For most of you, this will come as no surprise, sadly the trolling has gotten out of hand.
I'm sorry that it has come to this, but much as I love writing my posts, moderating up to 200 comments a day, some of them nothing more than drive-by, one-line insults requires me to check in much too often.
I have a life as well, and weeding out a bunch of crappy and hurtful comments all day long, is not what I signed up for.
You will not be required to give up you anonymity, but will be required to become a member of this blog by becoming a FOLLOWER, which you can do by following instructions in the FOLLOWERS box in the right margin. It takes but a few minutes.
Starting next week, those who haven't signed up won't be allowed to comment.
I looked at different options, but in the end decide this is the simplest answer for now, it allows me to ban followers that don't stick to the rules.
I doubt if a troll would seriously go through the signup process over and over again, after being banned, just to say "Bang!" or "Pfff!"
The comments section remains an integral part of this blog and I am told over and over again, that much of the appeal of NoDogsOrAnglophones lies in the reader forum.
Last month we enjoyed over 55,000 pageviews with visitors from over 100 countries.
People on both sides of the argument read what you and I write.
Those in the separatist movement keep a close eye on us and consider us a nasty thorn in the side.
Notwithstanding what they say, they are extremely sensitive to what they conceive as negative publicity.
Twenty years after the Mordechai Richler interview on 60 Minutes, it still stings separatists like a bastard.
His casual mocking and insulting tone was the ultimate humiliation. I still remember Louise Beadouin looking like the right fool.
Let's be inspired and concentrate on exposing the sad reality of the evil ethnocentrism of the French language militants/separatist movement.
If I, as well as you readers hammer at the truth, it will make a difference.
I ask you politely to make your comments count. Use your opportunity to be heard by so many readers, judiciously.
Many of you are doing so already and I'm very proud of the well-thought out missives offering up a wide body of opinion. Keep it up!
Here are the rules for commenting, most of them you are already familiar with.
- You must be a registered FOLLOWER to comment
- You may comment in English or French as in the past.
- You may only maintain one profile and so, commenting to your own post under an another identity is not allowed.
- You may not choose a screen name of any personality alive or dead. Be creative.
- You may express varying degrees of rage and anger, but gratuitous personal insults and ad hominem attacks are not allowed.
- While rage and anger is allowed, racism, xenophobia, anglophobia, francophobia are not, but Quebec-basing and Canadian-bashing is part of the discussion.
- Try to avoid one-liners at all costs. Most are just tedious.
- Readers with opposing views are encouraged to contribute to the discussion and should be offered respect if they make their arguments respectfully and cogently.
- This is a blog about the Anglo and Ethnic condition in Quebec. For those against us, please don't bother with tiresome quotes from Pierre Falardeau or Pierre Bourgault or other assorted separatist luminaries. Save the "VIVE LE QUEBEC LIBRE!" quotes for vigile.net. We aren't interested and it won't be published.
- Spelling, syntax and grammar monitors are not permitted. If you see an error, grin and bear it. This is a blog of ideas and anyways it's hard to be perfect at 4AM or typing on those nasty little keyboards on smartphones. RESIST THE URGE! The only exception is errors that fall in the main blog piece. If you come across an error, I WOULD appreciate a polite email so that I can make a correction.
Please help make this blog stronger by using this forum to make your point respectfully and articulately.
In the end, the insult is forgotten or dismissed, but a good idea, comment, observation or opinion is something of value.
I look forward to your cooperation.
If you have any questions about signing up, or comments on this new policy please use the comment section.
If you have any questions about signing up, or comments on this new policy please use the comment section.