Friday, June 17, 2011

French versus English - Volume 29

Separatists launch Quebec Anthem
It's become a custom for many years now for sovereignists to conduct themselves as if Quebec were already an independent country, as if it would somehow hasten the glorious event. In this fine tradition the Societe Saint-Jean-Baptiste in collaboration with a Quebec songwriter has launched a proposed national anthem without of course the requisite status of actual nationhood. Story + Lyrics{Eng}

The anthem, with the very original title of 'O Kebek' was to my Anglo ear, entirely tedious and flat, with words right out of a separatist handbook. Now I wouldn't voice my irritation at the song which sounds like a rejected number from the musical Notre Dame de Paris, except that the whole thing is being razzed rather cruelly in the Francophone press.

Montreal La Presse columnist Patrick Lagace in an article entitled "My Bleeding Ears" said if Quebec ever separated and chose "O Kebek" as its anthem, he'd be seeking political asylum elsewhere.  Raôul Duguay, the songwriter, boasted that he graciously gave the song for free via the web. "Lucky for him," Legace went on to say, "nobody would pay for it." LINK{FR}

Small business' in Ethnic neighbourhoods to get French language lessons
A new government initiative will focus on small business' in ethnic neighbourhoods of Montreal that operate largely in English. LINK{FR}
Inspectors will be  'visiting' stores and where deficiencies are found, will offer various tools to help business' to adapt to the French language.
The program has its own dedicated website which aside from the default French, offers Spanish, Arabic and Chinese versions, but amazingly, none in English!

Nothing to get upset about, none of the alternate language links work anyway!!  Check it out yourself!
What a colossal waste of money!

Muslem immigration to Quebec to be subjected to quota
"Nearly a year after the release of a study that pegs the unemployment rate for Algerians living in Quebec over the last five years at 35.4%, the Minister of Immigration of Quebec, Kathleen Weil,  proposes a system which would result in restricting the entry of Arab-Muslim populations in Quebec....

According to Pierre Anctil, a specialist in Canadian immigration history at the University of Ottawa ..... With this policy, the proportion of immigrants of North African origin would decrease from 38% to 30%.
"We are disguisingreligious, cultural and linguistic
quota by a geographical reference. Selecting immigrants based on color, religion and language is discriminatory in the eyes of the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms... "

PQ does an about-face on restricting access to English cegep...... or not?
According to La Presse, a Montreal newspaper, the PQ has decided not to subject colleges (cegeps) to Bill 101, which would disallow many Francophone and allophone students from attending English cegeps.
Readers might remember that this was a central plank to the PQ platform that was affirmed at a conference in April.  
It appears that Pauline Marois has either changed her mind, or never really intended to follow through on this hard line approach.
When asked about the issue, Ms. Marois refused to confirm this shift.  

As the a controversy built around the La Presse story, Madame Marois felt pressure from within the party and issued a press release saying that the story was false. LINK{FR}

Readers, do you get the feeling that the PQ and Marois are starting to lose it? LINK{FR}

NDP imposes English,  for Ottawa aide jobs
"Is Bilingualism important?
Yes, says the New Democratic Party ... but only for Francophones.  
The party of Jack Layton in fact requires bilingualism as a condition of employment for any person wishing to work in Ottawa for one of its members from Quebec, but it does not require fluency in French for those who work for MPs outside Quebec. Following the election of 66 additional members on May 2, the NDP is in the hiring blitz. Its website displays 42 vacancies..........
...The hiring criteria is however not the same for those who apply to work for a Quebec  MP as it is for the rest of the country.
Bilingualism is "required" for anyone wishing to work in Ottawa for a member from Quebec. The reverse is not true. The job of parliamentary assistants to MPs outside Quebec only indicate that bilingualism is an "asset". Even British Columbia MP Denise Savoie, though French herself, does not require of her future deputy parliamentary a knowledge of French.... READ THE REST OF THE STORY {FR}

Militants demand French songs at High School Prom
Another French language defence committee "Le Mouvement Mauricie français" has been inaugurated in  the the massively unilingual French region of La Mauricie, centered around the Three Rivers Trois Rivieres area, where one would be hard pressed to find an anglo, an anglo sign or someone who spoke fluent English. 
No matter, it was down to business and the first order was to embark on a tour of local High schools to make sure that English artists and songs would be limited at the PROM. .LINK{FR}
I'm not kidding!...Readers, can they scratch any lower?

Camille Laurin honoured with bronze bust.
Camille Laurin, father of Bill 101 and chief inquisitor of the Parti Quebecois of the Rene Levesque era, has been honoured with a bronze bust displayed beside the Office de la langue française building in Montreal which also bears his name. 
Mr. Laurin may be well loved in the French community but remains the most-hated politician EVER, among Anglophones. 
Mr. Laurin's defence of the French language was tinged by a particularly mean streak towards Anglos,  of whom Mr. Laurin had a very deep and particular dislike. LINK{FR}

 Quebec Rules?  
For those who believe that Quebec takes up too much 'space' in Canada, according to 'Ice Road Truckers' on the Discovery Channel, this is the latest Canadian reality;

Further Reading: French versus English Volume 28