That being said I cannot but stand back in utter disbelief at the unravelling of his Prime-ministership over such an innocuous and minor political issue as the SNC-Lavalin affair. It is perhaps fitting that Trudeau is not going down over a minor political issue, but rather because of his refusal once again to tell the truth,
I am thinking of the analogy of a loving mother who confronts her daughter over some crayon graffiti scrawled on the dining room wall and where the daughter steadfastly refuses to take ownership.
The issue escalates, leading to punishment and loss of privileges and a lot of bad blood. Still, the daughter persists in her lie because she got away with it in the past.
The mother tells her friend that she just wants her daughter to admit her responsibility so that things can return to normal.
But there's no question that her daughter's error has impacted her mother's love.
Whenever Trudeau is asked a particularly difficult question in Parliament, his go-to, rope-a-dope defence is to ignore the question and mouth banal an irrelevant answers, knowing full well that nobody is going to hold him accountable as he runs the clock out.
Here is an example of the Prime-ministers avoidance tactic, masterful performance of shuck and jive that few other politicians dare employ.
You gotta love it. What a great bullshitter.
Unfortunately for Trudeau, his time-tested tactic of avoidance hasn't worked this time and much like the daughter who claims she didn't mark up the wall, this time nobody's buying it and the repercussions for Trudeau and the Liberals are devastating.
That's right, gentle readers had Trudeau not lied and faced the music, admitting his mistake, his followers would have forgiven him and already moved on.
But Trudeau can still turn things around, but it means doing a 180-degree turn and admitting that he did indeed cross the line and did indeed put pressure on Jody Wilson Raybould to reverse her decision.
This short statement can read as follows;
" I want to tell Canadians that in sober reflection I have come to the conclusion that my actions and those of my close political operatives in regard to the SNC-Lavalin affair did in fact cross an ethical line and did indeed amount to an extraordinary exertion of pressure on Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould to reverse a decision she had made, something that I should never have done. Although my motives were based on saving the jobs of thousands of Canadians I now realize that the ends did not justify the means.Like the loving mother who is dying for her daughter to admit guilt so that she can forgive and forget, I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that a contrite and meaningful admission and apology is all the Liberal supporters are waiting for.
In light of the above , I do believe that the issue of whether the public has faith in this government to carry out the political agenda that it voted for almost four years ago needs to be tested.I therefore have asked the governor-general for the dissoulution of the house in anticipation of a general election which will settle the issue.
While I apologize for a mistake made in good faith, I believe that this government can and should been given another mandate to continue to implement policies that Canadians support, including equality and inclusion, climate responsibility and wealth building with income equality.
I hope that in the coming election campaign, the debate over issues that affect us all will be examined in a fair and open debate, where Canadians can decide who best should be trusted with the future of Canada ."
I'm also confident (much as I regret it) that given the above circumstance, Trudeau and the Liberals would be re-elected once again.
What say you?