Rather, the following is offered for those like-minded conservative readers who can use an argument or two in debating their friends and families over the issues of the day.
I'll tackle all these myths over the next ten posts and hope you enjoy them.
Today, in the first of a series, I'll tackle.....
Whether you believe in global warming or not, it is of little consequence because it will come or it will not come, with absolutely nothing we can individually or collectively do about it.
While climate alarmists tell us that we must drastically alter our lifestyle, the reality is that we won't, despite the entreaties, despite the consequences.
If global warming is real and as dangerous as the climate fanatics predict then sadly we are doomed because humankind, despite the best intentions cannot successfully do what must be done.
We are incapable because humans are selfish and short-sighted. We will not sacrifice our comfortable present for an indeterminate future.
Half of us haven't saved a dime for retirement. Of the other half, most retirement savings are woefully meagre and inadequate.
If we cannot muster the discipline to provide for our very own economic future, how on Earth can we be expected to make the sacrifices necessary to combat global warming?
If humans were capable of truly attacking with effectiveness the problems that plague the world we would have long ago eliminated war and poverty.
With all the good intentions in the world, we just cannot muster the effort and sacrifice required.

President Macron of France based his presidency on the fight against global warming, hoping to become the preeminent global leader in the area, creating a shining example of a country embracing the required economic sacrifice for the betterment of mankind.
As they say... How'd that go for you?
The Yellow-Vest movement that has rocked France these last weeks has shattered the idea that citizens are willing to drastically accept a decline in living standards in order to protect the environment.
When Macron imposed increased fuel surtaxes on diesel, the countryside exploded with rage. The yellow safety vest that all cars in France must be equipped with became a convenient symbol of rage and represented a revolt over environmental taxes.
It seems that when push comes to shove, people with meagre incomes won't accept an attack on what prosperity they have on some ethereal theory of future benefit. It is as I said, the true nature of humankind.
To the yellow-vests, the global warming panic is an elitist pet project, with the sacrifices demanded disproportionately affecting the lifestyle of the middle and lower class, with the rich largely unaffected by the required sacrifices.
My absolute most favourite slogan of the yellow-vest movement is this; A riff on Marie Antoinette's supposed famous callous dismissal of the masses..... "Let them eat cake!"
Here the slogan is humorously attributed to the wife of President Macron in which she arrogantly announces ...."Let them have biofuels!"
Just a year ago, France’s Macron seemed special, a fresh generation of thinking offering a seductively broad political church, riding high in the polls. Fast-forward to now, and his popularity has plummeted.In the face of growing protest which over the weeks was morphing into anarchy, Macron caved and cancelled the fuel surcharges, mindful that his grip on power was tenuous as long as he championed increased green taxes.
It is a cautionary tale as the yellow jacket movement is spreading across the world, with fed up citizens telling their governments that enough is enough.
Here in Canada, we cannot smugly believe that we are different because we aren't.
A recent example is the former Quebec government's successful attempt to balance the budget and return Quebec to a semblance of fiscal responsibility by reducing entitlements, public salaries and spending in general.
After a most successful effort, the government was tossed out, largely because of the public's disdain of what they dubbed 'austerity' which became a euphemism for responsible fiscal spending.
Nope, the public in Quebec wanted no part of it, happy to download debt on future generations in order to satisfy their present lifestyle.
And how about the Trudeau government downloading a hundred billion dollars of debt so far on future generations while shamefully claiming to safeguard the future for our children by setting ridiculous and impossible climate goals.
Let us be honest, how much will you really sacrifice in order to combat global warming?
Will you gleefully give up your job if it is deemed a contributory factor in global warming?
Will you reduce your disposable income by a third or by half?
Perhaps you will if you are rich, not so much if you are living paycheck to paycheck.
The whole issue of global warming is for the rich, who can forgo income in order to save the world.
My favourite comedian is Chris Rock who in a routine when discussing divorce and alimony pointed out that if you've got 20 million and your wife wants ten million, it's no big deal because you ain't starving... But if you have $30,000 and your wife want $15,000, you might have to kill her.
Threaten people with real hardship over global warming and support will collapse.
And the takeaway argument...
Humankind will never ever make the necessary sacrifices to eliminate or curb global warming.
It's just the way it is, and if you don't believe me...just ask the yellow-vests.