Thursday, January 30, 2020

How Liberals Killed the CBC

The CBC was conceived in an era where our vast country was largely unconnected, not so much transportation-wise, but rather whereby Canadians across the country lived their lives locally, largely unconnected to those outside their region or province.

And so the CBC was created to foster a national persona that all Canadians could embrace, strengthening the dominion and leading to a more cohesive country rather than a collection on separate societies.
It was a noble attempt to unify the country but much as the National Film Board was created to tell Canadian stories fostering an identity separate from the overpowering cultural tug of our American neighbours to the south, the CBC is largely a spent force.

As the twentieth century closed, the relevance of the CBC faded and with the advent of the Internet its fate was largely sealed, viewed by Canadians as out of touch, uninteresting and an institution that is still attempting to form Canadians into the Liberal mould that remains its undying philosophy and raison d'etre.

I'll not discuss the French version of the CBC here, it is equally Liberal and dysfunctional, but serves largely to overfund Francophone 'culture' and provide much-needed jobs to Quebec artists who could never make it in the real world.
I'm not even going to get into the funding where the CBC proudly tells us that polling reveals that Canadians are fine with the billion-dollar subsidy.
The 45% of those who say they want to continue the CBC's funding are never put to the test by being asked how much of their own cash they'd actually pay each month to be personally connected to the CBC, like Netflix.
Having the government pay for the CBC is one thing, but how many of us would pay $15 a month to have access to the CBC?
Would you?

Like all government bureaucracies, the CBC's hallmark is waste, featherbedding,  low productivity and inferior products, with employees enjoying a leisurely pace because ratings and revenue don't matter.

Let's start with the CBC news division which is arguably the only thing worth saving as it provides a Canadian take on news events nationally and internationally or at least it's supposed to without journalistic bias.
 For many years Canada nightly news was presented by Lloyd Robertson over at CTV and his worthy counterpart, Peter Mansbridge at the CBC both who both performed the news anchorman anchorperson duty admirably. However, at today's CBC neither man would ever be considered for the job, because they represent the most reviled demographic of all, being white, heterosexual and old.

In presenting only one nightly news anchorperson, the CBC could not satisfy its woke representation of Canada, so it made the light-bulb decision to install four anchorpersons based on diversity and inclusion.
Of course, this experiment was an utter failure as the tried and true formula of one news anchor that has been successful ever since the time of Walter Cronkite was ignored.
The big three American networks continue to staff the premiere nightly news with one person, a white man at ABC, a black man at NBC and a white woman at CBS. Canada's privately-run CTV network is anchored by a woman. At these networks, quality and relatability are the standards and who the anchorperson is, is more important than what the anchorperson is.
Of course, the CBC news experiment is a failure, as ratings plummetted, another liberal experiment that has CBC producers comforting themselves in the fact that at least they tried.
In fact, that should be the motto of the CBC... "AT LEAST THEY TRIED"

As for CBC Radio, it is a vast wasteland of utterly uninteresting and politically left-wing programming that nobody listens to.
CBC radio is, of course, a paradigm of left-wing political correctness, where on its website it promotes rap artists with the warning that some of the lyrics contain explicit language. You know what music I'm talking about, the urban trash I like to call bitches'n hoes" music.
This while the CBC announces that it will no longer play the Christmas classic "Baby it's Cold Outside" because it is too sexist.
CBC radio hasn't had an interesting on-air personality since the infamous Jian Ghomeshi whose sex escapades and harassment were tolerated by CBC managers because he was their only bone fide star.
This despite the myriad of insanely expensive layers of anti-harassment and human resource tools that all woke enterprises employ.

Typically CBC Radio's two main stations pull in about 10% of the listening audience, an audience that is small and diminishing each year.
If the CBC radio was privatized and charged $2 a month to subscribe, you could count the subscribers on your fingers and toes.
There was a story about one station that mysteriously went off the air for several hours and not one listener complained.
All this for $200 million in subsidies a year.

CBC television drama suffers from the left-wing delusion in portraying historical Canada as it wished it was rather than how it really was.

Murdoch mysteries is a long-running show about the adventures of a catholic Toronto detective and is chuck full of diverse characters including a gay/Jewish detective, a woman doctor, a black female medical examiner, a female newspaper reporter and a black policeman.
All this at the dawn of the twentieth century when Toronto was as racist and sexist as one can imagine.
The idea that these characters could exist in these contexts is a liberal fantasy and a dangerous portrayal of a Canada that did not exist.
It is in fact, insulting to the groups represented by these characters, groups that were invisible back then and ones who did not exist in the fantasy world portrayed

Now I understand that many of you will argue that the show is a gentle tongue-in-cheek affair, not meant to harm or misinform but I'd ask you how would you react if German television portrayed life in Hitler's 1930's as an idyllic setting for minorities like Jews, Blacks and Gypsys.
How would we appreciate an American network portraying a police department in 1900 Atlanta with Black and Jewish detectives working hand in hand with whites?
All of a sudden the dramatic license isn't so forgivable.

The same goes for Frankie Drake Mysteries, a show set in the 1930s and cut from the same cloth as Murdoch Mysteries where all the lead characters are female, being a private detective, her black sidekick, a cop and a medical examiner. The absurdity of creating shows that falsely portray Canada as liberals wish it had been is the hallmark of woke liberalism, creating a fantasy and demanding that we accept it.
Most of the historical dramas would be better presented on the Syfy channel. 

As for the documentary and science side of the CBC we have the insufferable liberal David Suzuki hectoring us for years on how badly we treat our environment and what a disaster we are, all the while enjoying a wealthy lifestyle and carbon footprint that probably amount to what 20 average Canadians consume.
The rest of the documentaries focus on how bad white people are and how badly we impose ourselves on minorities, especially native Canadians who blame us for all their failings.
The refrain goes on and on at the CBC.

The biggest error that the CBC makes is assuming that its liberal agenda can and should be imposed on Canadians via its programming.
Despite the barrage of liberal propaganda, a good many Canadian hold conservative opinions that the CBC rages against.
For a good 40% of Canadians, the CBC is trash and for another 40%, it is irrelevant, leaving the ultra-left wing minority to support and promote the institution.

At any rate, I'm glad that the CBC is failing.
I'm happier that the billion dollars of taxpayer money is just being flushed down the toilet wastefully rather than successfully being employed by the CBC as an effective tool for the imposition of its liberal agenda.

What heartens me is that the liberal fantasy that the CBC weaves and the false reality of what and who we are is utterly rejected by Canadians who are turning off the CBC drivel at an unprecedented level.


  1. I remember reading a news article some 25-30 years ago in which the enterprising reporter had crunched the numbers regarding subsidies to Via Rail. It turned out that for every trip one took from Montreal to Toronto that, on top of the cost of the ticket, the government subsidy per trip per person was about $60.00.

    I'd like to see a cost analysis at the beginning of every CBC TV show: tell us how much each view of that show, per viewer, is costing in taxpayer dollars. I'd especially like to see it for Curling which has been on CBC for what must be the last 50-60 years. Does anyone watch it?

  2. If the CBC shut down Honest Reporting would become irrelevant.
    I remember someone in media telling me that CTV has about 1/3 the number of employees as the CBC and got along quite well.

  3. Les canadiens anglais n'ont pas de culture. Ce sont des "american wannabe"! Quel est la différence entre le Canada anglais et les USA? Il n'y en a pas ou bien les différences sont extrêmement minimes.

    Les canadiens n'ont aucune culture. Si on leur demande qu'est ce qui les différencie des américains ils ne savent pas quoi répondre! Les "canadiens" ça n'existe pas, il n'y a pas de canadiens. En Amérique du Nord il y a les américains (les anglos) et il y a les Québécois.

    D'ailleurs les USA devraient annexer les 9 provinces anglophones du ROC et en faire leur 51eme États! Ça leur revient de droit. De plus les anglophones du Canada anglais n'écoutent même pas leur propre télévision. CBC devrait donc fermé mais on garde Radio-Canada (la parti francophone) en opération, car les Québécois ont vraiment une culture a eux.

    La réalité tout le monde le sait. Les canadiens anglais sont des américains. Il n'y a pas de culture canadienne anglaise. Point final!

    1. You distinguish between "les Quebecois" (who have culture) and "les canadiens anglais" (who don't have their own culture but are mere American wannabe's)."

      But what about anglophone Quebecers? Do they have culture? After all, anglophone Quebecers are the most bilingual English-French demographic in Canada. This ability to speak French enables them to interact with members of the Glorious Nation of Quebec so, I assume, some of that wonderful culture must rub off on them. Therefore, to the extent that anglophone Quebecers speak French, certainly that distinguishes them from other anglophones in Canada and, as a result, must embue them with a culture quite unlike their counterparts in those miserable retangular provinces out west.

      Indeed, the poster praises Radio-Canada (la parti francophone). But if he knew how the Radio-Canada building on Rene-Levesque East operates, he'd know that the anglophone programming is produced, for the most part, by francophone operators and technicians. Again, that must influence these poor culture-deprived anglos in a most positive way.

      Oh, how lucky Quebec anglophones are to be in such close proximity to the culture-rich and culture-endowed quebecois!

      P.S. The poster does have a point about English-speaking Canadians aspiring to be Americans. This was most apparent in the recent dust-up that Justin Trudeau experienced during the whole Blackface Scandal. Blackface is a remnant of the Minstrel Show of the early 19th century when White performers used to paint their faces black, mocking African-Americans. But Minstrel Shows were a United States phenomenon, not a Canadian one. So the standard visited upon Justin was an American cultural one, not a Canadian one. Indeed, we are constantly spoon-fed by the Cultural Content powers that be that we must always distinguish our Canadian culture from American Culture and no limit to this differentiation is ever capped by the federal government, encouraging it at every crook and nanny of our existence. Yet when it came to the Blackface incident, as an almost knee-jerk reaction and perhaps out of a sense of (American) political correctness, we automatically adopted this standard and applied it to Justin. Nary a soul stood up to say: Hey, Minstrel Shows and Blackface is American culture and it has nothing to do with either the Canadian experience or what Justin did. Proving, perhaps, the poster's point.

    2. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

      English translation: B-o-r-r-r-r-r-ing!

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  5. The CBC is just horrible..I used to watch the news but even that's deteriorated.In fact I dont watch television period as the news are all biased anyways. We have news organizations obsessing about drivel like megan and harry, or the impeachment trial which we all know the end too, justin trudeaus new beard, etc.

    I check news online typically at a variety of sites including BBC, Al Jazeera, RT, and sometimes the CBC. But I know each of these organizations shares a bias especially concerning foreign affairs hence my thinking is that the truth is somewhere in between all their views.

    How a show like Schitts Creek gets so many rave reviews is beyond me..its one of the worst shows I have ever seen and most CBC shows are utter garbage, They try so hard to copy american shows but its always inferior and out to date. And frankly most american shows and movies are utter crap now too. The theatres are just full of utter many more super hero movies do we need to see..really?? How many more ra-ra war movies do we need to see on how great the Americans were back in WW1 and WW2, how many more crude vulgar over sexualized movies do we need to see which just shows how depraved most people have become.

    The entire media and entertainment industry has just gone down the toilet..its literally the equivalent of fast food..the fast food culture has moved into "journalism". Its all about sensationalism and over dramatizing everything without any real analysis..its all about image over substance. Frankly its sad.

    Look at the hysteria over this virus..this virus has only killed 300 people in a country with 1.3 billion. We get 1000 deaths a year from the flu and the USA had 80000 last year. Nobody talks about that. Why do have running counts on deaths and infected from the Wuhan virus yet none on the viruses here now. The H1N1 is 77 percent of cases in Canada now and we barely hear anything about it yet 10 years ago everyone was freaking out about it.

    1. Except for hockey games (HNIC), I gave up on the CBC when there was a feature on the love-in of Peter Mansbridge and Crime Minister Trudope!

      Even then, most of the games I watch are either on CITY-TV or one of the Sportsnet channels since I watch the Habs games. The CBC channel is reserved primarily for the Toronto Centric Maple Leafs. The whole damn network is Toronto Centric!!! ...except Quebec, of course, where every separatist and their vitriolic comments are brought to the viewers from Radio Canada near the Jacques Cartier Bridge (I forget what street the station is on...thankfully...I want to forget)! Trashy drivel!

    2. comp, we rarely agree on anything, but I think you made good points, although I did like the movie 1917.

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