Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Trudeau's English Apology an Empty Gesture

It may have been a pleasant surprise to see our Prime Minister apologize for insulting the Quebec Anglo community when he answered an English question in French, during a town hall meeting in Sherbrooke, but it is certainly a case of too little too late, reminding us exactly how far English has been thrown into disrespect and disrepute in Quebec.

Apologies like Trudeau's are hard to accept, the mistake so egregious, especially when committed by the leader of a country supposedly dedicated to the principle of bilingualism.
The act of child abuse is even more vile when priests are the perpetrators because the clergy are supposed to protect children, not abuse them.
And that is exactly what Justin Trudeau did when he disrespected English, he abused those he was supposed to protect and like the pedophile priest, apologies cannot right the wrong.

If our Prime Minister is so afraid of offending Quebec language nationalists, where does it leave the rest of us Anglos?
The forty year war waged by Quebec against the English language and its English minority has been ferocious and unremitting, all while Ottawa turned a blind eye to the humiliation and repression.
Trudeau has in fact just carried on the great Ottawa tradition of benign neglect, in a sad policy of appeasement worthy of Neville Chamberlain.

Politicians both federal and provincial and of all political stripes have universally accepted the idea of sacrificing Quebec's English community as a fair price to save the Canadian confederation.
It is hypocritical of the Prime Minister to tell the English community in Quebec that our welfare is of  his concern, because it isn't, we have already been betrayed and sacrificed.

Like the towns invaded by the Nazis, where the residents sent out the Jews in order to save the town from destruction, it's seems like a fair compromise...that is unless you are a Jew.

Yup, through legislation, humiliation, ostracization, English and Anglos have been reduced to a shell, a once proud community sacrificed on the alter of Canadian confederation.

How low has English sunk?
Well if the Montreal Canadiens can't respect English, who will?

Every time I see this sign in the Bell Centre, that first and foremost obeys Quebec's mean-spirited law that requires English to be humiliated, I shake my head.
Has nobody in ten years even noticed that "FOOD FARE" should read "FOOD FAIR"?

Speaking of the Montreal Canadiens, management have been waiting patiently, for almost a year to fire Michel Therrien, because no suitable French-speaking coach was available and so when Claude Julien was fired in Boston, it didn't take more than a few days to make the switch. For the Canadiens it was a better business decision to let the team sink under Therrien than to hire an unilingual Anglo to coach a unilingual English team. This is the real Quebec...
And by the way, Julien was so confident in the Canadiens desperation that he held out for a whooping five year/$25 million dollar contract, ridiculous considering he was making half that in Boston.

And so big box stores are forced to modify their names in order to make French appear more relevant, an insult considering that these stores are a powerful engine for French, requiring manufacturers to bilingualize products and who operate in French with French employees.

The plan has always been to reduce the English presence in Quebec, through intimidation, legislation and coercion. Ottawa hasn't lifted a finger to help Quebec's embattled English community in forty years and Trudeau's feigned concern now is as genuine as a three-dollar bill. 

Our community has been given up by Canada in order to keep Quebec in confederation and no apology will ever change any of that.