebec, it has only to end it by withdrawing. It won't be the first time that a foreign occupation declares defeat.
But surprisingly, there were more realistic and well thought out comments, showing that ordinary Quebecers are no longer led by the nose by bullshitting journalists and politicians
- The hatred of some is such that one prefers to do business with Saudi Arabia than Alberta. It's really sad and pathetic.
- Whether we like it or not, we receive a lot more than we give to the Canadian federation because equalization means that the rich provinces pay for the poor. We are poor because of our low productivity (the highest level of unionization in North America) and we live on the arm of Albertans and spit on our benefactors
- You have to be honest with yourself. Say tomorrow morning Petro-Canada comes knocking on your door to pass an oil pipeline on your property in exchange of $1 million, be honest with your answer. Would you say yes or no? If you say yes, your reasoning in writing the earlier comment does not hold water. If you say no and hold out for $2 million, does the answer become yes? If it's still no, which I doubt, we'll end up finding the amount where you're going to say yes. Which leads us to conclude that humans are green only when it suits them.
- To believe that Albertan oil money does not entitle us to benefits in Quebec is utopian. Raise your hand and swear that you are ready to give up the $13 billion we get which will be spent on important services in exchange for a stop in Albertan oil production. Go ahead, get your hand on the Bible and swear it!
- I must admit that the logic behind the calculation of equalization frightens me. ''The more that I prevent the person who gives me charity to become rich, the more that this person must give me charity '
- Here we prefer to receive the BS check (welfare) and cry rather than exploit what we have to potentially give up being beggars.
- And yes, when we come down to Earth and get off our high horse, we pick up the spoils, without saying thank you or offering our help ... that's our reputation.
- I see that you do not understand the Canadian tax system. All the money we send to Ottawa comes back in different forms to Quebec plus the bonus of equalization. We should work hand in hand with Western Canada. Quebec takes but is too selfish to help.
- Why does Legault criticize Albertan oil? Alberta pollutes its own territory and Quebec picks up the cash!