Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Anglo Betrayal...Et Tu, Couillard?

To all those politicians who claim that it's no big deal for the Quebec National Assembly to produce a unanimous motion decrying bilingual greetings, I wish them to imagine Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, rising in Parliament to decry the fact that too much French is used on the streets and in the stores and restaurants of Ottawa and should, therefore, be discouraged through parliamentary motion because it is an 'irritant.'
Ridiculous, you say..??

I laugh when I hear quislings like Geoff Kelly, Liberal MNA of a predominantly Montreal riding of Jacques-Cartier, characterize the affair as “a tempest in a teapot.”


Of course, Kelley would like to downplay his betrayal because quite simply, he sold out his constituency along with other Liberal MNAs who represent predominantly Anglo ridings.

For some turncoats, it is to be expected, like the always backstabbing, pretend francophone Kathleen Weil who does a rather effective impression of the infamous Rachel Dolezal, the white women who pretended to be black in order to secure a job with a Black organization.
Like the unfortunate Dolezal, Weil fails to understand that try as she might pretend to be francophone, she will always be considered nothing more than one of 'Les Autres' by the pur et dur.

But for me, the most disappointing turncoat is David Birnbaum, the MNA for the heavily Anglo and Jewish riding of Darcy McGee who also voted for the motion, an act that reminds me of the KAPOs, those Jewish turncoats who brutally supervised fellow prisoners as warders for their Nazi overlords in the concentration camps spread across Eastern Europe in World War Two.

Too much?......I think not.
In Birnbaum, the spirit of self-preservation is more important than the collective good of his constituency and like the Kapos, I bet he'll claim that by siding with the enemy, he can best mitigate the damage to the community by playing both sides.

I wonder whether Mitchell Brownstein, the Mayor of Cote Saint-Luc, Hampstead mayor William Steinberg and federal MNA Anthony Housefather, all members of the tribe and voted in by their largely Jewish and Anglo constituencies will condemn Birnbaum for his insulting betrayal.
Somehow I am betting they will all stay silent, pooh-poohing the affair, too afraid to rock the boat and jeopardize the cozy and incestuous relationship they enjoy with the Liberal party.

And so finally, the Quebec Liberal party, despite its entreaties of love and respect for the anglophone community has laid bare its utter cynicism, throwing us under the bus without much of a fight at the first sign of trouble.
"I would rather people, even an English-speaking Quebecer, just said Bonjour,” Couillard said.
For the Government of Quebec, to call the use of English an 'irritant' is beyond the pale, perhaps a Freudian slip that usually occurs while under the influence or in the heat of a familial argument. The ease at which the slur rolled was made and the non-existent pushback by any politican lays bare the reality of the enmity to which English is held in the National Assembly by ALL PARTIES.

I hope this monumental faux pas comes back to bite the Liberals in the ass, but I remain unconvinced as Anglos have always sighed, put water in their wine and voted Liberal anyways, as the better of all evils.
Nothing would please me more than for the Anglos to finally say enough is enough, that platitudes and false entreaties of respect and love won't cut it anymore.
For us, it isn't a case of "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me," because let's be honest, we have been lied to and deceived on an ongoing basis by the Liberals who snicker at our stupidity and gullibility behind our backs.
The Bonjour-Hi affair isn't a trifle, it is, in fact, the latest manifestation by Quebec politicians and their compliant media accomplices to erase the face of English in Quebec while pretending that they respect and value the Anglo presence.
The sad fact is that they want to render us invisible in order to foster the myth that Montreal is a French city, instead of what it really is-- bilingual.
As so the powers that be, want us to be like the Christians in ancient Rome who were forced to practice their religion in secret, underground and out of sight. The reality is that the Quebec Liberals and all the other political parties view us as interlopers who represent a threat, one that must be constantly checked and contained lest we propagate like a plague of household cockroaches.

The Bonjour-Hi parliamentary motion is a continuation of the ongoing effort to eradicate anglophones and English in Quebec, nothing less.

The Premier can blather on about how trivial this affair might be and that Anglos should take the affair in context, but who has a thinner linguistic skin than these same politicians who went collectively apeshit over a pronouncement of a low-level shoe store manager who inadvertently insulted the French majority by expressing himself majorally in English during a news conference.

Holding such primal anti-English views is par for the course in Quebec, where nasty and racist anti-English public pronouncements by those in high places goes without any public reproach because it generally reflects the common Francophone Quebecers views and attitudes.
Being offended by Bonjour-Hi is really about being offended by Anglophones and the English language. Wanting Bonjour-Hi to disappear is wanting the Anglos to disappear, short and simple.
“First thing you have to say, I think, is ‘bonjour.’ It’s about respect, it’s easy to understand.” Pascal BeribĂ© of the PQ
Readers, I am tired of being lectured and hectored about respect by cheap separatist politicians and language fanatics who heap scorn and disrespect on the English, while demanding that we demonstrate undeserved respect on the basis of numbers.
I wonder how separatists would react to being lectured by federal politicians that they owe respect to the Canadian majority and the Canadian cultural mosaic based on nothing more than the numbers. Ha!

Does it matter who we vote for in the next election?
Not on the basis of language, where the other parties are no better than the Liberals.
So who to vote for?

I am reminded of a long-gone family member, an uncle who lived in Philadelphia, a cigar-chomping grouchy old codger who always crowed about voting against the sitting President, Republican or Democrat. According to his logic, all politicians are bums and deserve to be tossed out, even if it means replacing losers with losers.
That attitude may seem to make no real sense, but funny, to me it makes perfect sense.
I will never vote for Phillipe Couillard, David Birnbaum or any Quebec Liberal party candidate.

It's time for a new batch of losers.