If there's one thing that Justin Trudeau's liberal supporters have in common, it's the undying and visceral hatred of Donald Trump.
Whether you're conservative or liberal, it's likely that your Facebook timeline is filled with hateful, scornful and outright bizarre anti-Trump posts from Canadians who by all rights don't have much skin in the game of American politics, yet continue to rant as if Mr. Trump is choking them by the throat.
If I had to put a recurring theme to these missives, it's the utter incredulity of these anti-Trump posters that Americans actually continue to put up with his wacky conservative politics, his antics, lies, fantasies and mean spirit.
Over and over again the anti-Trump Canadians shake their head in utter disbelief, yet these are the very same people that blindly support Prime Minister Trudeau who is cut from exactly the same cloth.
Trudeau supporters are actually as blind as Trump supporters, ideological fanatics, just on the opposite side of the political fence.
Fanatical supporters of Trump and Trudeau continue to support their men because politics are more important than personality and a flawed President or Prime Minister that supports what they believe in is preferable to a more honest and upstanding rival of the opposite political persuasion.
It's that simple.
And so American Trump supporters and Canadian Trudeau supporters continue to blindly follow their man because ideology is the only thing that counts.
There is nothing Trudeau or Trump can do, short of murder that can shake their indomitable faith and support.
The latest WE scandal underlines this fact whereby liberal support remains relatively unshakeable despite the latest ethical lapses of the Prime Minister and his finance minister.
Liberal supporters continue to justify the lapses in judgement with the mantra that it was a case of good intentions gone awry in a time where speed was of the essence, an updated version of the old bromide that the ends justify the means.
Liberal supporters have turned a blind eye to Trudeau's ethical failings for years, either offering up weak-ass excuses or pretending that it's just no big deal.
Sound familiar?
Replace Trump's name for Trudeau's and the argument is the same for those who blindly support Trump and forgive every peccadillo.
The only difference is that Trudeau's ethical lapses have been much more serious than Trump's and it's fair to say that if a photo of Donald Trump sporting blackface emerged or rumours of a sexual liaison with an underage student, Trump would have been ripped to shreds by America's conservative press.
In Canada, Trudeau benefits from a docile press that leans heavily liberal and refuses to ask uncomfortable questions of their man.
While Trump directly lies and obfuscates, Trudeau deflects, refusing to answer any uncomfortable question, especially in Parliament where he makes a mockery of Question Period by mouthing moronic platitudes worthy of a con artist.
All the while the press refuses to investigate Trudeau's personal foibles. While the state of his marriage may be out of bounds in the name of decency, pretending to live apart from his family for quarantine reasons is more deceit, a deception that supporters are quick to pardon.
And so Teflon Trudeau survives in an era where the high and mighty are destroyed over the flimsiest of allegations.
The stink of scandal and dishonesty sheds off Trudeau like water off a duck's back. His survival is stunning in an age of instant 'cancellation' where a whisper of impropriety or unsubstantiated accusation of racism or sexual misconduct destroys public figures faster than you can say "ME TOO."
Yet Trudeau endures one personal calamity and ethical lapse after another. Incredible!
A sizeable portion of artists in Quebec have had their careers instantly destroyed over such allegations.
Our Governor-General Payette has become a dead woman walking over allegations that she's not a nice person and countless other public personalities cringe in fear that they too will be 'cancelled,'
Not Trudeau.
As for the latest scandal, it is satisfying that while Trudeau's Teflon coat will protect him, the We charity at the center of the affair will probably not.
The slimy Kielburgers have employed every classic trick in the book to curry favour with the Liberal government including offering deluxe free travel to the Finance Minister and his family and the hiring of Teflon Trudeau's family to 'speak' at WE events for hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Let's be honest. What does Margret Trudeau have to say to a bunch of students that is at all interesting or worthwhile?
The same goes for Trudeau's brother.
It is a classic device to pay a politician's family instead of a direct bribe.
The same goes for hiring finance Minister Bill Morneau's daughter, a classic influence-peddling device.
But WE will not survive, the empire will be 'cancelled' abruptly, not only becoming toxic overnight but downright radio-active.
Telus and Virgin have already cancelled partnerships and the rest of the money pipeline will dry up faster than you can say 'Gotcha.'
The fall from grace while not quite of the scale of Jim and Tammy Faye Baker, the disgraced American televangelists, is nonetheless as immediate.
Both Craig and Marc Kielburger are goners, best advised to dismantle their empire quickly and slink away with the money.
At any rate, Trudeau will survive as always, thanks to his Trump-like followers who will forgive anything.
While the rest of the world has recognized Trudeau as an emperor with no clothes and dismissed him as a fraud, Trudeau supporters remain blindly committed which is their right, fair enough.
But what these Trudeau supporters cannot do in good conscious is to denigrate Trump and his supporter as abhorrent because they themselves are exactly that.