Martine Ouellet is the clueless idealogue that reminds me of those still 'living-in-the-past members of the Quebec Communist party which actually still exists.
She is a brainless twit who is despised by most around her and the PQ, where in her failed leadership attempt she garnered just 16% of the vote.
In that leadership race she promised that if elected Premier of Quebec, she would nationalize the internet, forgetting or not understanding that telecommunications are in the domain of the federal government.
She also said Jagmeet Singh was unfit to lead because he is too religious for Quebecers.
Ouellet outlined her idea of a potential independent Quebec constitution where Quebecers would retain the Canadian dollar and passport — but could choose to have a Quebec and a Canadian passport. Link{fr}
She promised that if elected Premier she would demand that Canada's Olympic hockey have a minimum of 20% Quebec players, talent notwithstanding.
How's that for looney!
I know I've published this YouTube video before, but if you missed it, it's a chance to see what a real dimwit she is.
Aside from firing and replacing just about all the support staff, Ouellet offended almost her entire caucus with her fanaticism and authoritarianism, the very essence of a 'Bad boss', something the oldtimers just couldn't stomach.
But the real breach is idealogical, where those who left have been worn down by the lost sovereignty fight and now believe that their role in Parliament is to defend Quebec interests, something the new leader refused to accept.
In fact, she actually has the backing of the party, who like her still believe that the fight for independence is viable.
Just two weeks ago the party faithful voted to reject the notion that the Bloc should switch gears and have as its primary responsibility the defence of Quebec interests.
It was a realistic approach and honest admission that there's nothing to be done in Ottawa that could possibly advance the cause of sovereignty.
Ouellet has dreamed of leading a party for so long that despite losing the confidence of her caucus, she will soldier on, at least until the party stops paying her, which is unlikely because she actually enjoys more support than the members who have left the caucus.
What will happen?
Will the party collapse?
Will Ouellet resign?
Will the members re-integrate after a make-up session?
Anyone who predicts anything is playing a mug's game, but here are my two cents.
The deputies who left the Bloc will form a new party that will be dedicated to sovereignty, but which will officially work in Ottawa to promote the interests of Quebec as long as Quebec remains a province. Sort of a PQ-lite version.
Running on such a platform just might have traction.
As for the original Bloc, hardliners will have to make a decision between idealism and pragmatism, and the split between the factions may be fatal.
That being said, almost 20% of Quebecers voted for the Bloc in 2015, so predictions of its death may be premature.