Monday, December 11, 2017

For Liberals... The Trump Phenomenon Explained

It amuses me more than just a little to see Liberals throwing their hands up in the air in abject horror, exasperation and utter bewilderment at the ongoing saga of the Donald Trump presidency.
For those Liberals who took a small measure of solace in the misguided hope that Trump would somehow moderate his campaign rhetoric and morph into something more 'presidential' once he attained the office, it is as if their worst fears were realized and to their consternation Trump has perhaps gotten even more arrogant, dishonest and bizarre.
For Liberals, it is not only Trump's policies that have them unnerved, but his personal conduct and reputation that have them blowing smoke out of their ears, utterly confused as to how even staunch conservatives could ever vote for such a repugnant character.

But conservative voters did vote for Trump and most still support him.
This remains the most confusing element for Liberals to understand and most attribute Trump's unlikely and surprising support to the uninformed and simplistic beliefs of the great unwashed.

Just a few days ago Chris Matthews of CNBC displayed the most arrogant Liberal rage against southern evangelicals, typical of the Liberal disdain for those who hold religious views or conservative values.
"Don't think this isn't related to Alabama next week. It is related," Matthews said. "Because it’s the Christian Evangelicals down there with their crazy ideas about Israel which is, I don't know, mythical. They don't understand the situation over there, how tricky it is ethnically and tribally," he added. "They don't care because it's a religious belief. "
According to Liberals, only the deeply religious, the stupid and the naive could possibly support Trump while conceding that unfortunately, America has too many religious, stupid and naive voters.

And so Liberals continue to scratch their heads and wonder how on Earth any thinking person could vote or continue to support Donald Trump. Those on CNN and CNBC pontificate ad nauseum, citing Trump's gaffs and lies in order to attack and denigrate his conservative agenda.

To understand how big the Trump presidential victory was, between the Black, Hispanic and Muslim vote, which accounted for 32% of the electorate, Trump received just 25% support meaning that out of the remaining 68% of the electorate, he had to win 2/3 of their votes to become president.
So I guess that the Liberals are right, there are quite a lot of deeply religious, stupid and naive White Americans.

With pious claims of impartiality, CNN, CNBC and the like, mercilessly trample and denigrate Trump, his associates, his policies and his agenda, all the while its Liberal commentators and Liberal supporters are furious that most of the country pays them no never-mind.

The latest merciless attacks by  CNN on Judge Roy Moore, the Alabama state judge who is the Republican nominee in the upcoming December 12, 2017, Senate special election, has bordered on the hysterical and the obscene.
If  Liberals hate Trump, Moore has values and ideas that make Trump look like a Liberal card-carrying member of the ACLU. There can be no candidate, short of a neo-nazi or KKK member that can generate more Liberal hysteria and hair-pulling.

I watched the latest screed on CNN Sunday morning where the ever-smug ultra-Liberal Michael Smerconish checked off, one by one, the alleged transgressions of the Republican candidate, allegations that happened thirty years ago that purport that Moore had a penchant for dating young and underaged girls, sometimes against their will.
An incredulous Smerconish implored his guest to explain just how on Earth anyone could vote for the judge in the face of such overwhelming evidence of lechery and moral turpitude. Smerconish's obvious pain and exasperation was for me a delicious serving of schadenfreude.

Let me attempt to explain to Smerconish and other Liberals exactly why conservatives vote for Trump and the even less lovable Judge Roy Moore.

Let us return to a mythical high school where a certain freshman named Wally is a poor student who is bullied unmercifully by his peers for his bumpkin ways, his deeply religious affiliation, and his goofy attire and demeanour.  The bullies not only beat him up in the bathroom, dunking his head in the toilet and delivering painful wedgies, they steal his lunch money on a daily basis and make his life generally intolerable. Although he complains to authorities, the system doesn't seem able to cope and finally out of frustration and inner rage he decides to do something himself.
He lets it be known that he's looking to pay a senior to remedy the situation and receives two replies.
The first is from a honours student named Randy who is a champion of the debating team and comes from a great family. His reputation is impeccable and he promises to do right by Wally, explaining that he will confront the bullies and convince them through reason to let up or at least reduce the pain. He promises to do his best but warns Wally to be realistic in his expectations.
Wally is dutifully unimpressed.
The second respondent is Rocco, a nasty thug who has been suspended twice, once for grabbing a girls breasts in class and the second for unleashing a frightful foul-mouthed tirade against a teacher who gave him a failing grade. He was expelled from his last school for beating up a fellow student and for telling damaging lies and denigrating teachers and students who cross him.
He explains to Wally that his methods are simple, he will beat the living daylights out of the leader of the bullies and in the unlikely event that the bullying continues he will escalate the violence.
He promises unequivocably that the bullying will end. Period.

Wally ponders who to hire.
Rocco may be disreputable and he may break a few bones along the way, but his brutish methods sound like a winning formula and so, morals aside, the decision is easy. Wally doesn't care if Rocco is uncouth and violent, or if he is a sexual predator. He doesn't care if Rocco breaks the rules and a few legs along the way and he certainly isn't perturbed by Rocco's nasty reputation. He hires Rocco.

When word gets out that Wally has hired Rocco, the teachers and fellow students implore him to reconsider, citing Rocco's nasty and dangerous reputation.
How can you hire a guy who treats women like that?
How can you hire a guy who resorts to violence?
How can you hire a liar?
How can you put your faith in such an untrustworthy goon?

These entreaties of course fall on  Wally's deaf ears.
Wally cares little about those who complain about Rocco, because they are the ones who have let Wally down in the past. Their opinions are of no importance. In fact the more they howl about how nasty Rocco is and how uncomfortable he makes them, the happier Wally is.

And so well-ensconced and financially secure Liberals need to understand that America is full of Wallys who aren't doing as well and are none too happy about it. Donald Trump is their chosen deliverer and his misdeeds are of no import, his nastiness, lack of morals and dubious character are exactly what they desire in a leader who will defend their interests against the hitherto ruling class that has ignored their interests.

Voters are selfish.
If the choice is between someone of good reputation but who doesn't reflect the platform that voters desire, then the candidate who does, even with a checkered past or dubious reputation will get their vote.
This is the lesson of the 2016 presidential election.

So Smerconish and Mathews and the rest of the Liberal Press corps of CNN and CNBC can trash talk Trump all they want, supporters don't give a flying fig.

Donald Trump may appear rash and stupid, his hyperbole naked and embarrassing, to Liberals, that is.
But his branding of CNN, the New York Times, MSNBC as purveyors of 'fake news' was brilliant and not altogether untrue. These media outlets have been working overtime to bring down his presidency with skewered reporting and false stories rushed to air or print with too little or no editorial oversight.
Read: CNN error extends run of journalistic mishaps
Read: 7 Times CNN Botched The News In 2017

Trump has brilliantly rendered the Liberal media irrelevant to his constituency and as hard as this media tries to bring down his presidency, the people that it needs to convince, that is the Trump supporters, have tuned them out.

And that is why Trump endures.

Liberals may hate Trump's agenda but that is the agenda that America voted for.
This reality enrages Liberals who refuse to accept the results of the presidential election, choosing to believe that the unseen hand of Russia's Vladimir Putin somehow put his thumb on the electoral scale in favour of Trump and thus rigged the election. It is an ongoing fantasy propagated by the Liberal media in order to delegitimize Trump and assuage the very real pain and angst his presidency has inflicted upon the delicate Liberal soul.

And so Trump said he'd recognize Jeruselum as Israel's capital and he did so last week over the howls of disbelief by a Liberal media that actually believe the fiction that Mideast peace negotiations will be affected when the reality is that there are no peace negotiations.
Trump withdrew from the Paris climate accord exactly as he said he would, sending climate activists into a catatonic state. Too bad.
Trump said he'd re-negotiate the NAFTA free trade agreement and despite Canada's contention that the treaty isn't unfair, our Prime Minister is offering untold concessions because he has no choice. If NAFTA survives, the United States will win some impressive concessions. Too bad for Canada, good for the USA.
Trump will build a wall across the Mexican border because he promised he would and the Liberal media's will continue to peddle the fiction that the project is unrealistic and too expensive despite security walls existing in over sixty-five countries, including poor countries like India which has built a 2,500-mile fence across its border with Bangladesh. Read: How 65 countries have erected fences on their borders
The illegal alien situation will begin to be addressed under Trump, despite the Liberal's endorsement of the status quo where illegals work as indentured servants, depressing salaries of lower class Americans and continuing America's fine tradition of slavery.

Too bad for the Liberals.
The meek of America have finally inherited the USA power structure.

In closing, I'd like to comment on the Trump character assassination that pervades the Liberal media.
Trump is certainly no angel, but consider;
In constantly painting Trump as a misogynist and a liar, the Liberal media forget that their presidential idols, Bill Clinton and John F Kennedy were infinitely worse scoundrels. Cheaters who lied to the world about their reckless and serial infidelities and this while serving in the White house, employing secret service assets to hide their sex addiction, counting on the Liberal media to defend them.

Perhaps the nastiest trait that Liberals manifest is their unflinching belief that they have all the answers and that those who offer a different scenario are seriously retarded.
Look to the American colleges and universities that are thrashing free expression because views other than the that offered by the Liberal ruling caste cannot be tolerated.
This attitude continues in the Liberal media which cannot fathom or accept a president who isn't a Liberal and one who ignores their entitled pronouncements and demands.

Their pain is palpable and real. This comeuppance is a continuing gift to those who cannot stomach Liberal arrogance and watching them suffer is a particularly pleasant gift this holiday season.