Alice Paquet
The fake rape victim is either a hooker, a liar, a cynical feminist manipulator, simpleton or an outright nut job. You will remember that she accused ex-Liberal MP Gerry Sklavounos of raping her.Her story of going up to his hotel room to discuss politics and getting raped had a minimum level of believably until she told all who would listen that it happened twice!
Yup...she went back up to his hotel room a few weeks later of her own free volition and claims he raped her again!
After giving several interviews to the Press where she clearly made up facts that were easily disproved, she was given a most deserved pounding in the media. After investigating, the police concluded that the sex was consensual and the investigation into Sklavounos dropped.
Yet Alice Paquet remains a poster girl for the radical anti-rape cabal who see all men as rapists and all women accusers as unassailable.
Paquet gave a speech at an anti-rape culture rally where she stuck to her ludicrous story about her alleged rape, much to the adulation of the faithful including the Quebec Solidarity member of Parliament Manon Massé (another idiot) who told reporters that she had 100% believed the fairy tale spun by Paquet.
Gerry Sklavounos
Maybe Gerry Sklavounos didn't deserve to get kicked out of the Liberal party caucus for doing what so many others do, that is, cheat on their spouse.But humiliating his wife by making her stand beside him while he was delivering a mea culpa (which turned out to be anything but) was selfish, cynical and inconsiderate.
I don't know what their marriage is like and I don't care, but forcing your wife to stand by your side when you offer a nonsense excuse for having sex with at least one other young women is the height of cruelty.
His fairy-tale excuse about being a misconstrued extrovert as somehow responsible for his penis ending up in the young lady's vagina is straight out of Alice in Wonderland.
His lack of truthfulness is appalling and makes him unfit to represent constituents.
So his political future is down the toilet and like Martha Stewart, it is the lie and not the underlying event that sunk him. Good riddance.
Denis Coderre
Montreal's populist mayor was at it again this week suggesting that Montreal update its flag "as a tribute to the Aboriginal population and the history of the Montreal region."Really????
As for history, the natives were rather hostile to the Europeans and fought a number of wars and battles against the invaders back in the 1700s known as the Beaver Wars, which included the infamous Lachine Massacre where 1,500 Mohawks attacked the Lachine settlement on the island of Montreal.
Over the centuries the history of natives and Montreal is somewhat inglorious and it should be noted that Montreal area Mohawks from Caughnawaga contributed more to the building of New York City than Montreal.
Montreal area natives worked mostly in the fur trade and timber industry all outside city limits.
The Montreal flag depicts the four nations that were the real builders of Montreal and to add a native element is to re-write history in the tradition of the newest phenomenon of fake news.
The populist mayor wasn't finished, declaring that Montreal is to become a sanctuary city where illegal immigrants can gain some sense of legitimacy. Exactly what that entails, I do not know.
Perhaps Coderre can find these refugees free lodging and where else would be more fitting then Montreal's tony "Le Sanctuaire" condo complex! I'm sure residents would be welcoming and generous.
He also offered to create a "commissioner of indigenous affairs" to help the 25,000 natives who live in Montreal with problems related to housing, homelessness and healthcare and to counter the racism that the community faces.
Of course this intimates that other minority communities in Montreal, like the 147,000 strong Black community don't warrant their own special representation because they face no discrimination in housing, employment or police profiling.
Melanie Joly
Melanie Joly the rookie Minister of Heritage was brooking no discussion when she refused to tolerate any changes to a Parliamentary motion that condemned Islamophobia.Many Conservatives took issue that only Islam was cited as a target of racism and offered a compromise proposition;
“condemn all forms of systemic racism, religious intolerance, and discrimination of Muslims, Jews, Christians, Sikhs, Hindus, and other religious communities.”Joly would have none of that and refused to change one word of the motion claiming that;
"They’re scared of denouncing Islamophobia and, by not denouncing Islamophobia, they are actually contributing to the problem,”
So according to her, everyone not supporting her political view is an Islamaphobic.
If you speak French, watch this funny exposé of her by the Quebec satire television show called Infoman, showing her to be the right idiot that she really is. Link {Fr}
Well done, idiot!
Donald Trump
Even if you are the biggest supporter of Donald Trump his news conference had to have you wishing that he'd somehow keep the tone down and the bullshit at a minimum.In more than an hour of speaking with reporters, the President made somewhat of a fool of himself, much to the amusement of the Press corps which egged him on gleefully.
For the great unwashed, the debacle was water off a duck's back, but for those more astute supporters who backed Trump on the issues, it was as painful to watch as a trip to the dentist.
USA TODAY did a painful deconstruction of the whole fiasco. LINK
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Robert De Niro
It's always sad when celebrities use their status to promote dangerous junk science.For those families dealing with autism, finding a definitive explanation of why their child is afflicted is understandable.
But promoting junk science is cruel when families that are affected are given false and unsubstantiated information, information that in this case may have the effect of having parents skip vaccinations based on the sayso of idiots like Kennedy, De Niro and the biggest booster of autism bullshit, Jenny McCarthy.
"Activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and actor Robert De Niro held a major press conference at the National Press Club Wednesday to discuss the correlation between mercury-containing vaccines and childhood autism." LINK
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